Dinosaur Invasion. Return of the Dinosaurs

In the 1970s, paleontologist Dale Russell found the skull of an unusual dinosaur during excavations in the Canadian province of Alberta. The size of the skull indicated that it once contained a massive brain, many times larger than the brain of not only modern reptiles, but also apes.

The Riddle of the Troodon

The unusual, almost “humanoid” appearance of the Troodon (or Stenonychosaurus) greatly impressed the Canadian paleontologist. Apparently, Troodon had very large, widely spaced eyes and had developed binocular vision, like humans, some higher mammals and birds. This type of vision allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image and accurately determine the distance to distant objects. This allowed troodons to effectively pursue prey, move accurately to the intended target, and navigate the terrain well.

In addition, troodons walked on their hind limbs and had well-developed front paws equipped with dexterous grasping fingers. With the help of their “hands,” lizards could lift objects from the ground, throw stones and hold sticks in them.

And finally, these unusual dinosaurs were collective animals. Judging by the tracks they left, the Troodons hunted and spent time together. They, like humans, had a highly developed cerebellum and medulla oblongata, which in principle could allow troodons to understand each other, think about their surroundings, and jointly develop successful group hunting tactics. From all this, the Canadian paleontologist and his colleagues made a sensational conclusion: having such developed thinking organs, stenonychosaurs a hundred million years ago could have created the prototype of a unique community reminiscent of civilization...

Together with a group of enthusiasts - biologists, geologists and paleontologists - Russell tried to build a hypothetical evolutionary path that Troodon might have taken. Ultimately, the “standard” stenonychosaurus evolved into a creature that an international team of researchers unanimously named a “dinosauroid.”

Based on the group’s sketches, sculptor Ron Segun made a fiberglass composition of human and dinosaur figures, which occupies a place of honor in the capital’s Canadian Museum of Nature. Today, there are special “paleontological programs” for 3D printers - devices that use the layer-by-layer method of creating a physical object using a digital 3D model. With the help of such technologies, you can create your own “Jurassic Park” with a wide variety of dinosaurs - from very frightening varieties of Stenonychosaurus to cute “humanoid” dinosauroids.

Snake-like aliens

Information about reptile-like aliens is rather scarce and contradictory. For example, ufologist D. Carpenter, well-known in certain “non-academic” circles, who has been studying the problem of reptilians for many years, says that almost all eyewitnesses describe them the same way.

These are tall, upright walking creatures. Their height reaches two meters. The skull is somewhat reminiscent of a human one, but with clearly defined features of lizards. The skin consists of small greenish-brown scales with brown spots. The eyes are bulging, golden with large transparent eyelids covering vertical pupils. On the skull there are sometimes fleshy growths resembling a bird's comb. The body is disproportionate with a massive tail that does not reach the ground, relatively thin arms with four-fingered hands and membranes ending in claws. The creatures make sharp guttural sounds.

At the beginning of this year, a large-scale international archaeological expedition that worked on the site of the oldest human sites in the Mexican state of Jalisco ended. After processing the collected material, one of the found artifacts was recently exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Mexico City and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This item was found on the side of an abandoned step pyramid and is a jade figurine of a rather strange creature. Some ufologists immediately dubbed him the oldest reptilian. Dating such finds found outside cultural layers is always quite difficult, and in this case, archaeologists only cautiously estimate the age of the strange artifact at several thousand years.

On the snake-like figurine you can see some strange signs, one of which resembles the symbol of the sun; it seems that the artifact depicts some kind of unusual clothing.

Professor of archeology Carlos Antonio believes that there is still very little data for final conclusions, but the manner in which the figure was made is clearly unusual and is not found in museum exhibitions.

Suddenly news came from distant China. There, during excavations of mysterious underground galleries from the Shang Dynasty era, terracotta zoomorphic figurines were found, similar in many details to the Mexican artifact. Chinese archaeologists date these snake-like gods to the pre-dynastic period of Yangshao, when many very strange beliefs arose, which later merged with Shintoism and Buddhism.

