Knowledge day message in d garden. Scenario of the holiday "Knowledge Day in kindergarten" material (senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Scenario of the holiday "September 1 - Knowledge Day" for children of the senior and preparatory groups

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The "Knowledge Day" scenario is designed for older preschool children. The scenario is playful in nature, helps children in a fun, festive atmosphere to realize the need to acquire knowledge and mark the beginning of the school year.

Purpose:Creating a welcoming atmosphere, a festive mood, a positive attitude towards school and a desire to learn.


  • To generalize the knowledge of children about the Day of Knowledge holiday;
  • Encourage children to engage in a joint play situation with adults;
  • Develop friendly relationships between children, unite team members.

Forms of organizing children's activities: game conversation with elements of movements, game, music quiz, riddles, reciting and listening to poems, game dances, attractions.

Event progress

Cheerful music sounds. Children of older and preparatory age gather on the playground of the kindergarten (if the weather is cold, then in the music hall) and stand in a semicircle.

Fanfare sounds. The Leader of the holiday comes to the center.


Hello adults!
Hello children!
We are very glad to meet you today!
All kinds of people are in a hurry to study.
In our homeland Knowledge day goes!
I congratulate all the guys on this wonderful day and I want all of you to remember and like it. After all, this day opens the school year. Let it be exciting, interesting for you and bring you new knowledge, discoveries and new friends!

Buratino appears from afar. He runs to the children and shouts loudly.

Pinocchio:Wait - wait! Wait! Take me to the holiday too!

Buratino runs up to the children.

Pinocchio: Phew - f - f! Managed! Hello everyone! I see you are going to celebrate a holiday here? ( children's answers). But I don’t remember what a holiday it is today! New Year? March 8? Or maybe Maslenitsa? ( Pinocchio listens to children's answers). What day is this today?

Leading: Eh, you, Buratino! So big you don't know! Guys, what holiday are we celebrating today? ( Children's answers). We will tell you everything about him now!

Children who read poetry come out to the Leader.

1 child:

For one simple reason
We recognize this day.
For children going to school
Towns and villages.

2 child:

And let a lot of glorious
Different days on the calendar
But one of the very first
The very first in September.

3 child:

The sun's ray knocks on the window
Wakes up adults and children.
Wake up, get up
Get ready for kindergarten.

4 child:

The wind sings a song
And with a ringing breeze
We are on the merry street
We happily go to the kindergarten.

5 child:

And in our garden today
Nice holiday.
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate the guys -

Together: The Day of Knowledge!


This holiday is important for everyone
This is a holiday for all children.
This day is everywhere
Celebrated by the whole country.
This day is the best
Good day calendar!

Children who read poetry return to their places.

Pinocchio:AND…. Now it is clear! I don't want such a holiday! It was so great in the summer! .. (dreamily)

Who was at sea in the summer? (children answer)
Who went to the forest with a basket?
Who drove the scooter?
Who ate the tablecloth for breakfast?
Who flew the plane?
Who went to the dacha to see your aunt?
Who got tanned over the summer?
Who ate a ton of watermelons?
Who came to our kindergarten?
Who is happy to meet with friends?

Yes - a - a ... Great summer! The sun is shining, water is splashing, fish are swimming in the sea ... and you play for yourself all day and don't think about anything else! By the way! Do you want to play? Then repeat after me!

Buratino conducts game "How are you?":

(Buratino speaks the text and shows the movements, the children repeat after him.)

The game is repeated 3 times, with increasing tempo.

Malvina:Buratino, where are you? It's time to do some grammar.

Pinocchio: Oh, again this annoying girl, Malvina. ( Grimaces, portraying Malvina) Sit up straight. Take the feather in your right hand. (Appeals to children)Hide me, please, hurry!

To the soundtrack of the song "What do they teach at school" Malvina runs out to the children.

Malvina: All greetings, guys! I am very glad to see you! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I see that over the summer you have rested well and are ready for new discoveries! Have you met Buratino by chance?

Malvina is looking for Buratino, looking behind the backs of the children.

Malvina: Buratino, where are you? It's time to do some grammar!

Malvina notices Buratino, who is hiding behind the Leader, takes him by the hand and leads him to the center of the semicircle.

Malvina:Oh! There you are, sir! And are you tired of messing around?

Pinocchio:I came to kindergarten to have fun, not study at all!


And the guys are preschoolers
They go to kindergarten together,
In the classroom, everyone sculpts
And horses and hares
And they also sing, dance
Numbers teach and draw.
If you want, we can show
How to learn and play?

