Holiday on Titmouse Day. Celebration in kindergarten "Titmouse Day". Presenter: listen to the poem

On November 12, 2019, our country celebrates Titmouse Day, established on the initiative of the Russian Bird Conservation Union. The holiday has become popular among children.

On this day, many kindergartens and schools hold themed matinees dedicated to bird protection. We offer one of the possible options for holding a children's party on Sinichkin's Day.

Scenario for the holiday “Titmouse Day” in kindergarten

- Dear Guys! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Titmouse Day. In the old days, at this time in Rus' they celebrated the Day of Remembrance of St. Zinovy ​​Sinichnik. He was considered the patron saint of all forest birds: tits, bullfinches, jays, goldfinches, waxwings and others.

– What birds do you know? (Children will answer the question).

Then, according to the program of the event for preschoolers on Sinichka Day, a children's quiz will be held in which the children will need to guess riddles about birds (the presenters will show their images).

– A cry is heard under the cornice:
“Chick-chirp” and “chick-tweet!”
These are children's songs
The gray one teaches... (sparrow).

- Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.

- Wears a gray vest,
But the wings are black.
You see - they're circling, twenty pairs
And they shout: “Carr! Carr!

- Who's on the Christmas tree?
The count is kept: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku?”

- Here the feathered one sat on a branch
And he beats: knock-knock-knock!
Looks for food under the bark
He is hungry sometimes.

– Northern guests
Rowan berries are pecking at clusters.
So elegant and bright
There are tufts on the heads!

- A breast brighter than the dawn,
Who? (At the bullfinch).

- Vereshunya, white-sided,
And her name is... (magpie).

- She can’t sit still,
Everything flies all day long.
Fussing, fussing,
“Shadow-shadow” rings all day long!
Guess what kind of bird it is?
That's funny... (tit).

– Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing and varied plumage. It is difficult for us to imagine a world without birdsong, spring without starlings, the sea without seagulls, a grove without nightingales!

– And how many pests birds destroy! A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles and snails per day, and rooks destroy up to 400 worms and plant pests. A family of swallows contains about a million different harmful insects over the summer. Today you will learn more about birds, we will play and have fun.

The event for children on Titmouse Day will continue the story about the titmouse.

– You have all seen tits more than once and know well what they look like. The titmouse is a small bird (its weight is 20 grams and its length is 15 centimeters). She has a black head and neck, white cheeks, a greenish back and a yellow belly.

“In the summer she is busy all day, because she needs to feed the hungry chicks. The tit has about 15 of them, and they hatch twice during the summer. So the bird flies all day long in search of food. In a day, a tit eats as many insects as it weighs.

– Why do you think these birds are called tits? Not everyone knows that the word “tit” does not come from the plumage of these birds. They began to be called that for their sonorous songs, reminiscent of the ringing of a bell: “Zin-zin!”

- People said:

  • “The titmouse is small, but knows its holiday,”
  • “The tit is small, but its voice is great,”
  • "The tit is the sparrow's sister"
  • “Feed the tit in winter, it will remember you in spring.”

– There are many signs associated with this holiday. People noted:

  • if birds appear in flocks near the house, it means that frost will soon strike;
  • If tits squeak in the morning, it means night cold; if they whistle, it means a clear day.

What else could be included in the children's event program for Titmouse Day?

Then, according to the script for the “Titmouse Day” holiday, the kindergarten will read a story about birds wintering in our area.

– It’s not just tits that stay with us for the winter. Other birds also wait out the winter cold in our forests and parks. It’s hard for birds in winter, because they don’t have warm homes like you and I do. How can we help birds at this time of year?

With the support of the presenters, the children give answers, the essence of which boils down to the fact that they need to make feeders and feed the birds.

– Feed the birds in winter!
Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich:
I need a handful of grain
One handful is not scary
It will be winter for them.

– You can pour bread crumbs and crackers, millet grains, rice, millet, buckwheat, dried rowan berries and other food into the feeder.

– Tits can be treated to their favorite food: unsalted and lightly salted lard, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc.

