How to open the bookmarks bar in chrome. How to add a bookmark to the express panel in google chrome - step by step instructions. Import bookmarks from HTML file

Organizing your browser bookmarks is a procedure that will increase your productivity. Visual bookmarks are one of the most popular ways to arrange web pages in such a way that you can quickly get to them at any time.

Today we will take a closer look at how new visual bookmarks are added for three popular solutions: standard visual bookmarks, visual bookmarks from Yandex and Speed \u200b\u200bDial.

In standard visual tabs

By default, the Google Chrome browser has some kind of visual bookmarks with very limited functionality.

Frequently visited pages are displayed in standard visual bookmarks, but unfortunately, you cannot create your own visual bookmarks here.

The only way to customize visual bookmarks in this case is to delete unnecessary ones. To do this, hover the mouse cursor over the visual bookmark and click on the displayed icon with a cross. After that, the visual bookmark will be removed, and another frequently visited web resource will take its place.

In visual bookmarks from Yandex

Yandex Visual Bookmarks is a great easy way to place all the web pages you need in the most prominent place.

In order to create a new bookmark in the Yandex solution, click in the lower right corner of the visual bookmarks window by the button "Add bookmark" .

A window will appear on the screen in which you will need to enter the page URL (site address), after which you will need to press the Enter key to make changes. After that, the bookmark you created will be displayed in the general list.

Please note that if there is an extra site in the list of visual bookmarks, then it can be reassigned. To do this, hover the mouse cursor over the bookmark tile, after which a small additional menu will appear on the screen. Select the gear icon.

The screen will display the already familiar window for adding a visual bookmark, in which you need to change the current site address and set a new one.

In Speed \u200b\u200bDial

Speed \u200b\u200bDial is a great functional visual bookmark for Google Chrome. This extension has the widest set of settings, allowing you to customize each element in detail.

When you decide to add a new visual bookmark to the Speed \u200b\u200bDial, click on the plus sign to assign a page to the empty bookmark.

In the window that opens, you will be asked to specify the address of the page, and, if necessary, set a thumbnail for the bookmark.

Also, if necessary, an existing visual bookmark can be reassigned. To do this, right-click on the bookmark and in the menu that appears, click on the button "Change" .

In the opened window in the graph "URL" specify a new address for the visual bookmark.

If all bookmarks are occupied, and you need to set a new one, then you will need to increase the number of displayed bookmark tiles or create new group bookmarks. To do this, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the window to go to the Speed \u200b\u200bDial settings.

In the window that opens, open the tab "Settings" ... Here you can change the number of displayed tiles (speed dials) in one group (by default it is 20 pieces).

In addition, here you can create separate groups of bookmarks for more convenient and productive use, for example, "Work", "Study", "Entertainment", etc. In order to create a new group, click on the button "Group management" .

Then click on the button "Add group" .

Enter the name of the group, and then click the button "Add group" .

Now, returning again to the Speed \u200b\u200bDial window, in the upper left corner you will see the appearance of a new tab (group) with the previously specified name. Clicking on it, you will be taken to a completely blank page in which you can start filling in the bookmarks again.

So, today we covered the main ways to create visual bookmarks. We hope this article was helpful to you.

I remember how many years ago I first came across such a concept as "Internet" and the Internet itself.

My advanced colleagues installed on my computer a program - the browser "Netscape Navigator" (netscape navigator), at that time occupying a leading position among the programs - Internet browsers.

They typed, it seems, in the address bar, showed how to use the search for information on the Internet and ... let me float freely across the boundless seas and oceans of the Internet.

All this, I caught, "by typing", rather quickly - how and where to dig. But then it arose for me a problem, or rather an inconvenience that poisoned me "digging" in the Internet.

I wrote down the sites and pages on the Internet that I liked, or rather their addresses, in a notebook so that later I could type in the address bar and return to the site or site page I needed. And it was long, inconvenient and very annoying.

After my next swear words, my colleagues took pity on me and showed me a tool for automating this very navigation on the Internet - bookmark bar.

The bookmark bar is present in all programs - browsers in one form or another. The differences are insignificant, and the principle of operation is the same for all.

