How to open a marriage agency? Sale of training materials

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"Internet matchmaker", how to create a dating site to make money

Earning money on dating sites - how and who can make money on creating such Internet sites? What is this - a real way to organize a profitable business or an illegal scam for simpletons? Let's figure it out together.

Business brief analysis:
Business setup costs:< 1 000 – 18 000 рублей
Relevant for cities with population:with no restrictions
Industry situation:high competition
Complexity of business organization:2/5
Payback: 0.5 - 2 months

Why dating sites are popular

In the subject of the article, words from a once popular song: “People meet, people fall in love, get married. I have no luck with this so that millet is a misfortune ... ". The trouble in communicating with the opposite sex is now really with many young (and not so) people. Despite the huge population density in big cities, hundreds of ways of communication, modern free views on relations between the sexes, problems with communication between men and women remain.

“Loneliness in the crowd,” said the modern poet Alexei Markov. Moreover, according to statistics, oddly enough, successful and wealthy people feel lonely. It is this status that does not allow making acquaintances in reality, the busy work schedule does not provide an opportunity to waste time on the "candy-flower" period. They need everything at once. This is the portrait of most of the visitors on dating sites.

By the way, the mark of marriage unions concluded after dating on the Internet already reaches 25% of the total.

Moreover, you need to understand that dating sites are used not only to find a reliable life partner, but also to create short-term relationships, friendly communication or an outright search for a sexual partner for one night.

Why exactly a dating site

Why is a dating site a profitable business idea? Why not embroidering pictures with ribbons or making decorative soap? It's simple. A dating site is exactly the niche in which you can relatively quickly (in 2-3 months) promote a business so that it will begin to bring passive income.

Further, the percentage of conversion - the ratio of visitors to the number of customers who performed some action on the site (ordering a service, paying for placing a profile, purchasing a database of girls or men, etc.) is very high. People go to a dating site with an already formed goal and there is almost no need to further push them towards something.

And finally, there are quite a few ways to monetize a dating site, and almost all of them bring a solid income to the owner of an Internet site.

Do I need a business plan

Many aspiring entrepreneurs believe that creating a business plan to bring business ideas online is a waste of time and money. It is for this reason that 80% of seemingly good startups fall apart in the first 2-3 months after launch. Another 15% - within the first year. And only 5% of business ideas are successfully implemented. While in the presence of a well-written step-by-step guide for organizing a business, the chances of achieving your goal increase significantly.

The technical part of the idea implementation

So, the business niche has been chosen. The format has been determined, it is time to start the technical implementation of the project. The main point in this business idea is the website.

Creation of an internet site

You can create a dating site yourself. Currently, in order to create your own Internet resource, you do not need to have any special knowledge and skills. There are a lot of training courses on the Internet now, you just need to choose the most suitable one. The easiest option is to make a website on WordPress - one of the most popular content management systems. The CMS interface is simple and intuitive, anyone can handle it.

Special themes for dating sites have even been developed for WordPress - paid (from $ 50 and free). Having installed such a theme on the site engine, you can get an almost ready-made dating site, you just have to fill it with content and find members.

The general scheme for creating a dating site is something like this:

Site creation stageCost, rub.
Domain registration199-600
Hosting selection250-500
Installing CMSFree or from $ 50 theme template
Website design (usability)Free (if you study on your own) or from 5000
Promotion in search engines, social networksFree or from 12,000 if ordered in the studio
Creation of a user base for organizing mailings, etc.Is free
MonetizationIs free

Most of the work can be done by yourself, significantly reducing costs. Of course, ordering the services of professionals, everything can be done much faster, but in the absence of start-up capital to start a business, you need to minimize costs.

Buying a ready-made website

Another option to get a ready-made dating site is to buy it. There are special exchanges for the purchase and sale of Internet resources, where you can find both already proven, promoted, profitable projects, and ready-made, but not yet "advanced" sites that need to be worked on.

This option can often be cheaper than ordering a website from a web studio, while saving a lot of time. However, there are some nuances that you need to know and check before purchasing a ready-made Internet site:

  • you need to check the site for filters and sanctions from search engines;
  • you need to conduct a full audit of the site to identify errors;
  • it is necessary to check the complete financial statements (income, expenses, factors of seasonality of profit, etc.);
  • and most importantly, find out the reason why the site is being sold.

Client search, website promotion

Where to attract visitors to your site is the most pressing question for any Internet businessman. Attracting visitors is the main goal of search engine promotion - a complex and rather long process of bringing a dating site to the TOP of search results.