Pinocchio: Want! Show me!

Malvina: Do you know, Buratino, what children do in the morning?

Pinocchio: Of course! Shouting loudly, fighting, eating candy and jumping.

Malvina: But no! Children wash, brush their teeth and do morning exercises to be strong and dexterous. Join us!

Malvina and Buratino spend a musical game for the show "Merry Exercise", involving children in the performance of musical rhythmic movements corresponding to the text.

Malvina:But after the children have recharged a little - do they enjoy drawing, dancing, singing, and learn a lot of new things?

Pinocchio: What? Everything - everything - everything?

Malvina: Of course! Here look! (to children)Guys! Help! If you agree with what I am saying, then answer: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." If you do not agree with me, then keep quiet.

Kindergarten came to life today
After the summer holidays.
The world of knowledge, kids, is very complex
Who is ready to go to it? (answer).

Who will study the letters
Reading on the sly?
Will not bother mom:
"Well, read at least a little" ( answer).

Who is the designer, friends,
Will it master without difficulty?
"Jeep" and "Volvo" will collect,
Will you take dad to kindergarten? ( answer)

Who will sing and dance
Write, read and paint,
So that later the rating "5"
Receive in lessons? ( answer)

Loves who to sleep in the morning
And miss the gym?
Who is capricious and lazy
Well, answer quickly! ( answer)

Malvina:You see, Buratino, the guys want to learn everything and learn everything. They know a lot even now.

Pinocchio:Much? .. I don't believe it!

Leading:And we will prove it to you! Really guys? (children's answers) Our children, for example, know a lot of songs.

Pinocchio:Let's check it now! Guess which cartoon this song is from! (The audio recording contains songs from the m / f "Masha and the Bear", "Little Raccoon", "The Bremen Town Musicians")Indeed, you know the songs! But do you read fairy tales?

Leading: Of course! You can check!

Pinocchio: Now! Listen carefully!

  1. There is a wonderful house in the field
    He is neither low nor high
    Did you find out what a fairy tale is?
    Well, in unison ... ... (Teremok)
  2. Before the wolf did not tremble
    I ran away from the bear
    And the fox's teeth
    I got caught ... .. (Kolobok)
  3. The sorceress loved the goddaughter
    I gave her crystal shoes
    Girl forgot her name
    Children, tell me what was her name? (Cinderella)

Pinocchio:You know fairy tales, you sing songs, but you don't get tired of studying?

Leading:What are you, Buratino! We not only sing and read, we also play different games! Do you want to have fun with us? Then try to catch up with these wonderful balls! Guys, pass it on!

Held attraction "Catch the ball"... The presenter gives the children several balls, which they pass to each other with funny music. Buratino is trying to catch up with these balls and take them away from the children. Malvina and the Presenter help children.

Leading:Well, Buratino! We failed to catch up with the balls! Maybe you can jump over the rope?

Pinocchio:How is it?

Leading:That's how! Malvina, show me!

Held attraction "Jump over the rope" (The ride is led by Malvina. She takes a rope and leads it next to the children's feet in a circle. The children are trying to jump over the rope). Pinocchio also tries to jump over the rope, but he fails.

Leading: Not working, Buratino? And the guys coped with the task, and all because they are engaged in physical education! But don't worry, but rather dance with us, rest!

Held game dance "Chico - Rico" by showing Malvina and Leading. Pinocchio repeats the movements with the children.

Pinocchio: Wow, how fun you live! And don't you get tired at all? Okay, great with you! I'm ready to study now!

Malvina: Well, well done! Guys! Let's take Buratino with us to study? (children's answers) Then go ahead! The doors to the land of knowledge are open to everyone! But to get there, you must definitely go through its magic gate! And in order not to get lost - take each other by the shoulders and go! Let's hit the road!

The audio recording contains the phonogram of the song "It is necessary to have fun". To the music, the children get up in a "train" behind Malvina, walk like a "snake", go to the magic gates on which "The Land of Knowledge" is written, pass through them, and then, together with their educators, go to their sites (if the holiday takes place on the street) or to their groups (if the holiday takes place in the music hall).

A well-thought-out scenario for the Knowledge Day holiday will help kids understand why it is necessary to gain knowledge, what benefits they bring them, what they need to be able to in order to go to school.

In this section, teachers can post outlines of interesting scenarios, plans for events dedicated to September 1. Young specialists will be able to receive the necessary recommendations for the implementation of activities in accordance with the program content.

