Summary of a lesson on literary reading on the topic "Henrikh Sapgir four envelopes." Literary reading. G. Sapgir “Four envelopes”, D. Samoilov “Before the snow Sapgir four envelopes download fb2

Hello Country!

I decided to try 2 new genres of poetry (if you can call it that) - author's continuation and poetry for children. My source of inspiration was G. Sapgir’s poem “Four Envelopes”. After reading an excerpt from a poem that talked about autumn, I decided to write a sequel myself. Here's what happened:

G. Sapgir. Four envelopes. Author's continuation

... And in winter they arrived
Bullfinches and waxwings.
Waxwing wrote,
How the hare decorated the spruce.
Soon it will be New Year,
The animals will dance in a circle.
Magpie writes to us too,
That the hedgehog fell asleep under the snow,
A badger and a raccoon are fast asleep,
Lizard, gray mole.
And the bear snores -
Pretends to be asleep.
But forty is a secret
Told the whole world
What's in a bear's den
Children were born in winter.
Here's a squirrel writing to Alenka
(As usual, the handwriting is small):
“We have a lot of nuts,
Enough for the whole family.
And it’s beautiful in the forest now,
Everything is covered in snow - the ground, the bushes,
And the lakes are all frozen,
Pisces sleep and dream.
We are all looking forward to spring!”
San Sandra
In the illustration: Artist - Yuri Matsik

Summary of a literary reading lesson in 3rd grade

according to the educational educational complex "School-2100" program

on the topic: "Genrikh Sapgir. "Four envelopes"


introduce children to G. Sapgir’s work “Four Envelopes”;

practice expressive reading skills;

develop memory, speech, attention;

cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, instill a love for poetic works.


textbook R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneev "Literary reading". 3rd grade.
"In one happy childhood." Part 1; autumn illustrations, presentation

During the classes

Organizing time

Good morning, the day has begun,

First of all, we drive away laziness.

Don’t be silent in class, work hard and answer everyone!

Sit down and let's start the lesson quickly!

Speech warm-up.

Reading of I. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves.” (slide1)

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
Enters his motley mansion...

Read the poem out loud, each at your own pace.
- In what mood was this poem written?
- What does the poet compare with? forest ? Why? What does this word mean?

The teacher reads out interpretations from the dictionary : (slide 2)

“Terem - in ancient Rus', a tall, rich house with a sloping roof, with outbuildings, towers...”

Find words that talk about the forest as a home.
(Tower, carvings, windows, walls, towers.)

Read the color words the poet used.
- Read the poem expressively, convey admiration, the feeling of spaciousness in the autumn forest. ( Reading the poem in chorus.)

Remember which section we started studying. (“Dead time of leaf fall...”) (slide 3)

What are the works in this section about? (about autumn)

What works did we get acquainted with? What is their intonation like? (sad)

II. Working with the poem before reading.

Today we will get acquainted with a new work, what will it be about? (children's assumptions based on the title of the section).

Look at the illustration. (slide 4)

What is shown? Can you guess what the work will be about?
- What do we have to read now? (by genre - poem) What could it be? Why?
(Poem by G. Sapgir about autumn. It will probably be entertaining, with humor, about children or animals.)
- Read the title. What are we going to read about? We know the theme of the poem - autumn. But will the title “Four Envelopes” help us guess who the hero of the poem will be? (show envelope)

What is an envelope? ( slide 6)

What is currently stored in envelopes? Who can write them?

Who are they addressed to? (slide 7)

(An envelope is a paper bag folded on four corners into which a letter is placed to be sent. )

- Consider how the poem is written.

Physical exercise.

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.
The wind blew and they flew.
(Hands to the side.)
We were flying, we were flying
And they sat down quietly on the ground.
(Sit down.)
The wind came again
And he picked up all the leaves.
(Smoothly swing your arms above your head.)
Spun and flew
And they sat down on the ground again.
(Children sit down.)

Working with a poem while reading.

1. Reading a poem to yourself.

Were our assumptions confirmed?

Why is the poem called “Four Envelopes”, because it is only about one?

(4 seasons.)
- Determine the mood of the poem. ( Cheerful, playful.)
- In what rhythm will we read? Why do you think the author chose this particular rhythm?
(The wind blows leaves, animals run, jump, fly...)