The main tools for this are:

  • internal site optimization, which includes the creation of an attractive usability, a structure that is convenient and understandable for visitors, the placement of internal links and a bunch of other special "chips";
  • external optimization - the purchase of links from other resources (better of a similar topic), registration in Yandex and Google advertising services, the organization of likes and reposts in social networks, etc.

The level of planned income depends on attracting visitors to the site, so this aspect of business organization needs to be given the utmost attention.

Filling the site with questionnaires

What data will potential applicants have to indicate in their profiles? In addition to the name, which, by the way, may be fictitious, the questionnaire should contain the following items:

  • the photo;
  • age;
  • city of residence;
  • the purpose of dating;
  • interests and hobbies;
  • physical data (height, weight and other information that the user considers important and can indicate);
  • wishes to a potential friend.

There is one important nuance associated with filling out personal data on the site. Any personal information is protected by the law FZ-152 "On Personal Data". According to this law, any processing of personal information must be carried out with the consent of the citizen.

The collection of personal data can only be carried out by subjects registered with Roskomnadzor as operators of personal data. In case of illegal collection of personal data, the subject may be fined up to 300 thousand rubles. In this case, when organizing a dating site, the owner of the site will bear all responsibility.

Many publishers and site owners often do not pay attention, or simply do not know about this law, but due to the increased activity of the supervisory organization (Roskomnadzor) and the increasing cases of imposition of fines, it is better to play it safe and get the necessary permission.

Please note: the site must contain a warning about the presence of content available for viewing only by persons who are over 18 years old!

Methods of monetization, making money on dating sites

There are surprisingly many ways to profit from a dating site, more than the owner of a regular Internet resource.

  • This can be contextual advertising from Yandex and / or Google;
  • banner or other advertising from direct advertisers;
  • payment (symbolic) for the possibility of placing a dating profile on the site;
  • paid opportunity to send gifts within the site;
  • income from affiliate programs (for example, it can be the sale / delivery of flowers, souvenirs, etc.);
  • profit from link exchanges, where you can not only sell the ability to place links on your Internet resource, but also write paid articles and reviews on similar topics;
  • paid opportunity to view private photos and videos of users (with a deduction from the user to the site owner of a certain percentage).

Earning money on dating sites is not limited to this list, you can find a dozen more opportunities to turn your Internet site into a source of good income.

Online dating scams

It is dating sites, among other Internet sites of other topics, that have become a "tidbit" for all sorts of scammers and swindlers who often "cheat" gullible users for money or simply use them for short meetings. In other words, earnings on dating sites are created not only for their owners, but also for all sorts of deceivers.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely protect site visitors from such actions. Therefore, it is necessary to place in a conspicuous place a reminder warning about how not to fall for the "bait" of scammers.

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Types of marriage agencies

Before diving into the business, you need to choose a direction and decide how you will make money. Traditionally, there are two types of activities.

Search for foreign suitors

Quite a complex type of business that requires either acquaintances abroad or strong managerial qualities. You will have to build a base of foreign clients, this will require partners in the countries where you plan to work. Large companies have been working in this niche for a long time, newcomers are wary. We'll have to negotiate and build up from competitors. Then, in Russia, you find interested brides and sell them the contacts of the groom - that's the whole idea. This is one of the most relevant options to open a marriage agency in a small town - those who want to get out of the province often turn to such organizations.

Pairing at home

Everything is simple here - you collect profiles of both women and men. “Bring” them, analyzing compatibility, organize acquaintance, help to achieve adequate relations. In parallel, you can sell dating courses, psychological training and related products. In this case, there are no problems with how to open a marriage agency - read our instructions below.

Business features

Please note - this business has its own characteristics. Many men see marriage agencies as a way to meet girls for one night. Warn your customers that your business is moral. This will build a reputation for the brand and lead to more revenue over time. And at the same time it will save you from scandals and problems with law enforcement agencies.

Run your marriage agency as a business honestly - don't promise the impossible. You cannot guarantee that a particular person will fall in love with a client and live with her for many years. But you can promise to introduce clients, talk about their interests, outlook on life and relationships. Give tips for first dates and discuss common topics of conversation.

Your task is to create a feeling of care and comfort in the client. It will be rewarded with reputation and profit.

Business format

We analyzed several dozen similar businesses and found two options to organize a marriage agency, where to start and how to quickly get paid off.