Scenarios September 1

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All sections | Knowledge day. Scenarios of holidays and events. September 1

Scenario of the holiday for children of the preparatory group on the Day of Knowledge "Why Much visiting the Children" Holiday script for children of the preparatory group Knowledge day"Why is it visiting the guys" Made: musical director Nistratova N.D. (Sounding phonogram "School years"... Children enter the hall and sit on high chairs. The music is playing "Mustachioed nanny"... Why Much appears ...

Knowledge Day in the middle group"CHAMOMILE"... MAGIC CANDIES KNOWLEDGE... Compiled by educator 1 categories: Savvulidi L.I. To the music "House is our kindergarten" children of the middle group enter the music hall with flowers and balloons. purpose: creating a friendly atmosphere, creating a joyful ...

Knowledge day. Scenarios of holidays and events. September 1 - Scenario of the holiday "Day of Knowledge"

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Every year a cheerful bell Gets us together. Hello, autumn! Hello school! Hello, our favorite class. Let us feel sorry for the summer a little - We will not be sad in vain. Hello, the road to knowledge! Hello September holiday! (V. Stepanov) Traditionally, September 1st -...

Knowledge Day event in the preparatory group "Knowledge Day!" preparatory groups. Children go to the preparatory playground "A" to the music; preparatory "B" -; speech therapists. Presenter: Today is a holiday - "Knowledge Day". Dear children! We congratulate you on a wonderful and wonderful holiday. For one simple reason, we find out ...

Knowledge day. Scenarios of holidays and events. September 1 - Scenario of the holiday "Dunno on the holiday on September 1 in kindergarten"

Scenario of a holiday with Dunno for the Day of Knowledge in GBOU school 705 DO Dunno on a holiday on September 1 in kindergarten Purpose: to create a festive, cheerful atmosphere. Tasks: - to create a festive atmosphere - to develop emotional responsiveness - to develop the creativity of children ...

Scenario of the holiday "Day of Knowledge" Purpose: to organize a spectacular, cheerful, optimistic mood for the new school year. The course of the holiday: the school porch is decorated with bright posters, balloons, flowers. On the asphalt - colored drawings of children. Music sounds. Fanfare. Song "There will be the first call" Presenter 1. Hello, loved ones ...

Scenario "Parade of preschool children" day of knowledge at the preschool educational institution Scenario - "Parade of preschool children" day of knowledge in preschool educational institution 001 Fanfare will sound 002 Children (preparatory group) enter the playground to cheerful music, sit around the perimeter. Host: Today is a holiday - "Day of Knowledge!" Hello guys and dear adults! Guys, I'm very glad ...

Entertainment "Day of Knowledge" in the younger group of different ages Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 53" Strawberry "Prepared by: Sapunova L.А. Entertainment "Day of Knowledge" in the younger group of different ages To the music "Walking together merrily" children enter the hall. Educator: Although it's a pity a little summer, but ...

Knowledge day for kids - one of the long-awaited holidays after a long summer vacation. Although the process of educational work in the preschool educational institution does not stop for a minute, preschoolers, looking at smart schoolchildren with flowers on September 1, dream of becoming older and going to school. A good motivation for future education at school is the preliminary work carried out by the teachers of the preschool educational institution. One such method is a learning event: Knowledge Day.

When planning the course of the event, the teachers set common goals:

  1. Development of interest in learning and education.
  2. Formation of communication skills, creative and musical interest.
  3. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge in the summer.

The scenario of the holiday can have a classic version (construction, poems and songs dedicated to teaching, education, etc.), or with the use of a theatrical performance by adults or children. The day of knowledge can be devoted to events held during the week (performances, fitness and recreation activities, excursions to school, etc.)

The activities and entertainment presented in this section set up teachers and pupils for further fruitful cooperation in the process of teaching and upbringing, the implementation of new ideas and opportunities.

Knowledge Day entertainment

in kindergarten

Objectives: to create a good mood in children, create a friendly atmosphere, a positive attitude towards school.

Tasks: foster emotional responsiveness, establish mutual understanding and mutual respect between teachers, children and their parents during the organization of the event.

Characters: presenters, Mashenka.

Entertainment progress:

We meet children and parents on the street.

Lead 1:

Hello adults! Hello children!

We are very glad to meet you today!

Let's start our holiday soon,

Sing and play with a smile and joy!

(Guys, let's greet each other with applause)

Summer is over, you are in a hurry to the kindergarten,

What is the holiday today, tell me?(1 September is the day of knowledge.)