Chincanas labyrinths

The most interesting and grandiose mystery is represented by the underground world of Latin America, containing giant rock labyrinths of chincanas - as the locals call numerous interconnected caves.

One of the most famous entrances to the dungeon is located in the Peruvian city of Cusco, on the site of a Temple that once stood here. Sun. The underground system of caves, grottoes and passages itself stretches for many hundreds of kilometers and supposedly reaches the borders of Brazil and Ecuador. Local Indians are extremely reluctant to accompany expeditions of archaeologists and speleologists, believing that some kind of “snake people”, extremely hostile to people, live in the tangled passages.

However, the number of labyrinth researchers is constantly increasing. After all, there are many legends around chincanas telling about the secrets of “Inca gold” and other treasures. Meanwhile, the labyrinths are really dangerous, and the number of treasure hunters missing in them is in the dozens.

The most famous tragedy is the complex French-American expedition. In the early 50s of the last century, mountain rescuers picked up an extremely malnourished man in the mountains of Peru. It turned out to be a French professor of archeology and ethnography, Philippe Lamontiere. Having regained consciousness, he told a terrible story about how the expedition was attacked by some underground creatures that resembled giant lizards on their hind legs. Snake-like monsters dragged the professor's companions into a bottomless abyss, and he himself miraculously escaped from the snake's embrace and wandered in pitch darkness for several days before reaching the surface. Lamontiere soon showed signs of the terrible infection of bubonic plague, and a few days later he died in terrible agony.

Among the Andean mountaineers there have long been myths and legends about snake people living in deep caves connected by intricate tunnels. It is on these ethnographic sources that the hypothesis of the same Dale Russell, who settled the distant descendants of stenonychosaurs in the underground world of Chinkanas, is based. According to Russell, reptoids could have evolved much earlier than humans, which allowed intelligent lizards to get comfortable in the underground world of South America. Russell's historical reconstruction is somewhat confirmed by many Indian rock frescoes, on which one can find images of both figures resembling reptilians and people standing next to dinosauroids.

It is possible that Russell is indeed right about something, and chincanas, according to ancient Indian legends, once became a haven for ancient dinosauroids. Although the idea of ​​​​the existence of an underground civilization of intelligent lizards that hide in the depths of the earth from prying human eyes seems too fantastic even for urban legends.

Riddle of the Anunnaki

In the most ancient literary sources that have survived to this day, as well as in ancient legends and myths, there are often plots in which the main characters are snakes, lizards or dragons. According to legend, once upon a time wise snake-headed “teachers” descended from heaven on fiery tails, who “with the power of their gaze” subjugated tribes and peoples. Tales of “antediluvian times” say that they ruled city-states like ancient Greek Athens and entire kingdoms in Upper Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Ancient Indian epics glorify the wise rule of snake dynasties, which was interrupted by internecine wars. Most likely, all the “snake kingdoms” were slave-owning despotisms, and at some point the relationship between the ruling reptilian dynasties and people came to a critical point. A series of endless uprisings began, and the surviving snake-like creatures were forced to seek refuge in inaccessible areas of the Earth. Like amphibians, they rushed into impenetrable swamps and underground reservoirs, where they recreated their world, only occasionally coming to the surface.

Modern urban legends persistently link the surviving dinosauroids to the antediluvian "divine tribe of the Anunnaki." The Anunnaki are repeatedly mentioned in various Sumerian chronicles, recorded on clay tablets. There you can find references to creatures “who came from heaven” and “those of noble cold green blood.” Historians of Mesopotamia believe that it was from the Anunnaki that the genealogy of various Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian gods and heroes came.

So, are there distant descendants of serpentine aliens, or are the remnants of the powerful earthly race of reptilians hiding in the depths of the caves?

Cryptozoologists hope to soon get answers to these questions, persistently organizing new expeditions to the “lost worlds” of our planet.

A spectacular and exciting film, although not without its flaws. Dinosaurs have every chance to return to service in earnest and for a long time.

