Healthy Fast Food Presentation in English. Presentation on the topic "Fast Food"

Fast Food (English Fast Food, Fast Food) Quick Food Class, commonly proposed by specialized facilities. The term "Fast Food" denote food that you can quickly cook and provide the client. The term "Fast Food" was first introduced in the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1951.

Fast food history: Fast food was known in ancient Rome. Each city existed a lot of snack bars and bazaars, where they traded all sorts of kushans. One of the popular dishes were cakes from yeast dough, lubricated with olive oil (prototype Italian pizza), which were also used as edible plates. In China, the bazaars traded the hot noodles of fast preparation (the prototype of modern). In India, Europe and Russia, various cakes were popular (in Russia also patties). The Fastfud Industry originated in the 1920s in America. In 1921, WHITE CASTLE was opened in Kansas, whose specialty disy was the hamburgers at that time. Sustainable price (5 cents up to 1946) and Dickiness attracted buyers, and doubts about the safety of the product were dispelled as a result of the cunning stroke of the owner of Billy Ingram (when specially hired people in white coats created the impression that even doctors buy hamburgers). In the late 1940s, the company White Castle began to appear competitors, of which McDonalds became the most serious.

McDonalds is the world's largest fast food network. At the same time, the development of the McDonalds network also shows the spread of fast food for its saturated and high calorie products for its saturated fats and high-calorie products. In 1956, in the United States there were 14 McDonalds restaurants, in 1960 228, in 1968, 1000, in 1975, 3076, in 1980, 6263, in 1984, 8300, in 1990, McDonalds has more restaurants in 119 countries of the world. Recently, after the company's fighters for healthy nutrition, calling for boycotting Fast Food, sales in the United States and other developed countries began to decline. Fast Food, according to the Committee for the Nutrition Committee of the Massachusetts Medical Society, especially High Olorien, which leads to obesity and related to these diseases. Fastfood is often rich in carcinogenic trans-saturated fats (margarine, biskir). Fast Food contains many fried products (fried potatoes, etc.), also rich in carcinogens (acrylamide, etc.). High sugar content in soft drinks, buns, etc. It is dangerous not only by its calorie content, but also by increasing the risk of developing diabetes and other diseases. Semi-finished products widely used in the network fast foods, like the other food "factory" production, may contain many chemical food additives.

It is impossible not to note the social causes of the universal prevalence of fast food. In our turbid days, not every working woman can find time for the preparation of a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. And fast food, able to solve this problem. It will be easier, well, it may be easier - I ran out after work to eat in a restaurant courtyard or the frozen semi-finished products warm up. But few people think about the consequences. The main problem of such nutrition in the excess of calories, the content of a large number of fats and the absence of vitamins. Fast Fudi manufacturers are deliberately trying to make calorie dishes - just one inexpensive hamburger and already fed. If you make healthier and healthy dishes, the power will inevitably become less quick, and the price will increase. Another problem of fast food is an incorrect combination of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Usually, hamburger, hot dog and fries are powered by cold carbonated drinks. Due to the low temperature of the drink used together with a hamburger, the fat contained in its stuffing instantly freezes and practically does not decompose.

A lot of disputes in recent years cause trans-fats that are used in the fast food industry. The hydrogenation process allows producing solid fats from liquid vegetable oils. Hydrogenated oils and margarines based on them have a number of advantages: they are cheaper than butters of creamy, longer stored and allow reusable use when frying. That is why hydrogenated fat (trans fat) became the basis of the Fast Food industry and its stormy engine. The snag is that during hydrogenation there are changes in the molecular level, and today scientists have already proven that if it is used to be protected by trans-fats, it will lead to serious disorders - cardiovascular diseases, obesity, decrease in immunity, etc. So next time, when you think to enjoy hamburger / Potato / hot-dog, or you will warm up frozen pasties in a frying pan, think about whether you are indifferent to your own health and health of your family?

