Application for project development. Project Application Elements of a Project Proposal

Where can you get funds to start a business if you only have an idea? Get financial assistance from the state or special funds. To do this, apply for a grant. Let's consider how to increase the chances of its approval, what documents to prepare and nuances that reduce the time for making a decision.

Opportunity receive funds for free attracts novice businessmen to implement the business. However not all types of startups are eligible for grants- for this they must meet certain criteria:

  • Novelty. This is not about launching another business, but about the innovative nature of the idea.

However, there are also differences:

  1. Not always included in grant applications pay attention to the commercial part. As a rule, the goal of the project is to achieve intangible benefits, and there may be no financial return at all.
  2. Grants are “sponsorship” help that is provided free of charge, and when submitting an application you do not have to justify the possibility of returning the borrowed funds.
  3. “Intangible” sections are of great importance - purpose of the project, its significance. Compliance of this information with the essence of the grant program is the key to receiving a subsidy.

Experts should have correct (and positive) representation about the project, its feasibility and benefits. Correct design of sections is important.

Sample of filling out the main points

Regardless of the fund that offers sponsorship and documentation forms, any application contains a number of key sections. We provide brief recommendations on how to fill them out.

  • Implementation work plan- specifics. You describe all the steps and operations that will be performed on the way to your goals. Take it seriously, because errors or illogical calculations and conclusions will create a negative impression of you.
  • Specific results- fixed indicators (qualitative or quantitative), upon achievement of which you will declare the success of the project.
  • Mechanism for evaluating results is also important. Show how the grant giver will monitor the success of the idea in which the funds are invested.
  • Further funding and prospects. Many non-profit grant projects are “closed” once their goals have been achieved and the budget has been spent.
  • Financial plan- How will you spend the grant funds received? This section should be as reasonable as possible, transparent and take into account all the nuances of enterprise taxation, legal and accounting subtleties.

How to submit and what other documents may be required

An organization applying for a grant is required to submit a package of documents to the fund. Depending on the idea, the kit may vary, but the main papers remain the same.

  • Constituent documents Individual entrepreneur or LLC - registration certificates, charter, orders of appointments, statistics codes and the like.
  • Copies financial statements for the last period (balance sheet, ).
  • Audit reports.
  • Data of the main officials of the organization with brief information.

A big plus in the biography of the director or founder will be confirmed information about his achievements in the chosen field.

  • Recommendations, letters of support. If the project is implemented in the social sphere, obtain the approval of the relevant funds and bodies. Attach their competent conclusions with the contacts of the principals to the application.
  • Documents for the right to use property, transport that will be involved - certificates of ownership, lease agreements.

Submitting an application is not difficult: all you need to do is format your idea correctly and collect the necessary documents.

Applicants face difficulties when preparing their application. We have collected practical tips that will simplify the task:

  • Before you begin the labor-intensive work of writing a document, make sure that the goals of the chosen fund match yours.
  • At the stage of development and filling consult with the grant provider. Most funds and government services operate centers for working with applicants, where they provide serious information support and training free of charge.

So, even within the same system it is very different, and if you do not know the nuances, you can enter incorrect data into the financial plan.

  • The total cost of implementation cannot be less than the amount of funds requested. For commercial organizations it is optimal if project budget for exceeds the subsidy amount - this way you will show that you are ready to invest your funds. For non-profit projects, implementation can be carried out within the scope of the grant.
  • The main thing when receiving a subsidy is inspire confidence among fund specialists in the idea. The application must be logical, concise and perfectly structured, and the justification must be convincing and without ambiguity.
  • Experience in the chosen field- the first thing a grant giver looks at. Having superficial knowledge about the object of application of forces, gleaned from the literature, do not count on a subsidy.


The first thing that specialists from government agencies and foundations see when considering a project is the application. Whatever the gift of persuasion an entrepreneur has, the impression is formed when studying it. If the document does not reflect real goals and does not disclose the implementation process, it may not reach “in-person” defense.