We congratulatehappy Holidays everyone! September 1 - schools open doors forall students... All girls and boys begin to learn to learn a lot of new and interesting things. And ourkindergarten meets children... New ones await you hereknowledge, discoveries and new friends!

Leading 2 . We will celebrate the day of knowledge... Joke, play and dance! And now I offer you a game. If you agree with what I am telling you, answer:"This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Game "This is me ..."

Who came to us inchild garden and meeting friends glad?

Who woke up early in the morning and washed himself under the tap?

Who discovered paints, new books, coloring books today?

Who played with toys and didn't put them in place?

Loves, who in the morning to sleep and miss exercises?

Who is capricious and lazy, well, answer quickly!

Who wants to grow up, go to school as soon as possible?

Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Leading: Well done! Nobody was wrong! Happy holiday to everyone, I invite everyone to dance!

Dance "Heel-toe"

Lead 1: Guys, let's listen to the poems that the guys from the older groups have prepared for you.

Children read poetry.

The birch pulled up

Over the summer under the window

In a hurry to congratulate

Happy autumn first day!

Holiday joyful Day of Knowledge

Celebrates kindergarten

And here to have some fun

We called all the guys!

Let's have fun together

Cry, you can't quarrel,

In kindergarten, of course,

All the kids are friends!

We not only play here,

We sculpt, build, cut out,

We love to sing and dance!

Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes.

Leading: then try to guess my riddles

1. Grandfather grasped tightly:

Oh, you can't pull it out!

Oh, she sat down tight!

But the helpers will soon come running

Who sat down so tight

Did you find out?


2. The old man went to the sea

And the net will cast

Will catch someone

And he will ask for something. (Gold fish.)

3. There is a wonderful house in the field,

He is neither low nor high

Did you find out what a fairy tale is?

Well, in unison ... (Teremok)

4. Before the wolf did not tremble,

I ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

I got caught ... (Kolobok)

5. A girl is sitting in a basket

Behind the bear

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle?

Then quickly answer the name of this tale ... ("Masha and the Bear".)

Leading: Guys, do you hear, someone is in a hurry for our holiday.

(To the music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" Masha comes out with a briefcase.)

Masha: Hello! And that there are so many of you here and that you are all so smart?

Leading : Hello Masha, don't you really know that today is September 1st?

Masha: Well, I know, and so what?

Ved. : Do you know that everyone celebrates today?

Masha: Nope! And what is someone's birthday? Oh and let's have some fun, we'll eat some cake ...

Veda : Yes, wait, Masha. You came to the holiday in the kindergarten "Solnyshko". Today we celebrate a very important holiday - the day of knowledge. Children learn to count, read poetry, dance, sculpt and paint, learn to understand nature and strengthen health, and then go to the first grade, to school and become first graders.

Masha: Who will become?

Ved. : A preschooler is one who goes to kindergarten, a first grader studies in the first grade. Look at these guys, our guys will tell you about our kindergarten and about the holiday.

Children of the preparatory groups read poetry.

Masha: Now I know that September 1 is the Day of Knowledge! Well done boys! Can I stay with you in your kindergarten and learn everything too? (YES!) Then let's get acquainted!

First, I will get to know the girls, and then the boys. My name is Masha! Now all the girls will shout their name out loud!

All the girls loudly call their names, it turns out porridge.

And now the boys.

Masha: It is clear that all the girls are called SU-SU-SU, and all the boys are called BU-BU-BU. Well, here we are.

To be always healthy

And beautiful to be

I need to wash my face in the morning

Get ready for the kindergarten quickly,

So as not to break the regime,

Keep up with charging.


Masha: Well done!

Leading: Masha, look what dance the children of the middle group have prepared for you.

Dance: "Tender Sun"

Leading: Masha, what a beautiful and large portfolio you have, what should you put in your portfolio for lessons? (Masha shrugs) Guys, let's tell Masha what to take with you to school. I will ask you questions and you will answer"Yes" or"not" :

Do we put a bag of sweets at the bottom?(YES)

And the police gun?(NOT)

Shall we put the vinaigrette there?(NOT)

Or maybe a light of smiles?(YES)

Shall we put a ripe orange?(YES)

A grocery store?(NOT)

Putting on a smile and success?(YES)

Provocative children's ringing laughter? (YES)

Well done, they answered all my questions correctly!

Leading :

You answered perfectly,

But they haven't danced for a long time.

I invite everyone to stand in a circle

Dance together.


Senior group dance

Masha: Maybe you're already tired?

Leading: We didn't take those with us.

Masha: Maybe we'd better rest?

Leading : We'd better go to the zoo!

