Presentation in Russian on any topic. Russian language and literature - Presentation templates - Community of mutual assistance of teachers Recommendations for creating presentations in the Russian language

  • Do not save everything that you managed to download from different sites. Then you will not have time to select good material on the desired topic from a pile of files. If you don't like the presentation right away, delete it.
  • Create a separate folder for each topic and for each class to quickly find the material you want.
  • Try to keep your presentations in the same design. Students will be better able to perceive material in a familiar format. If you have the source in ppt, you can change the design of any presentation by clicking the "Design" tab in the editor.
  • In the presentation, in addition to slides for theoretical work, there should be slides for practical work. For example, words with missing letters, parsing sentences, etc. If there is no such part, add it yourself or do not save the file.

Guidelines for creating presentations in Russian

  • Read the recommendations above. A presentation that provides not only a lecture by the teacher, but also assignments for students to work independently is appreciated.
  • Make presentations in one design.
  • Don't try to decorate every expectation. Remember the golden rule of the text designer: everything is selected, so nothing is selected. If you have one sentence in italics, the other in bold, the third underlined, and all of them are typed in different colors, the child will not be able to understand what information is the main one in the text. Decide for yourself, for example, what you want to emphasize in bold and examples in italics, and do this on every slide and in every presentation.
  • Do not italicize headings or put periods after them.
  • Do not format the text with spaces, there are special buttons for this. Firstly, when formatting with spaces, everything will get crooked, and secondly, the layout will break when you try to change the design.
  • When typing for parsing, increase the line spacing to leave room for underlined words.
  • Reduce pictures in a graphics editor before inserting them into your presentation. When you zoom out on a slide by dragging around the corner with the mouse, you actually only zoom out. It will still take up a lot of space on your computer, the file will turn out to be heavy and it will be impossible to post it on any site due to the size limitation of the uploaded file.
  • On the last slide, it is customary to indicate the sources of texts and graphic objects. Of course, it is better to compose the texts yourself.
  • Use infographics on lecture slides, try to explain complex things in simple diagrams. Use arrows, tables, text in blocks.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

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Russian language in the modern world Completed work: Gridenko Anastasia, student of group K (11) Supervisor: Potapova M. A. 

2 slide

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Purpose: To reveal the true significance of the Russian language in the modern world. Objectives: Trace, identify the reasons for the changes taking place in the modern language. Find out the topical problems for today's youth. Purpose and objectives 

3 slide

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Introduction Main part: Russian language in international and international communication. Development of the modern Russian language Factors influencing changes and development in the Russian language Conclusion List of sources used Contents 

4 slide

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Language is a form of existence of a national culture, a manifestation of the very spirit of a nation. The greatest works of literature have been written in Russian. The Russian language is the language of the Russian state, of all the most important documents that determine the life of society; language is also a means of mass communication - newspapers, radio, television. In other words, the life of society is impossible without a national language. INTRODUCTION 

5 slide

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“If the foundation is destroyed, the building will not stand. Today, for some reason, they began to forget about it. The future of the Russian language is the future of the country as a whole. " (I. S. Turgenev. Complete works and letters in thirty volumes. T. 10. M .: "Science", 1982.) 

6 slide

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It is used in various spheres of international communication, acts as a "language of science" - a means of communication between scientists from different countries, a means of coding and storing common human knowledge (60-70% of all world information is published in English and Russian). The Russian language is a necessary accessory of world communication systems (radio broadcasts, air and space communications, etc.). English, Russian and other world languages \u200b\u200bare characterized not only by the specifics of social functions; they also perform an educational function - they teach young people in developing countries. Russian language in international communication 

7 slide

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1) the national Russian language; 2) one of the languages \u200b\u200bof interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia; 3) one of the most important world languages. The Russian language performs three functions: In addition to the basic functions that are inherent in each language, the Russian language has another very important purpose - it is a uniting link of many peoples and nations. 

8 slide

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More than 200 million people consider it their native language, and the number who speak it reaches 360 million. In more than 10 countries, the Russian language has the status of an official language, among them - Russia, Belarus, Abkhazia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan. Russian is the international language of communication between the Slavic countries: Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia. In terms of the total number of people speaking it, Russian takes the 6th place in the world. 

9 slide

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For the “world language”, it is not the number of those who speak it, especially as a native language, that is essential, but the globality of the settlement of native speakers, their coverage of different, maximum in terms of the number of countries, as well as the most influential social strata of the population in different countries.

10 slide

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When considering the process of the formation of the language of interethnic communication, priority is usually given to social factors. However, only social factors, no matter how favorable they may be, are not able to put forward this or that language as interethnic, if it lacks the necessary proper linguistic means. Russian language in international communication 

11 slide

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The Russian language meets the linguistic needs of not only Russians, but also persons of other ethnicity living both in Russia and abroad. Our language has a rich vocabulary and terminology in all branches of science and technology, expressive brevity and clarity of lexical and grammatical means, a developed system of functional styles, the ability to reflect all the diversity of the surrounding world. 

