Russian aviation. Russian aviation Military aircraft Su 35

At the beginning of 2015, the famous American analytical publication The National Interest published a material entitled 5 Russian Weapons of War America Should Fear (“Five Types of Russian Weapons that Americans Should Fear”). This list included the T-90 MBT, the Onyx anti-ship missile, Lada project submarines and 53-65 homing torpedoes. According to the author of the article, American pilots should be most wary of meeting the newest Russian Su-35 fighter, which has been called an “extremely formidable adversary” for any American combat aircraft.

And this is really true. Today the Su-35 is one of the most powerful combat vehicles in the world. In terms of its capabilities and performance characteristics (flight characteristics), it comes close to fifth-generation fighters. Foreign experts especially note the significant combat load of the new Russian aircraft, its lightning speed and super maneuverability. Aerobatics on the Su-35 invariably creates a real sensation at air shows. But let's talk about everything in order.

The Su-35 is a heavy multi-role super-maneuverable fighter equipped with thrust vectoring (TCV) engines. The main task of this combat vehicle is to gain air superiority, but at the same time it can also “work” against ground targets. The Su-35 aircraft was developed by designers from the Design Bureau named after. Sukhoi, and, in fact, it is a deep modernization of the honored Soviet fighter Su-27, which belongs to the fourth generation. The serial vehicle, which is currently supplied to the Russian Aerospace Forces, is designated Su-35S. It is usually classified as the 4++ generation, although this gradation is somewhat arbitrary and, rather, is a marketing ploy by the developers. The two pluses in the designation simply show how close the Su-35 is to a full-fledged fifth-generation fighter.

The Russian Su-35 fighter meets most of the requirements for 5th generation aircraft. The aircraft is equipped with an integrated avionics system, which includes a weapons control system, communications equipment and navigation and sighting equipment. The Su-35 has a phased array radar and new engines that allow it to reach supersonic speed without turning on afterburner.

The Su-35 took off on its first flight on February 19, 2008, and mass production of the vehicle began in the same year. As of April of this year, 64 Su-35 fighters have been manufactured.

Before moving on to the description of this magnificent machine, a few words should be said about the stages of its creation, because it is truly interesting. Few people know that in the recent history of Russian aircraft manufacturing there were two fighters under the designation “Su-35”. We can say that it was possible to establish mass production of this wonderful combat vehicle only on the second attempt.


In fact, the Su-35 designation is well known to military aviation enthusiasts. Aircraft under this name were repeatedly demonstrated at international air shows in the mid-90s.

The idea to develop a multi-role aircraft based on the Su-27 fighter-interceptor was born in the early 80s. At the development stage, the promising vehicle received the T-10S index; in 1982, technical specifications were prepared for it. To ensure the ability to destroy the enemy on the ground, they planned to install a new on-board radar on the aircraft and seriously change the weapons control system. The airframe of the vehicle was also redesigned: for example, a front horizontal tail unit (FHT) appeared.

The T-10S first took to the skies in 1988. However, this car never went into production. For some time, work continued by inertia, but after the collapse of the USSR, the designers had no time for new projects; they simply had to survive. OKB im. Sukhoi produced well-proven Su-27 fighters for foreign customers, modernized the machines that were in Russian combat units to the level of the Su-27SM, and was involved in the Su-30MK project, which later became a real “star of air shows.”

The idea of ​​a multi-role fighter based on the Su-27 was only returned to in the middle of the last decade. At this time, the designers already had a clear understanding that to create a modern aircraft of this class, a serious modernization of the Su-27 was required, which would include not only the replacement of on-board equipment systems and electronics, but also significant reworking of the airframe, as well as equipping the fighter with a new powerful power plant. Only in this case could we count on the successful promotion of the new car on the international market. They decided to keep the old designation for the promising aircraft - Su-35. Although, in some sources the car is called Su-27BM (“big modernization”) or Su-35BM.

Production of the pilot batch of “thirty-fifths” began in 2006. Assembly of the first fighter was completed in mid-2007; the aircraft was even presented at the MAKS-2007 air show. The first flight of the Su-35 took place at the beginning of 2008, with Honored Test Pilot of Russia Sergei Bogdan at the controls of the vehicle. The day after the tests, the Su-35 was shown to Putin, who visited Zhukovsky especially for this purpose.

It should be noted that the plane that took off on a February morning from the Ramenskoye airfield had little in common with the T-10S, which was developed in the mid-80s. The only thing they had in common was their common “ancestor,” the Soviet Su-27 fighter. Initially, the new car was called Su-35BM, and then simply Su-35. After the Russian defense department showed interest in the fighter, the aircraft received the letter “C” in its designation, which is traditionally present in production models of military equipment for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

One of the most important differences between the “thirty-fifth” and its predecessors is the installation on it of the latest AL-41F1S engines (“product 117”), developed and manufactured by specialists from NPO Saturn OJSC. Like the Su-35 fighter, these aircraft engines have a long history.

Bench tests of “product 117” began back in 2003. Five new engines were built for them. Later, the Su-27M flying laboratory was used for flight testing.

AL-41F1S has significantly better characteristics in terms of thrust and specific fuel consumption compared to its predecessors.

In 2009, a contract was signed between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Sukhoi Corporation for the supply of 48 Su-35S fighters with a completion date until the end of 2015. The second agreement was concluded in December 2015. It provides for the production of 50 Su-35 aircraft by 2020.

In 2010, tests of the Su-35 were successfully completed. Already in May of the following year, the first production fighter Su-35S took to the skies, and six months later the second production aircraft made its flight.