Dear readers! If you have any questions or clarifications on the topic of the article, please leave comments! We will try to cover the most relevant topics for you in the future. We are waiting for your ratings and opinions!

Request for proposal RFP) is an early stage in the acquisition process. It allows suppliers, often through tendering, to submit an offer for a specific product or service. This approach streamlines the acquisition decision process and allows risks and rewards to be clearly identified.

The project proposal to some extent dictates the structure and format of the vendor responses. The creativity and innovation that suppliers put into their offerings may be superior to those of other suppliers. However, too much variation in proposals can make it difficult to compare bidders' proposals and thus hinder the decision-making process. An effective project proposal will usually reflect strategy and short-term or long-term business objectives for which suppliers will be able to offer an appropriate perspective.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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This section concludes the project development process by presenting the sequence of steps for developing a project description. The first type of work focuses on defining the goals and objectives of the project. The next one defines the logical connections between the project objectives and the results of the activities. The importance of establishing project information collection metrics is then explored, and the work focuses on defining metrics for the project's purpose, objectives, and results so that project development can be assessed. The section concludes with the development of a project work plan and budget based on a detailed list of activities and a summary of the strategic integrated plan (log frame).


This section examines the final stage of the project development process—translating the problem analysis and activity selection into a project description.

In the previous section, we compiled a description of the problem field, which guided us in the process of identifying a set of possible measures to eliminate/mitigate the causes of problems. These activities were then discussed in light of their impact, scope, feasibility and viability. As a result of these discussions, some activities may have been eliminated from the project development process, while others may have been revised and improved. Now we are ready to move on to drawing up the project proposal.

Elements of a project proposal

Many different forms are used for project proposals. People and organizations also use different words and phrases when talking about the same project elements. These differences in forms and terminology can be confusing. But almost all project descriptions contain common elements. These are listed below and are related to the terms that will be used in this section.

Project description: basic elements Terms used in this manual
Description of the long-term changes that the project will contribute to Target
Description of changes in problems that will contribute to achieving the project goal Tasks
Description of the activities in the project and their expected results that will help achieve the project's objectives Types of activities (events, methods, steps in other sources) and their results
Description of the project development assessment system and plan Indicators Basic information Monitoring and performance evaluation plan
Description of project activities with distribution of responsibilities and deadlines Project work plan
Description of project costs Project budget

Structure of this section

Consistently, the project development process at this point has moved from problem analysis to the selection of activities. This section follows the following sequence:

Description of the changes the project aims to achieve by specifying the goals and objectives of the project
Description of specific activities that will be carried out within the framework of the project by specifying the activities in the project
Linking expected changes to project activities by indicating the results of activities
Determining how to monitor and evaluate performance using indicators for the project's goals, objectives and results, as well as a discussion of the baseline information against which project performance is verified, and a description of the plan for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the project
Listing the stages of implementation of project activities with distributed responsibilities and deadlines in the form of a project work plan
Project Cost Estimation in the form of a project budget


A project is a kind of bridge between an idea and its final implementation.

It is very important to recognize the difference between a project and an application for funding.

The project is primarily needed by the implementer himself in order to accurately formulate a social problem that requires an immediate solution, to understand the difficulties facing him and to plan subsequent activities.

The application is created in order to convince donors that the problems you have noted really exist and that you are the one who is able to solve them.

The application has a very clear vertical structure, the components of which are a title page, an abstract, an introduction and a problem statement.

The title page contains all the information necessary for the donor's attention. Typically this is:

1. Project name.

2.Name of the applicant organization.

3. Legal status of the applicant organization.

4.Contact information including:

Legal address of the organization;

Physical address of the organization;

Telephone and fax numbers; e-mail.

5.Last name, first name, patronymic and contact information (tel./fax, e-mail):

Project Director;

Project accountant;

Director of the applicant organization (if he does not manage the proposed project).