12 slide

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"... The main character of our language consists in the extreme ease with which everything is expressed in it - abstract thoughts, inner lyrical feelings, sparkling prank and amazing passion." A.I. Herzen 

13 slide

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Language changes along with society and the processes taking place in it. Computerization, the influence of the media, the borrowing of foreign words - do they have a positive effect on the state of the Russian language? Development of the modern Russian language 

14 slide

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Although foreign words in the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language represent a fairly numerous layer of vocabulary, they nevertheless do not exceed 10% of its total vocabulary. Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways to modify the language. Anglicism - words borrowed from the English language. Anglicisms began their penetration into the speech of a Russian person at the end of the 18th (18th) and early 19th (19th) centuries. The Russian language experienced a historical boom in the influx of Anglicisms in the early 90s. 

15 slide

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16 slide

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historical contacts of peoples; the need to nominate new items and concepts; innovation of the nation in any particular field of activity; linguistic snobbery; fashion. The main reasons for borrowing: 

17 slide

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Today, the modern Russian language has more than 1000 Anglicisms. Examples of Englishisms in modern Russian: Teenager - teenager Piercing - prick, puncture Mainstream - mainstream Creative - creative, inventive Goalkeeper - goalkeeper Mass media - mass media Millennium - Millennium Weekend - weekend Horror - horror film Hand-made - handmade Loser - loser

18 slide

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19 slide

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Borrowing words from other languages \u200b\u200bcan lead to both an improvement in our speech culture, and to its deterioration. The positive influence of borrowed words is that, in addition to our native Russian words, we can use foreign, often more expressive terms. Many of the foreign words adorn our speech, making it more expressive and interesting. However, do not forget that the abundance of such words in the Russian language can lead to disastrous consequences: the Russian language can “drown” in a huge number of foreign words and lose its roots and essence. Pros and cons of borrowing in Russian: 

20 slide

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At the moment, the Russian language is going through a kind of crisis: it is full of profanity, Americanisms and numerous jargons. Very often there are cases when a distorted language is very actively promoted by the media, as well as by high-ranking officials who make many mistakes in their speech, without attaching absolutely no importance to this, although the role of language in the life of society is enormous and it has a very strong impact. Modern Russian music of the popular genre, which the immature younger generations are guided by, is also characterized by illiteracy. Over time, the nonsensical vocabulary inherent in many songs will become part of youth communication. Therefore, the future of the Russian language depends on us. Will it continue to be one of the most powerful and rich languages \u200b\u200bin the world or join the ranks of the disappearing ones? Problems of the modern Russian language.

21 slide

Slide Description:

Jargon is a conventional colloquial word and expression used in certain social groups. Factors influencing changes and development in the Russian language. 1. Jobs jargon - works buggy - firewood stopped working - Windows drivers - Windows operating system window - Windows shell prog - computer program keyboard - keyboard server - server hack - hack Example - computer jargon (slang).

Individual group lesson for grade 5 students.

Repetition: "One-root words" was created as an accompaniment to an individual-group lesson in the Russian language in grade 5 with inclusive teaching of students S (C) O on the topic "Repetition. Single-root words ".

But it can also be used when studying this topic, in Russian language lessons when introducing new material, as well as by students for independent study of new material or repetition.

ICT allows you to make the presentation of material interesting, presentable; make encyclopedic information available in the lesson.

Target audience: for grade 5

The presentation "Paronyms. Preparation for the Unified State Exam" is intended for students in grades 10-11, both when repeating the topic "Vocabulary. Paronyms", and in preparation for the Unified State Exam. The presentation consists of two parts: theoretical material and practical tasks, consisting of several tests with an instant check and a final self-check. This resource can be used

2) at home with individual training;

The presentation is intended for students in grades 10-11 when repeating the topic "Orthoepy" and in preparation for the exam. The presentation consists of two parts: theoretical information and practical tasks. The resource can be used
1) in the classroom with collective work;
2) at home when students work individually;
3) as verification and control work.

Target audience: for grade 11

This presentation can be used both to prepare students for the 9th task of the exam (Spelling of roots), and to repeat the spelling of words. The material contains both theory and practical exercises with answers.

Target audience: for grade 11

The resource is an interactive crossword puzzle that can be used to generalize and organize the material studied in grades 9-11 in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

The crossword puzzle is easy to use, it can be solved from any word. When you click on the arrow, the question text appears, when you click on it, the corresponding cells of the crossword puzzle are filled with letters. The letter cells that make up the word "linguistics" are highlighted in a contrasting color.

Target audience: for grade 9

The presentation can be used with any teaching materials at the basic and profile level in grade 10 when repeating the topic "Phonetics".

The educational material focuses on the close relationship of phonetics and spelling. This contributes to the development of spelling vigilance.

The main goals of the development: to consolidate the knowledge of students about phonetics, to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main phonetic processes occurring in the word.