Not only the Russian military became interested in the Thirty-Fifth; the new fighter was also appreciated abroad. In 2015, a contract was signed with China for the supply of 24 Su-35s; as of the beginning of this year, 4 aircraft have already been sent to the customer. The Russian fighter also “came to the liking” of the Indonesian military; by 2019, it is planned to deliver 11 Su-35s to this country. The contract amount is $1.14 billion. Negotiations are currently underway with India, Malaysia and the UAE.

Production of the new fighter was launched at the aircraft plant named after. Yu. Gagarin (Komsomolsk-on-Amur).

Currently, several Su-35 units (four aircraft were reported) are part of the Russian aviation group in Syria.

The domestic air force has not received new aircraft in significant quantities for almost fifteen years. Therefore, new aircraft - including the Su-35 - are head and shoulders above the aircraft that entered service in the late 80s and early 90s. Today, the Su-35 is the most advanced fighter of the Russian military space forces and the real pride of the glorious family of Su-27 aircraft.

In conclusion, you can add the following. The Su-35 fighter is not just an excellent combat unit, but also a test platform that was fully used to create the 5th generation fighter. Despite the fact that the PAK FA as a whole bears little resemblance to the "thirty-fifth", many components, assemblies and technical solutions were tested on the latter, which were later used on the Russian fifth-generation fighter. This primarily concerns avionics, propulsion and weapons systems.


Like other aircraft of the Su-27 family, the Su-35 fighter is made using an integrated aerodynamic design. That is, the wing of the aircraft is smoothly connected to its fuselage, forming a single whole. The aircraft has a two-fin vertical tail and a landing gear with two main and one front strut. The fighter is piloted by one pilot.

When creating the Su-35, the designers of the Design Bureau named after. Sukhoi decided to deviate from the design with the front horizontal tail, which was used in the Su-33, Su-30MKI and Su-27M. Therefore, in appearance, the “thirty-fifth” looks more like the Su-27 than the later vehicles of this family. The use of new modern materials made it possible to abandon PGO without losing the benefits that it provides.

Compared to its predecessors, the Su-35 received a new modernized airframe with a reinforced design, which provided the fighter with a significant increase in service life (6 thousand hours or 30 years of service). Strengthening the aircraft's airframe made it possible to increase its take-off weight, which made it possible to accommodate more fuel and install new equipment and weapons systems. The internal tanks of the fighter can accommodate 11.3 tons of fuel (for the Su-27 - 9.4). The Su-35 is equipped with an in-flight refueling system and can also carry additional drop tanks.

The Su-35 does not have a brake flap; its functions are performed by deflectable rudders.

Separately, it should be noted the integrated control system of the KSU-35 fighter. The aircraft does not have the usual mechanical rods; all three channels are controlled using the EMDS. The KSU-35 performs several functions at once, which has significantly improved flight characteristics and achieved the “trademark” high maneuverability of the Su-35.

The power plant of the vehicle deserves special attention, the basis of which is the AL-41F1S engines with an afterburner and controlled thrust vector. They are a further development of the AL-31F engine. At the same time, the afterburning thrust of these engines is 16% higher than that of their predecessor. It should also be noted that the service life of the Su-35 engines has been increased to 4 thousand hours. Compared to the base model, the fan was slightly enlarged (from 905 mm to 932 mm), new low- and high-pressure turbines were installed. Rotary all-angle nozzles are also controlled using the KSU-35 system.

In addition to the main power plant, the Su-35 fighter is also equipped with an auxiliary gas turbine unit VGTD TA14-130-35. Its power is 105 kW. It supplies electricity to various aircraft systems, and also provides air conditioning for the pilot's cabin and other compartments of the aircraft.

However, the main difference between the Su-35 and other combat vehicles of the Su-27 family is the avionics complex; it is this that brings the “thirty-fifth” as close as possible to fifth-generation fighters. Its basis is an information and control system (ICS), which links together information, functional, logical and software systems of fighter equipment into a single complex and ensures a high level of interaction between the pilot and the aircraft. In addition to two central digital computers, it includes data conversion tools and a unique display system that implements the most “advanced” “glass cockpit” concept to date.

If we look into the cockpit of the Su-35, we will see two multifunctional color liquid crystal screens with a diagonal of 15 inches, remote controls with a display processor and display control, as well as a collimator-type indicator against the background of IKSh-1M glass.

LCD screens display graphic, symbolic and alphanumeric information in multi-window mode, as well as data from on-board television sensors. A multifunctional remote control with a built-in display processor makes it much easier to issue commands at all stages of the flight. And with the help of the IKSh-1M collimator indicator, various information is observed against the background of the out-of-the-cockpit space, which is generated in accordance with control signals. Its field of view is 20×30°. The pilot also has a helmet-mounted target designation system at his disposal.

Thus, control of all fighter equipment and its weapons is carried out according to the HOTAS concept, which is that the pilot can perform all his functions without removing his hands from the main controls. It should also be noted that the ergonomics of the cabin deserves the highest praise.

The aircraft cabin is equipped with means for evacuating the pilot during an emergency.

Another “highlight” of the machine that needs to be discussed is the on-board radar with a passive phased array antenna N035 “Irbis”. It allows you to detect targets with an ESR of 3 m2 at a distance of 400 km, and with an ESR of 0.01 m2 - 90 km. The Irbis can track up to thirty targets simultaneously, while aiming missiles at eight of them. In addition, it can provide target selection on the ground and provide low-altitude flight.