In the program of the holiday for preschoolers “Titmouse Day”, it can be envisaged that the children will read poems about this bird:

Tell me, titmouse,
My winged friend,
Why are you staying?
Are you eager to go south?

Blizzards will come
Snow, cold,
And with food for birds
In winter it’s a disaster!

Titmouse - in response:
- The feeder helps out.
Thank you very much
For this, girlfriend.

Thanks for the seeds
Apples, lard...
Without them it would be winter
I'm definitely lost.

A bird chirps outside the window -
Yellow-sided titmouse.
The poor thing is hungry in winter:
Not a blade of grass, not a bug.
At least give her a crumb of bread
Or a little bit of grain.
I'll hang a feeder here
And I’ll pour a mug of millet,
I will wait for the forest guest:
Come and visit soon!

Games and competitions for children on Titmouse Day

The scenario for holding “Titmouse Day” in kindergarten may also include various games and competitions. Children will be happy to take part in the physical education session “The Lively Titmouse”.

The guys stand in a circle and repeat the movements after the teacher:

– A nimble tit is jumping (children jump in place on two legs),
– She can’t sit still (jumping in place on her left leg),
– Jump – hop, jump – hop (jumping in place on the right leg),
– Spun like a top (children spin around in place)
- I sat down for a minute (sat down),
– She scratched her chest with her beak (they stood up and tilted their heads),
– And from the track to the fence (jumping in place on the left leg),
– Tiri – tiri (jumping in place on the right leg),
- Shadow-shadow-shadow! (jumping in place on two legs).
“They spun and spun and turned into children again.”

You can arrange a game of “Tits”. To do this, large cardboard mugs are placed on the floor. Children - "tits" - run around the playground. When the teacher says: “Go home!”, the children try to occupy the houses. Whichever child is left without it drops out of the game.

Don't forget about the musical accompaniment of the holiday. It can feature songs about birds: “Titmouse” (“I am a titmouse, a little bird”), “Titmouse’s song”, “Sparrow”, “Little bird”, “Skvorushka says goodbye”, “Crane”, etc.


Holiday script for the senior group.

Target : To create a joyful mood in children, to sow and nurture in a child’s soul a love for nature and the folk traditions of their native land.


Introduce children to the ecological holiday “Titmouse Day”

Expand your understanding of migratory and wintering birds, and the reasons for the departure of birds in the autumn

Foster a desire to take care of wintering birds, a desire to help (feed) them during the cold season

Introduce preschoolers to the traditions of the folk calendar

Location: music hall

Equipment : video projector, on a saucer -seeds, lard, cereals, crumbs, candies, rowan berries; pictures of birds.

Progress of the event

Educator. So the golden autumn has died down, the crowns of the trees have thinned. They threw off their colorful outfit of foliage. September was surrounded by leaf fall, October was noisy with rain, November greeted us with the first frosts.

And as soon as it got colder outside, many birds began to fuss, as if someone had frightened them. Why is this happening?

There are different types of birds:

Some people are afraid of blizzards

And they fly away for the winter

To the good, warm south.

Others are a different people:

In the frost they circle over the forest,

For them, separation from their homeland

Worse than a severe cold.

To their ruffled feathers

Snowflakes don't stick,

They are also under the powders

frolicking to warm up K. Muhammadi

Polina: 3rd slide. Guys, what birds do you see on the slide?

4 slide. Help me find wintering birds. Have the swallow and heron flown away to warmer lands? Why? The swallow feeds on insects, and the heron on frogs. With the onset of autumn, insects and frogs went into hibernation.

Teacher 5 slide. Do you guys know that for a long time in Rus', on November 12, Titmouse Day was celebrated - the day of meeting wintering birds. For a long time, people prepared feeders for this day, read poems about birds, asked riddles, played and simply admired the winter birds. Why is this day called “Titmouse Day”? Yes, because people said that “the titmouse is God’s bird for Rus'.” Previously, in the old days they used to tell fortunes about it: they threw crumbs of bread, pieces of lard and observed: if the titmouse first begins to peck lard, then there will be livestock in the house; if it begins to peck at crumbs of bread, then there will be prosperity in the house. People used to say: “The titmouse is a small bird, but it knows its holiday.”