Masha: Guys, have you been to the zoo? and what animals have you seen there? Fine. And in our game there will be little penguins, bears, peacocks and cubs. Look at me carefully and repeat the movements!

Dance - game "In the zoo"

Masha: well done guys, we danced well

Ved. : Now guys, guess my riddle:

Joy has a friend in the form of a semicircle.

She lives on her face, then she suddenly leaves somewhere.

It will suddenly return, sadness, longing is afraid of it. (Smile)

Let's all smile together and watch the preparatory group dance a fun dance"I will run away from you"

Dance "Let's Jump Higher"

Ved. : Nice we had fun, made friends even stronger. Guys, let's all amicably congratulate everyone, everyone with the beginning of the new school year and shout: "Happy new school year!"

Everyone shouts loudly: “Happy new school year !!

Ved .: Rebyata, we have a magic bell for you. Do you want to know everything in the world? Do you want to receive knowledge? Then hurry up, friends forward, the call is calling you to knowledge!(They ring the bell.)

Masha: Thank you, children for the holiday. Always be so funny, dexterous, skillful. Congratulations to everyone today and of course we treat you. (They treat the children with sweets.)

Ved .: We danced, played, everyone around became friends. We wish you, on the day of knowledge, the fulfillment of desires! The Day of Knowledge! 1st September - "Hurray!"

Children and adults: "Hurrah!"

Children disperse to music by groups.

Characters: Zlynda; A laugh.

To cheerful music, children enter the hall, sit around the perimeter.

Leading:Hello guys! I am very glad to see you in our hall again. How have you all grown, prettier, tanned! Have a good summer holiday?

Children's answers.

I'm very happy for you. And today we have a merry holiday of knowledge. We will sing, play, dance, check how much older you have become, smarter, more resourceful, what you have learned over the summer, what you have learned.

Zlynda enters the hall, rubbing his palms.

Zlynda: Well, I did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote, sugar into the soup !!! Now for sweets instead of cheesecakes - full of frogs! Let them now drink the salty compote with frogs! Ha ha ha!

Turns and sees children.

Zlynda: Aha! This is where I need it!

Leading:Where is it?

Zlynda: Where, where ... Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading: Who are you?

Zlynda: I am Zlynda, the most harmful in the world, the most disgusting and disgusting!

Leading: And what are you boasting about?

Zlynda: What I want, so I boast! And you have nothing to boast about. By the way, I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

Leading: Not some, but a holiday of knowledge. We have come to have fun, and it is not good for us to interfere! The children grew up over the summer and learned a lot.

Zlynda: These little kids know something there ?! Oh, they made fun / (Laughs.) I just want to give them a dummy.

Gives the kids a dummy.

Leading: Wait, wait, Zlynda, to find out if our guys really matured, you need to check them in games, dances, songs.

Zlynda:Check, huh? You are welcome! (Pulls out the ball.) Here's the ball. Whoever does not catch him, he did not grow up, but remained a short baby.

Begins randomly, tricking children, throwing a ball.

Leading: Will not work! If we are to play, then for real.

Zlynda:How is it real?

Leading:According to the rules. We'll show you. Do you want to teach you too?

The driver is chosen, and the remaining players are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-5 m. A line is drawn between the groups. The driver gets up on her.

The players' task is to throw the ball to each other, to knock out the driver, who, while dodging the ball, can only run along the line. If the ball hits the driver, all players run away. Then the driver tries to stain the runners, in turn throwing the ball at them. The one he hits becomes the driver. If the driver missed, he continues to be the driver.

Zlynda: Well, we'll see who will teach whom! That I don't know such a game, or what?

When the children play once, Zlynda wants to join the game, but plays incorrectly. The host asks her to sit and see how to play.

Leading: Guys, I know who Zlynda needs to be introduced to, so that she stops playing pranks, and becomes kind and cheerful - with Smeshinka. Let's call her!

Children: Laugh shin! Laugh shin!

Zlynda hides, plugs her ears. Smeshinka enters, the children surround her.

A laugh: Here I am. I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Children: Yes!

A laugh:Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading: Yes, Smeshinka, today we met after a summer vacation, we decided to have some fun and see how big we are.

Zlynda: Yes, big, how! Shorty kids!

Laugh: Ah, Zlynda, are you already here and doing something wrong again?

Leading: Imagine, Smeshinka, Zlynda claims that our boys and girls have not grown up over the summer and are not able to do anything.

Zlynda: And what they knew how, then everyone forgot during the summer! (Laughs maliciously.)