In addition to the radar, the Su-35 pilot has at his disposal the OLS-35 optical-location station, which includes a laser rangefinder-target designator, a heat direction finder and a television channel. If necessary, an optical-electronic container can be attached to the Su-35, which houses a laser-television complex capable of detecting, tracking and illuminating targets with a laser beam. Such equipment is necessary when a fighter operates against ground targets. The aircraft is equipped with electronic warfare equipment and an early warning system for radiation exposure.

Now about the armament of the Su-35. The fighter has twelve hardpoints, ten of which are usually used for mounting missiles and bombs, and two for containers with electronic warfare systems. The aircraft can use almost all types of guided and unguided aircraft ammunition that are currently in service with the Russian army. The combat load of the fighter is 8 thousand kg. The Su-35's small arms and cannon armament consists of the GSh-30-1 (30 mm) aircraft cannon, its ammunition capacity is 150 rounds.

In 2005, engineers from the Sukhoi Design Bureau decided to continue developing the Su-35 (T-10BM) fighter, serial name Su-35S. This fighter was supposed to be a deeply modernized, ultra-maneuverable, multifunctional fourth-generation model. The superiority over aircraft of the same class is due to the presence of fifth-generation fighter technology. The first flight took place in 2008 in February.

New implementations on the plane:

    a modernized airframe with a reinforced structure (vehicle life increased to 6000 hours or 30 years);

    no mechanical wiring of the empennage (adjustment using fly-by-wire control);

    an updated KSU-35 was installed (performs the functions of several systems simultaneously);

    additional function - active safety.

Since the Su-27 was the basis for the new aircraft, much of it was used on the new fighter. But at the same time, serious work was carried out to modernize the aircraft. The design of the Su-35 lacks the traditional upper brake flap, the front landing gear is two-wheeled, and the landing gear has been significantly strengthened due to the increased take-off weight. There is no anti-aircraft gun on the plane, the tail section is shortened. Significantly reduced radar (visibility) due to the reduced area of ​​the vertical tail. Compact avionics helps reduce the volume of the cockpit compartment. The cockpit canopy has changed.

Modernization of the design contributed to an increase in fuel quantity by 20%. Two additional fuel tanks of 1800 liters each are also installed. They are suspended from wing points. Additionally, for long periods of time in the air, a hose-cone refueling system is installed. But the main difference from the base model is the installation of new AL-41F1S engines developed by NPO Saturn.

From a design point of view, these engines are an in-depth development of the AL-31F series. They differ from the base with a new fan increased by 3% in diameter, updated low and high pressure turbines, and an improved digital control system. A nozzle with a controlled thrust vector is provided. The result is increased engine thrust - by 16%.

Among other things, the Su-35 was equipped with an auxiliary gas turbine generator-propulsion unit VGTD TA14-130-35 with a power of 105 kW. It ensures condensation of the compartments and cabin, while supplying them with electricity.

The basis of the integrated on-board equipment is the information-controlled system - IMS. It carries out functional, logical, information and software linking of the main equipment into a solid integrated system. It is she who ensures the interaction between the equipment and the crew. Composition of the ICS: computer for conversion and switching, display system - “glass cabin” concept.

Two multifunctional color LCDs of the MFI-35 type, consoles with a display processor and display control, and a wide-angle coloratura-type indicator against the background of IKSh-1M glass represent the information and control field of the Su-35 cockpit. MFI-35 indicators with a diagonal of 15 inches and a resolution of 1400 x 1050 pixels are used to receive information, process it and display it on the screen for the pilot. Multi-window mode includes graphic, alphanumeric and symbolic display of information.

The multifunctional remote control simplifies the work of managing the issuance of necessary tasks and information. The KISH-1M indicator is used as an observer on the rear side of the cockpit, the field of view is 20 x 30. Thus, on the Su-35, control of all systems, on-board equipment and weapons is carried out according to the HOTAS concept.

Weapons control is done through a radar control system with an Irbis-E phased array antenna. It was developed at the JSC Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after V.V. Tikhomirov." “Irbis-E” became a continuation of the “Bars” radar control system, which was used on the previously created Su-30MKM and Su-30MKI. This radar system allows you to identify and track about 30 air targets and simultaneously attack 8 of them. The selection of ground targets varies in the range of four units, but subject to complete control of the airspace. Accordingly, the Irbis differs from the base in its expanded operating frequency band, increased detection and tracking area, increased range and improved noise immunity.

In addition to the radar control system, the OLS-35, an optical-location station, is responsible for controlling weapons on the aircraft. It combines a heat direction finder, a television channel and a laser rangefinder-target designator. And to carry out special operations in air-to-surface mode, an optical-electronic container is installed on the Su-35. It houses a laser-television sighting station capable of detecting, tracking, determining the range and providing laser illumination of a target.

The aircraft uses 10 hardpoints to launch missiles and another 2 nodes are used to house electronic warfare. The Su-35's armament consists of 8 R-27ER1 air-to-air missiles, designed for medium-range targets. R-27EP1 and R-27ET1 missiles are placed in 4 units. RVV-AE - 12 pieces, R-73E - 6 melee missiles.

The air-to-surface missiles include 6 tactical missiles Kh-31A (in some modifications Kh-29L), 6 anti-radar and anti-ship missiles Kh-31P and Kh-31A and 5 updated long-range anti-submarine missiles Kh-59MK. Among the new weapons are the Kh-58USHE extended-range anti-ship missiles, 3 Club missiles and one heavy Yakhont extended-range anti-ship missile. Additional weapons include adjustable KAB-500Kr (OD) television-guided bombs, new KAB-500S-E satellite-guided bombs and three KAB-1500Kr (sometimes KAB-1500L) television-guided bombs. The mass of military weapons reaches 8000 kg - 12 external suspension points.