Educator . Not only the titmouse bird stays with us for the winter, but other birds also wait out the winter cold in our forests and parks.

Polina 6 slide. This bird has a black cap on its head, dark wings and tail, and a bright yellow breast.

Educator . tits - very mobile birds, flitting from branch to branch, they hang upside down from them, sway, and stay on the thinnest branches. Their long and sharp claws help them in this.

Polina 7 slide. This is a small, agile bird with a rounded head, short neck, ovoid body, short and rounded wings. The beak is hard, pointed towards the end. In the cold season, birds sit tightly pressed against each other, ruffled.

Jumps quicklysparrow,

The bird is a gray baby.

Snooping around the yard

Collects crumbs.

Polina 8 slide. Bullfinches

Here on the branch, look

Bullfinches in red T-shirts.

Fluffed the feathers

Basking in the sun.

Educator Slide 9 This bird has beautiful variegated plumage: the upper body is black, there are white spots on the head and neck, white stripes on the folded wings, and the undertail and crown are red. The beak is strong and sharp. (Knock)

Pauline Motley hard workerwoodpecker

I caulked the birds' hollows.

The day was hard. No more strength!

Everything was hammering, hammering, hammering

Polina 10 slide White-sided chatterbox

On the spruce tree at the top

She burst into tears, screamed,

She got loose and swayed.Magpie

Educator 11 slide The game “Bird Concert” is being played.

Each group of three children is given the name of a bird and asked to demonstrate in chorus how these birds sing:

Sparrows - chirp - chirp.

Tits - ting - ting.

Crow - car - car.

Woodpecker - trrr - trrr.

Bullfinch - du - du - du.

Crossbill - clack - clack - clack.

Polina 12 and 13 slide. Guys, let's remember once again what these birds are called. Name it in one word.

Polina 14 slide. I suggest you solve the riddles.

The back is greenish,

The belly is yellowish,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf. (Titmouse)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again (Bullfinch)

The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one.

White-sided prophetess,

And her name is... (Magpie)

Educator Slide 15 How can we help birds in winter? (Children's answers) But making a feeder is not enough, you need to know what kind of food you can put in for the birds. Now we'll check.

Game "FEED"

Remove excess that the birds will not eat.

(on the table on saucers are seeds, lard, cereals, crumbs, sweets, rowan berries).

Here are pictures of birds. Tell me, what kind of bird enjoys eating bread crumbs? (Choose a picture of a bird and place it next to the saucer).

What bird loves lard? (Choose a picture of this bird and place it next to the saucer)

What bird eats rowan berries in winter? (Select picture).

Educator: Birds can be fed with sunflower, pumpkin, and watermelon seeds. You should not give birds roasted seeds and black bread. Birds readily eat cottage cheese, creamy margarine, unsalted meat, and fat. Mix these feeds and the birds will choose their favorite seeds from the mixture. Guys, do you know that in winter our feathered friends get cold and hungry? Out of 10 tits, only 1 survives until spring. And our task is to prevent our wintering birds from dying of hunger in the winter, make feeders for them and feed the birds in the winter.

Polina 16 slide. Feed the birds in winter

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich

I need a handful of grain

One handful is not scary

It will be winter for them.

Educator: Guys, here's a family assignment for you:

Hang feeders in your yard and feed the birds, prepare to meet migratory birds. In the spring, make birdhouses and continue with your family to get acquainted with works of children's literature about the life of birds. I hope this holiday has opened something new and interesting for you and the friendship between people and birds will become stronger!

Now we’ll go outside and hang the feeders and pour in the food. (When we pour out the food, we need to say the sentence: Birdie, birdie, here are some crumbs from my palm).