Laugh: And I think the guys didn't waste their time. They know that a year will pass and it will be time for them to go to school. Children, let's prove to Zlynda that you know a lot!

Children: Yes!

Leading: Now I will ask questions, and you will raise your hand and answer. After all, you know that children at school do not shout out answers, but calmly answer after the teacher calls to the blackboard or allows them to answer from their place.

Children: We know!

Leading: Oh well. Here Smeshinka said that in a year you will go to school. Do you know:

1. How many months in a year?

2. How many days in a week?

3. Who will tell me all the seasons?

Leading: And now we will play an interesting game, Zlynda will look and immediately understand what literate guys you are!

Walking alphabet game

Divide the children into two teams and give each participant a letter of the alphabet. Give each team the same set of letters that you have selected so that there are enough of them to form the word that will be the answer to the question you asked. You are asking a question that can be answered in one word. Then each team gathers in a bunch, determines the answer, then sends forward those team members whose letters make up this answer. Those should be in the correct order. The first team to answer correctly wins one point.


1. Who wakes you up in the morning, prepares a delicious breakfast, leads you to kindergarten? (Mother.)

2. What is the name of the season when it is cold outside, it snows, children go sledding? (Winter.)

3. This is not soup or borscht, it is made from buckwheat and rice, but also with milk and semolina. (Porridge.)

Zlynda: Everything you have is fine and wonderful. I probably won't find helpers among you. I do not see anything, neither fighters, nor liars, nor fools. Oh you! Why am I so unlucky ?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me ?! (Crying.)

A laugh: And you still ask ?! Look at yourself: is it possible to find friends with such a mischievous face, which never has a smile?

Leading: But Smeshinka is right. Only to a kind, cheerful person other people are drawn. Listen to what a good song our guys will sing. Maybe from this song you, Zlynda, will light up a spark of warmth and kindness.

Children sing the song "Strong friendship will not break."

Zlynda(claps her hands) "What a wonderful song! I have never heard such a song!"

Laugh: Friends, a miracle happened! Zlynda told the truth for the first time! That's what a good song means!

Zlynda: How? It can't be! What's wrong with me ?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whimpers.)

Leading: You will become good, kind and cheerful with us. We will give you a new name. Do you want

Zlynda (embarrassed): Well, I don't know ... Will I be able to? ..

Laugh: You can, you can! And the guys and I will help you.

Leading: Guys, let's come up with a new good name for Zlynde.

Consults with children.

A laugh: Correctly! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name of Veselush. We think you will like it. But from now on, you should only do good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Zlynda: And how to do these good deeds? I dont know.

A laugh:And here is one of them to begin with. I picked up different colors along the way, but they are not ordinary. Look what beautiful daisies. You will give everyone a magic leaflet, this will be a kind, fun deed.

Game "Chamomile"

A large daisy is cut out of paper. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal. Children tear off the petals and perform tasks: crowing, singing a song, showing how the cat stretches, telling a rhyme ...

Zlynda:Now I really see that the guys have grown and wiser. Do you know why? Because I am slowly turning into Veselushu and I see everything! I want to cheer you all up and invite you to a fun game about a chicken and a cat. Only, mind you, I'll be the first cat!

Game "Crested Hen"

The presenter depicts a hen, children - chickens. One child sits on a bench away from the rest of the children. This is a cat dozing in the sun. The mother hen goes out with the chickens for a walk. The host says:

A crested hen came out,

Yellow chickens with her.

The chicken coughs: "Ko-ko,

Don't go far. "

On a bench by the path

The cat has settled down and is sleeping ...

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are catching up.

The cat opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens that run away. The caught chicken becomes a cat.

A laugh: Well, Veselusha, did you like our holiday?

Zlynda: Still would! After all, I have become completely different!

Leading: Our guys helped you.

Zlynda: I want to thank them. I'll treat them to a fly agaric!

A laugh: Here's your time! You go again? Is it possible to eat fly agarics?

Zlynda: Have you forgotten? I was re-educated, I became good. And this fly agaric is not simple, but sweet, sweet!

Zlynda and Smeshinka bring in a large fly agaric, inside which candy is handed out to children.

Leading:Thanks for the treat.

Laugh: And Veselusha and I have to go to our fairy land of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your perky friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Well done boys! And you said that our children have not matured at all. Could the kids be able to answer such difficult questions, play such difficult games.


Leading:So our holiday has come to an end. But in this hall we will meet again and again, because we will have a lot of merry holidays, performances and entertainment.