History of the Su-35 prototype

Production began at KnAAPO in 2006. The first prototype was assembled a year later, after which it began flight tests. The Su-35 made its first flight in February 2008, piloted by S. Bogdan. The second and third prototypes began to be assembled in the same year. For 2020, it was planned to create 160 aircraft of this class. By that time, a second prototype had been constructed, which took off for the first time in October of the same year. Exactly a year later there was an announcement about the completed third model. However, already in October, due to a problem with engine control, the Su-35 (3rd prototype) had an accident.

In recent years, the Su-35 has completed a total of 400 flights during all flight tests. On August 15, 2012, the first two prototypes arrived at GLITs for the State Survey. In parallel with them, the first production model of the Su-35S-1 arrived.

As of 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense received 48 fighters. It is worth noting the exceptional characteristics of the aircraft:

    It is superior to all existing fourth-generation tactical fighters, both the European Eurofighter 2000 and Rafale, and the American F-15, -16 and -18.

    Capable of competing with fifth generation aircraft.

    Considered the fastest fighter.

    Advantage in flight range.

    The only aircraft capable of making a pancake pirouette (a 365-degree turn in a horizontal plane) without losing speed.

Su-35 characteristics:

Modification Su-35C ("BM")
Wing size, m 14.75
Aircraft length, m 21.95
Aircraft height, m 5.92
Wing area, m2 62.20
empty plane 19000
normal takeoff 25300
maximum takeoff 34500
fuel 11500
fuel (with two PTB) 14300
engine's type 2 AL-41F1S turbofan engines
Thrust, kgf
maximum 2 x 8800
in afterburner 2 x 14500
Maximum speed, km/h:
near the ground 1400 (M=1.17)
at high altitude 2500 (M=2.35)
Practical range, km:
distillation room with PTB 4500
at high altitude without PTB 3600
at low altitude 1580
Rate of climb, m/min 16800
Practical ceiling, m 18000
Max. operational overload 9
Crew, people 1
Weapons: one 30-mm cannon GSh-30-1 (150 rounds).
combat load - 8000 kg on 12 hardpoints:
URVV - R-27E, R-77, R-73, RVV-SD, RVV-MD,
8 x R-27ER1, 4 x R-27ET1 and R-27EP1,
12 x R-77 RVV-AE, 6 x R-73
- 9 x RVV-SD + 2 x RVV-MD;
- 5 x RVV-SD + 2 x RVV-MD + 2 x Kh-31 class strike missiles.
URVP: Kh-31, Kh-25, Kh-29, Kh-38, Kh-58USHKE, Kh-59MK (up to 5 pcs), S-25LD; unguided missiles of types S-8 (in blocks), S-10 (in blocks) and S-25;
Bomb load: 4-5 x KAB-500Kr, 4-5 x KAB-500S-E,
2-3 x KAB-1500Kr, 2-3 x KAB-1500L or uncontrolled
bombs of various calibers

The Su-35 is a 4++ generation fighter, which is currently the most modern aircraft in the Russian Air Force. It is a deep modernization of the Su-27 fighter, produced back in Soviet times. Today we will get acquainted with the history and flight performance characteristics of the Su-35 aircraft, the leading fighter of Russian aviation.


The “4++” generation, to which the hero of our conversation belongs, is a conventional concept designed to emphasize the fact that the technical characteristics of the SU-35 are very close to the parameters of the 5th generation aircraft. The car satisfies most of the requirements for models of this generation, but is still slightly inferior to them.

Making an airplane

Before reading the description and technical characteristics of the Su-35, it is worth taking a short historical excursion. Work on the production of the pilot batch of the Su-35 aircraft began in 2006. Large-scale flight tests were planned for the next year, but they took place only in 2008. By the summer of 2007 at KnAAPO im. Gagarin completed the assembly of the pilot model, after which he went to the MAKS-2007 air show.

The fighter made its first flight on February 19, 2008 at the Flight Research Institute named after. Gromova. On that day, the Su-35 was piloted by Sergei Bogdan. The next day, while visiting the city of Zhukovsky, the President of the Russian Federation got acquainted with the new fighter.

The aircraft performed its first demonstration flight in Zhukovsky in mid-summer 2008. On October 2, 2008, the second copy took off from the KnAAPO airfield. By March 2009, the new aircraft had made hundreds of flights.

First contracts

As part of the MAKS-2009 exhibition, the largest contract in the Russian Federation over the past few decades for the purchase of new fighter aircraft was signed. According to the agreement, in the period from 2012 to 2015, the manufacturer was to supply 48 Su-35 aircraft. It was assumed that such a contract would be concluded for 2015-2020. In 2010, the Sukhoi company successfully completed a series of preliminary tests of the fighter. After being convinced of the excellent technical characteristics of the Su-35, it was put into production. On May 3, 2011, the first production model took to the skies. Then the index “C” began to be added to the name of the aircraft.

By the end of 2012, the Russian Ministry of Defense received six copies of the fighter. By the beginning of 2016, 48 aircraft had already been built. At the end of 2015, a second contract was signed with the Russian Defense Ministry, according to which the manufacturer must supply another 50 units of equipment to the Air Force by the beginning of 2020. The technical characteristics of the Su-35 airframe were also appreciated abroad - in parallel with the Russian order, aircraft are being manufactured for export: 12 for Indonesia and 24 for China.