2. Reading the poem aloud stanza by stanza.

1st stanza. (slide 8)
- Why is the envelope yellow? ( Favorite fall color.)
- To whom is the question addressed? Read with the correct intonation.
2nd stanza. (slide 9)
- What interesting things did you notice? ( One word per line.)
- Why does the author use this technique? ( Shows how the envelope flew.)

What sounds did you hear while reading? The poet uses sound writing.
(Rusting, sliding on the roof, wind noise.)
- What pace should we choose for reading? Read it. ( Accelerated but smooth.)

3rd stanza. (slide 10)
- Did you find the envelope of its addressee? How did you guess?
-Who is Alyonka?
-What feelings did the poet experience when receiving the envelope? What does this indicate?
(Interest, joy, surprise, amazement.)

4th stanza. (slide 11)
- What unusual thing did you notice? Why does the author write this way?
(Animal names are capitalized. These are forest people, they respect them...)
- What do the inhabitants of the forest report? This is probably a very important event.

What changes can happen in the forest? How do forest dwellers greet autumn?

5th stanza. (slide 12)
- Why do you think Chipmunk celebrates this sign of autumn?
(Autumn has become like him. After all, autumn can also be called colorful, and Chipmunk is red with stripes.)

6th stanza . (slide 13)
- Why is Belka’s handwriting so small that you can’t make it out?
(Small paws, meandering.)
- What is hidden behind Belka’s message? What can you guess?
(Invites you to collect the forest harvest.)

7th and 8th stanzas. (slide 14)
- What means chilled ?

(slide 15)
- Which word is repeated twice? In what sense did the author use these words?
(Gathered early in the morning - they gathered in one place near the lake. Flygathered – we decided and got ready to take off.)
- Find another word with the same root, what does it mean? ( Meeting - all those present (all the ducks) who have gathered together.)
- How do ducks fly to warm countries? ( A joint.)
- In what tone will we read these stanzas? ( 7th stanza with anxiety, with excitement, 8th stanza loudly, pronouncing the syllable “ra”.)

9th stanza. (slide 16)
- Did the bear really find a den for just one night? ( One night it will seem like winter to him, because he will fall asleep.)
- How did you understand the proposal?
Ducks are pulling
On the road?
(They invite you to go with them to warmer climes.)
“I knew a traveler frog who went south with the ducks, holding a twig in his mouth. Only this story ended sadly. If you want to get to know her, read V. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Frog Traveler.”
Apparently, the bear had also heard about her adventures and therefore chose a different path.
- Why does the author address him by his first name and patronymic?

10th stanza. (slide 17)
- What did the Hedgehog decide to tell you about?
- Why does the message end with an ellipsis, because it seems he wanted to write a lot? ( He's already falling asleep and has no strength.)
- Why does a lizard hide under the bark? ( Will fall asleep until spring.)

11th stanza . (slide 18)
- Why do you think they scratched Ruffs and with what? ( Sharp fins, prickly needles.)
- Why were they in a hurry? ( The river was covered with ice.)
- List who the authors of the letter were.

Exercise for the eyes.

The flower was sleeping
(Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids, pressing lightly on them
clockwise and counterclockwise.)
And suddenly I woke up
(Blink your eyes.)
I didn't want to sleep anymore
(Raise your arms up (inhale). Look at your hands.)
He perked up, stretched,
(Arms bent to the sides (exhale).)
He soared up and flew.
(Shake your brushes and look left and right.)

Work with the poem after reading.

1. Conversation on issues.
- Why did the author write this poem-game?
- Can this poem be called educational? Why?
- What can an attentive reader find out?
- What are the signs of the onset of autumn in the forest?

2. Reading the poem by role.
- Let's organize a game based on this poem. When you read a letter, you clearly imagine the person you are corresponding with, you even hear his voice. So now we will play a living letter. Try to convey with your voice the habits and sounds of Alyonka’s interlocutors. ( Reading by roles.)
- What do you think, how does the poet Genrikh Sapgir himself perceive autumn, what does he feel?
Let's hope that letters from the forest country will arrive in winter, spring, and summer. What color do you think the envelopes will be?


Expressive reading of the poem pp. 182-183.

If you wish, you can learn the poem by heart.

Who else could have sent notes from the forest in this yellow envelope?

Write them on behalf of the inhabitants of the forest on a maple leaf.
(Mole, snake, titmouse, elk, hares, etc.)

Lesson topic: Genrikh Sapgir “Four Envelopes”


*introduce children to G. Sapgir’s work “Four Envelopes”;

* practice expressive reading skills;

*develop memory, speech, attention;

*foster a caring attitude towards nature, instill a love for poetic works.