Children leave the hall to the cheerful music.

Knowledge Day is used to celebrate at school. But in kindergarten, with younger children, it would also be appropriate to hold such a holiday. After all, children there not only play, but also gain knowledge, and also prepare for a very important stage - the transition to an already conscious school life.

Characters and props

The main participants, of course, are children. The presenter is their teacher. The well-known brownie Kuzya, who has dropped in on the holiday, helps the host. Abbreviations: leading - V, Kuzya - K.


Student supplies - from notebook to chalk - can be made in large sizes from cardboard, but they are necessarily very believable. You need to attach strings to them in advance so that the objects can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Holiday progress

It is better to hold the event outdoors if the weather permits. If not, then a large room in a kindergarten is fine for children to run.

To the music, the children are led into a prepared area, where the host is already located and chairs are placed. The children sit down. When the music stops, the presenter starts the opening speech. IN: Hello, my dear, beautiful, dressed up, funny girls and boys! True, it's great that we met in this beautiful hall. (on the site)! Tell me, why do you look so wonderful today? Probably because today is a very important day, right? This is the beginning of our New school year. Do you know what they call him? Correctly. It's Knowledge Day! It is with him that the school year begins. Let's then congratulate each other in chorus. Let's start! Happy New Year, Happy New Year! Here the general choir gets confused, as Kuzya runs into the hall with a Christmas tree under his arm. He, not paying absolutely any attention to the audience, runs chaotically around the hall and tries to attach his Christmas tree somewhere. TO: I welcome everyone. Where is New Year celebrated here? I brought you my Christmas tree. Where is the best place to put it? Here, I found it! He puts it here and there, looks at the result, shakes his head, transfers it to another place. Finally, he liked the place in the center of the hall. IN: Kuzya, hello. Why did you bring us this beautiful Christmas tree? TO: You all here shouted - New Year! I thought, how can you be on a holiday without the main forest beauty? IN: You probably did not quite understand us correctly. We have gathered to celebrate not an ordinary, but the Academic New Year. TO: That's how ... And what, there will be no Snow Maiden, snow, Santa Claus? IN: Everything that you mentioned happens only on a winter holiday. Really, children? The children agree. TO: Where am I going to put the Christmas tree now? Can't you carry her back to the forest? IN: I think you can leave with us. (To children) And what do you think? Are we leaving? Okay. But what should we do with it now? TO: Let's do as usual: we'll decorate! IN: But with what? There are no balls and serpentine roads, toys and stars ... TO: I figured it out! Let me make riddles about the school, and the answers will be decorations. We will hang them on the tree! Kuzya is asking riddles. Children collectively guess and decorate the “school” Christmas tree together.

If you hone it well,

You can draw anything in the world.

You want an apple, but you want a reed.

What it is?


It happens in a ruler and a cage,

They write letters and numbers there,

And you can even draw!

It is called…


The very first, the most important,

The alphabet begins with it.

There is a belt and two posts.

Do you know the letter?

If something in a notebook

You wrote it wrong

Then all the blots are small

Your assistant will erase from the sheet. What is it?


We have prepared for you. It is called: "Goodbye, kindergarten, open the door for us, school!" To decorate the room, you will not be superfluous with a video and learn how to make figures from long balloons with your own hands.

If I just want to

I'll draw everything in the world.

Guess soon!


On a brown field

Little white bunny

Draws different signs.

He ran and jumped

And the trail behind him

He was also very white.

Do you know what kind of hare?

a piece of chalk!

Paint with a tail

All behind me

The whole wonderful album -

Here is the mushroom. Here is the house. What is it?


Calls everyone for him

Small and sonorous.

Then the lesson will begin

It will finish it. It…


TO: Thanks guys! We have dressed up a very beautiful school Christmas tree!
IN: All good fellows! Now I have a proposal - would you like to make a fabulous journey to another planet called "Shkolyandiya"? Want to? TO: I also really want to fly with you. Take me! And then I want to learn and there is no way. IN: Let's take him guys? Okay, Kuzya, you fly with us. But before a long journey, we definitely need to warm up. Summer is over, and soon there will be many rainy (but interesting!) Days. Let's play a game together and find the sun.

Relay "Find your sun".

All children must be divided into two equal teams. Gymnastic sticks are distributed to everyone. An ordinary gymnastic hoop is placed on the floor in front of each group at a distance of 7–8 meters. This is a blank sun.

At a signal from each team, one participant runs out to the hoop and puts his "ray" - a stick - near the sun. The second participant begins to run only after the return of the first. Thus, the children will "draw" their own sun. The winner is the team that has mastered this "sports drawing" before.