6. Territory where the project is being implemented.

7. Project duration (duration, beginning and end).

8. Requested resources, total cost of the project, resources available in the organization intended for this project. The sequence of presentation of this information is most often proposed by the donor himself.

A summary (abstract) is often called a “summary” of the project (no more than 1 page). This is a very important component. Experts will read the resume first and it should be clear who you are and what the scope and cost of your project are. The summary repeats all parts of the full application (1-2 sentences for each part) and answers the questions: who will carry out the project; why and for what purpose this project is needed; the purpose and objectives of the project; planned activities in the project; project result; how the project will be implemented; duration of the project; the means necessary to carry it out.

Introduction(1-2 pages). This section is a presentation. It should contain information about the organization seeking the grant:


Implemented projects and achievements;

Availability of competent staff and cooperation with volunteers;

Availability of partners;

Level of communication with state and municipal authorities;

Correspondence of previous experience to the problem being solved in this project;

And all that information that can give the donor confidence in your organization.

Formulation of the problem- this is an extremely important point of both the project and the project application, since subsequent planning, and often implementation, depends on its precise definition and formulation.

Psychologically, the problem is perceived as something annoying, disturbing, and requiring urgent resolution. This is something that should exist, but for some reason is missing from society. Therefore, we objectively talk about it as something with a minus sign.

For example, we note that the number of street children has increased in our region. Is the situation we discovered a problem? This is rather a statement of an obvious fact. The problem lies deeper and is related to the fact that something important is missing in society, and as a result of this, the situation lying on the surface is getting worse.

As a rule, accurate identification of a problem is preceded by a period of research and accumulation of information, which then, after appropriate processing, will form the basis for its formulation. In the application you can provide documents confirming the results of the assessment. You must be confident yourself (in order to then convince donors) that the problem you formulated can be fully or partially solved within a realistic time frame, with the resources available to you and the stated budget. As an exception to the rule, the problem may reflect the internal needs of the applicant organization if the requested funds are aimed at improving the efficiency of its own work. Lack of de-

neg cannot be stated as a problem. What problem will the money received be used to solve?

Usually, when stating a problem (in the absence of special requirements from the donor), the creators of the application and the project are required to clearly and convincingly explain what the need for the project is, describe the target group, the region of action, and, if possible, provide supporting statistics. Show how the existing problem relates to the objectives of the applicant organization. In general, this section of the application must meet the following criteria:

The problem relates to the goals and objectives of the applicant organization;

An objective situation is considered;

The problem is relevant, important and significant;

The existence of a problem is confirmed by statistics and research results;

The problem is formulated from the point of view of the target group and its needs, and not from the applicant;

Representatives of the target group are involved in solving the problem;

The problem is quite specific;

The problem is not replaced by methods for solving it.

Goal setting, initial situation

Problems that determine the emergence of the project:

  • slower sales growth;
  • inability to trade around the clock;
  • the complexity of regional sales, when the client cannot come to the company’s office or store to familiarize himself with the product catalogue;
  • customers need to visit the store to make a purchase or place an order by phone, which wastes a lot of time for the client and the operator;
  • complex interaction with clients and suppliers;
  • the need to restructure the company towards project management;
  • the need to optimize the company’s business processes towards simplifying processes;
  • conservative management style and employees;
  • poor visibility of the company and its products on the Internet;
  • difficulty finding partners;
  • ineffective marketing;
  • absence of the company in the search results of search engines;
  • high cost of goods.

As part of the development of a new enterprise structure and its transformation, it is necessary to introduce an e-commerce system into the enterprise management system. At the first stage, implement a dynamic system for positioning the company’s products on the Internet by creating an Internet site with a catalog of the company’s products.

Internet access must:

  • Open new options for selling products;
  • Allow you to develop a new market for selling your goods;
  • Reduce costs through more efficient customer service and optimization of internal business processes;
  • Trade your own goods and supply the company with others;
  • Simplify the exchange of data with customers or, accordingly, suppliers;
  • Optimize existing business processes - make them more economical, reduce costs;
  • Improve the company's image;
  • Implement high transparency of internal and external business processes;
  • Provide the opportunity to purchase company products without leaving home;
  • Reduce the cost of goods to the price level of competitors and below.