Development of skills in listening to texts performed by teachers and students;

Development of skills to read aloud consciously, correctly, expressively;

Developing the ability to independently predict the content of a text based on the title, author’s last name, illustration, and keywords;

As you read, imagine pictures, verbally express (draw) what you presented;

Express and justify your attitude to what you read, including the artistic side of the text (what you liked from what you read and why).

During the classes

I .Organizing time

1.The bell rang for us

Everyone calmly entered the classroom.

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully

Greeted politely

Sit down quietly, backs straight

Let's all breathe in with a smile

Let's start our lesson.

2.Psychological attitude

Let's start our lesson with attitude.

What mood do we choose for this lesson?

Please show me with a smiley face.

In addition to the joyful mood, let’s also take the working mood.

II . Updating knowledge.

(To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, the teacher reads a poem by Ivan Bunin).

1. The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
Enters his motley mansion...

What have you listened to now?

(Children's answers)

(Children's answers)

What was this poem about?

(Children's answers)

Guys, which other poet wrote about autumn?

(Alexander Pushkin, Konstantin Balmont, Fyodor Tyutchev)

We talked about them in the last lesson.

2.Checking homework.

What was your homework?

(Learn one of the poems by heart.)

We will start listening today and the rest in subsequent lessons.

4 students

(Evaluation immediately)

Guys, tell me, who has autumn as their favorite time of year?

(Children's answers)

Why do you love this time of year? Who can tell?

Listening to poems about autumn, it is impossible not to turn to the pictures of autumn. Each of you drew autumn as you imagine it. Please show me your drawings. And now let's set up an exhibition for everyone by placing them on the board.

(Children hang their work on the board)

III .Message topic of the lesson

Today we will continue reading works about nature in the fall.

IV . Learning new material.

Now let's conductspeech minute.

Reading tongue twisters on a slide.

    All maples are red,

And not one is being teased.

Since everyone is red anyway

Who cares?

    Rowan bunches

Burning in the sun

Ripples from rowan

In the eyes of the guys.

(Children read for 30 seconds, listen to three)

2.Work with the text before reading.

Open the textbooks on page 182. Read the title of the work.

What is it called?

("Four envelopes")

How many of you guys know what an envelope is?

(Children's answers)

An envelope is a sealable paper package for letters and papers.

(Teacher shows envelope)

(Genrikh Sapgir)

Are we familiar with this name?

(Children's answers)

Which work of this author are we already familiar with?

("The Painted Sun")

Look at the illustrations. What do you think we will read about?

Who will be the hero of this work?

(...Children's answers)

    Working with text while reading.

1)Primary reading

3 students read the poem by heart.

(Encouragement, evaluation)

Guys, who can explain the title of the poem?

(“Four envelopes” - four seasons.)

What color is the envelope?

Why is the envelope yellow?

2) Vocabulary work

Roof slope - the sloping surface of a roof

Cornice - a longitudinal projection above the window along the top of the wall

Addressee is the person to whom a letter, telegram, or postal item is addressed.

Return address – sender's address

Chilled - frozen

Den - winter lair of a bear

The meeting is a place for resolving important issues

School - a flock of birds

3) Read the poem aloud stanza by stanza with a pencil in hand.

1st stanza.
- To whom is the question addressed?

2nd stanza.
- What interesting things did you notice? (
One word per line. )
- Why do you think the author uses this technique? (
Shows how the envelope flew. )
3rd stanza.
- Did you find the envelope of its addressee? How did you guess?
-Who is Alyonka?
4th stanza.
- What unusual thing did you notice? Why does the author write this way?
Animal names are capitalized. These are forest people, they respect them... )
- What do the inhabitants of the forest report?

(What changes can happen in the forest)

How do forest dwellers greet autumn?

(Children's answers)

5th stanza.
- Why do you think Chipmunk celebrates this sign of autumn?
Autumn has become like him. After all, autumn can also be called colorful, and Chipmunk is red with stripes. )

6th stanza.
- Why is Belka’s handwriting so small that you can’t make it out?