I want to tell you and show you how to work with the browser bookmarks bar (google chrome). Why Google Chrome Browser? Firstly, because I like him the most. Secondly, it is a very popular browser. And thirdly, this browser continues to gain popularity.

I will definitely do short review about bookmarks bar different browsers, but I want to show in detail on the example of Google Chrome.

All. Enough lyrics. So the Google Chrome bookmark bar.

Open your browser. Right-click on the "Google Chrome" shortcut. Then move the mouse pointer to the "Open" menu item and click on it with the left mouse button.

We will open a browser window. We move the mouse pointer to the "wrench", which in Russian means "Settings" and click on it with the left mouse button. In the menu that opens, move the mouse pointer to the "Bookmarks" menu item. One more menu should open (if it did not open, then left-click on the "Bookmarks" menu item).

In the menu that opens, move the mouse pointer to the menu item "Show bookmarks bar" and click on it with the left mouse button.

A gray bar will appear at the top under the address bar field, which, in fact, is the tab bar. If you have just installed, then this strip will look the same as you see in the screenshot.

Now we can add bookmarks to this panel, which we will now do. Let's add a bookmark to the site we are currently on, i.e.

To do this, move the mouse pointer to the "star" and click on it with the left mouse button. We have a menu in which we are informed that the bookmark has been added with the name "Google" and saved in the "Bookmarks bar" folder. If desired, we can change both the name of the bookmark and the folder, but so far we do not need to do this (this can be done at any time).

Let's now type some other site in the address bar, for example and add this site to the bookmark bar in exactly the same way.

Thus, for our example, I put 10 bookmarks for different sites in the bookmarks bar to show you what will happen.

Note. In the visible part bookmark bars I only fit 7 bookmarks, the rest are not visible. To see the rest of the bookmarks, you need to move the mouse pointer to the "\u003e\u003e" icon as shown in the figure and click on it with the left mouse button. In the drop-down list, we will see the rest of the bookmarks that we made surfing the Internet (in my example, 3 sites).

So that's it. Now, I can at any time get to the site or resource on the Internet, which is saved in my bookmarks bar. It is enough to move the mouse pointer to the required inscription and click on it with the left mouse button.

For example, if I move the mouse pointer to the inscription "@ MAIL.RU: mail, p ..." and click on it with the left mouse button, then I will immediately go to the site And if I move the mouse pointer to the inscription "Google" and click on it with the left mouse button, then I will immediately go to the site

On top of all saved bookmarks, you can perform various actions plus everything else. And this is done in bookmark manager.

To get into the bookmark manager, follow these steps.

Bring the mouse pointer to the "wrench" and click on it with the left mouse button. In the menu that opens, move the mouse pointer to the "Bookmarks" menu item and click on it with the left mouse button. In the menu that opens, move the mouse pointer to the "Bookmark manager" menu item and click on it with the left mouse button.

We will open the "Bookmarks Manager" window, in which we see all saved bookmarks in the "Bookmarks Bar" folder with their relatively complete description.

You can do a lot here. But in this part of the article I want to show you how you can "sort" bookmarks according to the degree of their need for us at the moment.

Let me explain. For example, I want to be in the first place in bookmarks, not Google.

What am I doing. I move the mouse pointer to the line “@ MAIL.RU: mail, Internet search, news, work, entertainment. Mail @ Mail.Ru - free mail number 1 ", I press the left mouse button and, while holding down the left mouse button, drag this inscription up, just above the inscription" Google ".

Release the left mouse button. Now in the first place in the list and in the first place in our bookmarks bar, the bookmark is in the first place.

Thus, you can "re-sort" the order of bookmarks, depending on which bookmarks are relevant for you for a given period of time.

In principle, this could be the end of the article about google Chrome browser bookmarks bar, since this method of working with bookmarks can take a year and a half to two, if you have 20 to 50 bookmarks.

If there are more bookmarks, it is rather inconvenient to search for the site we need in this list.

To do this, you can sort your bookmarks by subject. Then navigation through these tabs will become very convenient.