Project application. Goals

What needs to be achieved (defining SMART goals):

Target Term Team Expected Result Measuring the success of the result
Development of marketing-oriented Internet access, that is, presentation of products on the Internet. July 1–November 1 PfeifferHacker Increased awareness of Schulze products At least 5,000 site visitors per month six months after the completion of the site’s implementation on the Internet.
Search for cooperation partners on the Internet August 1–October 1 HeferBetger Sales of Schulze products through partners, at least 1% of the company’s turnover. Three months after the launch of the e-commerce project, there was an increase in turnover through partners (an increase of at least 5% per month).

Main tasks (project description)

The main tasks that must be solved to achieve the goal.

  • Organizational structure of the company
    • Prepare internal infrastructure for the implementation of a project management system in the company;
    • Conduct an analysis of internal business processes. Make a plan for modernizing business processes, taking into account the introduction of a new e-commerce system;
    • Prepare to collect statistics - calls from clients who came from the site. Organize call recording in a specialized database. The task is necessary in order to begin counting the number of clients who came from the Internet and, based on statistics, make decisions about further promotion on the Internet;
    • Conduct an analysis of the processed production and information technology processes and, together with the project team and external consultants, provide recommendations for the implementation of project solutions.
  • TK
    • Write together with E-Kon technical specifications for the implementation of the site.
  • Site design:
    • Develop a corporate style using vector graphics (logo, business cards, document templates);
    • Develop a website design in Photoshop;
    • Layout the site using cascading style sheets (CSS) on layers (do not use table layout);
    • Provide a minimum number of graphic elements in the site design to speed up page loading.
  • Website ergonomics:
    • Develop and implement the concept of a uniform construction of a sequence of pages in order to facilitate editing and searching;
    • Organize a convenient user interface, navigation, product filtering;
    • Ensure acceptable page loading speed, at least 10 ms.
  • Content management system
    • Implement a content management system based on one of the most popular frameworks based on MVC architecture;
    • Implement the concept of an effective editorial process and develop an individual editorial system, simplify site administration;
    • Develop a product catalog storage system with unlimited potential product growth. The directory must have a hierarchical structure with unlimited depth;
    • Create a product catalog with all product parameters (including individual parameters);
    • Implement a module for managing roles, site users and their rights.
  • SEO promotion
    • Optimize your website for search engines.
    • Provide the ability to customize each specific page of the site for promotion.
  • User's personal account
    • Create a personal user account (registration, user profile, change/recover password). In the next stage of the project, the personal account will be divided into modules for individuals. and legal persons
  • Hosting
    • Buy hosting located in the region where the office is located;
    • Buy a domain with full ownership rights.
  • System implementation
    • Put the site into combat mode.
  • Project marketing
    • Conduct market research and, based on the analysis, provide a marketing policy for the project;
    • Assessing the competitive advantages of competitors' websites. Develop a strategy for presenting products on the Internet;
    • Find cooperation partners on the Internet;
    • Call clients using the company directory.
  • Legal
    • Formulate an offer for using the website. It is necessary to have permission to process personal data. The offer must be provided for review at the time of user registration in the system.


Measurable results at the end of the project:

  • Providing potential clients with information through the website about the company’s services provided. The website should have a product catalog with all the necessary information - name, parameters, cost;
  • The website should provide information about the timing, methods of delivery of goods and payment options, both for individuals and legal entities;
  • Registration of new products on the company website, as well as setting up any catalog products if necessary. The ability to specify a specific category or several categories for each product;
  • A convenient web tool that allows you to display product data to customers on the company’s website online, 24/7;
  • Registration of clients in the web system;
  • Accumulation of a database of e-mail clients. Subsequently, we will send out newsletters to the collected database. This is preparation for stage 2 of the project development;
  • Differentiation of client access rights to registered data on the site. Pre-preparation of the client’s personal account on the website. In the future, the customer will be able to place electronic orders. Preparation for stage 2 of project development;
  • Stable site traffic, about 200-300 people per day;
  • The number of calls from clients coming from the site is at least 5 per day;
  • The amount of turnover for clients who came from the site is about 5,000 euros per day;
  • Due to creative design, people bookmark the site. Consequently, at least 5 people per day came through direct links to the site;
  • According to the specified keywords in the terms of reference for the implementation of the site, the site is in the TOP 10 of the search engine;
  • Our press releases should appear on the websites of the German press. Transitions from news sites – at least 10 per day;
  • From 5 to 10 calls per day from partners;
  • At least 5,000 site visitors per month after six months;
  • Growth in turnover through partners of at least 5% per month.

Project application. Risks

Decoding priority levels:

Risk area/ Definition of risk Prevention measure Impact Probability
Organizational risks
Lack of a common vision of the project management model among the company's top managers. To eliminate this risk, it is necessary to develop the concept of a corporate project management system at the initial stage and agree on it with the main stakeholders of the project. Budget for the purchase of a project management system.
Lack of change management Conduct the project in a project management system, which must have a control system for at least documentation versioning.
Weak support for the project from the company's top management. Often the head of the company does not understand what exactly he should do in the project. To ensure the proper level of strategic leadership, it is recommended to form an Academic Council for the project to implement an e-commerce system. It should be headed by the head of the company or one of the influential top managers who is a convinced supporter of the implementation of the system. It must be emphasized that the Council does not replace the project team. The main function of the Council is strategic support: reviewing the results of the main stages, making decisions on fundamental issues in the event of disagreements between stakeholders, ensuring the promotion of the project within the company, lobbying the interests of the project at the level of the Board of Directors and shareholders.
Lack of understanding by management of responsibility for making changes in the company To clearly distribute responsibility for the results of the implementation project, it is recommended to allocate the following management levels when forming a joint team:
  • The scientific council for managing the implementation project, which necessarily includes the project manager and the head of the company;
  • A project management team led by a project manager.

With such a project organization, responsibility for the final result of introducing the system into commercial operation lies with the company's top manager. The project team leader is responsible for the design and development of the project management system.

Lack of necessary human resources The problem of shortage or high employment of employees with the required qualifications exists in almost every project. Therefore, it is recommended at the planning stage to clearly structure the work, define the roles and responsibilities of the participants, their qualifications and number. This will make it possible to more clearly assess the real need for human resources and reduce the risk of delaying the project, especially at the time of coordination and approval of results. In order to prepare personnel in advance to support the designed project management processes, it is necessary, already at the initial stage of the project, to begin selecting and training specialists who will subsequently take an active part in the management process and monitoring the implementation of regulations.
Low involvement of company employees in the project. Lack of project promotion within the company. This risk can be minimized in the following ways:
  • constantly inform company employees about the status of the project, its importance for the organization and support from management;
  • create a system of motivation for employees involved in the project and in the budget management process itself;
  • attract future users to testing the e-commerce system.

These events will allow, firstly, to find more supporters of the project and the e-commerce system itself, and secondly, to take into account the requirements of many stakeholders and avoid serious modifications at the trial operation stage.