1. Sweet carbonated drinks. They are characterized by a huge content of sugar: in one glass of its at least five teaspoons. It turns out that such drinks not only do not quench thirst, but, on the contrary, they cause it! 2. Potato chips, especially cooked non-solid potatoes, and from mashed potatoes. This is a mixture of carbohydrates and fat with artificial flavoring additives. 3. Sweet bars. The combination of a large amount of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie and the desire to eat them again and again. 4. Sausages, sausages, boiled sausage, pies and other products with so-called hidden fats. In their composition of the fat, interior fat, pork skin take up to 40% of the weight, and with the help of taste additives they are masked under meat. 5. Fatty grade meat, especially in fried. You can also give other products that nutritionists are stamped with shame. Sweets - they will make us gain weight, because they have a lot of calories, but no useful substances. Salt - it increases pressure. Beware of salt, "hidden" in sauces and gravy. Alcohol - Do not drink more 2 portions of the alcohol per day, it contains a lot of calories and prevents the body to absorb vitamins. The most healthy option is red wine. Saturated fats are contained in meat, cheese, chicken skin and ice cream. Increase cholesterol and contribute to weight gain.

"Taco Bell's sharp sauce can cleaned a coin to shine." It is a fact. This is because those who are part of the vinegar and salt cause such a reaction. The fact is that this statement can be attributed to any sauce from the cuisine of the southern peoples, these components are contained there in excess. If this fact scares you, do not eat a lot of salt and try to avoid vinegar. "Potatoes is the most frequently used vegetable in America." Unfortunately, this is an indisputable fact. And that the most unpleasant, the most popular form of its preparation is froth potatoes. "A woman weighing about 64 kg. It is necessary to walk within 4 hours to burn calories received after eating Hardee "Hardee" s Monster Thickburger ". This is a fact. This monster in the world of hamburgers contains calories, which is equivalent to two big mapaes and 5 ordinary hamburgers. If after that Monsterurger Create calories more and potatoes, it will be calories. Some people do not eat so much. Potatoes FRI raises the risk of cancer. According to the study of Dutch scientists, women who regularly consume chips and other fast food products have elevated chances of developing cervical cancer and ovarian Potato FRI increases the risk of cancer after the Americans sharply fat in fast feet started Europeans. In front of pizza, hamburgers, epirytty drinks and other not useful products, not only Americans, but also Europeans can be resistant. And the latter after the inhabitants of the new world also He began to rapidly gain weight. The following Americans began to sharply fat in fast feet began Europeans

Fast cooking food is also addictive as drugs. Perhaps overeating is not just a self-control question. Lovers of hamburgers, chips, carbonated drinks and other faded delicacies may be in the grip of indestructible inclinations to them ... Fast preparation food is also addictive as US Congress accepted Bill about Cheeseburgers Chamber of Representatives USA adopted a law that prohibits persecution In court proceedings of products causing obesity. The US Kongress adopted Bill about Cheeseburgers Unbalanced by nutritional elements of food leads to obesity and falling reproductive function not only in humans, but also in cockroaches. And the lack of food and partner spoils the character of the monkeys. Entomologists have long found out how the diet is influenced by the reproductive ability of adult cockroaches - Patrisha Moore from Exeter University (England) showed that the fastened cockroach belly to multiply deaf. However, it is also known for Homo Sapires. Now Dr. Moore decided to find out how with this case in cockroaches, which in his youth fed a unbalanced food, in the essence of Fast Food. She divided young cockroach into two groups, the first of which was fed a high-protein food for aquarium fish with the addition of high-body oatmeal. This is a well-balanced diet. And the second group got only food for fish, but the cockroaches of both groups could have any way.

Young females of cockroaches that have not reached puberty, externally do not differ from adult individuals (imago) and are called nymphs. When the nymphs of both groups turned into Imago, Patrish Moore killed a few cockroaches and found that Imago from the second group fed by fast food was much thicker imago from the first group and suffered obesity. In addition, the surviving Imago of the second group did not strive for mating, were unnecessarily disposal when choosing a partner and less often produced offspring. So, everything is clear - obesity and disregard for married duties when using an unbalanced diet detected not only in humans, but also from cockroaches. "Human" qualities recently discovered in such extremely peaceful monkeys like Brazilian Miriki. Never before they did not resort to violent action against their fellow tribesmen, for peace and they were even nicknamed Hippie. But here Zoologists from the University of San Paulo found that with a lack of food and beautiful ladies, Miriki gathered in the most real gang of nine monkeys and to death bored one adult male. The numerical superiority of the attackers turned out to be very similar, reports the site, on the behavior of chimpanzees and, of course, all the same Homo Sapires. The Trojan War also began because of Elena beautiful and, it is necessary to assume the right to fishing on the shelf of the Aegean Sea.

