About a frog that got into milk. Two inspiring parables about frogs. Thought # 8. Believe in yourself and your strength! And never, never, never give up

F or there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful, and the other was neither one nor the other: a coward, a lazy woman, a sleepyhead. They even said about her that she was not born in the forest, but somewhere in a city park.
But still they lived together, these frogs.
And then one night they went for a walk.
They walk along a forest road and suddenly see - there is a house. And near the house there is a cellar. And it smells very tasty from this cellar: it smells of mold, dampness, moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly what frogs love.
So they quickly climbed into the cellar, began to run and jump there. They jumped, jumped and accidentally fell into a pot of sour cream.
And they began to drown.
And they certainly don't want to drown.
Then they began to flounder, began to swim. But this clay pot had very high slippery sides. And the frogs can't get out of there.
That frog that was lazy, swam a little, floundered and thinks:
"All the same, I can't get out of here. Well, I'll flounder in vain. Just wag my nerves for nothing. I'd rather drown right away."
She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned.
And the second frog - that was not like that. She thinks:
"No, brothers, I will always have time to drown. It will not leave me. Better yet, I’ll dabble, still swim. Who knows, maybe I’ll succeed in something."
But only - no, nothing comes of it. No matter how you swim, you will not swim far. The pot is narrow, the walls are slippery, so the frog can't get out of the sour cream.
But all the same, she does not give up, does not lose heart.
“Nothing,” he thinks, “as long as I have the strength, I’ll flounder. I’m still alive, so I have to live. And there, what will happen.”
And so - our brave frog struggles with its last strength with its frog death. So she began to lose consciousness. Already drowned. She is already pulling her to the bottom. And she does not give up even here. Know your paws works. She jerks her paws and thinks:
"No. I won't give up. You are naughty, frog death ..."
And suddenly - what is it? Suddenly our frog feels that under its feet it is no longer sour cream, but something solid, something so strong, reliable, like earth. The frog was surprised, looked and saw: there was no sour cream in the pot, but it was standing on a lump of butter.
“What is it?” The frog thinks. “Where did the oil come from here?”
She was surprised, and then guessed: it was she herself who knocked hard butter out of liquid sour cream with her paws.
“Well,” the frog thinks, “it means I did well that I did not drown right away.”
She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and galloped to her home - into the forest.
And the second frog remained in the pot.
And never, my dear, she saw the white light again, and never jumped, and never croaked.
Well. To tell the truth, you yourself, the frog, are to blame. Do not lose hope! Don't die before you die ...

Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev. Two frogs

Once upon a time there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But
only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful,
and the other was neither one nor the other: she was a coward, a lazy woman, a sleepyhead. Even about her
they said that she was not born in the forest, but somewhere in the city park.
But still they lived together, these frogs.
And then one night they went for a walk.
They walk along the forest road and suddenly see - there is a house. And near the house
cellar. And from this cellar it smells very tasty: it smells of mold, damp,
moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly what frogs love.
So they quickly climbed into the cellar, began to run and jump there.
They jumped, jumped and accidentally fell into a pot of sour cream.
And they began to drown.
And they, of course, do not want to drown.
Then they began to flounder, began to swim. But this clay pot
there were very high slippery walls. And the frogs can't get out of there.
That frog that was lazy swam a little, floundered and
"All the same, I can't get out of here. Well, I will flounder in vain.
Only nerves for nothing. I'd rather drown right away. "
She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned.
And the second frog - that was not like that. She thinks:
"No, brothers, I will always have time to drown. It will not leave me.
I'll play some more, I'll swim some more. Who knows, maybe I have something
and it will come out. "
But only - no, nothing comes of it. No matter how you swim, you will not swim far.
The pot is narrow, the walls are slippery, so the frog can't get out of the sour cream.
But all the same, she does not give up, does not lose heart.
"Nothing," he thinks, "as long as I have the strength, I will flounder. I’m still alive.
- that means you have to live. And there - what will be. "
And so - with the last of his strength, our brave frog is fighting with his
frog death. So she began to lose consciousness. Already drowned.
She is already pulling her to the bottom. And she does not give up even here. Know your paws works.
She jerks her paws and thinks:
"No. I won't give up. You are naughty, frog death ..."
And suddenly - what is it? Suddenly our frog feels that under its feet
no longer sour cream, but something solid, something so strong, reliable, like
land. The frog was surprised, looked and saw: no sour cream in the pot already
no, but it stands on a lump of oil.
“What is it?” The frog thinks. “Where did the oil come from here?”
She was surprised, and then realized: after all, it was she herself with her paws from
liquid sour cream knocked down solid butter.
"Well," the frog thinks, "it means that I did well that I didn't
drowned. "
She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and galloped to her
home to the forest.
And the second frog remained in the pot.
And never again did she, my dear, see the white light, and never
did not jump, and never croaked.
Well. To tell the truth, you yourself, the frog, are to blame. Not
be discouraged! Don't die before you die ...


