Sharkan district library. Seminar for employees of library branches of the Kashin ILC Paid seminars for social sector specialists

02/08/2018 Seminar for district librarians on the topic “Results of the year”

6February in the Sharkan district library was held seminar for district librarians on the topic “ Results of the year" And round table « Library and press: the key to successful cooperation».

The following issues were addressed at the seminar:

  1. Summing up the results for 2017. Statistical and analytical reports of libraries.
  2. Rewarding librarians who have distinguished themselves in their work.
  3. Review of planned events for 2018.
  4. Maintaining internal library documentation.
  5. Round table “Library and press: the key to successful cooperation.”

The professional meeting of MBUK specialists was opened by the head of the department of methodological and information-bibliographic activities of the Sharkan District Library, E.N. Kozhevnikova. She spoke about the main events in the library life of the region, about the most significant events in the past year. Libraries actively participated in republican and regional events and promotions. Particular attention was paid to such important qualitative and quantitative indicators for assessing the work of libraries as: attendance, book lending and the level of satisfaction of residents of settlements. She reminded me about maintaining internal library documentation and gave memos on how to correctly and timely fill out accounting documents.

Director of the MBUK of the Sharkan District Library N.P. Vyaltseva conducted a debriefing of the work of libraries on a municipal assignment. The best specialists of the district's library network were awarded with certificates. The Children's Library, the service department of the regional library, and the Karsashur branch distinguished themselves. Natalya Pavlovna was directed to intensify work on the participation of specialists in various competitions.

Methodist M.V. Chazova gave an overview of the planned events and introduced the provisions of the republican and regional competitions.

The preservation of book collections is one of the priority areas of work for rural libraries. Odintsova N.N., editor of OKiO, explained how acts for writing off books are correctly drawn up.

The highlight of the seminar was the round table “Library and press: the key to successful cooperation.”

E.N. Kozhevnikova, head of the department of methodological and information-bibliographic activities

The November seminar for employees of library branches of the Kashinskaya ICB, which took place in the Central Library, was called “Planning: theory and practice. Main activities of libraries in 2018.”

The topic is relevant, since now is the time to sum up the work of the past year, analyze how successful certain forms of work with readers and users were, and determine in what areas libraries will work next year.
The seminar was opened by the head of the innovation and methodological department of the RMUC "Kashinskaya MCB" Yu.A. Malysheva. She emphasized that the work of libraries next year will be built in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin “On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030,” which he signed on May 9, 2017, and identified the main directions library work in 2018. The methodologist also informed her colleagues that the years 2018–2027 have been declared the decade of childhood in Russia. This is stated in the Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin No. 240 dated May 29, 2017. Yulia Anatolyevna introduced the seminar participants to the “Concept of a program to support children and youth reading in the Russian Federation,” which was signed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev on June 3, 2017. The concept will become the basis for the development of a corresponding subprogram of the state program “Information Society (2011-2020)”, the goal of which is to increase the status of reading, reading activity and quality of reading, and develop the cultural and reading competence of children and youth.

Librarian of the Zelentsovsky branch T.P. Ivanova shared her experience of organizing mass events for adult readers. She told her colleagues about how “green” gatherings took place in her library. The idea was suggested to her by a “green” seminar, which was held in March as part of the Year of Ecology. Everything corresponded to “green” gatherings: the design of the library and book exhibition, the color of the clothes of the participants of the gatherings, the design of the tea table.
The participants of the event prepared a photo exhibition “Flowers of Summer”, took part in a bouquet competition, and since the event took place in the Year of Ecology, they took part in environmental competitions with great pleasure and even dedicated their poem to the library and the librarian.

Of course, publications from rural libraries were presented at the seminar as part of the “Rural Library – Center for Local History and Tourism Information” Program. Booklets “From the history of the village. Apraksino" (Stulovskaya SB), "From the history of the Trinity Church in the village of Lobkovo", "Metochion of the Sretenskaya Monastery" (Lobkovskaya SB), "The Museum of the History of Slavkovskaya Volost invites you!", "From the history of the Savior Church in the village. Slavkovo" (Slavkovskaya SB).
At the end of the seminar, all librarians received an electronic set of methodological materials for planning work for 2018. It includes the brochures “Plan for results: methodological recommendations”, “Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Personality. Creation. Time: to the 100th anniversary of the writer’s birth”, “Scripts for all occasions”; booklets with materials for conversations: “Their feat is immortal - guard privates P. Labutin and A. Matrosov”, “The Wizard of Russian Ballet: on the 200th anniversary of the birth of M.I. Petipa”, “Gagarin - an interrupted flight: on the 50th anniversary of the death of the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yu. Gagarin”, “Cyril and Methodius - Slavic enlighteners: to the 1155th anniversary of the emergence of Slavic writing”.
A survey of librarians was also conducted on the topic “Methodological tips - real and virtual.” The purpose of the survey is to determine what assistance librarians need in preparing for 2018 planning and events. Based on the survey results, it became clear that materials are needed for conducting virtual trips to Japan (2018 is the Year of Russia in Japan and the Year of Japan in Russia) and India (2018 will be dedicated to tourism between Russia and India); materials for holding events within the framework of the Year of Unity of Russia, assistance in grouping significant and memorable dates in local history of the Kashin region and searching for materials for holding high-quality events in local history.
Thus, the seminar “Planning: theory and practice. The main directions of activities of libraries in 2018" became the starting point for planning the work of both librarians and methodologists.