Small paws, meandering. )
- What is hidden behind Belka’s message? What can you guess?
Invites you to collect the forest harvest. )
7th and 8th stanzas.
- Which word is repeated twice? In what sense did the author use these words?
Gathered early in the morning - they gathered in one place near the lake. Fly gathered – we decided and got ready to take off. )

Find another word with the same root, what does it mean? (Meeting - all those present (all the ducks) who have gathered together. )
- How do ducks fly to warm countries? (
A joint. )
9th stanza.
- Did the bear really find a den for just one night? (
One night it will seem like winter to him, because he will fall asleep. )
- How did you understand the proposal:
Ducks are pulling On the road?
They invite you to go with them to warmer climes. )
10th stanza.
- What did the Hedgehog decide to tell you about?
- Why does the message end with an ellipsis, because it seems he wanted to write a lot? (
He's already falling asleep and has no strength. )

Guys, what is an ellipsis?

(Punctuation in the form of three dots placed next to each other means reticence, the possibility of continuing the text)
- Why does a lizard hide under the bark? (Will fall asleep until spring. )
11th stanza.
- Why do you think they scratched Ruffs and with what? (
Sharp fins, prickly needles. )
- Why were they in a hurry? (
The river was covered with ice. )
- List who the authors of the letter were.

    Selective reading of a poem.

And now we will conduct a selective reading and try to convey the habits and sounds of our interlocutors with our voice, intonation, and movements.

Let's return to the title of the poem. There was only one envelope - yellow. And the name...What can you guess?

(We only read an excerpt of the poem)

Book exhibition

5) Creative moments.

And now the task in pairs.

What time of year were we talking about today?

(About autumn)

Let's now compose a cinquain about this time of year. The theme of the syncwin is autumn.

The time allotted for this is 3 minutes.

Listen to one syncwine from each row.

Verbal encouragement.

V . Lesson summary

What signs of the onset of autumn in the forest did you learn about?

In what form does the poet introduce the life of forest inhabitants in autumn? (In the game room.)

Can this poem be called educational? Why?

VI .Reflection

Our lesson is coming to an end. Show the guys what mood you are in at the end of the lesson with an emoticon.

VII . Homework.

- I remind you of your homework.

1. Reading by roles.

2.If you wish, you can learn the poem by heart.

3.Prepare a report about any inhabitant of the forest (mentioned in this poem).

The lesson is over. I thank you for your work in class.

2 4 2 2 3 3

Reading poems.

1. Working with the texts of poems before reading.

– We know the theme of the poem – autumn. But will the title “Four Envelopes” help us guess who the hero of the poem will be?

– What is stored in the envelopes now? Who can write them? Who are they addressed to?

– What can we assume about the content?

2. Working with texts while reading.

1. Primary reading.

Children read both poems to themselves.

2.Revealing Primary Perception.

3.Repeated reading (children read aloud by semantic parts, the teacher comments, helps to conduct a dialogue with the author).

Genrikh Sapgir


Here's the envelope

Big and yellow.

What about us, envelope,

Did you find it?

The leaves were blowing in the wind.

And the envelope flew

Like a leaf. (Notice: the envelope is the color of an autumn leaf, and flies like a leaf. Can you imagine?)

Through the field -


Along the slope of the roof, (The roof is sloped.)



And he lay down on the ledge. (Did you hear sounds - the rustling of leaves, the sound of the wind? (Yes, there are a lot of sounds here [and] And [w].) What else did you notice? (Each line contains one word - the poet shows how the envelope flew.) When reading expressively, you need to convey this movement using intonation.)

Here Alyonka stood on a chair

And I easily took out the envelope.

My address is on the envelope.

Whose reverse is it?

Forest! (Why an exclamation point? What emotions does it convey?.. Interest, amazement, joy, delight. Still: a letter from the forest!)

We look not without interest,

What are they writing to us from the forest?

Foxes write,

Moose writes,

Hares write:

"Autumn! Autumn!" (What interesting things did you notice? (The names of the forest inhabitants are written with a capital letter.) Why?)

“Everything around has turned yellow,”

The motley chipmunk writes. (Do you understand why the motley chipmunk paid attention to this?)

Here is a note from Belka.

Belka's handwriting is very small. (Why? Squirrels have small legs...)

We sorted it out for half an hour,

Brows frowning over the words,

Finally read:

"There are nuts and mushrooms." (What did you read between the lines in the squirrel's message?

– Come for the forest harvest!)

Ducks from the lake write:

“It froze at night.

Ox, chilled

Our paws.

Our paws

Very chilly. (Cold - that is... frozen; paws are very chilly - that is... the word has the same root - they freeze easily.)

Early in the morning

We've gathered

We were about to fly.