Purpose of the fighter

The Su-35S multirole fighter is designed for:

  1. Delivering a pre-emptive strike against enemy air targets, including low-visibility ones.
  2. Attacks against sea or ground targets without entering the air defense zone.
  3. Participation in group actions to attack ground or air targets.
  4. Flight at low altitudes, avoiding obstacles.
  5. Accompanying air targets.
  6. Performing tasks under conditions of deliberate interference.
  7. Detection of standard ground and air targets from a distance of up to 200 km, as well as large air targets with an image intensifier - from a distance of up to 400 km.


According to the National Interest (USA), the Su-35 is first on the list of the most dangerous weapons in the Russian Federation. The publication's experts recognized the fighter as dangerous for all aircraft in NATO service, with the exception of the F-22 fighter. According to them, the danger of the Russian fighter is primarily associated with the large load of long-range air-to-air missiles, the ability to launch missiles at supersonic speed, powerful radar warfare capabilities and excellent maneuverability.


The fighter is designed according to a normal aerodynamic design with an integral layout. The trapezoidal wing, located in the middle, is equipped with beads and, mating with the fuselage, forms a solid supporting body. Two bypass turbojet power plants, with afterburners, are placed in separate engine nacelles, which are installed under the aircraft body at such a distance from each other that a pair of guided missiles can be placed between them. In addition, “clearance” between the engine nacelles is necessary to avoid their aerodynamic influence on each other. Adjustable air intakes are located under the center section. The chassis fairings extend into the rear beams, which act as platforms for the vertical and horizontal tail consoles, as well as under-beam ridges.

The tactical and technical characteristics of the Su-35S make it stand out among other Russian Air Force fighters. The Su-35 implemented aerodynamic innovations that were developed for the deck modification of the Su-27K. Aluminum-lithium alloys and composite materials were widely used in the manufacture of the machine body. Compared to its predecessor, the hero of our conversation received reinforced landing gear and external suspension units, which are located under the wing. The fighter cockpit is equipped with an ejection seat model K-36, which has an increased amplitude of backrest tilt.

To accommodate the refueling system, reinforced front support and updated avionics, the designers developed an updated configuration of the fuselage head with side hatches and a larger radio-transparent radar radome. In order to maintain the stability and controllability of the aircraft with the new “head”, it was necessary to increase the area of ​​the vertical tail and rudders. The diameter and length of the tail fairing have also increased. This is necessary for installing additional equipment. The drogue parachute was moved to the upper surface of the rear fuselage and positioned in front of the fuel tank.

Power point

The Su-35 fighter, the technical characteristics of which we are considering today, is equipped with a pair of double-circuit turbojet power plants of the AL-41F1S model. The engines have an afterburner and an all-angle controlled thrust vector. To increase the number of angles, the rotation axis of the deflectable nozzles was made inclined. These engines, in fact, are a simplified version of the AL-41F1 engine, developed for fifth-generation fighters.

The version used in the Su-35 is distinguished by reduced afterburning and non-afterburning thrust, as well as the presence of an electromechanical control system. In afterburner mode, the thrust of each engine is 14,500 kgf; without afterburner, the engine develops only 8,800 kgf. The engine power is sufficient for the fighter to reach supersonic speed without the use of afterburner.

The engines' service life between overhauls is 1000 hours, and the total service life is 4000 hours. The aircraft's auxiliary power unit uses a VGTD TA14-130-35 gas turbine engine with a power of 105 kW. It provides air conditioning for the aircraft's compartments and cabin, as well as power supply for onboard consumers.

On-board electronics

When considering the technical characteristics of the Su-35 aircraft, one cannot fail to mention the avionics. The Su-35 was equipped with a radar station (radar) with an NO35 Irbis antenna array.

The radar has the following characteristics:

  1. The diameter of the antenna array is 0.9 m.
  2. Viewing angle - 240°.
  3. Frequency range - 8-12 GHz.
  4. Maximum power - 20 kW.
  5. Normal power is 5 kW.
  6. Target detection range: 350-400 km on a collision course, 150 km on a catch-up course.
  7. Simultaneously detected: 30 air targets or 4 ground targets.
  8. Simultaneous firing: missiles with an active homing head - up to 8 targets, missiles with a semi-active head - up to 2.

In addition to the Irbis radar station, an OPS (optical radar station) is used. The aircraft can also be equipped with equipment for group electronic defense. The edges of the airframe and canopy received conductive spraying, designed to reduce the effective dispersion area. The cockpit is equipped with a holographic indicator and two LCD displays for multi-screen operation.

Technical characteristics of the Su-35

Main parameters of the Russian car:

  1. The length of the aircraft is 21.9 m.
  2. The height of the aircraft is 5.9 m.
  3. Wing span - 15.3 m.
  4. Wing area - 62 m2.
  5. Sweep angle - 42°.
  6. The landing gear type is tricycle, with a strut that retracts against the flight.
  7. The empty weight of the aircraft is 19 tons.
  8. Normal take-off weight - 25.3 tons.
  9. Maximum take-off weight - 34.5 tons.
  10. Fuel weight - 11.5 tons.
  11. Number of motors - 2.
  12. Engine type - turbofan with UVT.
  13. Maximum engine thrust is 8800 kgf.
  14. Engine thrust in afterburner is 14,500 kgf.
  15. Engine weight - 1.52 tons.
  16. Maximum speed: 1400 km/h - at the ground, 2500 km/h - at an altitude of more than 11 km.
  17. Flight range: 1580 km - near the ground, 3600 km - at high altitude.
  18. The practical ceiling is 20 km.
  19. Rate of climb - 280 m/s.
  20. Run-up - 450 m.
  21. Mileage - 650 m.