Titmouse's day. Scenario for preschoolers 5-7 years old

The holiday-competition script is intended for students of senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions. The event is dedicated to Titmouse Day, which is celebrated according to the folk calendar on November 12 and is dedicated to the species of wintering birds in the Kemerovo region. This development can be used by educators, music workers of preschool educational institutions, additional education teachers, teacher-organizers for preparing and conducting natural science events.
Target: nurturing the ecological culture of preschool children through deepening, expanding and updating knowledge about wintering birds of Kuzbass.
Tasks: 1. update and replenish children’s knowledge about the types of wintering birds in the Kemerovo region, their significance for humans and nature, types of food for different birds;
2. cultivate a caring and responsible attitude towards human feathered friends;
3. develop children's intellectual and creative abilities.
Progress of the event.
Presenter: Hello, dear guys! We are very glad to meet you, and today this meeting is dedicated to the wonderful world of our feathered friends. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing and varied plumage. Without birdsong the world would be boring.

For a long time, in Rus', on the 12th of November, Sinichkin Day has been celebrated, i.e., the day of meeting of wintering birds. On this day, people prepared feeders, read poems about birds, asked riddles, played and simply admired the winter birds.

Why exactly Titmouse Day? Yes, because the tit is considered the bird of God in Rus'. Previously, in the old days they used to tell fortunes about it: they threw crumbs of bread, pieces of lard and observed: if the titmouse first begins to peck lard, then there will be livestock in the house, if it begins to peck at crumbs of bread, then there will be prosperity in the house.
Guys, what would a holiday be without the main character - the titmouse? Let's call her.
(a titmouse in a suit enters)

Tit: Hello guys! I'm very glad that you haven't forgotten about me. How many of you have seen me in your gardens and orchards, on the street? All summer I lived in the forest. And now it’s late autumn outside, and my migratory brothers have already flown south, to warmer climes. What do you guys think, why do some birds leave their native lands in the fall? (children's answers). That's right, friends, because with the onset of autumn the birds do not have enough food. And we, sedentary birds, moved to the city for winter, closer to the dwelling of a person whom we are not at all afraid of and even hope for his friendship and help.
Presenter: Tits, guys, are very useful birds. In spring and summer they clear forests and gardens of harmful insects. In one day, this little bird eats as many insects harmful to plants as it weighs.
Tit: Thank you, friends, for appreciating me! And now I would like to meet you!
1. Presentation of wintering birds by teams.
Titmouse: What a great fellow you are, guys, for not forgetting my other wintering brothers! Thank you for your bright and memorable performances. It’s immediately obvious that you are good friends with birds! Do you know resident birds, but can you recognize migratory birds?
Presenter: Of course, we haven’t forgotten, Titmouse. And now the guys and I will prove it to you. Our next competition is a competition of riddles about migratory birds.
2. Riddles about migratory birds.
1.Black, agile,
Shouts "Krack!"
The enemy of worms is the rook.

2. There is an awl in the front,
Behind is a fork,
On top there is a black cloth,
Behind is a white towel (swallow).

3. Pied quacker
Catches frogs.
Waddles around
Stumbled. (duck).

4.Who is without notes and without a pipe
He produces trills best of all,
More vocal and tender.
Who is this? (nightingale).

5. He builds his nest in the field,
Where the plants grow.
His songs and flight
Entered into poems.
Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
It falls like a stone from the heights.
And in the fields he sings, sings (the lark).

6.I'm a funny bird
In a black speckled shirt,
I'll come to you in the spring,
I’m settling into the house right away.
I rise with the sun,
I eat beetles and drink dewdrops (starling).

7.Mother, I don’t know my father
But I call it often.
I won’t know the children -
I will sell them to strangers (cuckoo).

Titmouse: Oh, how great you guys are! We recognized all the migratory birds.

Presenter: Yes, titmouse, our guys not only know a lot about you, but are also ready to help their feathered friends in cold and harsh times. Look what wonderful and comfortable canteens the kindergarten students have prepared for wintering birds!
The winter day is getting shorter and shorter.
You won't have time to have lunch,
The sun will set behind the fence
Not a mosquito, not a fly
There is just snow and snow everywhere.
It's good that we have feeders
Made by a kind person. (Yu. Sinitsyn)
Let's listen and see what our young friends have prepared for us!

3. Demonstration and presentation of feeders.

Titmouse: Thank you, friends, for your kindness, for your care, for helping us birds. With such responsive helpers, we are not so afraid of Siberian frosts. After all, out of 10 tits, 1-2 survive in winter. And if all the guys around help my relatives, then in the spring we will not be in debt - we will protect your gardens and forests from plant pests, and delight you with our singing!
Presenter: You’re right, Titmouse, without the help of people, settled birds have a hard time in winter, because birds are afraid not of cold, but of hunger. Do you know what food to feed this or that type of bird? Let's play the game "Bird Cafe" with you.