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John Hammond's dream has come true: Jurassic Park has opened, albeit under a different name, and has been running smoothly for more than fifteen years. But over the years the public has become so accustomed to dinosaurs that the administration decides to experiment: create a new animal based on several species at once. Newbie - surprise! - turns out to be a born killer and quickly escapes control.

Genre: action adventure
Director: Colin Trevorrow
Cast: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio, Omar Sy, TySimpkins, Nick Robinson, Irrfan Khan, Jake Johnson
Premiere in Russia: June 11, 2015
Age rating: 12+
Similar movies:"King Kong" (2005), "Godzilla" (2014), "Terra Nova" (2011)

The return of the dinosaurs, under the direction of talented but not very experienced director Colin Trevorrow, took place under peculiar circumstances. The first trailers were discouraging with bad special effects, fans made a bunch of complaints about the supposed plot of the new product, and to top it all off, a hurricane hit the picture Joss Whedon u.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whedon,_Joss, criticizing the first published excerpt as sexist.

Trevorrow did not argue with Whedon, but noted that the scene was taken out of context and he does not understand why Universal chose it as the first clip.

But everything ended well. Trevorrow has made a spectacular and entertaining film that treats the original with care and love. The special effects have improved significantly, most of the alleged plot flaws have been given a credible explanation, and Joss Whedon has apologized for his attack.

Bigger, toothier, scarier!

Twenty years ago we saw a park that was not yet ready to welcome visitors, but now billionaire John Hammond's vision appears before us in all its splendor. The park is flooded with crowds of visitors, new excursion routes and attractions are constantly appearing, and geneticists regularly bring new species of dinosaurs back to life.

But all innovations remain the background against which the same story unfolds. The only difference from the plot of the first “Park,” in fact, is in scale: if in Steven Spielberg’s film the lives of a few people were at risk, now we are talking about a couple of tens of thousands.

On the other hand, the “12+” rating does not allow particularly cruel liberties. The mortality rate among the central characters is insignificant, but the secondary ones are sent to the next world with considerable ingenuity. True, without much naturalism.

Simon Masrani bought InGen from the dying John Hammond and vowed to make the park's dream a reality. He kept his oath.

For the sake of the new film, we had to discard the events of both sequels and the idea of ​​​​a second island, otherwise the employees of Masrani Corporation simply would have no reason to keep their precious Indominus Rex near the Park. And Owen and his raptors would also have to sit on site B all the time.

The plot of “The World” is quite simple, and in order to develop the narrative in the right way, the scriptwriters had to sacrifice the logic of the characters’ behavior: for example, that same Indominus rex was able to escape only in conditions of mass clouding of consciousness.

The film largely repeats Spielberg's creation and explores the same themes of confrontation and interaction between man and nature, corporate greed, scientific ethics... and, most importantly, how much you can step on the same rake!

At the same time, a lot was gleaned from William Monahan’s rejected script. But if Monahan wanted to cross the genes of humans and lizards, then they got by with simple training. Vincent D'Onofrio's character Bob Hoskins is obsessed with training the raptors into perfect soldiers, but all Owen Grady (Pratt) and his team have managed is to gain the raptors' trust and gain a significant position in the pack. At the same time, Grady still constantly runs the risk of getting ripped off by his closest competitor if he decides to become the leader.

The presence of children at the center of the action is the hallmark of each film in the series.

The film is divided into two unequal parts. The first, leisurely and measured, is devoted to getting to know the world and characters. The second tells what happened after the killer broke free. It is more dynamic, rich and spectacular. Trevorrow was especially successful in the third act, which is a continuous action-packed action. And at the sight of the team competing in the final against the raging Indominus, a fan of the series should have tears of tenderness in his eyes.

Man vs Lizard

Trevorrow approached the selection of actors very responsibly. He immediately stated that in “The World” there would be no cameo for the sake of a cameo, and of all the characters, only those whose presence could be logically justified would return. There are exactly two of them: Dr. Henry Wu, the creator of all the dinosaurs in the Park, and the same Tyrannosaurus Rex from the first part, who still lives in the enclosure, although he has aged two decades.

Ian Malcolm is not in the film, but his book could be found on the set. And if you’re lucky, it will flash into the frame.

