Brand manager profession. A process attempting to establish control over what impact a brand has and what it expresses and how it is perceived by a consumer Brand Development Department deals with

Ticket number 11
1. The role of the brand manager in the organization of brand management. Requirements for a brand manager. The functional apparatus of the brand manager.

The mnzh brand directly manages the brand. Plays a key role in the process of coordinating the activities of all departments of the company and all its employees involved in different operations.

His competence includes planning, organizing and controlling marketing activities, as well as overseeing all processes at different levels of company management that affect the strategy of the brand under his control.

He defines all areas of work, carries out management and consulting activities, is responsible for brand development in all markets, coordinates internal processes and decisions in relation to the brand.

Works in conjunction with many functional services. His participation in the planning and sales management process brings the brand-management closer to the real situation and allows improving certain elements of the brand's strategy.

The qualification of a brand-mnzh is determined by its ability to optimize marketing programs in the main areas - commodity, price, sales, communication policy.


A professional brand should not only have information about all the processes taking place in the company, including the specifics of production and technology, but also be able to correctly assess the situation on the market, tactically outstrip competitors. Also important is initiative, communication skills, stress resistance.
^ 2. The concept of "branding". The concept of its development (rational, emotional, social, modern)

Branding is an activity to create a long-term preference for a product, based on a joint enhanced impact on the consumer of a trademark, packaging, advertising messages, materials and promotional events, as well as other elements of advertising activities, united by certain ideas and a characteristic unified design that distinguish the product from competitors and creating his image.

^ Rational school of branding

50s It is associated with the increase in consumer activity of the population caused by the post-war revival. Advertising communications were simple and uncomplicated, rational arguments and demonstrative methods of product presentation prevailed.

Represented by several streams:

  1. David Ogilvy linked the effectiveness of advertising communications with the characteristics of consumer perception. Believed that the words "new", "economical", "affordable" most appeal to the consumer and should be constantly used in advertising based on demonstration methods.

  2. Rosser Reeves developed the Unique Selling Proposition theory. I believed that behind each advertisement there should be clearly defined properties of the product that distinguish it from others. But soon a lot of duplicate products appeared on the market, they were no longer perceived as original and unique.

^ Emotional branding school

Late 50s

Vince Packard, in his book Hidden Exhortations, spoke about the emotional, image and psychological characteristics of consumer perception. He showed that the ultimate benefits of consumers cannot be limited to physical satisfaction from a purchase, but should be supported by pleasure and emotional enjoyment. Rational arguments have been replaced by emotional benefits.

The methodological rationale for advertising communications in the 60s was the theory of emotional selling proposition, developed by Bartle Bogla Hagarty. In advertising, the testimonies of famous people began to be used, which form a special stylistic perception of the properties and qualities of a product. Original musical design and advertising characters enhanced the emotional intensity of the advertised products.

Professional psychologists were involved in the work, qualitative research was actively developed, focus groups were introduced.

In the 70s, a positioning approach was formed (Trout, Rice). In accordance with the psychology of consumer behavior, a person perceives information in accordance with previous experience. The brain filters out additional, unnecessary knowledge. Therefore, a brand that once formed a position in the minds of consumers is almost impossible to replace with another similar brand.
^ Social branding

In the beginning. 90s, a new public consciousness began to form, based on the negative consequences of the industrial development of society, environmental pollution, epidemics, etc.

This served as the basis for the development of a new direction in branding - social or spiritual.

A new socio-ethical concept of marketing was approved, within the framework of which firms emphasized the need to understand the socio-economic and Grazdan position, responsibility for eliminating the negative consequences of production development, and measures to protect the environment.

The dominance of advertising in communications has ceased to ensure the market success of the company. Therefore, at the end of the 80s, a new concept of brand communications began to form (Schultz and Barnes). They showed that the effective development of a brand in the market is ensured by the integration of all marketing components of a product, through which consumers contact the brand - product, price, packaging, sales features, placement in the sales area, attention of employees, etc.
^ Modern branding concept

Based on the brand vision of the business and capital development. Proponents of a modern approach to the development of brand-oriented business models see branding as a strategic tool for generating company profits, which stimulates the development of media technologies and new business models with different approaches to brand creation.