An offline agency is an office in your city where you will receive clients. Look for a place in a central area with a parking space. To begin with, it is enough to put the necessary set of furniture and equipment there: a wardrobe, a table and chairs, a computer with a printer. Consider spending on treats - while you are talking with clients, drink their coffee, it will relax your guests.

To open an office, you need, depending on the city, from 200 to 500 thousand rubles.

Online agency - here you save on renting premises and furniture, but you lose clients of the old formation, those who are used to organizations with an office. The first time you will have to meet with brides and grooms in a cafe - until you unwind and completely switch to electronic document management.

Special documents for opening a marriage agency - this activity is not specifically licensed, and specific permits from the state are also not required.

If you want to work as a personal "matchmaker" from time to time, you do not need to register an individual entrepreneur - for two or three clients, taxes can be paid in 3-NDFL for the next year after the work is completed.

Is there a flow of clients? Register individual entrepreneurs under the simplified taxation system. You will have to pay 6% of income and social contributions - 26,545 rubles + 1% of income over 300 thousand rubles to the pension fund and 5840 rubles to the health insurance fund.

To accept online payments, use Yandex.Checkout - it is embedded in the site as a button. Money can be accepted to a card, Yandex.Money wallet and current account.

Below is an advanced business plan. How to open a marriage agency and not burn out - follow the step-by-step instructions, take into account the tips and everything will work out.

Better to start with the online option - less costs and risks, more income.

Step 1. Make a customer profile

Before you start building your customer base, you need to do some preparatory work. The job of a marriage agency is to help people meet the “right” person. To do this, you need to understand how customers can interest each other. To help them in this, develop a special questionnaire, it will help analyze customer preferences and, based on the result, select a possible pair.

If you are in doubt about whether to open a marriage agency, then keep in mind that the work of a "matchmaker" is very close to the work of a psychologist. You need to understand the characteristics of people and how they fit together. If you do not have the capital to hire a specialist, you will have to develop a client profile yourself. Prepare 2 options - a short one, which a person will fill out immediately upon registration on the site, and a long one - you can give it to customers who have bought a premium account. Details below.

Interests and hobbies

In the questionnaire, you need to work out the interests and hobbies of the client. To raise the chance to find a successful couple, ask yourself not only what you like, but also what, on the contrary, the person cannot stand. For example, a client's hobby is drawing. It is logical to introduce him to a girl who also likes to draw. But it's not that simple. The column "interests" will help to find out that a person only loves to draw posters for horror films, and the lady hates them.

Views on life (religion, politics, culture)

There are many stereotypes and patterns in society, in words we all neglect them and are supposedly open to other people. In fact, it is unlikely that a person who promotes atheism will be able to become akin to those for whom religious affiliation is important.

Topics for first conversation

Everything is simple here - help the client start communicating with a potential partner. Check them for compatibility at the same time. If a man and a woman consider 16th century lute music a great first topic, they can do well.

Attitude towards other people's children

Having children can be a critical factor in developing relationships. Both men and women often have a negative attitude towards the presence of a child from a potential chosen one. Find out how the clients are doing with this.

Goals in life (travel, family, work)

It will be strange if you try to connect a freelance artist who dreams of traveling with a lady who sees the world exclusively through the prism of career self-realization. Consider this.

Do not forget that in the questionnaire a person should give two answer options to all questions - how he relates to something and what he would like to see in relation to this from a future partner.

Step 2. Create a website and public

There is a questionnaire. Now people are needed to fill it. You can collect a database of questionnaires both offline and online. The last option is easier - if the flyers and business cards are ripped off, the site will attract customers constantly. Choose where to start and prepare a platform for collecting questionnaires and finding clients.

Landing page

You can create a one-page promotional website (landing) where you tell about yourself, work out the objections of future customers and leave contacts. Don't forget the marketing rule of landing pages - one site \u003d one product.

Don't try to add all the information about your agency to your landing page, focus on one thing. If you are helping to find a husband abroad, describe your capabilities and show the "product" with your face. If you are solving psychological problems in a relationship, you are offering this particular service.

Pay attention to website builders, for example, on Tilda or Wix - on them you can quickly put together a landing page and test your idea of \u200b\u200ba marriage agency.

Multi-page site

Suitable for marriage agencies with a wide range of services. On such a site you can place a catalog of your products, profiles of women and men from the dating database, make a search, and blog. In the future, such a site will help sell additional services - for example, acquaintance to find friends or learning behavior in relationships.