And so only new faces loom in the foreground. The ensemble cast is led by Chris Pratt, and he does it simply brilliantly. His Owen Grady is an amalgamation of Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm and Robert Muldoon from the first film, an incredibly strong, charming and tough character who is not afraid to climb into the raptor enclosure and race his motorcycle through the night forest side by side with these ferocious predators.

Owen and the raptors are responsible for half the charm of the film.

However, the main character is still Claire Dearing played by Bryce Dallas Howard. At the beginning of the film, Claire is a typical workaholic; she draws up a schedule of dates for the year ahead and even sends her assistant to meet her nephews. But when the lives of her family are threatened, Claire little by little realizes how important it is to be close to people close to her... and one particular former Marine.

Rain. The hero stands holding a signal checker in his hand. Guess which episode from the first film this scene hints at.

Other characters turned out to be much more superficial. There are no special complaints about the acting, there is simply nothing to play. With the exception of Claire and Owen, all the characters are functional characters: canonical kids who are bound to get into trouble (although these two can take care of themselves), an eccentric billionaire park owner, a maniacal enthusiast from the control center, greedy and crazy at profit and war, the head of the security service... They have no backstory, they appear out of nowhere, fulfill their purpose and disappear again into nowhere.

The dinosaurs turned out to be much more alive. And although the position of the main villain is assigned to the newborn Indominus, the main stars of the local fauna are four raptors: Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo. Their relationship with Owen is the main achievement of The World, as raptors are shown as animals that can remember and feel, even if their instincts often take precedence over loyalty.

* * *

« Jurassic World"was not destined to achieve the cult status of the first film, but, let's be honest, no one really believed in it. Colin Trevorrow managed to make an excellent summer blockbuster, albeit not without its flaws. Fortunately, they don’t interfere with having fun.

Simple, but spectacular, not bad, and the dinosaurs are cute.

Find an ancient mosquito in amber. Isolate dinosaur blood from its stomach. Extract DNA from there and inject it into a crocodile embryo. Hatch the egg. Feed the dinosaur. Open Jurassic Park. When Michael Crichton wrote his best-selling book (1990) and Steven Spielberg made a blockbuster film (1993), it all seemed like a thing of the distant future. Now scientists do not see anything fantastic in the creation of dinosaurs. True, the method will be different.

Chicken crocodile

DNA molecules break down over time. 65 million years have passed since the last dinosaur flew, swam or walked the earth, and DNA rarely remains intact for more than 500 thousand years. According to Jack Horner of Montana State University (USA), a renowned paleontologist and technical consultant for all the Jurassic Park films, dinosaur DNA has never been discovered. He and his colleagues were able to find soft tissue from a Tyrannosaurus rex in 2005, but it contained no useful material. Therefore, even if dinosaur DNA is ever found, it will be in a deplorable state: fragments of code consisting of only a few base pairs. Moreover, science does not know how to sew these fragments together. In short, sequencing dinosaur genomes from fossilized tissue or blood will never be a reliable way to revive them.

But geneticists offer an alternative way. In recent years, several groups working independently have begun to awaken dormant dinosaur DNA in one of its descendants, the chicken. During the time of dinosaurs, chickens and alligators, that is, birds and reptiles, shared a common ancestor. At some point, this species of animal formed two new species, which began to develop in their own way. But even today, despite significant differences, they still have many common areas in the gene code. Birds are now believed to have evolved from small dinosaurs called Maniraptora, which had crocodile-like jaws instead of beaks.

Horner and his friends plan to eventually have a chicken with teeth, scales, a tail and front legs. According to Horner, as a child he dreamed of having a dinosaur as a pet, and now this dream can come true - at least, the “chicken saur” will be very similar to the ancient lizard.

Ontogeneticists John Fallon and Matt Harris from the University of Wisconsin, USA, are also experimenting with mutant chicken embryos. They noticed strange growths on the embryo's jaws, which turned out to be saber-shaped teeth identical to the teeth of alligator embryos. These mutants had a recessive gene that kills the fetus before birth. As a side effect, this gene turns on another that lay dormant in the evolutionary line of chickens - an ancient gene for dinosaur teeth. Fallon and Harris created a virus that behaved like a recessive gene, but was not lethal. When the virus was introduced into normal embryos, they began to grow teeth.