The whole meeting

Give it to you

"Goodbye". (What word does Genrikh Sapgir “play” with? Gathered - 1) accumulated in one place; 2) decided to fly; the whole meeting- that is, all the ducks that have gathered. Looks like the ducks still need to work on their speech!)

Mikhail Ivanovich writes:

“I found a den for the night. (What, just for one night? One night it will seem like winter to the bear, because he will fall asleep. Noticed: he is Mikhail Ivanovich, because...)

Ducks are pulling

On the road. (That is, the ducks have already moved to warmer climes.)

Until spring!

I’m going to lie down in the den.”

Hedgehog writes:

“Leaf fall.

On the stump - a family again.

Right there under the roots of the stump

I have a little room.

On the bed -

Carved sheet... (Why the ellipsis? It seems the hedgehog was going to write a lot? He falls asleep...)

Wait for news in the spring.”

Lizard wrote:

“I’m tired of running through the forest.

Who is in the den,

Who goes into the hole?

I'm hiding

Under the bark." (For what? To sleep until spring.)

And two more Ruffs

Scratched in a hurry

Notice of

Covered in ice. (What did you scribble with and why were you in a hurry?)



The ruffs say goodbye.

4. Summary conversation.

b) - This is a poem-game, but an attentive reader can learn a lot from it - what?

c) – What is the mood of this poem? (Not sad at all.)

d) - Let's return to the title of the poem. There was only one envelope - yellow. And the name... What can you guess? (The author has a continuation.) What creative tasks can you offer? (Create letters from the forest in white, blue and green envelopes; continue the letter in the yellow envelope on behalf of other inhabitants of the forest.)

5.Expressive reading by role.

Reading of D. Samoilov’s poem “Before the Snow.”

The teacher reads the poem aloud (commented reading).

David Samoilov


And the water begins to get tired. (What does this mean? What do you imagine?)

And this means the proximity of snow.

The water is tired of being streams, of being rain,

Rise along the roots, fall from the sky. (The streams are ready to freeze, the rain is about to give way to snow, the trees are about to fall asleep...)

The water is tired of singing, tired of flowing,

Shine, flow and shimmer.

She wants to lose her speech (she wants to be completely silent: not to babble, not to sing, not to ring...)

And where it lies, stay there. (Where does such fatigue come from? Have you noticed that this word is repeated many times in the 1st stanza?)

Under a low sky, heavier than lead,

Tired water shines dimly. (The color of the sky is gloomy, bluish-gray, the color of lead - metal, very heavy, the sky seems to be pressing from above.)

She's tired of being herself.

But I still have to lose my feelings,

But there's still ice to come

And not to sing, but to ring like armor. (What will happen to water soon?

– Having turned into ice, it will become like metal – heavy, indifferent.)

Well, for now there is silence in the world. (This has not happened yet; the water is tired, but still alive.)

Leafless twigs stick out from the bushes.

The muddy road is ending. (Rasputitsa is the time of late autumn when the roads get wet and become almost impassable. “Rasputitsa is ending...”)


They're frozen. (Crossroads - crossroads.)

But the ground is still black.

The first snow is about to fall. (It will knock you down... It won’t spin, it won’t fall down, it won’t fall down – it will knock you down. Why? Draw this picture in words.

– The snow is falling thickly, heavily, in large flakes...)

1.General conversation.

a) – The last line is written without rhyme. Why do you think?

b) – What mood is the poem permeated with?

c) - This poem is not only about late autumn. What else? (This is a reflection on the passage of time, on human life, the “autumn of life” - as it were, its sunset...)

d) – Why does autumn evoke such thoughts?

2. Creative task.

Draw a picture of “Tired Water” with words.

3.Expressive reading.

3. Working with texts after reading .

1. Conversation.

– What do the poems you read have in common? (Pay attention to the topic of the lesson.) How are they different?

2.– What creative activity would you suggest after reading the poem “Before the Snow”? (Illustration, oral verbal drawing.)

-What did we do? (They read the text, answered questions about the text, showed their attitude towards the characters.)

– What skill has been formed? is it?

Here's the envelope
Big and yellow.
What about us, envelope,
Did you find it?

The leaves were blowing in the wind.
And the envelope flew
Like a leaf.
Through the field -
Along the slope of the roof,
And he lay down on the ledge.

Here Alyonka stood on a chair
And I easily took out the envelope.
My address is on the envelope.
Whose reverse is it?