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McDonalds Was The First Major Fast Food Restaurant and Now It is the world.

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Modern Lifestyle Is Very Stressful. All Of US Have a Lack of Time and People Think That Cooking At Home Is Very Difficult Work.

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Some Recognizable Fast Food Restaurants Are:

1.Burger Restaurants: McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy "S, in and Out Burger. 2.Soup and Sandwich Shops: Panera Bread, Au Bon Pain, Subway. 3.Southern Cooking: KFC, Long John Silvers, Popeye" s. 4.Coffee shops: dunkin "Donuts, Starbucks. 5.Mexican Chains: Taco Bell, Chipotle, QDoba. 6.Chinese and Asian Restaurants: Panda Express 7.Pizzerias: Dominos, Papa Johns, Sbarro, Pizza Hut.

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Fast Food Restaurants Are Popular Because The Serve Filling Foods That Taste Good and Don "T Cost A Lot of Money. However, Fast Food Is Usally Cheap Because It" Sissa Made With Cheper Ingredients Such As High Fat Meat, Refined Grains and Added Sugar and Fats, Instead of Nutritious Foods Such As Lean Meats, Fresh Fruits, and vegetables.

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There Is No Such Thing As A "Bad" Food, But There Are Some Foods You Should Try Not to Have On A Regular Basis. Because Fast Food Is High in Sodium, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat, And Cholesterol, Eating Too Much Over A Long Period of Time Can Lead to Health Problems such as High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, and Obesity. Fast Food Also Lacks Many of The Nutrients, Vitamins, and Minerals Our Bodies Need. IT "S Helpful to Remember That with Fast Food, Moderation Is Important.

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For example, Some Chains No Longer Serve Foods With Trans Fat, And Many Have Menu Items That Contain Fruits and Vegetables. If You "Re Having Fast Food More Thank A Week, Try to Make Healthier Choices

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Go Light On The Toppings.

Added TOPPings Usally Mean More Sodium or Unhealthy Fats To Lighten Up Your Meal Without Taking Away Flamor: Don "T Overdo The Salad Dressing. Choose Oil-Based Dressings Such As Italian Or Balsamic Vinaigrette Instead Of Creamy Salad Dressings Such AS Blue Cheese and Ranch Which Are High in Saturated Fat. Use Mustard OR Ketchup Instead Of Mayonnaise. When Ordering Pizza, Add VEGGies Instead Of Meat, and Get Thin Crupt Instead Of Deep Dish. Top Your Sandwiches With Veggies Such As Onions, Lettuce, And Tomatoes Instead Of Bacon or Extra Cheese. Don "T Add More Salt To Your MEAL. SALT IS A MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART DISEASE AND FAST FOOD TENDS TO BE LOODED WITH IT.

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Know How Your Food Is Made.

The Way A Meal Is Made Says a Lot About How Healthy It Will Be. In General, Follow These Rules: Choose Foods That Are Bried, Steamed Or Grilled Over Fried Such As A GRILLED Chicken Sandwich Instead Of Fried Chicken Or Chicken Nuggets and Steamed Vegetables Instead Of French Fries.Choose Soups That Are Not Cream Based. For example: If The Name of the Soup Includes The Word Cream, Such As "Creamy Tomato Soup", Don "T Order It. Dishes Labeled Deep-Fried, Pan-Fried, Basted, Breaded, Creamy, Crispy, Scalloped, Alfredo, Or in Calories, Unhealthy Fats or Sodium. WHEN ORDERING A SAN SANDWICH, SELECT LEAN MEATS SUCH AS TURKEY OR GRILLED CHICKEN INSTEAD OF ITEMS SUCH AS BURGERS, STEAK, OR Cheese Sandwiches. Ask for Sauces or Dressings That Come with Meals to Be Served on the Side and Use Just a Small Amount.

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McDonalds Was The First Major Fast Food Restaurant and Now It is the world.

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Modern Lifestyle Is Very Stressful. All Of US Have a Lack of Time and People Think That Cooking At Home Is Very Difficult Work.