Reflected in the works of Aaker, Murphy, Temporal, Gad, Ellwood, and others.
Ticket 15.
^ 1. Models of brand management: Western and Asian. Advantages and disadvantages

In world practice, two alternative approaches to managing a corporate brand portfolio are used: Western (Euro-American) and Asian (Japanese).

^ Asian model involves focusing marketing activities on the corporate brand. All products and services produced by the company have one name, one personality, one set of values. In the middle of the last century, consumers began to pay special attention to quality that large manufacturers could guarantee. Therefore, most Japanese associate quality only with large companies.

Subsequently, companies began to add new products to a single corporate portfolio, thereby forming a system of sub-brands.

For Japanese consumers, the corporate name has a much greater associative load than the names of individual products sold by the firm. Therefore, the advertising of Japanese firms is much more likely to use a corporate brand that provides consumer confidence in all markets. For example, the ad “Toyota. Manage dream!" promotes the corporate brand without focusing on individual models.

Currently, the Asian model is becoming more popular due to a number of advantages: a strong corporate brand is able to unite employees, shareholders, business partners of the company, it helps to establish strong long-term relationships with suppliers and guarantees the flow of investments in the long term. Strong corporate brands gain public support and trust during crises. From an economic point of view, the process of creating and introducing new products under one name is less expensive and faster than promoting several brands.

This model is attractive and effective, but failure to adhere to basic branding principles leads the company to collapse (for example, Dovgan).

The development of diversified manufacturing makes it difficult to extend corporate identity to all sub-brands. It is difficult to promote a single corporate brand across multiple product categories. The Asian model is suitable for single-industry, non-diversified companies. It is easier to achieve brand identity and build a sustainable reputation within one product category. Another vulnerable feature is the top-down management hierarchy, which does not always reflect the corporate vision of the brand manager.

^ Western modelis based on the concept of product differentiation. According to this model, the corporate brand is assigned a secondary role, and independent brands belonging to the firm come to the fore. Corporate brands in the West are mainly tools for shaping the corporate image and reputation of the company in the market.

The difficulties of brand management according to the Western model are associated primarily with the overly branched structure of the brand portfolio, which often creates internal competition (sub-brad of one portfolio). Also, the disadvantage is the large amount of costs for promoting each brand. Additional difficulties are created by intermediaries and sales organizations that try to strengthen their own brands.

Thus, brand management according to the Western model is effective for manufacturers with fewer brands in the portfolio and using their own marketing forces.
^ 2. Criteria and types of brands

In global branding practice, brands are classified by type based on certain criteria. Let's consider.


Brand type

By subject matter

- commercial (J7)

Service (FordCredit)

Social (personal) Madonna

The brand of the organization GUU

Event (Formula 1)

Geographic (Cannes)

By territorial coverage

- global (Coca-Cola)

National ("Baltika")

Local "Crossroads"

By scope

- consumer (Pepsi)

Industrial (Tetrapak)

High-tech (Intel)

By affiliation

- manufacturer (Sony)

Distributor (FordAuto)

Private MaxMara

By hierarchy in the portfolio structure

- corporate P&G

Umbrella Ford

Product sub-brand Ford Focus

Individual Lexus, Neo

Ticket 16.Continued
^ 2. Correlation of concepts "brand", "trade mark", "trade mark". Criteria for assigning a trademark to a brand.

The concept of "brand" is very close in meaning to the terms "trademark" and "trademark". However, the similarity is only outwardly, there are fundamental differences between them.

Trademark -it is a legal term, the scope of which is limited by legal norms and regulated by the legislative framework. A trademark is a designation that serves to identify a product by consumers, which is subject to legal protection on the basis of state. Registration.

^ Brand - a marketing concept that is used to refer to the external design of a product in order to identify it and distinguish it from competitors. A trade mark is a complex of corporate attributes of a product - a symbol, color, font, corporate signature, as well as a slogan, characters and other attributes identifying the product that form its single integral image. Individual elements of a trademark are subject to legal protection, as a rule, a trademark is registered as a trademark. At the same time, the trademark contains characteristics and features that are not protected in the regime of intellectual property objects.

Often the term "trademark" is used in relation to the trademarks of foreign companies operating in the Russian Federation in connection with direct translation (a trade mark, in essence, is a trademark, but translated as a trademark).