Target audience: for grade 10

Presentation for the lesson of the Russian language in grade 8 on the topic "Introductory words". The presentation discusses in detail the function of introductory words in a sentence, students by comparing sentences will see the difference between introductory words and sentence members. The resource will help students independently identify groups of introductory words by meaning. In addition to theoretical material, the presentation also contains practical tasks, test and detailed ones (make a sentence, place punctuation marks, etc.). The tasks are presented in the OGE format - question 10 "Introductory words and addresses"

Annotation to the material

Presentation on the subject Russian language for 1, 2, 10, 11 or any other class is relevant and necessary in the lesson. This is the best visual tool that helps explain the material to the teacher and arouses interest in children, encourages their motivation to learn and to discover new knowledge. This is not just a tribute to fashion or a desire to keep up with their colleagues, who use Russian language presentation to study any topic. The use of a multimedia product at school makes it easier for students to perceive information and makes it easier for the teacher to explain the most incomprehensible, complex, but so necessary in the future material.

Why is the use of a presentation in a Russian lesson in the study of various topics becoming so relevant? What to hide, many teachers with great experience believe that they have always managed without these "fashionable things" and now you can learn the topic, there would be a piece of chalk and a blackboard. You can learn, but not with all students. Most schoolchildren today have a computer at home. They are used to vibrant images, moving animations, and beautiful schemes. Why deprive them of this, making them bored in class? Try once download a free presentation in Russian and show in your class how the interest of students will grow not only in the subject, but also they will look at the teacher with different eyes.

Using the presentation constantly in the lesson of the Russian language and literature will lead to visible successes:

  • Students in any class learn the material faster
  • The pace of the lesson increases
  • Activity appears in those children who seemed aloof in class
  • The intellectual development of students rises to a higher level

Each teacher, teaching children, improves himself. Is it possible today to work the way it was available 20, 30, 100 years ago? No! And some continue, because they do not know what a presentation on the Federal State Educational Standard in the Russian language is, which can be downloaded for free if you do not know how to work with the Power Point program or do not have time to develop the product yourself.

Our portal contains presentations of Russian language teachers, students who are just comprehending the secrets of the profession, for a modern lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard. There are also children's presentations in the sections, which can be used in the Russian language lesson or in extracurricular, extracurricular activities. The works are amazing in their execution and content. In addition to the fact that they themselves are excellent clarity, the slides contain many diagrams, tables, figures, animation elements that allow you to animate a rule or make a dictionary word draw attention to itself.

Before downloading a presentation of a lesson or its synopsis for free to your computer, you can watch the development slides and read the annotation to relate the material proposed for study to the level of preparation of the class. Good luck to everyone in learning our mighty language, the secrets of which are unlikely to be learned today without a presentation in the Russian language.

Russian language (writing) - grade 1

The presentation for the lesson of writing and the Russian language in grade 1 allows you to optimize the learning process for young schoolchildren who are just beginning to master the basics of science, learn to write the first letters, combine them into syllables, words. There is a lot of debate as to how appropriate it is to show multimedia developments where you need to learn to hold a pen, write letters, learn ...

Russian language - grade 2

A presentation on the Russian language for grade 2 is an ideal guide for conducting a modern lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard in an elementary school. Using the electronic manual in the lesson allows you to solve much more problems in the lesson and complete many more interesting tasks in the same 45 minutes, which leads to increased literacy among students ...

Russian language - grade 3

Presentation in Russian for grade 3 is a modern didactic tool that allows you to best convey new material to students. These visual aids allow you to effectively conduct the lesson, economically use time at each stage and motivate students to study the subject, master the rules and norms of writing. Presentations for a Russian lesson in ...

Russian language - grade 4

A presentation in Russian for grade 4 is the main accompaniment to the lessons of a modern elementary school, since school education is increasingly called computer education today. This is probably why such widespread use was found by ICT in training sessions. Whichever way they appear in school, but the teacher has to change his approach to learning: it's time to stock up ...

Russian language - grade 5

Presentations on the Russian language for grade 5 are an excellent visual material in the lesson, where it is necessary to teach literacy to those who have just crossed the threshold of high school. Having become one step more mature, fifth-graders are not averse to plunge into a fairy tale at times, at times to see a clue in front of them, perfectly aware that this is what helps them in the process ...

Russian language - grade 6

A presentation on the Russian language in grade 6 is a necessary visual material that will help schoolchildren become more successful, learn a huge number of rules with ease and learn how to apply them in practice. Thanks to their presence in the classroom, the skills of using language material and practical skills are rapidly formed. These resources enable the teacher ...

Russian language - grade 7

Presentation on the Russian language for the 7th grade is the # 1 manual for every modern teacher. Whether it is an open lesson or a regular lesson, the teacher must have good visibility in order to interest his students in a new topic and give them solid knowledge. Multimedia developments have gained immense popularity due to their versatility. Not only that ...