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Some Recognizable Fast Food Restaurants Are: 1.Burger Restaurants: McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy "S, in and Out Burger. 2.Soup and Sandwich Shops: Panera Bread, Au Bon Pain, Subway. 3.Southern Cooking: KFC, Long John Silvers, Popeye "s. 4.Coffee shops: dunkin "Donuts, Starbucks. 5.Mexican Chains: Taco Bell, Chipotle, QDoba. 6.Chinese and Asian Restaurants: Panda Express 7.Pizzerias: Dominos, Papa Johns, Sbarro, Pizza Hut.

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Fast Food Restaurants Are Popular Because The Serve Filling Foods That Taste Good and Don "T Cost A Lot of Money. However, Fast Food Is Usally Cheap Because It" Sissa Made With Cheper Ingredients Such As High Fat Meat, Refined Grains and Added Sugar and Fats, Instead of Nutritious Foods Such As Lean Meats, Fresh Fruits, and vegetables.

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Is Fast Food Bad? There Is No Such Thing As A "Bad" Food, But There Are Some Foods You Should Try Not to Have On A Regular Basis. Because Fast Food Is High in Sodium, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat, And Cholesterol, Eating Too Much Over A Long Period of Time Can Lead to Health Problems such as High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, and Obesity. Fast Food Also Lacks Many of The Nutrients, Vitamins, and Minerals Our Bodies Need. IT "S Helpful to Remember That with Fast Food, Moderation Is Important.

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For example, Some Chains No Longer Serve Foods With Trans Fat, And Many Have Menu Items That Contain Fruits and Vegetables. If You "Re Having Fast Food More Thank A Week, Try to Make Healthier Choices

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Go Light On The Toppings. Added TOPPings Usally Mean More Sodium or Unhealthy Fats To Lighten Up Your Meal Without Taking Away Flamor: Don "T Overdo The Salad Dressing. Choose Oil-Based Dressings Such As Italian Or Balsamic Vinaigrette Instead Of Creamy Salad Dressings Such AS Blue Cheese and Ranch Which Are High in Saturated Fat. Use Mustard OR Ketchup Instead Of Mayonnaise. When Ordering Pizza, Add VEGGies Instead Of Meat, and Get Thin Crupt Instead Of Deep Dish. Top Your Sandwiches With Veggies Such As Onions, Lettuce, And Tomatoes Instead Of Bacon or Extra Cheese. Don "T Add More Salt To Your MEAL. SALT IS A MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART DISEASE AND FAST FOOD TENDS TO BE LOODED WITH IT.

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Know How Your Food Is Made. The Way A Meal Is Made Says a Lot About How Healthy It Will Be. In General, Follow These Rules: Choose Foods That Are Bried, Steamed Or Grilled Over Fried Such As A GRILLED Chicken Sandwich Instead Of Fried Chicken Or Chicken Nuggets and Steamed Vegetables Instead Of French Fries.Choose Soups That Are Not Cream Based. For example: If The Name of the Soup Includes The Word Cream, Such As "Creamy Tomato Soup", Don "T Order It. Dishes Labeled Deep-Fried, Pan-Fried, Basted, Breaded, Creamy, Crispy, Scalloped, Alfredo, Or in Calories, Unhealthy Fats or Sodium. WHEN ORDERING A SAN SANDWICH, SELECT LEAN MEATS SUCH AS TURKEY OR GRILLED CHICKEN INSTEAD OF ITEMS SUCH AS BURGERS, STEAK, OR Cheese Sandwiches. Ask for Sauces or Dressings That Come with Meals to Be Served on the Side and Use Just a Small Amount.

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Introduction in Our Research Work We Want to Know The Influence of Fast Food to Our Organism. And To Do This I Have to Advert The Menu and Also a Process Of Its Preparing. Everyone KNOWS THAT FAST FOOD IS VERY HARMFUL TO PEOPLE'S HEALTH. In Spite of IT, MacDonald "S Is Very Popular Among Children, Teenagers and Youth. We Have An Example to Make An Experiment and AS An Example to Make Out a World Famous Restaurant Which is Called" MacDonald's ". IT IS ALSO Fast Food. The aim of the work is to found out fast food's influence to man's health Hypothesis:. if MacDonald's is very popular among people, consequently, it will not cause damage to people's health Tasks:. to investigate the situation, to analyze the questionnaire, to do the comparison of the prices, to sum up given information Methods: a search and close study of reference books, investigation, systematization, comparative analysis, questionnaire the object of our research is the influence of fast food and its harmful consequence to people's health. Theoretical and Practical Significance of Our Work: It's Really Useful and Subship to Know More about The Importance of Right Nourishment and using it in Our Real Life.