Brand name - a broader concept and represents a kind of mental structure formed in the mind of the consumer as a result of mythologizing the consumer properties of the product. Brands are shaped by opinions, feelings, emotions, imagination, so a brand is how consumers perceive it and what they think and feel about it.

In Russian branding practice, the question of the relationship between the concepts of "brand" and "trade mark" often arises. There are different points of view on this score. For example, according to one of them (. Domnin), there are a number of criteria according to which trademarks can be classified as brands:

- brand identification for any reason - unmistakable brand recognition by consumers among other brands of the same category (color, smell, sales characteristics, etc._

- connotative brand content - opinions, feelings, associations about the brand go beyond the purpose, quality or functionality ("tea for a sincere conversation")

- presence of a group of loyal consumers (from 20% or more).


What kind of specialists are employed in marketing departments? After the registration of the company has been completed, a huge staff of personnel is required for its functionality, among them a brand manager. Although this question seems a bit strange, it often turns out that employees in this department have rather abstract positions of "marketing managers". This is especially true for small firms, where marketing refers to everything related to the promotion of their own products or their advertising. But large firms are forced to clearly distribute responsibilities between employees and this is how such positions as brand chief or brand manager arise. What are they doing?

Brand manager functions

Its main task is to manage the main asset of a company, its brand or several firm brands. He must create a line of brand (brands) from scratch in a given local market or develop and promote an existing line in order to get the maximum possible margin income.

It should be noted that the position of a brand chef does not exist in all, even large, companies. If a firm produces products of only one brand, then brand marketing is the task of the entire marketing department. But some companies are trying to save money during the crisis, and marketing departments are not created in every company, and when the economic conditions in the company deteriorate, marketers are often the first to be included in the list of those who are trying to reduce.

Even experts are often mistaken about what a brand manager does, believing that a brand chef is only entrusted with promoting and advertising. But advertising campaigns, the creation of attractive and recognizable packaging, and the creation of an apt slogan are only the most noticeable and well-known work to the masses.

But it would be wrong to shorten the list of responsibilities of a brand manager so. There are other tasks in his field of activity, and the main one on their list is not promoting a certain brand, but making money with their help. In this case, the brand becomes a separate product and a tool for generating profit for the company, and the brand manager must make sure that his brainchild gives the maximum benefit and is a way to maximize marginal income. The brand manager becomes, as it were, the chief of the company within the company and manages not the manufacture of products, but the trade of one or several brands.

This mainly concerns manufacturing companies. In trading firms, brand managers have to develop an assortment matrix of other people's brands.

Brand manager: do responsibilities in Russian and foreign companies often differ?

Yes, there are such differences. Work with the brand in full is often carried out only in companies of Russian entrepreneurs. Foreign companies often limit the work of a brand manager to communication with potential clients, and ideas for the development and promotion of a brand, as well as an assortment matrix, are given to him that have already been developed by other specialists “at the top”. Therefore, perhaps, such a position could be called a communicative brand manager.

Who claims to be a brand manager?

Since the ideas about the work of this specialist are very vague, if a brand manager is announced from a vacancy, then a variety of specialists apply for his place: these are managers who were previously engaged in procurement or logistics, and advertisers and PR specialists, and marketing analysts. Among the applicants there are also those who have already worked as a brand manager, only he was not engaged in brand management at all. Sometimes such applicants are poorly guided in assortment management, have little knowledge of the economy and have practical skills in the areas of advertising placement, making promotional gifts and organizing promotional events. Only one in five was practically engaged in brand management.

Brand manager: responsibilities

If you list the responsibilities of a brand manager, you get the following list:

  • analysis and monitoring of the current market situation, including the analysis of competitors' activities and tracking prices for similar products;
  • participation in the development of products by the company, in particular, packaging design, studying the functionality of products;
  • in a trading company: studying the technological features of the brands sold and managing sales based on the data obtained;
  • increasing the profitability of goods and accelerating the turnover, this will help the analysis of competitors' pricing policy, price positioning, analysis and forecast of price dynamics based on an assessment of the economic situation;
  • checking product stocks and stimulating demand for individual articles and (or) groups of goods using promotions;
  • studying and systematizing the tastes and preferences of potential customers: who, how much, where they buy products and why they choose this brand, how competitors work;
  • creation and implementation into practice of programs for brand promotion (advertising, PR, BTL).