Promising, but more expensive - you will either have to understand ready-made engines, for example, WordPress, or order an original website from the developers. It will cost 50-150 thousand rubles.

Public in social networks

Create a social media page - it will be a great addition to your website. Publish entertaining, useful, and promotional content at a rate of 30% -40% -30%. Over time, the group will become active and the number of subscribers will begin to grow. These are your future clients, take care of them. Post posts that interest your subscribers. To do this, analyze the statistics and pay attention to which posts have collected more likes and comments.

Step 3. Collect customer base

You have sites to receive traffic, but no clients. So, you need to do advertising. A small life hack - advertise not your own services, but your customers. There is no need to promise girls that you will introduce them to foreigners. Better make a note about the client - here is a person from the United States who wants to meet a Russian girl. This is an important life hack in the instructions on how to open a marriage agency.

If you decide to make a marriage agency with an emphasis on finding foreign romantic relationships, then first of all you should contact similar companies from other countries. Find such organizations in the search, go to the "Contacts" block on their websites and send an email with a proposal for cooperation.

Advertising - contextual and targeted

  • Think about what queries are entered by users interested in your service into the search networks;
  • Check the display statistics for these requests using Yandex.WordStat;
  • Set up advertising campaigns for popular queries in advertising services - now your ads will appear among users searching for something by keywords.
  • With the help of special services (Target Hunter, Pepper Ninja), find an audience interested in dating - usually subscribers of active groups about relationships or about finding a permanent partner. Filter out bots and other unwanted people using filters in services.
  • Get a list of user IDs and advertise your offer post to them.
  • The main principle of targeted advertising is to customize the audience as narrowly as possible. For example, a post with a proposal to meet a 40-year-old man from the United States should be tested with an audience of the same age, single, no children, and with an average income.


Start a blog on the website and in social media groups. Talk about your work, share helpful articles about dating and relationships. Review places to meet, to talk to, to travel together. If in your practice of "matchmaker" there are positive examples - tell about them, interview satisfied clients. This will increase the credibility of your business.

Partnership programs

With the help of affiliate programs, you can get inexpensive traffic that is interested in your services. Register as an advertiser in a large affiliate network, agree on payment for registration of users on your site. Get leads and make sales.

Study our instructions on how - there is everything you need to start.

Step 4. Decide on earnings

You have prepared the sites, you know where to find clients - everything is ready to start your business. There is little to do - to understand what to take money for. There are several ways to monetize.

For placement in the database

You can take money for placing a person's profile in your database and promising to recommend the profile to new customers. This is usually a small amount. Now it is practically not in demand due to the active spread of dating sites.

Access to the base

You have formed a proven customer base and you can offer new people access to contacts for money. The monetization scheme will work if the people in the database are real and interested in dating.


The client pays money to the “matchmaker” for the acquaintance and organization of the first dates. Sometimes a bonus is offered if the relationship leads to a wedding. This method requires either psychological knowledge to find the “ideal half” for the client, or an individual specialist in a team with the necessary skills.


A marriage agency's side income is conducting seminars on successful relationships and acquaintances. You can sell webinars to both existing clients and new ones. As proof of your own competence, you can use the positive stories of clients who found happiness with the help of the agency.

Briefly about the main

A marriage agency is a complex business that requires the attention of an owner. But it's a lucrative business with tons of options for additional sales. Test different approaches and take care of your customers - then your bank account will grow.

  1. Choose the type of agency - foreign or domestic market.
  2. Create a website and a group in social networks, fill them with content.
  3. Decide on a monetization scheme.
  4. Run ads, collect customers.
  5. Get started and create the perfect relationship.

Are you sure you know the topic of dating and relationship development? Consider starting an online school in this area. Practice shows that now people are more willing to learn on their own than trying to apply for such a service to specialized companies. Plus, your students can potentially become clients of a marriage agency, which means you can develop both directions at the same time.

To find out a step-by-step plan for opening an online school - come to. We share detailed instructions - just start doing it.

Choosing a life partner is an important step that should be approached responsibly. Many modern women and men are looking for their happiness on the Internet on dating sites and social networks. Such a popular method of dating could not fail to interest the scammers, so you should be very careful so as not to fall into their cleverly placed networks.

You can use the services of marriage agencies to protect yourself and find a really suitable applicant for the role of a spouse or spouse who meets all the parameters and requirements. It is about this idea of \u200b\u200bearning that we will talk in our today's publication. How to open a marriage agency? How much does it cost and what is the profitability of this type of business?