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Chapter 1 1.1. History of McDonald "S The Business Began in 1940, With a Restaurant Opened by Brothers Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California. Their Introduction of the" Speedee Service System "in 1948 Established the Principles of the Modern Fast-Food Restaurant. The Original Mascot of McDonald "S Was A Man With A Chef" S Hat On Top Of A Hamburger Shaped Head Whose Name Was "Speedee." Speedee Was Eventually Replaced with Ronald McDonald in 1963. The First McDonald "S Restaurants Opened in the United States , Canada, Costa Rica, Japan, The Netherlands, Germany, Australia, France, El Salvador and Sweden in Order of Openings.

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Kroc later purchased the McDonald brothers "equity in the company and led its worldwide expansion and the company became listed Kroc was also noted for aggressive business practices, compelling the McDonald brothers to leave the fast food industry. The McDonald brothers and Kroc feuded over control of The Business, AS Documented in Both Kroc "S Autobiogography and in the McDonald Brothers" Autobiography. McDonald "S Sells Hamburgers, Various Types of Chicken Sandwiches and Products, French Fries, Soft Drinks, Breakfast Items, and Deesserts. In most Markets, McDonald "s OFFERS SALADS AND VEGETARIAN ITEMS, WRAPS AND OTHER LOCALIZED FARE. PORTUGAL IS THE ONLY COUNTRY WITH MCDONALD" S RESTAURTS SERVING SOUP.

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1.2. Fast Food Restaurants Tasty and Good-looking Fast Food Is Not Good for Our Organism AT ALL. Almost Everybody KNOWS THAT IS CONTAINS A LOT OF CALORIES AND IS VERY FATTY. But Besides This Fact Sandwiches, Hamburgers, Fried Potatoes and Fried Chicken Also CONTAIN THE OXIDIZED CHOLESTEROL. IT IS VERY BAD BECAUSE IT IS FAVORABLE for the Increase of the Diseases and Aging. MOREOVER FAST FOOD ALSO CONTAINS THE NUMBER OF DIOXIDES, PRESERVATIVES, AND HARMFUL LIPIDS THAT ARE NOT NEEDED by OUR ORGANISM AT ALL. The Easiest Way Out from The Formed Situation Is To Have Good Breakfast and To Find The Time for Cooking Breakfast by Yourself. Fruits, Vegetables and Sandwiches Made of Rye Bread with the Boiled Meat or Fish Will Be Also Very Good. And During The Dinner At Work Don "T Visit The Nearest Fast Food Restaurant. Instead BUY Something from the Dairy Products. Choosing Yoghurt You" LL Get More Good and Less Calories Than From Pizza Or Hot Dog. And You Won "T Feel Hunger Longer Than From Eating The Fatty Food.

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1.3. Fat Children The Problem of Fat Children Has Becom of Great Importance Recently. According to Statistics Nowadays Almost Every Fourth Citizen of the Planet Suffers from Obesity. And Doctors Are Especially Preoccupied by The Rising Statistics of Children Who Suffer From It. If Present Trends Are Not Stopped by 2032 Almost The Half of World "S Population Will of Children from Obesity. And The Number of Children Who Suffer from Obesity May Gain The Number of A Million in Four Years Already.

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The Consequency of the Negative Influence On All Spherees of Life. FIRST OF ALL THE AMBULANCE SERVICE HAD TO INCREASE THE HOISTING CAPACITY OF CARS AND STRETCHERS. Schools Increased The Size Of Desks and Chairs. And Crematoriums Are Building The Wider Incinerators for Too Fat Dead People. Obesity is Very Dangerous for Life, SO, People Start to Fight Against It and Even Propose to Get The Help of the Social Services. AS OBESITY IS One Of The Forms of Overfeeding, Then It Is The Result of Inadvertence of Parents. That is Why The Social Services Must Start to Pay Attention to the problem of Children Overeating.