To some, such a list will seem too short or incomplete, and he will certainly be right. Indeed, in different market conditions, when working with a different number of brands, the responsibilities of a brand manager can be broader. When the number of brands reaches 10-12 positions, there can be tens of thousands of items in the assortment. Therefore, responsibilities will take into account the specifics of the company's existence in the market: in one place it is important to improve the packaging, and in another it is vital to optimize the assortment to get the maximum benefit from sales.

However, in all cases, the brand manager should strive for the same goal - to get the maximum marginal income from the brand. Here, the best evidence of the quality of the work done is not the number of contacts with potential customers or brand awareness by as many people as possible. The real indicator is the profit generated as a result of the steps taken. After all, contact with a potential buyer does not always mean a subsequent purchase, and brand awareness is not a confirmation of its popularity with buyers. Therefore, the successful work of a brand manager is a contribution to the good earnings of the company.

Video: What does a brand manager do: responsibilities and functions

Brand management - brand management by owners and clients (including potential ones). Control is understood as the process of purposeful observation and impact on the object: target change / target refusal to change the object. The goal is to maximize brand assets, maximize brand potential.

Brand management combines several key areas:

Also, brand management is the planning and overall coordination of the marketing activities of an organization related to a particular brand or brand portfolio.

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    The appearance of brands owes much to the hallmarks of medieval masters as evidence of the highest qualifications of the authors, the birthplace of their prototypes is ancient Eastern hieroglyphics.

    At the initial stage of the development of economic theory, until the IV century A.D. e., in the Ancient world (Egypt, Babylonia, India, China, etc.) the fact of the development of control systems is reflected in the most ancient sign systems and can be traced in the form of a constant complication of thematic hieroglyphs in the process of writing evolution: from simple (graphemes) to composite (complex) ... The hieroglyphic sign with the abstract meaning "control" appeared several millennia ago. Gradually, other graphemes were added to the determinative key “control”, creating new hieroglyphs according to certain laws. These laws for improving signs and the created universal classifications of hieroglyphs turned out to be possible to apply to both pictograms and brands.


    Brand life cycle

    Brand management is, first of all, marketing support of a product, technology, corporation, territory, etc. at all stages of their life cycles. Management is carried out throughout the entire Brand Life Cycle, its stages: the stage of withdrawal (implementation), the stage of growth in popularity and sales, the stage of maturity (saturation), the stage of decline, the stage of leaving the market. At each stage, a specific brand management concept is selected.


    Brand management is carried out at different levels: from corporate brands, family brands to individual brands. A brand that can become an ideal in the minds of consumers is created using various methodological systems, strategies, concepts and brand management tools.

    Brand strategy (Brand Startegy)

    Brand strategy or brand strategy (formerly brand strategy) is a methodological tool for brand management. This is a long-term plan for creating and managing a brand, technology for systematic brand development to achieve the set goals. The brand strategy is built in accordance with the essence of the brand (eng. Brand essence, eng. Brand soul or eng. Brand core) and the principles of competition.

    Brand Culture

    Positioning (Brand Positioning)

    Brand positioning can be considered the marketing actions of a company to consolidate the brand in the mind of the consumer as different from the brands of similar goods. Includes such concepts as personality, brand identity, brand repositioning, brand archetype, etc.

    A brand that carries an archetype, that is, a psychological and cultural mechanism embedded in it and tested by time, becomes a symbol, the essential meaning of its product category and leads the market.

    Brand Architecture

    Brand architecture is understood as the hierarchy of the company's brands, a reflection of its marketing strategy, as well as the consistency and verbal-visual ordering of all brand elements.

    The main types of architecture are distinguished: monolithic (English monolithic brand or English branded house), umbrella or subsidiary brands (English umbrella brand), supporting (English endorsed brand), pluralistic, etc. Also includes the concept of brand attributes - physical , sensory (appearance, design, color, smell, packaging, etc.) and functional characteristics of the brand.