How to Raise a Successful Child? Show him wise cartoons! And discuss them with your child after watching.

Today we are watching and discussing a cartoon based on the famous parable about two frogs and a jug of milk.

If you cannot watch the video, try to find it through any search engine for the query "Selyavi's cartoon parable two frogs and Selyavi Studio's milk". If it still does not work out, then at the end of the article you can read the transcription for the cartoon.

What does the parable about two frogs and a jug of milk from a successful child teach?

“A fairy tale is a lie. Yes, there is a hint in it. Therefore, I propose, according to the already established tradition, good fellows (successful kids) to learn from the cartoon. ;)

Thought # 1. To change your life for the better, take action!

Two frogs until Saturday
We lived without worries in a swamp.

Let's imagine that two frogs are two people. They are both not happy with the life they are living. They have the same problems every month. There is not enough money: they live from paycheck to paycheck. There is no free time: they go to work every day, except weekends. They do not have time to relax and gain strength over the weekend ... In general, they are deeply mired in their "swamp of problems".

On the one hand, they live in the same "swamp". The situation and the problems are the same. On the other hand, both treat what is happening differently.

One - resigned to such a life. And he seems to want to drastically change the quality of his life, but does not believe that this is possible. Therefore, it does nothing. “What if it only gets worse? If everything is changed, it is not known what lies ahead. And so at least some kind of stability! " Or "Why strain yourself once more if nothing changes anyway?"

The second one is not going to put up with such a life. He looks for and uses every opportunity to change his life for the better. He works no matter what.

Like a beautiful day alone
They met a jug.

One day, both had a new opportunity: the pitcher.

Without having time to say a word,
Both fainted.
"There must be something to eat ..."

Both understand that they can move to a new and better quality of life. When you can buy yourself food in the store, not the one that is cheaper, but the one you really want. When you can move from existence to a real and fulfilling life.

And naked for joy
With a squeal he rushed into the reeds,
And the other, thinking something,
Followed by he said: "I don't feel like it!"
And falling like this into the sand,
I decided to take a nap for an hour.

The winning frog rushes in search of reeds that will help him jump into the jug. The loser frog decides to soak up the sun and change nothing.

But nothing is given to us for nothing. Freedom must be earned. To move to a better quality of life, you need to take and "GO". You need to ACT, not sit with folded hands.

Thought # 2. Don't look for excuses! Look for answers!

Losers always complain and say, "It's impossible!" Winners ask themselves, "How can I make this possible?"

The winning frog saw the opportunity and decided to use it. Although I could have found excuses: “Well, I’m so small, and the jug is so tall! I can't get there. "

Instead, he asked, "How would we get in there?" And I found a way out! He found a reed and used it as a pole, which helped him easily climb to an unattainable height.

Thought # 3. There are always opportunities! And often they "lie under your feet."

Most losers are so focused on why they are failing that they cannot see anything around them.

But. Along with opportunities, tools always come. The main thing is to understand what these tools look like, where they are, and how they can help solve the problem.

The frogs got an opportunity in the form of a jug, tools - in the form of reeds near their native swamp. There was no need to invent anything to seize the opportunity. There was no need to run anywhere far. There was no need for any "budget to start". It was only necessary to look around and find the right tool.

Thought # 4. Never be afraid to leave your comfort zone!

It was a good day.
Sun, mosquitoes, rest.

No matter how strange it may sound, most people who complain about their lives themselves do not want to leave their homes.

They understand that they can live better. But they get so used to their "inconveniences" that they are simply afraid of losing them in search of new comfort.