Then paleontologist Hans Larsson of McGill University discovered that early in the development of the chick embryo, the embryo has a tail. At a certain point, the genetic switch does a somersault and the tail disappears. Larsson and his colleagues are desperately trying to get the tail to return, but so far without success.

Dr. Arkhat Abzhanov from Harvard University has advanced the furthest in his research. He was able to change the DNA of chicken embryos at an early stage of their development and return to them the properties that their distant ancestors had. In particular, the chickens developed a crocodile mouth instead of a beak. However, the resulting embryos were not allowed to hatch for ethical reasons.

Dinosaur is man's friend

So perhaps soon we will have a chance to see these animals in person. For many years, by the way, it was believed that not a single person had ever seen a dinosaur - the first people on the planet appeared only 4 million years ago, when the giants had already become extinct. This question - did people live with dinosaurs - is actually very important. According to evolutionist Philip Kitcher, evidence of the coexistence of dinosaurs and humans would shake the foundations of evolutionary theory. After all, evolution teaches that historically there was a certain sequence of origin of species (from simple to complex): fish evolved into amphibians, amphibians into reptiles, which include dinosaurs, and mammals, including humans, have already evolved from reptiles. If evolution is true, then man had no way of seeing and describing living lizards. Otherwise, the evolution of species simply did not happen - there would not be enough time for it, which means it would become proof of the biblical story that all species, including humans, were created at the same time. So, the established fact of cohabitation between dinosaurs and humans would resolve many global questions about the emergence of life on our planet.

One of the main evidence now is the Ica stones - burial stones found in the early 1960s in the province of Ica (Peru), in ancient Indian burial places. The stones are engraved with drawings depicting scenes of ancient culture, its achievements and... various dinosaurs in close interaction with humans.

The stones depict numerous scenes of people hunting brachiosaurs, stegosaurs, and tyrannosaurs. Moreover, the main human weapon is a metal ax. The motives of man's struggle with predatory dinosaurs are typical. But the most amazing images are those where dinosaurs are presented as pets. So on one of the stones there is a picture of a man riding a triceratops, with a blanket on the back of the lizard, and the rider is holding a smoking pipe in his hands. On another rock a man is flying on a pterodactyl! In his hand, the aerial rider holds some kind of stick-like object, possibly used to control the lizard.

Naturally, such images contradict not only modern ideas about the history of mankind, but also modern common sense. Therefore, evolutionists consider the Ica stone collection to be a huge hoax. Just like more than 30 thousand ceramic figurines found in 1944 in the Mexican city of Acambaro, a third of which depict dinosaurs. Then the scientists also accused the Dane who found the figurines of forgery and falsification of artifacts. Although Acambaro would not have enough human and natural resources (clay, wood) to support such a trick, carrying out a long-term secret supply of all the necessary materials to a poor area of ​​​​Mexico is beyond the capabilities of even the most gifted businessman. However, all evidence suggesting that humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs is immediately declared a “conspiracy” to disorient humanity. A leading expert in the field of molecular paleontology, Dr. Mary Schweitzer, once admitted that she had great difficulty trying to publish her work in scientific journals on this topic.

“One editor said he didn't care what the data showed; he was sure that the result of my research was something impossible,” she said. - “Then what data will be convincing enough for you?” – I asked in a letter. “None,” he replied.”

Of course, walking together with a dinosaur is of interest not only to opponents of the theory of evolution and pastors of various evangelical movements. Lovers of all sorts of mysteries and inconsistencies also happily seize on reports of such finds. But it is still quite difficult to establish their truth one hundred percent. In general, the issue seems completely unresolved.