IN: Each of our team is a separate ship. So we will fly. Kuzya and I will accompany you. Ready? We fly to the first stop - planet "Fairy Tale"... The music of "travel" sounds. Children, following the presenter, run along the perimeter of the hall. IN: To make it more interesting on this planet, let's try to remember a few fairy tales. I will name and show the heroes of the fairy tale, and you will try to guess where exactly, on which fairy island (this is a separate fairy tale) they live.

  • Toad, Mole, Beetle, Swallow, little Elf. (Thumbelina).
  • Stepmother with her daughters, fairy godmother, pumpkin, rat coachman, prince and others. (Cinderella).
  • Papa Carlo, Lisa Alice, Basilio the Cat and others. (The Golden Key. The Adventures of Buratino).
  • Rooster, cat, dog, horse, king, princess and so on. (The Bremen Town Musicians).

TO: Wow! The guys know so many fairy tales! And I can tell you a riddle about fairy tales. Want to? He will heal the sick animals of everyone in the world. What's his name guys? Doctor…. - Aybolit!

Kuzya and the presenter ask a few more riddles. After that, flight music sounds again, the teams-ships fly one after another to the next planet.

IN: Here's the next stop - planet "Tsiferka"... Who knows what numbers and math are for? The children take turns trying to answer. Kuzya also joins the answers, and then invites the guys to help him a little with the numbers. All together they solve simple riddle problems that require elementary calculating skills. Four boys were riding on a sled down the hill, two fell on the hill in the snow. How many have reached the very bottom of the slide? Then each team receives a set of numbers. They must be scattered, and the children must put everything in the correct order. TO: I also know a few math questions!

  • How many noses do two dogs have?
  • How many tails do three cats have?
  • How many wings do two birds have?
  • How many legs do three mice have?

IN: All the guys are very clever! And Kuzya is great! Well, let's fly on? The flight takes place, as in the previous time: in a circle, everyone goes around the hall to the music. Then the leader announces that both ship teams have successfully landed on the next planet. IN: Wow! Arrived, landed! Guys, planet Fun! TO: Oh, fun is dancing, right? I really like to dance, do you? After general agreement, the dance "Repeat" is announced. Kuzya dances to cheerful music, performing simple movements, and the children repeat exactly the same movements after him. TO: Oh, how fun! I want more! IN: Then let's try to learn a new sport. It is called "Robotic Beast". I will show you how animals move, and everyone should walk the same way. Do you agree? The presenter imitates the movements of different animals, Kuzya and the children repeat.

After that, it is announced that the next planet is already ready to accept such active and cheerful children. The ships are flying again - music is playing, everyone is moving in a circle one after another.

IN: Well, children, we landed at the terminal station - on planet "Shkolyandiya". Let's remember together the signs by which you can know that it is time to go to study:

  • The leaves on the trees have become ... Yellow!
  • Began ... Rain!
  • All children in the morning ... Go to school or kindergarten!
  • On the calendar ... September!
  • Children take with them to school ... Satchels!
  • What are they carrying in their backpacks? Notebooks, pens, books, pencils and so on.

IN: Well done! Now let's practice well so that you always come to school or kindergarten on time.

Relay "Run to class".

IN: When you need to get up in the morning, I really want to lie in bed a little more. If you stay late, you might be late for class. Let's pretend that you've already overslept and now run to your class. The teams line up in two lines. The first participant is put on a backpack (Kuzya is appointed as the main assistant in this competition and will put on the backpacks for one team, and the leader for the other). With a knapsack you need to run to class (a stool is placed at a distance of 7–8 meters) and go back. Then the knapsack is passed to the next participant until everyone has run through. IN: Everyone did just fine! No one will ever be late for class now. Congratulations! And now it's time to return home to our favorite kindergarten. Ready? Music sounds, everyone comes back in a circle.

IN: So our wonderful and informative journey has ended. Did everyone enjoy flying to new planets? TO: I also really liked it. Cheers cheers! What will happen now? IN: We all have further - New school year! Stay with us, Kuzya. TO: I would love to, but I can't leave my house with Granny-Yagulya, my favorite stove. But I will come to visit you. Will you guys wait for me? (General "Yes!"). IN: Now the moment to say goodbye has come. Until new wonderful meetings! Music sounds, children leave. In most cases, at the beginning of September, the weather is still warm and Knowledge Day with the kids can be celebrated outside, as in the following video:\u003dQ6lpPTW4E5w