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1.4. The Influence of the Colors Usually All Buyers Consider That The Quality of All Food Is Connected With the Look Of These Products and Especially with their Color. Usually The Yellow and Golden Colors Are Considered to Be The Sign of Good Quality. There Are A Lot of Coloring Agents and Similar Substances in the World, But The Majority of Producers Choose The Cheapest One. And One of Such Agents IS E 102. In Fact This Substance Is Simply The Industrial Waste. Later The Investigations WERE HELD THAT SHOWED THAT 1% OF THE PATIENTS THAT SUFFER FROM THE URTICARIA GOT IT IN THE RESULT OF E 102 CONSUMPTION. After this Fact The New Data Was Got According to Which 20% of People Had Already The Undesirable Reaction to this Coloring Agent. That Means The Number of People The Organism of Which Reacted to This Substance Increases.

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1.5. The Danger of Obesity Obesity Is One Of The Most Spread Diseases Of The Economicly Developed Countries Where The Quarter of Population Has The Mass of the Body That Exceeds The Normal One in 15%. According to the forecasts of Experts Its Level Will Increase in 8% Stycle St Modert Trends Are Not Changed. In Fact By 2025 There Will Be More Than 300 Millions People with the Diagnosis Obesity. ALTHOUGH OBESITY IS Defined AS The Plenty of Fat In The Organism, IT The Cardio-Vascular System Disorders and The Range of Oter Pathological Disorders on the Cardio-Vascular System Disorders and The Cardio-Vascular System Disorders and The Range of Oter Pathological Disorders.

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In The Conclusion i'd Like to Say That One of the Greatest Mistakes of People Is Eating Worthout Such Necessity. The Main Reason for Obesity Is Overeating Because The Majority of People Can "T Stop Eating. But The Problem IS Not Even That They Can" T Stop Eating But That They Don "T Want to Eat It.

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2.1. Prices in Different Countries in The First Experiment We Decided to Get to Know Tat In Spite of the One Range of the Prices in Different Countries Are Differ. We Made Out Three Countries. They Are Turkey, USA and Russia. Now Look, Please, at this Table and Diagram. Chapter 2.

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Menu Turkey, TRL (RUB) USA, $ (RUB) Russia, RUB Hamburger 39 42 27 Cheeseburger 40 45 37 Chickenburger 78 153 137 Bigmac 42 93 70 Orange Juice 78 63 46 Big Tasty 69 99 116 FILET-O-FISH 81 87 68 Chicken Mac Nuggets 81 87 77 Yogurt 58 90 90 Chicken Makfresh 195 135 104 104 HAPPY MEAL 80 111 128 POTATO 78 45 47 Salad 117 69 108 Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta 39 57 36 MCFLURRY 117 81 49 Ice Cream 49 39 40 COFFEE 49 39 35.

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2.2. Survey. What do Children Know About Macdonald's? In Our Second Experiment We Made A Survey Among The Children At The Age of 12 - 14. We Were Intereted If The Knew Something About Macdonald's and Its Harmful Food for Our Health. You can See the Questions, The Table with the results and Also The Diagram.

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1. Do You Know Who Founded Macdonald's? a) yes b) no 2. do you eat in macdonald's? a) yes b) no 3. Do you know that this food is Very Fat and Calorie? a) Yes b) no 4 4 4. How Much Money Can You Spend in One Time in Macdonald's (in RUBLES)? a) 10-40 b) 40-70 c) 70-100 d) 100-150 5. How Many Times a Week do you go to macdonald's? a) 1 b) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5 6. Do You Know That This Food Is Very Harmful for Your Health? a) yes b) no 7. Why do you visit macdonald's? (More Than One Variant Is Possible.) A) Tasty b) Cheap c) Fast 8. What Food Do You Prefer to Eat in Macdonald's? a) Sandwiches b) Sweets C) Fried 9. What Food Do You Prefer? a) Home-Made Food B) MacDonald's 10. Have You Ever Had Problems with Your Health After Visiting Macdonald's? a) yes b) no

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2.3. Home-Made Food and Fress Food: A Hamburger and a French Potato in The Third Experiment We Took a Hamburger with Potato from Macdonald's and a Cutlet with Potato from Home. Macdonald's Potato and A Hamburger Are in The Left Side, Home-Made Potato and A Cutlet Are in the Right Side. WE PUT THIM INTO BOTTLES AND WE WERE WAITING FOR A MONTH. As You Can See At The Photos, Home-Made Potato Became to Grow Musty Through 6 Days While Macdonald's Potato Through 10 Days. Macdonald's Hamburger Didn't Grow Musty AT All and A Cutlet Through 6 Days. IT SHOWS THAT ALMOST ALL FAST FOOD PRODUCTS CONTAIN A LOT OF CARCINOGENS AND THEY ARE HARMFUL FOR US.