I will talk about this in the second part of the article "Google Chrome Bookmarks Bar". That's all. Good luck and creative success to everyone. 🙂

Google Chrome is one of the most popular modern browsers used by a large number of people. Often, users of this browser have various questions related to its operation. One such question is how to add a bookmark in Chrome?

Create bookmarks

To create a bookmark in the browser, you must press the * symbol in the address bar. This will create a bookmark that you can easily find on a special panel. This panel is located in the settings menu or at the top of the browser window.

In addition to this method, there are several more that will help you add bookmarks to Google Chrome:

  1. Transfer bookmarks to Google Chrome from other browsers using the settings menu.
  2. Use the "hot" keys: press Ctrl + D at the same time (on Mac -? + D).
  3. Drag a link to a page or a lock or globe icon from the address bar to the bookmark bar.
  4. Bookmark manually. To do this, right-click on the Bookmarks Bar and select "Add Page".

Now you know how to add Google Chrome bookmarks. Choose any of the methods that will be the most accessible and easy to use for you.

Search for bookmarks

Sometimes there is such a situation: there are bookmarks, but how to find them, a person does not know. Therefore, let's say a little about how to find bookmarks in Google Chrome.

You can search for bookmarks using the address bar. You just need to enter the name of the bookmark and from the search results select the address near which there is an * icon.

The list of all bookmarks can be found in the following ways:

  1. Through the Bookmarks bar. This panel is located right below the address bar. If you can't see it, just open new tab and notice it immediately. To show or hide the bookmarks bar, use the simultaneous pressing of the "hot" keys: Ctrl + Shift + B (in Mac system -? + Shift + B).
  2. Through the Bookmark Manager. With it, you can easily organize your bookmarks. To do this, click on the wrench on the toolbar and select "Bookmarks" and "Bookmark manager".
  3. A very simple way is to look through the Bookmarks Menu. To do this, again click on the wrench, which is located on the toolbar, and select "Bookmarks".

For convenience, bookmarks can be sorted into folders. To create a folder, right-click on the Bookmarks bar and select the "Add folder" function.

Now you know how to add and search bookmarks in Google Chrome.

Today I would like to analyze one interesting question regarding the Google Chrome browser. As you know, when you start the browser, you can see the express panel, which shows the most visited sites. Is it possible to somehow add your bookmarks to this panel?

Alas, Google for some reason still does not allow using this panel to add sites of choice and only shows the most visited resources on it. What this is connected with is not clear. Therefore, if you want to add bookmarks to the express panel, you need to install, which I talked about in detail earlier.

The panel itself looks like this:

If you don't want to set visual bookmarks, you can add bookmarks to the bookmarks bar - this is also very convenient.

At the top left of the browser window, you see the following:

First, we need to make sure that the bookmarks bar is shown not only on the main page of Google Chrome, but also on any other page - for quick access to bookmarks. Move the mouse arrow over the inscription "Add bookmarks to this panel ..." and right-click, then select "Show bookmarks bar" from the menu.

Add a bookmark: open the site, click on the star in the address bar, select the "Bookmarks bar" section and click "Finish".

The bookmark will now be shown in the panel. In the same way, you can add any other bookmarks to the specified panel.

Google Chrome is an excellent browser, which, however, is not without its drawbacks, one of which I would like to talk about today. In most cases, in order to add a site to bookmarks, we simply press the right button on the mouse, thereby calling the menu, and select the "Add to bookmarks" item in it. If you do this in Chrome, then you will not see the required item, but all because Google decided to go its own way.

In order to add a site to your bookmarks in Chrome, you need to open the site and find the star icon on the top panel and click on it. For example, I open a Google site and click on the star. Then I click "Finish". That's all, the site is saved.

In this case, you can choose that the site icon would appear both on the bookmark bar and in the general list. It only depends on your desire. Let me remind you that by default the bookmark bar is shown only on the start page. If you want it to be always shown, you need to go to the settings and enable this function.

Finally, you can always import your bookmarks from any other browser, and the whole operation will be done automatically, that is, no additional action is required. Go to "Bookmarks", select "Import bookmarks and settings", then - the desired browser and "Import".