    Typically, brand attributes include supergraphic graphics, which, in turn, are an auxiliary element of its brand signature. The basic elements of the signature are: a symbol (brand mark), a logo (brand logotype), a brand slogan (brandline).

    Global Consumer Culture Positioning (GCCP) is based on commitment to a particular brand culture.

    New economic space of the XXI century. with a plastic, open network structure, it is characterized by hyper competition and a high degree of dynamism. In this situation, brand management is designed to provide a significant share of global income. The issues of effective promotion with the help of brands in the presence of steady growth in demand require an early solution and further theoretical study.

    see also



    • Aaker D., Jochimstayler E. Brand Leadership: A New Concept of Branding / Per. from English - M .: Grebennikov Publishing House, 2003.
    • English-Russian explanatory dictionary. Marketing and trade. - Moscow: School of Economics, OLMA-PRESS Education, 2005. - 83 p.
    • Glavinskaya L.T. Modern management systems. Theory and practice. - Kaliningrad: FGOU VPO "KSTU", 2008. - 305 p.
    • Calvin R. Lovemarks: Brands of the Future. - M., 2005.
    • Keller KL Strategic Brand Management: Creation, Valuation and Management of Brand Capital: 2nd ed. - M .: Williams, 2005 .-- 704 p. - ISBN 5-8459-0682-2 (Russian) - ISBN 0-13-041150-7 (English)
    • Kuyarova L.A. Brand Management. Tutorial. Series: Bachelor's degree. Study guides. - Moscow: Publishing house: Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), 2013 .-- 256 p. - ISBN 978-5-211-06474-4.
    • Leini T.A., Semyonova E.A., Shilina S.A. Brand management. M .: "Publishing and trade corporation Dashkov and K °" 2008.
    • Pertsia V.M., Mamleeva L.A. Brand Anatomy. - M .: Vershina, 2007 .-- 288 p.
    • Rozhdestvensky Yu.V. Introduction to cultural studies. - M .: Dobrosvet, 2000 .-- 288 p.
    • Rudaya E. A. Fundamentals of brand management. - M .: Aspect Press, 2006.
    • Wheeler A. Brand personality. Guide to creating, promoting and maintaining strong brands / Per. from English. - M .: Alpina Business Books, 2004 .-- 235 p.
    • Jung K.G. God and the unconscious. - M., 1998.
    • Yakovets Yu.V. History of civilizations. - M., 1997.

    The top management level of brand management in companies is usually represented by specialized departments - councils, committees or work teams for developing brand strategies. They are created primarily in large companies with a high degree of diversification and are responsible for developing strategic proposals and recommendations taking into account corporate interests and preparing decisions on key issues of strategic brand management of the firm. Such working groups include leading brand managers, managers of production units and representatives of central services (R&D, marketing, sales). Services and middle management units are actively involved in coordinating brand strategies.

    Brand management

    A brand manager is a specialist who promotes a certain group of goods on the market, united by a brand (trade mark). As a rule, competent brand positioning on the market can significantly increase and stabilize profits from the sale of goods, so the position of a brand manager is very promising in terms of career and income.

    Places of work In the success of a business, a brand manager is considered one of the key figures, therefore large and medium-sized manufacturing companies and retailers are constantly in need of qualified specialists of this kind. History of the profession The profession of a brand manager emerged relatively recently - around the middle of the 20th century.

    After the American Great Depression, production went up, competition between manufacturing companies increased dramatically.

    Sales Club


    In addition, he determines the directions of all work on the implementation of the brand strategy, carries out management and consulting activities, is responsible for the development of the brand in the market, coordinating internal processes and decisions regarding the brand. In the course of his activity, the brand manager interacts with many functional services.


    By taking part in the planning and sales management process, he approaches a real commercial situation, which allows him to improve certain elements of the brand strategy. The involvement of the brand manager in the strategic management of the firm is related to production, sales and financial functions.

    Due to the high responsibility of brand managers, company leaders endow them with financial functions, entrusting them with the formation of indicators of payback and brand profitability.

    What is brand management? brand management methods

    He is tied in dozens of business processes, in each of which he controls something, asks something, instructs someone, receives a report from someone, sends data somewhere, follows someone. He is an important link in the normal (not some super-efficient, but just normal) functioning of his product group.