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Conclusion Having Analyzed All Facts We Came to the Conclusion That Fast Food Is Really Harmful for People's Health. So It Destroys Our Hypothesis About Healthy Fast Food in Macdonald's and Everywhere. In Spite of IT, Children Love to Go to Macdonald's and We Would Recommend to the Parents to Limit The Numbers of Visiting Such Institutions. Macdonald's Is Trying to Do His Restaurants More Atractive for Families With Children, Trying to Attract More Visitors to Get Profit. Medical Statistics Says That No One Got Anything Good. IT CAN REFLECT TO YOUR HEALTH. You Gain Unnecessary Weight, Problems with Your Inner Organs, Your Skin and Even Your Hair. I Think That This Work IS Very Useful for Me. Now I know in Spite of the Attractiveness of Macdonald's And The Other Restaurants of Fast Food It is Better to Eat Home-Made Food. Chapter 3.

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Fast Food Restaurant.

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    MCD EFFORTS ON Minimizing Environmental Impact Of Restaurants Business

    Energy Efficiency in Restaurants to Save Money and Reduce Our Environmental Impact. In 2007 and 2008, McDonald's Was Ranked Second Among Food Service Companies by Climate Counts, Designating The Company In The Organization's "Starting" Category, As A "Better Choice for the Climate Conscious Consumer." McDonald's Restaurant Managers Are Equipped with a Variety of Energy Management Tools, Including Restaurant Energy Surveys and Audits, and in Selected Restaurants, Energy Management Systems (EMS). In 2007, McDonald's USA Was Named An Energy Star Partner Of The Year by the U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.

    Continue Exploring Ways to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Consumer Packaging and Waste in Restaurant Operations.

    Building Standards to Incorporate Further OpportUnities for Efficiency and Innovation In The Design and Construction of Our Restaurants. McDonald's France Beaugrenelle Restaurant in Paris with An Array of Sustainability Enhancements and EnvironmentThemed Decor.

    McDonald's Value We place the customer experience at the core of all we do We are committed to our people We believe in the McDonald's System We operate our business ethically We give back to our communities We grow our business profitably We strive continually to improve

    Allowing Franchisees to Launching Extensive Experiments in Food and Décor, Launching "I'm Lovin 'It" Marketing Theme Providing The Customers With High Quality Food and Superior Service, In A Clean, Welcoming Environment, At A Great Value.

    Talented People, with Diverse Backgrounds and Experiencees, Working Together in An Environment That Fosters Respect and Drives High Levels of Engagement, Is Essential to Continued Success. MCD Employee Benefits Are Organized Into 4 Categories: Health and Protection Pay and Rewards Investing Employee Future Helping Balancing Employee Work and Life

    Employees "interests Respect - Create a diverse and inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and respected Commitment Enhancement -. Continue to enhance our employment value proposition to drive high levels of employee commitment Talent Management -. Attract, develop and retain the most talented people at all LEVELS.

    The Balance of Interests Among The Three Groups: Owner / Operators, Suppliers, And Company Employees.

    McDonald's Conducts Its Business to High Standards of Fairness, Honesty, and Integrity. And The People Are Individually Accountable and Collectively Responsible.

    Support Ronald McDonald House Charities Support World Children's Day "Ronald McDonald Reading Corner", to Utilize Ronal McDonald to Promote Early Literacy. Increase Financial and Volunteer Support to RMHC Partnerships and Sponsorships Owner / Operator Involvement Disaster Relief

    Olympic Games McDonald's Champion Kids programs More than 930 restaurants, McDonald's China will support the kind blood donors with a free orange juice and hamburger to replenish their nutrients, upon their presentation of a blood donation certificate (Sichuan region earthquake relief efforts)

    Provide Sustained Profitable Growth for Our Shareholders. Requires A Continuing Focus on Customers and The Health of the Company.

    Anticipate and Respond to Changaning Customer, Employee and System Needs Through Constant Evolution and Innovation.

    Nowadays Fast Food Are Recognized AS An Unhealthy Food However: Their Income Keep On Growing, Because: They Offer: Speed, CleanLines, and Delicious Food. McDonalds do their repocationing from unhealthy to Healthy Fast Food.