Crackle and dust.
With a pole in hand
Overcoming fear
Taking a great height,
I ended up at the top.
That was not easy.
And there is milk in the jug.

Getting out of your comfort zone is always scary. Most people refuse to move, even if they get the best job offer. “How will I live in the new city? I have no relatives, acquaintances, friends there! "

So it turns out that people contradict themselves. On the one hand, they want to get out of their "swamp". On the other hand, they themselves refuse to leave it. Paradox!

Stay in your comfort zone? Or leave her? Everyone is free to make their own choice!

Thought # 5. Before climbing somewhere, think about how you will get out.

Only the fat man climbed onto the jar,
How suddenly on the back of the head
Got hit, And - down!
Here's a surprise and a surprise!

Of course, everyone wants to live in a comfortable environment. True, everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of comfort and freedom. For some it is living in their own apartment, driving a comfortable and prestigious car, using the latest model phone and laptop. For some - to relax in prestigious resorts, travel and stay in the best hotels in the world, dine in prestigious restaurants. But now is not about that.

The question is where to get the money for all this?

Most people have one source of income in the form of a salary. And most often these people understand that this salary is not enough for them to satisfy all their needs. They find a quick way out: to borrow money (credit). But they do not think about how this money will be returned later, and even with interest.

So it turns out that at first they seem to improve their lives (climb to the top of the jug). But when it comes time to repay debts, they grab their heads (fall to the bottom of the jug). As a result, someone falls into a hole in debt (drowning in milk), and someone still gets out of debt (from a jug).

Remember! Before taking out a loan, think about how you will repay it. Loans are good for those who give them (this is a source of income for them), and not the one who takes them (for many, this is a hole in debt).

Thought # 6. Think of any problems as tasks to be solved.

The first pulled himself together.
I immediately realized that it was impossible
Here, surrender without a fight.
Emerged from the depths.

Most people get discouraged when faced with problems. They are worried. They torment themselves with questions: “Why did this happen to me? Why did this test fall to my lot? "

Remember! Each of us is sent exactly as many tests as he is ready to withstand. No more, no less! To cope with any difficulties, you need to pull yourself together. And look at the test from the other side. Accept it as a very difficult math problem that has a solution. The main thing is to do everything in order to find this solution.

Thought # 7. Create your own destiny!

"... To know, fate: you and me
Perish in this milk. "
An hour has passed. The other passes.
Legs in milk are already driving.
The first flees from fate
And the other one, itself, lies.

Losers, finding themselves in a difficult situation, always blame their fate for everything. It's easier to whine and complain than to take and change the situation.

The winners are used to building their own destiny. They perceive overcoming any troubles as another stepping stone on the path to the pinnacle of success.

Thought # 8. Believe in yourself and your strength! And never, never, never give up!

The frog rushes to the sky
Kicks, does not give up.
Milk boils under it,
Foams, hisses, rages.
And right before our eyes
It turns out sour cream.

I think this is the most obvious conclusion from this cartoon. No matter what happens to you, no matter how difficult it is for you, continue to believe in yourself and your strength, do not give up and act! And the victory will definitely be on your side.

Thought # 9. Don't let success turn your head!

Barely alive. Freedom is near.
The sun went down low ...
But fate awaited them a whim.
This was the second surprise ...

After hard trials, having won the first victory, many lose their vigilance. And they are not ready to face new and even more difficult tests. But they will be as long as a person walks his ladder of success. And they do not stop even when he is already at the top.

In general, never let success turn your head! Be ready anytime, anywhere for any turn of events!

And one more interesting thought. Of course, it is necessary to act. But it is also very important to analyze the intermediate results. If the jug had not milk, but water, then the frog would have turned into a "squirrel in a wheel". It seems that he does not give up. And he works hard with his paws. And the situation does not change. And the problem is simply the contents of the jug.

Transcription of the cartoon “The Parable of Selyavi. Two frogs and milk. " (Production: Selyavi Studio).
Life is not an easy science.
The elephant knows, and the fly knows.
Do you want to know too? Look
Our parable "Selyavi". Two frogs until Saturday
We lived without worries in a swamp.
Like a beautiful day alone
They met a jug.