The armament of the Su-35 fighter consists of:

  1. 30-mm air cannon GSh-30-1 (150 rounds).
  2. 16 medium-range air-to-air missiles (6 R-27ER or R-27T models, and 10 RVV-AE models).
  3. 6 short-range air-to-air missiles model R-73.
  4. 6 X-31 model air-to-surface anti-ship missiles or two X-59M models.
  5. 12 high-precision air-to-ground munitions (six Kh-29T models and the same number of KAB-200 models).
  6. 6 unguided air-to-ground munitions model S-25.
  7. 6 blocks of B-8 launchers, designed for 7-20 S-8 model missiles.

At the moment, the armament of the Su-35 fighter has no analogues in terms of the breadth of its range for working against ground, sea and air enemy targets. On an external sling, the aircraft can carry up to 14 missiles. They are installed under the fuselage, on engine nacelles and on wing hardpoints.

F-35 vs Su-35

The technical characteristics of fighters in service have always been proof of the military power of the state. Comparing the consequences of a collision between combat aircraft representing the armies of different countries of the world is speculative, but it cannot be avoided, because it is competition that spurs designers to create more modern machines. If we compare the Su-35 with other representatives of the “4+” or “4++” generation, be it the American F family (16th and 18th models) or the French Rafale, then in terms of the main number of “passport” data, the superiority of the Russian aircraft undeniable.

A worthy opponent for the Su-35 is the F-35, a fifth-generation American aircraft designed as a cheaper version of the uncompromising F-22. Experts have repeatedly noted that the Russian fighter is superior to the American fighter in terms of flight range, armament, speed, maneuverability and, finally, price. But there is one important nuance here.

The fact is that comparing the Su-35 with the competitors listed above is absolutely incorrect, since the Russian machine belongs to the “heavy fighters” according to the domestic classification and “air superiority fighters” according to the Western one. As for the F-16 and F-18 and Rafale vehicles, they fall under the Russian class of “light” or “medium” fighters, and in the NATO classification they are called “multi-role fighters” or “bombers”. Therefore, these machines need to be compared with the Russian Mig-29 aircraft. Well, the F-35 fighter should not be compared with the Su-35 at all, since it belongs not only to a different class, but also to a different generation.

Thus, it would be most correct to compare the tactical and technical characteristics of the Su-35 with the parameters of the American F-22. Although this is not entirely correct due to the difference in generations (after all, “4++” is not 5). However, in this field the Russian car would have lost the championship, which is quite logical. Who can really compete with the F-22 is the Su-57 (T-50) aircraft - the first fifth-generation fighter of the Russian Federation, which is still at the testing stage.


Today we looked at the history and characteristics of the Su-35 fighter - the leading fighter of modern Russian aviation. Finally, it is worth noting that the car turned out to be really decent. It can compete with many foreign analogues and fully justifies its commitment to the so-called “4++” generation.

It will enter service with the Air Force no earlier than 2015-16. For some time after being put into service, the number of these aircraft in the Air Force will be insignificant and they will not be able to have a great impact on the overall condition and capabilities of the armed forces. In this regard, a decision was made on additional purchases of fighters of a different type, intended to be a temporary measure while waiting for a sufficient number of T-50s.

The .

By 2015, the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant must build and deliver 48 Su-35S aircraft to the troops. To date, according to various sources, 10-12 vehicles have been built. In addition, plans for the current 2013 include the construction of 12 new aircraft.

The same plan has been set for 2014, and in 2015, aircraft manufacturers from Komsomolsk-on-Amur should build 15 fighters. Officials have mentioned several times that after the completion of the current contract, a new order for 48 Su-35S fighters is possible. For obvious reasons, it is not yet entirely clear whether the second contract will be signed.

Su-35S with number 01413 in the final assembly shop of KnAAPO, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

The start of construction of the Su-35S fighters was preceded by a long epic with the development of a new aircraft of the family. The development of a fighter with the index Su-27M, which later received the new designation Su-35, began in the mid-eighties of the last century. The main difference between the updated Su-27 and the base vehicle was the use of several new technical and technological solutions, as well as the widespread use of modern electronic equipment at that time, including digital equipment.

In 1988, a prototype T-10M-1, converted from a serial Su-27, took to the skies for the first time. Until 1994, Sukhoi and the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association built 12 prototypes of the Su-27M/Su-35 aircraft and regularly showed these machines at air shows, expecting to receive export contracts.

In 1995, serial production of Su-35 fighters began, which resulted in only three aircraft. Due to the lack of any orders, the Su-27M/Su-35 project was closed in 1997. Some developments from this project were used to create new aircraft of the Su-27 family.

The first prototype of the Su-27M - T-10M-1 board No. 701 at the Air Force Museum in Monino, early 1990s

The modern history of the Su-35 aircraft began in 2005, when it was decided to rework the existing project and launch mass production of the updated fighter. Initially, the updated version of the project was designated as Su-35BM, but later, with the start of serial construction, the fighters began to be called Su-35S. When reworking the existing project, it was planned to radically update the radio-electronic equipment of the aircraft and bring its capabilities to the level of the “4++” generation. In addition, the project used some elements and developments characteristic of the next generation of fighters.

By its design, the Su-35S fighter is a typical representative of the family. The airframe of the new aircraft was made on the basis of the previous project, but underwent some changes. First of all, it is necessary to note the strengthening of the airframe, carried out in order to increase its service life. According to available data, the airframe's service life is 6,000 hours, which will allow fighter aircraft to operate for 30 years. Some components of the Su-35S airframe differ from the corresponding parts of both the Su-27 and Su-35 of the first version.