Is the motivation of project participants ensured?
  • Introduction of a new personnel motivation system.
  • Involving people in the project development process.
Will the company be able to independently operate the system after implementation? Development/implementation of procedures and regulations for system administration.
Wrong choice of consultants Poor productivity
  1. Conduct an analysis of firms providing consulting services;
  2. Conclude a clear employment contract with consultants and integrate them into the team;
  3. Control, contractual responsibility.
Lack of e-commerce experience
  1. Purchase the necessary literature;
  2. Attend a couple of conferences;
  3. Conduct internal events to exchange experience.
Human resource risks
Hacker (IT department) - critically opposes the project. Outspoken opponents of the project include the head of the procurement department, Gustav Böttger, and the head of the financial department, Georg Köster. Both are convinced that the company should maintain the existing structure, which it understands well and which it can afford.
  1. Systematically influence people through their leaders who have a positive attitude towards the project.
  2. Conduct a series of meetings in which to reveal the essence of the project and show the positive aspects.
  3. Include Gustav Böttger and Georg Köster in the Scientific Council of the project.
  4. Work out a motivation system.
Are there enough human resources allocated to complete the project? Appoint a project manager, plan the project, costs, resources. Monitor the activities of the manager. Conduct weekly status meetings.
Is the level of qualification of the employees participating in the project sufficient? Pre-conducting seminars on the topic of electronic marketing.
Is it possible that key people will leave during the project? Establish a motivation system, take notes on all project activities, conduct all actions only through the project management system. Accumulate knowledge not only on the project, but also on the project management system.
Are there potential conflicts between stakeholders during the project? Explain the importance of implementing an e-commerce system in a company to all interested parties. Study conflict management.
Can internal conflicts arise within the project team? Implement a staff motivation system, taking into account the personal skills and desires of each member. Think about flexible project management methodologies.
Are company experts available to communicate with the project team? Select experts for the project team. Invite external consultants, coaches to provide consultations and assistance in project implementation.
Is the involvement of company employees in the project ensured? Invite all interested parties to participate in the project. Provide the opportunity to participate in:
  • product testing;
  • product development.
Financial risks
Is the budget sufficient to complete the project? Develop a business plan for project implementation. Compliance with project deadlines.
Is there a hard budget limit for the project? Compliance with project deadlines. It is necessary to monitor the implementation of the project within the framework of the managerial triangle.
Are there possible delays in financing the project? Compliance with project deadlines.
Business risks
Will the company benefit from implementing a project management system? Calculate the effectiveness of implementing an e-commerce system. Assess the market, demand and current supply.
Are there possible negative consequences for business due to the implementation of the project? Make decisions step by step, predict the situation in the near future.
The beneficial effect of the e-business project is not achieved (wrong investment) Organize the implementation of the project in stages, make decisions on further development at the end of each stage.
Technical IT risks
Domain risks
Has the technological base of the project been chosen correctly? Conduct a technology analysis and make an informed choice focused on the company’s business processes.
The ergonomic properties of a website are not the perception of the design and its elements by users. Develop the right design, evaluate, get external assessment.
Technological risks
Are the software capabilities sufficient to implement the design model? Consultations with technical specialists of the consulting company at the stage of selecting a software package.
Is it possible that previously unknown problems may arise? Provide for the business process of restructuring and modernizing the system.
The existing IT resource base is insufficient Plan to replenish the technical equipment base.
Is the e-commerce model implemented correctly on the software platform? Conduct consultations with a company of consultants on the implementation of an e-commerce model based on the designed software package.
Are the conditions for setting up interfaces for interaction with other systems provided? Preliminary study of the possibility of integrating an e-commerce system with a corporate ERP and accounting system.
Is it possible to customize the software to new requirements? Software research for customization to changing business conditions.
Risks of the external environment
Unpreparedness of the IT infrastructure for the implementation of an automated system Requirements for technical means must be determined at the stage of software selection and immediately begin implementing measures to prepare the IT infrastructure. This work must be completed by the time the system is deployed on the company’s servers and user workstations. Try to use outsourcing (hosting) to store data on sites as much as possible.
Are the results of this project related to other company projects? Planning the implementation of an e-commerce system with correlation with the company’s external active and passive projects.
Inattention to related processes In order to clearly understand what risks are associated with the processes surrounding the designed e-commerce system, it is necessary to carefully study the state of all related processes and the level of their automation before starting the system implementation project. It cannot be ruled out that after assessing their current state, a decision may be made to postpone the creation of the system. In a more favorable situation, the system implementation project can begin, but at the same time, requirements for related processes will be developed and measures will be taken to improve them and ensure compatibility with system processes. It is necessary: ​​to organize business processes, regulations for the interaction of departments within the new e-commerce system.
Market. Incorrect assessment of the development of the e-commerce market Thorough market research is given top priority
Market. Cooperating partners do not react Expand activities to attract partners
Risk type Qty Probability
High Average Low
External environment


Conclusion: Special attention must be paid to addressing organizational risks.