Without having time to say a word,
Both fainted.
“There must be something to eat.
How can we get there? "

And naked for joy
With a squeal he rushed into the reeds,
And the other, thinking something,
Followed by he said: "I don't feel like it!"
And falling like this into the sand,
I decided to take a nap for an hour.

Crackle and dust.
With a pole in hand
Overcoming fear
Taking a great height,
I ended up at the top.
That was not easy.
And there is milk in the jug.

“Hey fat man! Go here!
You and me until Thursday
Or maybe until Wednesday
Enough of all this food. "

The sun was rising high
Life was preparing a surprise.
Only the fat man climbed onto the jar,
How suddenly on the back of the head
Got hit, And - down!
Here's a surprise and a surprise!

It was a good day.
Sun, mosquitoes, rest.
And now, no matter how you turn,
We need to fight them for their lives.

The first pulled himself together.
I immediately realized that it was impossible
Here, surrender without a fight.
Emerged from the depths.

And the other, thinking something,
Then he said: “I don't feel like it!
Know, destiny: you and me
Perish in this milk. "

An hour has passed. The other passes.
Legs in milk are already driving.
The first flees from fate
And the other one, itself, lies.
Be what's ahead
Know what a selyavi is.

The frog rushes to the sky
Kicks, does not give up.
Milk boils under it,
Foams, hisses, rages.
And right before our eyes
It turns out sour cream.

And for the whole day in a jug
Instead of milk to this day
Sour cream rises on the edge.
Goes up in the jar and goes out

Barely alive. Freedom is near.
The sun went down low ...
But fate awaited them a whim.
This was the second surprise ...
(A heron appeared near the jug).

Wait, wait!
Don't go anywhere!
We need to find out now:
- How will the story end?
Will the movie be kind? Or evil?
- Now let's see!

Don't worry kids!
This is a fairytale. But in the world
You need to know and remember from childhood:
If you want to live - be able to spin!
Believe in yourself! Go ahead!
And everything will be selyavi!

P.S. My kids grow and develop next to me, because I have not been employed for a long time. How could I afford it? How did I learn to make money on maternity leave and quit my hired job after it ended? How do I make money now? And how can you create a similar source of income for yourself? See here and here.

Read More! And don't forget to APPLY!;)

Cartoon for a RICH child. Parable about the opinion of others.

Bedtime story for a successful child "Be an eagle, not a duck!" (Bodo Schaefer "Laws on ...

How can a successful child make money?

Her body temperature is constantly changing, adapting to environmental conditions. It may even be zero, but it never freezes. She is always cold to the touch. According to one version, in Ancient Russia frogs were put into milk in order to ensure its safety. And, indeed, in those days there were no refrigerators, people were deprived of those joys of a comfortable life that are available to us. Thus, the frog, being "cold-blooded", took over the functions of the refrigerator and ensured a longer shelf life of dairy products.

The mucus on the frog's body serves for its constant hydration. Moisture can penetrate through the pores in the skin, but it cannot come out. If you wash a frog of mucus, it will dry out in a matter of seconds and may die.

According to another version, the frog contributed to the preservation of milk thanks to the mucus that covers its body. This slime has unique properties. In addition to protecting the animal from attack (it can easily slip out of the mouth or paws of a predator), mucus has a disinfecting and antibacterial function. This is a kind of special secret that prevents bacteria from growing on the skin. It's hard to believe, but antibiotics are even made from it. Thus, the mucus covering the frog's body prevented the growth of lactic acid bacteria in the milk. It stayed fresh for a long time.

The tradition of milk frogs was preserved in Russian villages until the 20th century.

There are some types of frogs whose mucus is poisonous. These include, for example, toads and garlic. Apparently, the peoples inhabiting Ancient Russia were able to distinguish between these amphibians.

Other ways to store milk

The Rusichi also used other methods to keep milk fresh. Some of them are still in use. This is, first of all, boiling the product in order to get rid of bacteria by thermal means. The milk was stored in dark cellars so that the sun's rays would not provoke the fermentation process. Most often, an earthenware jug was used, replacing the modern thermos, which was placed in a container with well water. It was constantly changed, so the milk remained cold. An unusual way was to disinfect milk with horseradish leaves. Thanks to this plant, the milk did not turn sour and remained fresh for several days.