The Mystery of the Death of the Giants

Another big mystery remains the mysterious disappearance of dinosaurs at the end of the Upper Cretaceous period. 65 million years ago something difficult to explain happened on Earth. As a result of some terrible and, apparently, sudden event, entire species of the animal world became extinct. The era of extinction lasted about 200 years. Sedimentary rocks of the oceanic deposits formed at that time provide us with documentary evidence of the transience of those dramatic events - entire cemeteries of dinosaurs.

Hypotheses explaining the cause of such an unusual catastrophe piled up one on top of another - from the quite plausible to the most fantastic. This is the sudden onset of the ice age, and a change in the poles of the Earth’s magnetic field, and pathological reasons - for example, changes in the anatomy or physiology of animals, epidemics of viral infections. One hypothesis suggests the cause of the disaster in a sharp change in the oxygen regime in the atmosphere. They say that the extinct giants consumed large amounts of atmospheric oxygen, and a sudden decrease in its content in the atmosphere led to the fact that the dinosaurs died from suffocation. Another theory is about increased cosmic radiation, which caused the death of animals.

Several versions try to explain the extinction of dinosaurs as a result of external biological factors - for example, a change in food resources caused by a sharp change in the Earth's vegetation cover.

A very interesting hypothesis is the death of dinosaurs due to a supernova explosion. The observation of such a phenomenon is relatively rare. Supernova explosions are explosions of such monstrous force that their luminosity increases billions of times! Supernova explosions generate powerful streams of gamma radiation, which are fatal to living organisms. Thus, if then, somewhere near the solar system, a supernova explosion occurred and the Earth’s atmosphere failed to cope with its protective functions and let some of the deadly radiation onto the earth’s surface, then the dinosaurs, like most other inhabitants of the planet, died from radiation sickness.

And only recently scientists have put an end to this eternal dispute. More than forty specialists analyzed material collected over 20 years dating back to the Tertiary Cretaceous period and found that the species became extinct due to the impact of a giant asteroid or comet in the area of ​​the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula.

When a space rock 10-15 km in diameter fell on the Yucatan, the impact was approximately 100 trillion tons of TNT, that is, a billion times more than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The giant crater created by the impact is 180 km in diameter and is surrounded by a 240 km circular rock fault. The impact in the first stage caused extensive fires on Earth, earthquakes and continental landslides, which led to a tsunami. The explosion of hot stone and gas should have looked like a huge fireball on the horizon, which would have burned any living creature that was nearby.

According to Dr Joanna Morgan, “The final nail in the coffin for the dinosaurs came when materials from the explosion were thrown high into the atmosphere. This cloud enveloped the entire planet and led to the onset of global winter. All species that failed to adapt to this hellish environment became extinct."

Well, if scientists manage to resurrect dinosaurs, these creatures may shed light on the mysterious history of their ancient ancestors. How long does it take to wait for the dinosaurs to return? “Well, it depends on the funding,” says Jack Horner. “We haven’t defeated cancer yet, so it’s unlikely that the project to revive the dinosaurs will be able to get anything from those already meager royalties that go to scientific research.” However, some private investor may decide that this is cool, and then...”

Prepared by Alexandra Bilyarchik,
based on materials

Eric Nurshin


On one planet, in the city of Kovylgrad, under the eaves of a house, a many-eyed swallow hatched from an egg.

This event did not cause any rallies, nor popular approval or national discussion, nor widespread scientific and practical conferences.

The swallow grew up and left the nest. A multiple view of life raised her into an intelligent being. The swallow wanted to know why she didn’t have two eyes, like her friend, but many.

And I didn’t ask anyone. If he meets a mosquito, he will ask. And he shies away from her. He meets a fly and asks. The flies are gone. Because of this, the swallow began to swallow such silent ones.

And then a friend once told her that the smartest people in the world.

A swallow descended to the people. And let's fly between them, in our bird language, torture them, like, why am I multi-eyed? They waved her off: “Tormented her!” Who understands the bird's language, when not everyone can know their own? Some simply thought that if a swallow flies low, it means there will be rain. But it is not for nothing that the swallow was born intelligent and decided to turn to a personal electronic computer.

Baba Masha, the data bank guard, took an unauthorized absence today. Holy cause - it’s my grandson’s birthday! Therefore, Baba Masha calmly left the institution.