Project application. Budget

Type of expenses Resources

Number /


Euro on



Personnel costs Muster


Hosting costs
Domain (for 1 year)
Hosting (for 1 year)


Material costs
Purchasing a license for a software package for a project management system.
Server for project management system
Backup server


Property Books
Household expenses


other expenses
Support workers
Travel expenses
Designer (photo processing)
Unexpected expenses
Personnel training costs
Expenses for stationery, books


Total expenses:

The share of cost coverage in the project is not considered.

The risk cap is 5% of total expenses.

Total expenses / 95 x 5 = risk premium amount.

49,325 / 95 x 5 = 2,596 risk premium

Total expenses are calculated from the total expenses, including the risk premium: 49,325 + 2596 = 51 921 full expenses.

The profit rate is not indicated, because internal project.

Project application. Restrictions

Project budget

For the first part of the project, the total budget should not exceed 60,000 euros.


The company's main processes should not be stopped during project implementation.

Key project employees must have a work schedule on the project such that the company's main business processes continue to work without stopping.


The e-commerce system being developed must comply with laws and regulations - you need to clarify which ones. According to the restrictions, the correct offer must be formulated. Task for a Lawyer.



Resource position Tasks, responsibility
Inner human
Philip Muster project Manager Project management, documentation management, stage control, project milestones, reporting to management, organizing meetings, risk management, communications.
Regina Pfeiffer headed the marketing department Development of marketing-oriented Internet access
Carl Hacker IT department employee Working with internal technical infrastructure. Installation/configuration of servers, software. Consulting E-con specialists on technical issues.
Hans-Dieter Pohl head of IT department Consulting E-con specialists on technical issues. Resolving issues of choosing and purchasing hosting and domain.
Sibylle Hoefer purchase department Search for cooperation partners on the Internet.
Gustav Böttger Head of Procurement Department Search for cooperation partners on the Internet. Development of a supply program.
External human
Thomas Kasten Consultant E-Kon Development of an implementation plan for the creation of a company website. Website creation.

Academic Council:

The Scientific Council monitors the project and plays the role of an ultimate decision-making body. Members of the Academic Council: Kai Schulze, Gustav Böttger and Georg Köster.

Technical Resources:

  • Internal infrastructure servers for solving problems of integration with the site;
  • New server for the project management system;
  • New backup server for saving database copies.

External resources:

  • The E-con company, according to the agreement, will assist in the development of the project for 6 months;
  • E-Con consultant Thomas Kasten, according to the contract, will allocate his time to a maximum of at least 4 hours a day.

Technical limitations


  • Development of static and dynamic HTML documents linked to a web server using php, javascript, ajax and a MySQL database.
  • Hosting:
    • Server: Server uptime, not lower than 99.99%;
    • The response time of the support service to an application in administrative mode should not be less than 1 hour;
    • Disk space of at least 100 GB;
    • Availability of php 5 version and higher;
    • at least two MySQL 5.* databases;
    • full rights to the database management system;
    • mailbox management;
    • managing cron tasks;
    • ability to display logs;
    • ssh access to the site;
    • unlimited traffic;
    • Hosting type: virtual dedicated server;
    • subdomain management.


The project is supported by external consultants. Consulting services are provided by E-Con, which provides advice on strategy and selection of appropriate information technology systems. Then they are given the task of developing software for processing user requests and a web interface for it (Front-end).


If conflicts arise, the various claims are considered in the following priority order:

a) client;
b) project;
c) internal processes.

If it is not possible to quickly and unambiguously resolve the conflict, an academic council is involved.