During the creation of the Su-35BM/Su-35S project, Sukhoi designers changed some details of the fuselage, wing and tail. Thus, the Su-35S has a vertical tail that differs from the fins of previous vehicles. In addition, the new fighter lost the brake flap on the upper side of the fuselage. The keels are now used as an air brake, which are simultaneously deflected outward.

The first prototype of the original KnAAPO assembly - T-10M-3 / Su-35 board No. 703 at the MAKS-1995 air show, Ramenskoye, August 1995.

Su-35S aircraft are equipped with two AL-41F1S turbofan engines developed by NPO Saturn. These engines are capable of developing afterburning thrust up to 14,500 kgf, and are also equipped with a thrust vector control system. This gives the aircraft high flight and maneuverability characteristics. In addition, to supply power to a number of systems, the aircraft is equipped with an auxiliary gas turbine power unit TA14-130-35 with a power of 105 kW.

AL-41F1S engines provide the aircraft with high thrust-to-weight ratio. With a normal take-off weight of about 25.3...25.5 tons, the thrust-to-weight ratio exceeds 1.1. In the case of maximum take-off weight (34.5 tons), this parameter is reduced to 0.76.

With such indicators, the Su-35S aircraft has high flight characteristics. It is capable of speeds of up to 2,500 km/h at altitude and 1,400 km/h at the ground. During the tests, it was found that the fighter can accelerate to speeds of over 1,300 km/h without using afterburner. The Su-35S has a service ceiling of at least 18 km and a maximum flight range with external fuel tanks of about 4,500 km.

The Su-35S is equipped with a modern complex of radio-electronic equipment, which includes the latest developments of the relevant enterprises. The basis of the avionics complex is a radar station with a passive phased antenna array N035 “Irbis”, created by the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after. V.V. Tikhomirov. The antenna array of this station consists of 1772 modules, which ensures operation in several modes: target detection and tracking, as well as terrain mapping.

Depending on the target parameters, the N035 Irbis radar can detect it at a distance of up to 400 km. The radar is capable of tracking up to 30 air and 4 ground targets or attacking 8 air and 2 ground targets simultaneously.

In addition to the radar, the Su-35S aircraft received an OLS-35 optical location station. This station can detect targets in the optical and thermal imaging ranges. In addition, the OLS-35 includes a laser rangefinder. According to available data, the optical location station is capable of finding aircraft that do not use afterburner at ranges of up to 90 km, depending on the relative position of the fighter and the target. The maximum range, which can be measured using a laser rangefinder, reaches 30 kilometers. The OLS-35 station can simultaneously track up to four targets.

Like previous aircraft of the Su-27 family, the new Su-35S fighter is equipped with a fly-by-wire control system. The fighter's radio-electronic equipment also includes active jamming equipment.

Su-35S aircraft board No. 09 red at the Shagol/Chelyabinsk airbase during a ferry from KnAAPO, February 8, 2013.

The built-in armament of the Su-35S fighter consists of one 30-mm GSh-30-1 automatic cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition. Rockets and bombs are suspended on pylons under the wing and fuselage. 8 hardpoints are located under the wing, another 4 are located under the fuselage. The aircraft can carry several types of air-to-air guided missiles on all external hardpoints.

Guided and unguided air-to-surface missiles can be suspended at only six nodes. It is also proposed to use guided and unguided bombs of various calibers to hit ground targets.

In the summer of 2007, the assembly of the first prototype of the Su-35BM/Su-35S aircraft was completed. On February 19 of the following year, this fighter took off for the first time under the control of test pilot S. Bogdan. A total of three flight prototypes were built, but only two of them were tested. In April 2009, the third prototype crashed during a high-speed run. The cause of the incident was a failure of the engine control system.

Su-35S board No. 04 red with Kh-31 missiles in Ramenskoye, February 2013.

In August 2009, during the MAKS-2009 air show, the Ministry of Defense and the United Aircraft Corporation signed a contract for the supply of 48 Su-35S fighters until 2015. Work to fulfill the order of the military department began a few months after the signing of the contract, in the fall of 2009.

The first production fighter took off in early May 2011. In August of the same year, two prototypes and the first production aircraft were transferred to the 929th Air Force State Flight Test Center for joint state tests. Already the first stage of testing confirmed the declared characteristics of the aircraft.

To date, including prototypes, no more than 12-15 Su-35S fighters have been built. In August of this year, reports appeared according to which the Air Force will receive 12 new aircraft this fall. The new fighters will go to serve at the Dzemgi airbase (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). According to various estimates, up to eight fighters are currently at various stages of production. They will probably go into testing and be handed over to the air force only next year.

Su-35S serial number 01-06. KnAAPO Dzemgi airfield, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

For obvious reasons, specific data on the characteristics and combat capabilities of the new Su-35S fighter are not available. However, already published information allows us to make some assumptions. The latest domestically produced avionics will allow the aircraft to effectively find and attack air or ground targets. High flight performance will also have a positive effect on the combat potential of the fighter.

There are often estimates that the Su-35S aircraft can be compared in a number of parameters with the T-50 fighter currently being tested. It is difficult to say to what extent such estimates correspond to reality, since a large amount of information about these projects is classified.

Regardless of the results of comparing the Su-35S fighter with the latest T-50, we can talk about the superiority of the former over the aircraft available to the troops. The difficult situation of past years, due to which the air force has relatively old equipment, has had a corresponding impact on the potential of military aviation. In this case, the production and delivery of 48 new aircraft could have a positive impact on the state of the air force.