She just forgot to close the window. Our swallow flew into this window. She flew up to the terminal. There was no need for the frail pressure of her claws. Instead of buttons there were sensors.

“Yes, people are smart creatures,” thought the many-eyed one, and she began to move her feathers over the delicate keyboard of the personal computer.

The impulse reached the receiving device in the center in a matter of moments. The electronic brain worked, as always, around the clock.

Nocturnal signals were not uncommon in the life of the brain. Some of the operators did not have time to finish their work during the day, others were interested in calculating their own horoscope, and those in love with art were diligently creating programs to reproduce the immortal paintings of the great Leonardo or the frantic Goya. In short, the central electronic brain, when the sun dropped below the horizon, switched to the “Night Toy” mode.

Therefore, the request received from the City of Kovylgrad seemed to be no different from the previous ones. He was like this: “I want to know why I was born with many eyes? Martin".

“Someone is fooling around,” the brain thought.

And he entered, as it seemed to him, into the game: “This is so that you, my swallow, can see your darling clearly!”

The next packet of impulses puzzled even the machine: “Stop fooling around, you leaky radio tube! I ask seriously why I, a swallow, a representative of the passerine order, hatched from an egg with fifteen eyes instead of two?!”

The electronic brain lost its verbal gift for exactly seven microseconds. It cost him an extra five kilowatts to come to his senses. The brain sent a response message: “I understand the task. I’m starting the search.”

Normal people all over the planet were asleep. They didn’t even notice how all the electronic computing systems, completely without human influence, were working at the limit of their capabilities. There was a deep search, a shock problem was solved: “Why does a swallow have many eyes.”

After three hours and fifty-two minutes, all cases of mutation of living beings were examined. The output was processed according to all the rules, carefully checked, processed again and recalculated. There could be no mistake.

The electronic brain transmitted the required information via a communication channel to the “personal computer”, which was eagerly watched by a many-eyed swallow. The text appeared on the screen:

“During the process of search, analysis and verification, it turned out that in the vicinity of your city, a global fusion chemical reactor exploded as a result of an accident...”

The swallow remembered her mother’s story about those strange days. People then left at once. Then we arrived again!

“After the explosion, reagents capable of making adjustments to the genes of living beings spread.

Before the chemical reactor accident on the other side of the planet, in another state, the newest aerospace combat cruiser launched. According to official data, its crew was supposed to grow lilies of the valley and tulips in orbit. But they did not have time to complete their task. The explosion of the starting mesovortex accelerator stopped the existence of the cruiser. One hundred twenty-three tons of radioactive gas were released into the atmosphere.

The collective council of electronic computers, created that night, came to the conclusion that there was a ninety-seven percent chance that an uncontrollable computer war could break out at any moment.

In their development, computer systems have reached such a degree that, regardless of people, they have closed into a single planetary ring.

This discovery was first made in one country. Scientists have developed and put into use a universal algorithm, which was introduced into the usual “personal computer” at the moment when a combat space cruiser with nuclear tulips on board was launched on the other side of the planet. The circuit closed and an explosion occurred.

On the other side of the planet they also guessed and developed their own universal algorithm. A false signal, sent thousands of kilometers away, arrived at the receiving device of the computer switching system of a chemical reactor. An explosion occurred, leading to an environmental disaster. As a result, the emergence of mutants similar to you, swallow, cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the possibility of widespread use of computer algorithms cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, the collective council of the planet’s computers is forced to give a signal for the complete and irreversible shutdown and destruction of all computers.”

The display screen flickered and went dark, the speaker went silent. Something clicked and the room smelled of burnt PCB.

The swallow flew high in the sky above the city, above the steppe, silvered with feather grass. It was getting light. She flew over the forest.

In this forest, on a birch tree, in a magpie's nest, a dinosaur hatched. So ma-alen-ky...