April 10-11, 2018 Russian State Children's Library in accordance with the Consolidated Plan of Major Professional Events of the Russian Library Association holds an All-Russian seminar for service department specialists on the topic “Library services for children: modern approaches and the search for new formats.”

DOWNLOAD Information letter on the seminar (609 Kb)

DOWNLOAD Seminar program (411 Kb)

DOWNLOAD Press release of the event (166 Kb)

DOWNLOAD List of registered seminar participants (26 Kb)

Recording of the first day of the seminar

Recording of the second day of the seminar

DOWNLOAD Post-release of the event (173 Kb)

The seminar will consider priority issues of organizing library services for children: features of the formation of an open library space; new electronic technologies in user services; variety of volunteer projects in the library environment; the ability of libraries to attract extrabudgetary funds; modern literature for children and teenagers.

Among the seminar participants are leading experts in the field of library services for children, representatives of public and publishing organizations, cultural and educational institutions, literary scholars and children's writers, and the media.

The seminar will include round tables, open lectures, classes, master classes, meetings with children's writers, consultations with specialists, and field trips to Moscow libraries.

The Year of the Volunteer, announced in the Russian Federation in 2018, is dedicated to a special event “Library and Volunteer: Potential for Effective Cooperation”, the program of which includes presentations by representatives of volunteer centers with projects in the field of cultural volunteering, specialists from regional libraries serving children, on successful experiences in development of volunteer initiatives and implementation of library projects in close cooperation with volunteers. As part of the round table “Library open space for children”, modern approaches to organizing library space, including virtual ones, will be considered.

On the second day of the seminar, practical events will take place: a master class by leading specialists from the department of sociology, psychology and pedagogy of children's reading of the Russian State Children's Library on the topic “Studying children's reading: tasks, problems and prospects”; author's training by Elizaveta Valerievna Efremova, teacher, business coach, candidate of psychological sciences on professional ethics of a librarian, as well as a creative meeting with Nina Sergeevna Dashevskaya, writer, musician, winner of many literary awards.

We invite you and your library staff to take part in the seminar. Please notify us of your participation by April 2, 2018 by filling out registration form. Registered specialists will receive seminar materials and a participant certificate. Abstracts of speeches and demonstration materials for them Please send by April 04, 2018 to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. . Transportation and travel expenses are at the expense of the sending party; no registration fee is charged. Please note that RGDB does not book hotels; if necessary, you can book a room yourself.

Those who wish to continue their professional development can undergo a two-day (April 12 and 13) training on a paid basis under the program: “Modern library and information services for children: current issues.” Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate of advanced training. Details on the Training Center website.

March 23, 2018 in Kyzyl on the basis of the Tuvan Republican Children's Library named after. K.I. Chukovsky held a flash seminar for heads of children's libraries, dedicated to the Day of Cultural Workers. The seminar entitled “Traditions and innovations in working with children: problems, searches, solutions” brought together employees of 18 libraries.

The seminar began with a welcoming speech by acting. director of the children's library named after. Chukovsky Syldysma Borisovna Lopsan. Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Maryatta Maadyr-oolovich Badyrgy highlighted the priority directions of the Ministry of Culture for 2018. The participants of the seminar were presented with the projects “Biblioguide” - by the director of the Tuvan branch of VSGIK Vera Aleksandrovna Koshkar-ool and “Fairytale Yard” - by the head of the Central Children's Library of the village. Erzin, Chodury Vladimirovna Tarnachy.

At the seminar, topics were presented such as “Municipal program: creation of a model children's library on the basis of the Central Children's Library of the Ovyursky kozhuun” (head of the Central Children's Library of the Ovyursky kozhuun Olcheymaa Kim-oolovna Kyrgys); “Prevention of conflicts in the team” (director of the MBUK “CBS Tandinsky kozhuun” Yulia Yuryevna Irgit. The report on the topic “Project activities on career guidance “Your choice”” was presented by the head of the library of the Kyzyl Presidential Cadet School Galina Vladimirovna Suprun.

In the second part of the program, a master class “Promoting a page on social networks” was held for library workers by the head of the information policy department of the Administration of the Head of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Office of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ali Aleksandrevich Kuzhuget. The chairman of the public youth movement “Kind Hearts of Tuva” Artysh Yurievich Mongush conducted a lesson on kindness “Who, if not us?”

The seminar program was completed by the lesson “Fundamentals of Project Activities: Theory and Practice”, which was conducted by Valeria Sergeevna Kan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the training, Valeria Sergeevna invited library workers to create a project in five minutes, using the brainstorming method. The seminar participants were divided into three groups and each group prepared and presented a project. Kan V.S. noted that all three ideas - creating a center for children "Razvivayka", a club for pregnant women and a summer book clearing - are relevant and quite promising from the point of view of implementation.

The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Workers in the field of library science, having received the necessary knowledge, decided to finalize the projects and begin implementing projects at the municipal level.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan intends to continue to support the project activities of young cultural workers.