Marriage agency business plan

Before you start implementing this, you need to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. What is it for? The fact is that with the help of a business plan, you will be able not only to control the step-by-step process of implementing the idea, but also expediently distribute the available money. As a result, the recoupment of the project will come as soon as possible, which is important.

Stages of a marriage agency business plan:

  1. Evaluating the profitability of a business idea. At the initial stage, you need to properly analyze your future project, assess the demand for the service, competition in the chosen field of activity, and also decide on the amount of financial investments;
  2. Business registration. At this stage, you have to collect and draw up the entire package of necessary documents for opening a marriage agency;
  3. Search and rent of premises. It is necessary to evaluate all the options, their advantages and disadvantages and make the right choice;
  4. Acquisition of the necessary equipment for productive work;
  5. Search for employees and registration of employment contracts with them;
  6. Advertising campaign to attract customers;
  7. Calculation of profit and payback period of the project.

Do not neglect such an important point as drawing up a detailed business plan. Believe me, even experienced entrepreneurs start implementing an idea immediately after drawing up a detailed business plan.

Schematic: marriage agency statistics

How to open a marriage agency from scratch?

Aspiring entrepreneurs are always interested in the question of how much it costs. Therefore, we cannot ignore such an important point.

It is rather difficult to name the exact amount required to open a marriage agency. After all, it directly depends on the cost of renting a place, purchasing equipment, paying for employees, etc.

Where to get the required amount of money?

Finding money to implement your own project is quite difficult, but there are several options that will certainly suit you.

  • Credit. One of the easiest ways to get money is through a bank loan. But this is a rather risky step, so before deciding, you need to think carefully about everything, weigh the pros and cons.
  • Investor search. One of the most successful ways to get the required amount of money to invest in a business. But this option is quite difficult to implement, because it is not so easy to find the right person who will be interested in your idea.

What do you need to open a marriage agency?

  • Business registration. First of all, it is required to determine the material and legal form of activity. In this case, it is advisable and least costly to be the option of registering as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Establish cooperation with foreign marriage agencies that will provide you with a database of their clients, potential grooms and brides;
  • Create a dating site where you will advertise your services, register your clients and find a suitable match for them;
  • Create a database of potential brides and grooms. It is necessary to carefully design each questionnaire, write detailed information about the candidate and attach his successful photos.

Rent of premises

It is desirable to locate the dating service office in the central part of the city. If the property does not have suitable premises, then it should be rented. Naturally, renting a place in the center is not cheap, but believe me, all the costs will pay off very quickly if you correctly approach the implementation of the idea.

The premises require a good renovation, I do not advise you to save on this if you are going to serve elite clients. It is very important that visitors feel comfortable. Therefore, the interior, furniture, office equipment, everything should be located in its place and harmoniously combined with each other.

To create a comfortable working environment, you will need to purchase comfortable furniture. It is best for visitors to offer to sit on soft sofas, and for employees to equip their workplace with everything they need. The technology will need modern computers, a scanner, a copier, a printer. In addition, a safe must be installed in the office, where important documents will be stored. It is also required to install security programs on the computer so that only employees have access to the database with personal information about clients.

Search for employees to work in a marriage agency

It is very responsible to treat the recruitment of personnel to work in a dating agency. Applicants for the position must meet certain requirements: pleasant but not vulgar appearance, education (preferably a psychologist), work experience in such organizations, attentiveness, the ability to communicate and listen to people. In general, your employees must be impeccable so that every client is satisfied with their work and the quality of your agency's services. Believe me, reputation is very important, it is quite difficult to earn good reviews, but you can lose trust in one moment.

It is necessary to conclude employment contracts with hired people, in which a condition should be prescribed not to disclose personal data about clients.

In addition to consultants on the selection of grooms and brides, you must also hire a photographer. His task is to photograph potential candidates in order to have the opportunity to attach a portfolio with the most successful photographs to the profile.

Profit from dating agency

Your income will be the envy of many specific points. It should be understood that each marriage agency earns differently.

Dating agency?

  • You can charge a fee for registering on a dating site;
  • Assign a certain amount for your services. Some agencies take payment only from grooms, others, from all potential clients;
  • The marriage agency also receives money from the sale of a database of brides or grooms;
  • Another way to make money is to organize personal meetings between the candidates you like;
  • In addition, the agency is paid a certain amount for the possibility of correspondence, providing the address and other personal data of the client, the ability to view additional photos, etc.

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