It should be noted that the Su-35S is not the only new type of fighter designed to increase the potential of the Russian Air Force. In 2012, two contracts were signed for the supply of 60 Su-30SM and 16 Su-30M2 aircraft. Thus, if all existing contracts and plans are fulfilled, then by the end of this decade the domestic air force will receive 96 Su-35S fighters and 76 Su-30 aircraft of several modifications.

Su-35S board No. 06 red serial No. 01-05. KnAAPO Dzemgi airfield, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Su-35S board No. 07 red at the air show in Le Bourget, June 17-23, 2013.

By the time the contracts for the supply of Su-35S and Su-30 are completed, the domestic aviation industry should master serial production of the new T-50, which will optimize the process of transition to the construction and operation of fifth-generation fighters. At the same time, for a long time, the Su-35S, which has a service life of about 30 years, will serve together with the new T-50.

Thus, in the coming decades, the Russian Air Force will use fighters of the “4++” and “5” generations, which should have a corresponding impact on the state of front-line aviation as a whole.

Ten years ago, the first flight of the super-maneuverable Su-35 fighter took place.
About the history of creation, combat potential and why this aircraft is often compared with foreign analogues - in the article by Roman Azanov, TASS.

My photos.

On February 19, 2008, the Russian multi-role fighter of the “4++” generation Su-35 took to the skies for the first time. The plane was piloted by Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation, Hero of Russia Sergei Bogdan.

Serial production of the Su-35S began in 2011 at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarin, but was adopted by the Russian army only last year. After its baptism of fire in the skies of Syria, the whole world started talking about the fighter.

It is noteworthy that modifications of the Su-27 have been demonstrated at international air shows under the symbol “Su-35” since 1992. The modernized Su-27M fighters were created by order of the military in the 1980s, and in the 90s their production was discontinued due to lack of funding.

The concept of a new multirole fighter (which retained the name Su-35) was finally formed by the mid-2000s. In the new aircraft, it was necessary to significantly improve the weapon systems, make changes to the design of the aircraft's airframe and its power plant.

By the way, last year, by order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, a group of Sukhoi employees was awarded a prize in the field of science and technology for the idea of ​​​​creating an information and control system (IMS) for modern aircraft. The IUS was originally born in research on the fifth generation fighter project, but it was the first to be implemented on the Su-35.

It was created in such a way as to fly and fight in conditions where “classic” fighters could no longer fight.

"Thirty-fifth" was a deep modernization of the Su-27 front-line fighter with the aim of significantly increasing the effectiveness of combat use against air, ground and sea targets. As the developers note, the most successful technical solutions, previously tested on aircraft of the Su-27 and Su-30 family, were used in the design of the Su-35.

When creating the Su-35, they retreated from the aerodynamic design with the front horizontal tail (like the Su-33 and Su-30MK) and returned to the classic one (Su-27).

The airframe structure has been strengthened, which has increased the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft. This made it possible to significantly increase the fuel supply (in the internal tanks the Su-35 carries 11.3 tons versus 9.4 on the Su-27).

In addition, the fighter can use external fuel tanks with a capacity of 2000 liters each. The combat load remained the same as on the Su-27 - eight tons. The number of hardpoints for attaching high-precision missiles and aerial bombs has increased from 10 to 12. Two more are for placing electronic warfare containers.

Aircraft length - 21.9 m, wingspan - 14.75 m, height - 5.9 m. Maximum take-off weight - 34,500 kg, maximum speed - 2500 km/h, maximum flight range without external fuel tanks (PTB) - 3600 km, with PTB - 4500 km.

The service ceiling is 20 thousand m. The aircraft lifespan assigned by the manufacturer is 6 thousand hours or 30 years, the engine lifespan is 4 thousand hours.

The Su-35's armament includes a whole range of air-to-air and air-to-surface guided missiles, as well as unguided missiles and aerial bombs of various calibers. The fighter is also equipped with a GSh-30-1 cannon of 30 mm caliber (ammunition - 150 rounds).

The Su-35 is equipped with AL-41F1S turbojet engines with an afterburner and a thrust vector controlled in one plane. However, it does not require any special control systems.

The 117C engine is responsible for super maneuverability.

The 117S is developed on the basis of its predecessors AL-31F, installed on Su-27 aircraft, but differs from them in increased thrust of 14.5 tons (versus 12.5), longer service life and reduced fuel consumption.

As for the stability and controllability modes, maneuverability, and aerodynamics of the Su-35, as test pilot Sergei Bogdan said in an interview with TASS, here he has gone through and comprehended everything “from start to finish.”
"But as for the combat modes, there are a lot of specifics. I worked on them a lot, but I didn’t test everything. It’s simply physically impossible to do everything, since the plane flies at different bases. There are certain modes that I’m not familiar with from flying, but only based on video materials,” he admitted.

The most important difference between the Su-35 and 4+ generation fighters is the presence of fifth-generation avionics on board. The Irbis phased array radar system has unique characteristics today in terms of target detection range (up to 200 km). It is capable of simultaneously tracking up to 30 targets and directing missiles at eight of them, while still monitoring the airspace.

Sergey Bogdan:
If, for example, during an air battle an enemy is following an aircraft, then at the top point a quick turn around its axis, search for a target and an instant attack are possible. It is difficult to get away from an aircraft behind, and this shows how the Su-35 can get out of a situation without losing stability and controllability. He turns 360 degrees to search for a potential enemy and then continues his maneuver.

Currently, about 70 units have been delivered to combat units. This year, the Russian Ministry of Defense will receive ten Su-35s. In total, 50 units are expected to be delivered by 2020. China should receive 24 aircraft by 2019, and a contract was recently signed for the supply of 11 fighters to Indonesia...

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