We look not without interest,
What are they writing to us from the forest?
Foxes write,
Moose writes,
Hares write:
"Autumn! Autumn!"

“Everything around has turned yellow,”
The motley chipmunk writes.

Here is a note from Belka.
Belka's handwriting is very small.
We sorted it out for half an hour,
Brows frowning over the words,
Finally read:
"There are nuts and mushrooms."

Ducks from the lake write:
“It froze at night.
Oh, we're chilled
Our paws.
Our paws
Very chilly.

Early in the morning
We've gathered
And to the south
We were about to fly.
And I decided
The whole meeting
Give it to you

Mikhail Ivanovich writes:
“I found a den for the night.
Ducks are pulling
On the road.
Until spring!
I’m going to lie down in the den.”

Hedgehog writes:
"Leaf fall.
On the stump - a family again.
Right there under the roots of the stump
I have a little room.
On the bed -
Carved leaf...
Wait for news in the spring."

Lizard wrote:
“I’m tired of running through the forest.
Who's in the den?
Someone goes into the hole.
I'm hiding
Under the bark."

And two more Ruffs
Scratched in a hurry
Notice of
What a river
Covered in ice.
Until spring
The ruffs say goodbye.

Here comes winter!
And from the forest
No letter.
Why don’t they write to us in winter?
After all, it is known
My address.

The blizzard is blowing
It twists and turns...
Through the window
An envelope flew in -
With red

Come on, Lena, look,
What news is there inside?
- They write this

This is what the Bullfinches write to us:
"It's quiet in the bullfinch's world.
Snow sparkles across the plains
In the light of the pink dawn...
Skiing into the forest
Bullfinches are invited."

And the Tit is a nimble tail
"Wait for a visit.
Tomorrow I'll be at the feeder
And my two girlfriends."

The red fox writes:
"The forests have become white."

Is there a letter from the Zaitsev?

And it's quite long.
They write,
What's this week
White fur coats
Put it on.
That their whole life
On the run
What do they spend the night
On snow
And what nights

Well, what do the Wolves write to us?

Wolves write:
"It's empty in my belly.
Let's walk and wander
It's all to no avail.
Even teeth
From hunger
We put
On the shelf".

Well, are there any more letters?

Greetings from Soroka.
Her signature is simple:
And two crosses.

We have read all the words
And they were no longer waiting for news.
But just in time for the New Year
Woodpecker sends a telegram.
Our friend:
"The Woodpecker point chose the Christmas tree."

And today at dawn
Opened the window
Over the expanses of the earth
They talked
Aren't they
You and me
This package

At least believe me
At least check
One hundred and one greetings in an envelope.

From Skvortsov,
From Rooks,
From Geese,
From the Cranes...

The Larks send us trills:
They've arrived!"

And two Killer Whale Swallows
We were sent two riddles
"What are we sculpting?
Why don't we drink?
And what about
Let's sing
Just the two of us?"

The diligent Beaver writes to us:
"Under the bush
The snowdrop has blossomed."

Burbot assures us,
What is water
Over it.

Glad, glad
Two ruffs,
What's the weather like?

Old Hedgehog crawled out of his hole.
"The buds have blossomed."

Even Mishka Kosolapy
Turned from side to side
And on a sliver
Left paw
"I woke up".

Bird mail from Alena and me
I brought a green envelope.
What's there?
In this envelope?
What from the forest
Are you writing in the summer?

This is what Kunitsa writes to us:
"The fox gave birth to cubs.
Three little foxes
They bark loudly!
Their father calls them:
And the Sly Man."

Warblers write from the clearing,
What does little Robin have?
An adopted son appeared,
Very greedy and huge.
It’s very difficult for the mother bird,
He asks for food every minute.
Swallows worms and flies,
Prefers everything
Fat green caterpillars
Insatiable Cuckoo.

The stickleback fish writes,
What's wrong with the children?
All day
Playing pranks in the water
One hundred
They're sticking around!

All river fish writes:
"We're waiting without fishing rods.
Thank you".

Mishka writes:
"I found honey
I'm in a hollow
In wild bees.
I would eat it myself
And I sent it to you
But I'm afraid of bee stings."

"Come!" -
Hares write.

Across the entire page at random
"Come!" -
Writes Moose.
Tits inform us,
What's happening today
Wonderful concert.

We looked into the envelope
And in the envelope there are two tickets,
Two tickets
Right into summer.

All the envelopes are you and me
Let's save, Alena,
Yellow, White, Blue
And also Green.