4. Game "Bird Cafe".
Each team is given one card with a picture of a wintering bird and several containers with different food. In 2 minutes, the team should create a menu specifically for their “bird client”, that is, select food for the type of resident bird shown on the selected card.

1. Tits: unsalted lard, unroasted sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, melon, hemp seeds, white bread crumbs (do not eat cereals and gray bread);
2. Bullfinches, waxwings: fruits of rowan, viburnum, hawthorn, buckthorn, bird cherry, maple;
3. Sparrows, pigeons: millet, oats, wheat, millet, sunflower, grain waste;
4. Woodpeckers: cones, acorns, nuts, sunflower seeds;
5. Nuthatches: unsalted lard, meat, sunflower.

Titmouse: Thank you guys for the treat! I hope you remember to refill your feeders so our beautiful bird cafes don't sit empty all winter. After all, we, wintering birds, need your care! You did your best today, you pleased us not only with your knowledge, creative approach, but also with your caring attitude towards living nature! Well done!
And now, while the respected jury sums up the results and determines the winners, let's play the fun game “The Birds Have Arrived.” One day the birds gathered for a meeting, the meeting was secret, and it was decided not to let anyone except the birds in. You guys will be the guards today! As soon as you hear that it’s not a bird that has suddenly entered the “meeting,” immediately clap your hands loudly! Ready? Begin!
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts...

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Swallows, swifts,
Jackdaws, pasta,
Storks crows...

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, martens,
Storks crows...

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Bolts, cuckoos...

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Gadgets, cuckoos...
There are such birds as chickadees, by the way, they are my relatives, after all, there are different types of titmice!
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Gadgets, swifts,
Storks, cuckoos,
Even owl buns...
It’s true, scops owls are not birds, but if you add just one letter “C” to them at the beginning, you get scops owls, and these are already birds. This is a species of owl. Why do you think they were called that? That's right, because they sleep during the day. Well done! We didn't miss anyone! And now we give the floor to our jury!
Summing up and rewarding teams.

Entertainment scenario “Titmouse’s Day” for older children

Target: Tasks:

Continue introducing children with wintering and migratory birds.


To promote a love for the animal world.

Strengthen the ability to recognize birds by the sounds they make and methods of movement.

Develop in children cognitive interest, attention.

Help children understand the importance of feeding birds in winter.

Develop the ability to correlate changes in nature with the lives of wintering and migratory birds.


Mistress, Magpie, Sparrow, Crow, Woodpecker, Bullfinch, Tit.

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall, which is decorated like a Russian upper room. They are met by the Hostess.

Mistress: Hello, dear guests, come to my room, make yourself comfortable. I want to tell you today about Russian folk tradition. Since ancient times in Rus' in mid-November it was celebrated Day meeting of wintering birds. Our ancestors greeted him noisily and festively. People made feeders, read poems about birds, asked riddles, played and simply admired the winter birds. For this holiday, peasants prepared food, hung feeders, invited the birds to their home, and then fed them regularly throughout the winter. Later this holiday became known as Titmouse's day. It is now celebrated on November 12th. By the way, the name « tit» did not happen at all because of the blue plumage of these birds, as many might think. They got their name from their sonorous songs, reminiscent of a chime. bell: “Blue - blue!” Our ancestors believed tit lady bird. IN in the old days people used to guess about it: threw crumbs of bread, pieces of lard and observed: If titmouse first the lard begins to peck, then there will be livestock in the house; if he starts pecking at crumbs of bread, there will be prosperity in the house...

Magpie flies in, chattering: I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?

Mistress: Hush, hush, don't make noise. Guys, did you find out who it is?

Magpie: Oh, hello, guys! I am Soroka!

Mistress: What happened, Magpie?

Magpie: So I say, I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything.

Mistress: Let's go into the forest together and help Magpie figure it out. One, two, three, turn around and find yourself at the edge of the forest!