    Therefore, after a while it will happen that either the competence of the brand manager will be called into question, or he will have an assistant. In the above diagram, I want to point out the main tasks that should be in the work plan of a brand manager and which he should pay close attention to in the midst of daily routine.

    1. "Sell" the brand to employees and top officials of your company. Instill confidence in them and infect them with love for the brand.
    2. "Sell" the brand to distributors. 3. Develop and execute a brand development plan. four.

    The role of brand management in the strategic management of the company

    He knows him best and he needs to sell him the most, so let him sell - the position of the management, which is the main reason for the gradual reduction of the influence of the brand manager on the organization and management of the development of his product line. Over time, the company's management asks quite fair questions - why is the brand manager so poorly aware of the situation with competitors, where are the new super-successful products, who forces the purchasing department to improve the terms of delivery for this product group, why does the brand manager thoroughly know the situation with customers? … After all, this position was created precisely to address such issues.
    “And, in general, the brand manager until you tell him, will not do ...” And the brand manager is already responsible for everything that is at least indirectly related to his product, so he does not have time to fully do anything.

    How to find a brand manager

    Dubovik Sergey The position of a brand manager (sometimes a product manager), a person responsible for the growth and development of a certain brand or product line, can be increasingly found today in large and medium-sized companies. The head of the company should pay attention to the fact that over time, the brand manager begins to lead less and less his brand or product direction, and more and more is engaged in local management of the sales department.

    The company's management requires the brand manager to grow and develop the product line (the entire brand line). The brand manager is considered as the main specialist in this product, who is the best versed in the product, its properties, and differences.

    He is better than others aware of the intrigues of competitors and the strengths and weaknesses of their products. He finds new markets by relentlessly segmenting and differentiating markets, products and customers.

    The content of the concept "brand" (cherednichenko) - part 13

    Rationalization is a reduction in the number of brands, as many of them can, over time, exceed the company's acceptable marketing power. Rebranding is a brand change, but with the preservation of some basic initial data.
    This technology is very risky, but in the long term it allows to retain old clients and attract new ones. Orientation - the creation of the symbolic value of the goods. This means that the characteristics of the product in themselves are no longer decisive and the main arguments for buyers - the brand itself came to the fore. Product life cycles have become very short in today's free and competitive marketplace. And the emergence of cheaper analogue products and substitutes threatens the existence of popular products. Hence the need to focus not so much on product characteristics as on marketing and brand.

    Brand manager profession

    Culture 11 Weird Signs That Indicate You Are Good in Bed Do you also want to believe that you are giving your romantic partner pleasure in bed? At least you don't want to blush and excuse me ... Sexuality Our ancestors slept differently from us. What are we doing wrong? It's hard to believe, but scientists and many historians are inclined to believe that modern man sleeps quite differently from his ancient ancestors.

    Initially ... Dream How to look younger: the best haircuts for those who are over 30, 40, 50, 60 Girls in their 20s do not worry about the shape and length of their hair. It seems that youth is created for experiments on appearance and daring curls. However, already after ...
    Position the brand in such a way as to provide it with advantageous differences and advantages over competitors. 5. Design and implement activities to establish a close relationship between the brand and target customers. 6.

    Design and implement brand loyalty programs. 7. Conduct events aimed at increasing brand awareness, both within your company and among buyers and consumers.

    8. Develop brand standards and not allow anyone to violate them. 9. Manage brand capital, increase its value. 10. Provide patent and legal protection of the brand. 11. It's fanatical to love your brand. Make sure that the brand manager does only the work for which he was appointed to this position and do not let other employees of the company push duties and responsibilities onto him just because the brand manager “needs the most”.
    Reflecting the objective tendencies in the reorganization of management structures, firms are introducing new positions at the highest level of management, for example, the director of brand assets management, whose task is to shape the mission and vision of the brand at the corporate level. The competence of such leaders includes ensuring the strategic direction of the brand and stimulating the company's employees to implement structural transformations and innovative projects, by building a team, members can become the driving force behind the development of the brand. In a company focused on the development of branded assets, all intra-firm functions, operations and mechanisms are distributed among functional units depending on their degree of involvement in branding and are integrated by brand managers at all levels of intra-firm management - upper, middle and lower.