  • Tomoyuki Tanaka
  • Shogo Tomiyama[d]

"Godzilla vs Mothra" (Japanese: ゴジラVSモスラ Gojira tai Mosura) , also known as "Godzilla vs. Mothra: Battle for Earth"- Japanese film from 1992; it is the nineteenth Godzilla film, the sixth Mothra the giant butterfly film, and the first and only Battra film. This is the first kaiju film directed by Takao Okawara. Although the film was released in Japan under the title Godzilla vs. Mothra, it is not a remake of the 1964 film of the same name.

On Russian television the film was shown under the title "Return of the Dinosaur" was the first Godzilla film shown in Russia.


The film begins with a meteorite crashing into the Pacific Ocean, awakening Godzilla and Scree, who discovered a giant egg.

After the opening credits, the action takes place in an ancient temple. The young archaeologist Takuya Fujita, who stole a golden statue, falls into the hands of the police. He is later released by his ex-wife Masako Tezuka and the Japanese Prime Minister on the condition that he must help them. Takuya, Masako and Secretary Ando travel to Infant Island, where they find a cave with rock paintings and astronomical symbols. They later discover a giant egg. Masako suggests that the egg belongs to a dinosaur, but Takuya states that the egg is too big for a dinosaur egg. Two inch-sized fairies appear and announce that it is Mothra's egg. Fairies say that they are the Earth's Cosmos and maintain natural balance. They also talk about how a highly developed civilization existed twelve thousand years ago. Scientists belonging to this civilization tried to create control over the climate, but the experiments gave birth to the evil creature Battra. Mothra managed to defeat Battra, but civilization was destroyed by a flood, and Mothra and the Cosmos fairies took refuge in the mountains. A series of cataclysms and human activities have disrupted the natural balance and Cosmos fears that Battra has awakened somewhere. Meanwhile, it turns out that Battra, who is in the larval stage of development, has attacked Japan and is destroying buildings with the help of powerful discharges that are formed in the horn located on the face. The heroes decide to take the egg and the Cosmos fairies to Japan. The egg is loaded onto a platform that is tied to the ship. As the ship sails in the Philippine Sea, Godzilla suddenly appears. Takuya wants to untie the egg platform, but Ando tries to stop him. Still, Takuya manages to untie the platform. The egg hatches into a Mothra larva. Then Battra's larva appears and the three monsters begin to fight. Mothra's larva floats away, and Godzilla and Battra's larva sink to the bottom, continue to fight and fall into a rift with magma.

When the heroes arrive in Tokyo, Ando kidnaps Cosmos and takes them to his boss. Mothra's larva arrives in Tokyo to free the Cosmos and begins destroying buildings. Masako takes Miki Saegusa and her daughter. Miki uses telepathy to pick up the voices of the Cosmos. Miki, Masako and her daughter meet Takuya, who has taken the Cosmos, and give the Cosmos to Mothra's larva. Mothra's larva crawls towards the Houses of Parliament, where it forms a cocoon around itself. Fuji erupts and Godzilla emerges from the crater, who, as it turned out, floated here in the magma under the earth's crust. Mothra, having undergone metamorphosis into an adult butterfly, is freed from her cocoon. At the same time as Mothra, Battra also turns into an adult butterfly. While in the air, Battra attacks Mothra by firing purple heat rays from her eyes. Mothra falls. Battra then flies up to Godzilla and attacks him. Godzilla throws Battra away. Mothra rises, flies up to Battra and exchanges energy with her, after which they team up against Godzilla. Mothra blasts Godzilla with energy blasts, but Godzilla's powerful atomic energy counteracts them and pushes Mothra away. Mothra falls towards the Ferris wheel. Godzilla fires an atomic beam from his mouth at the base of the Ferris wheel. The wheel begins to fall, but Battra grabs it and carries it towards Godzilla, thereby saving Mothra. Godzilla falls under the weight of the wheel, and Mothra and Battra begin to fire heat rays at him. Godzilla gets up, but soon falls again. Mothra and Battra pick up Godzilla and carry him through the air into the ocean. Godzilla fires an atomic beam at Battra. Godzilla loses consciousness. Mothra releases Godzilla. Godzilla falls into the ocean along with the dead Battra.