A flock of birds flew by. I scattered the feathers here.

We will pick up the feathers and read the assignments. Feathers with riddles:

Guess what kind of bird it is.

As if he's not afraid of cats

Jumps along the path

Collects crumbs and then jumps onto a branch

And tweets: “Chick-chirp!”. (Sparrow)

Sparrow: Hello guys. Glad to meet you. You guessed the riddle, but can you tell me a poem about me?

Child: Why do I love a sparrow?

Because he is like me.

When the cold comes,

Doesn't fly anywhere.

Sparrow: Thank you, you noticed correctly, we always live close to people. We are also cheerful, noisy sparrows who love to play. Let's play a game with you!


Target: To develop the ability to correctly form possessive adjectives.


Mistress: Like a fox among animals. This bird is the smartest of all,

Hiding in the green crowns, and her name is... (Crow)

Crow Appears: Hello, kar-kar! I am Crow! Smart, cunning bird, and I also like to have fun. Get into a round dance, let's start a merry dance.


Mistress: Next mystery: His knocking can be heard far away all around, he is an enemy to worms, and a friend to trees... (Woodpecker)

Woodpecker arrives: Greetings to all those present. I am glad that guests have come to our forest.

Mistress: Hello, Woodpecker. We came to a forest clearing to help Soroka figure out what birds live in Russia.

Woodpecker: Can you recognize birds by their voices?

Mistress: We'll try.

Mistress: Next mystery:

Grey-backed, red-breasted,

Lives in winter groves.

He's not afraid of colds

Arrives with the first snow. (Bullfinch)

Bullfinch: Kind day. I see you like to listen to birds, but do you sing? Can you perform bird songs?

A GAME "BIRD CONCERT". Each subgroup of children the name of the bird is given. The guys perform a song based on "In the grass Grasshopper sat". Each bird has a line.

Sparrows - chirp - chirp

Tits - blue - blue

Crows - kar - kar

Bullfinches - du-du-du

Bullfinch: Well done! It was an excellent concert! I really liked your songs!

Mistress: Who flies. Who is chirping - wants to tell us the news? (Magpie)

Magpie: Oh, really, this riddle is about me: I know all the news, I tell them to everyone I meet. I just still don’t understand why some birds stayed with us for the winter, while others flew away?

Mistress: You still haven’t guessed? Now the guys will answer you. (Children answer). Now I understand?

Magpie: I understand, I understand, but I’m confused, which birds are migratory and which ones spend the winter with us?

Mistress: Our guys will help you figure it out.

A GAME “SAME BUT DIFFERENT”. Cards with wintering birds need to be transferred to the snowflake, and with migratory birds - to the sun.

Mistress: Guess what kind of bird, lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

shades loudly: “Shadow-shadow! How good is autumn day. (Tit)

Titmouse: Kind day, Guys! I heard that you know a lot about us wintering birds. It's hard for us in winter. If the winter is mild and warm, we will survive, but if the winter is fierce, it will be difficult for us. It’s not easy to get food under the snow, and it won’t take long for a hungry person to freeze. So we, birds, are drawn in winter closer to human habitation, hoping for his help and kindness.

Mistress: Guys, how can we humans help birds in winter? (feed the birds, make feeders).

Titmouse: But making a feeder is not enough, you need to know what kind of food you can put in for the birds.

A GAME "FEED THE BIRDS" (on saucers - seeds, lard, cereals, crumbs, sweets, rowan berries). We need to remove what is unnecessary and leave what is useful for the birds.

Mistress: Dear birds, our guys not only know a lot about birds, they sing and dance, they also want to tell you poems.

1 child: Feed the birds in winter,

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

2 child: Their food is not rich.

I need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

It will be winter for them.

3 child: How many of them die -

Can't count

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

4 child: Is it possible to forget:

They could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Together with people.

5 child: Train your birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

Mistress: Our holiday has come to an end, let's now go outside and hang it up feeders for wintering birds.

The children are given leaflets with calls:

“Take care of the birds!”, "Birds are our friends!", “Every little bird has our feeder!”, “Let's help our smaller brothers!”.