How to set up Internet on Sony Xperia? Internet and messaging settings - Sony Ericsson Xperia arc user manual

The gprs-internet settings will fit exactly for Sony Ericsson k- and S-series phones. For W-series.

Password: beeline
From the list of accounts, select the created GPRS Internet account, press the left button under Change. (Edit) on the display. Set the following parameters in sequence:
Access point (APN):
User id: beeline
Password: beeline

IP address (IP adress):<поле остается пустым>
DNS address (DNS adress):<поле остается пустым>



Port number:<пропустите>
Username (Username):<поле остается пустым>
Password:\u003e field remains blank\u003e
Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display.

Select Java Options. There select the profile created in the second paragraph

Sony Ericsson - MegaFon

Stage 1. Creating an account ...
1. Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Data comm. Select Preferred. service (Prefferred service). Select GPRS and CSD (PS and CS) ,. Return from the menu to standby mode.
2. Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Data comm. Select Account. data records. Select New Account. record (New account).
In the Account type section, select GPRS data.
The machine will ask you to enter a Name: (Account Name - enter GPRS Internet
Set the following parameters in sequence:
access point: internet.msk<- Москва
<- для лайт
subscribers, Moscow
hotspot: internet.sib<- Сибирь
<- Урал
access point:<- Центральный регион
hotspot: internet.nw<- Северо-западный регион
hotspot: internet.kvk<- Северный Кавказ
<- Поволжье
access point: internet.dv<- Дальний Восток
User name:

access point: internet.msk<- Москва
access point: internet.ltmsk<- для лайт абонентов, Москва
hotspot: internet.sib<- Сибирь
hotspot: internet.ugsm<- Урал
access point:<- Центральный регион
hotspot: internet.nw<- Северо-западный регион
hotspot: internet.kvk<- Северный Кавказ
hotspot: internet.volga<- Поволжье
access point: internet.dv<- Дальний Восток
User name:
Login request: Off (Off)
Permission Allow calls: Automatic
IP address (IP adress):<поле остается пустым>
DNS address (DNS adress):<поле остается пустым>
Authentication: Normal
Data compression:<пропустите>
Compression header. (Header compr.):<пропустите>
Return from the menu to standby mode.

Stage 2. Setting up a WEB profile ...
Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Param. Internet (Internet settings). Select Prof. Internet (Internet profiles). Select New profile. Fill in the fields:
Full construction. via (Connect using): GPRS Internet is the account created in step 1.
Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display. From the list of profiles, highlight the created WEB-GPRS profile and press the right button under the More on the display. Select Settings. Set the following parameters in sequence:
Conn. via (Connect using): GPRS Internet
Internet mode: Http
Proxy server (Use proxy): No (No)
Proxy address:<пропустите>
Port number:<пропустите>
Username (Username):<поле остается пустым>
Password:\u003e field remains blank\u003e
Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display.

Stage 3. Configuring Access from Java ...

Sony Ericsson - MTS

Stage 1. Creating an account ...
1. Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Data comm. Select Preferred. service (Prefferred service). Select GPRS and CSD (PS and CS) ,. Return from the menu to standby mode.
2. Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Data comm. Select Account. data records. Select New Account. record (New account).
In the Account type section, select GPRS data.
The machine will ask you to enter a Name: (Account Name - enter GPRS Internet
Set the following parameters in sequence:

Password: mts
Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display. From the list of accounts, select the created GPRS Internet account, press the left button under Change. (Edit) on the display. Set the following parameters in sequence:
Access point (APN):
Username (Username): mts
Password: mts
Login request: Off (Off)
Permission Allow calls: Automatic
IP address (IP adress):<поле остается пустым>
DNS address (DNS adress):<поле остается пустым>
Authentication: Normal
Data compression:<пропустите>
Compression header. (Header compr.):<пропустите>
Return from the menu to standby mode.

Stage 2. Setting up a WEB profile ...
Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Param. Internet (Internet settings). Select Prof. Internet (Internet profiles). Select New profile. Fill in the fields:
Full construction. via (Connect using): GPRS Internet is the account created in step 1. Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display. From the list of profiles, highlight the created WEB-GPRS profile and press the right button under the More on the display. Select Settings. Set the following parameters in sequence:
Conn. via (Connect using): GPRS Internet
Internet mode: Http
Proxy server (Use proxy): No (No)
Proxy address:<пропустите>
Port number:<пропустите>
Username (Username):<поле остается пустым>
Password:\u003e field remains blank\u003e
Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display.

Stage 3. Configuring Access from Java ...
Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Param. Internet (Internet settings).

Sony ericsson - Tele2

Stage 1. Creating an account ...
1. Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Data comm. Select Preferred. service (Prefferred service). Select GPRS and CSD (PS and CS) ,. Return from the menu to standby mode.
2. Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Data comm. Select Account. data records. Select New Account. record (New account).
In the Account type section, select GPRS data.
The machine will ask you to enter a Name: (Account Name - enter GPRS Internet
Set the following parameters in sequence:

Username (Username):
Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display. From the list of accounts, select the created GPRS Internet account, press the left button under Change. (Edit) on the display. Set the following parameters in sequence:
Access point (APN):
Username (Username):<поле остается пустым>
Password:<поле остается пустым>
Login request: Off (Off)
Permission Allow calls: Automatic
IP address (IP adress):<поле остается пустым>
DNS address (DNS adress):<поле остается пустым>
Authentication: Normal
Data compression:<пропустите>
Compression header. (Header compr.):<пропустите>
Return from the menu to standby mode.

Stage 2. Setting up a WEB profile ...
Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Param. Internet (Internet settings). Select Prof. Internet (Internet profiles). Select New profile. Fill in the fields:
Full construction. via (Connect using): GPRS Internet is the account created in step 1.
Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display. From the list of profiles, highlight the created WEB-GPRS profile and press the right button under the More on the display. Select Settings. Set the following parameters in sequence:
Conn. via (Connect using): GPRS Internet
Internet mode: Http
Proxy server (Use proxy): No (No)
Proxy address:<пропустите>
Port number:<пропустите>
Username (Username):<поле остается пустым>
Password:\u003e field remains blank\u003e
Press the right key under the Save. (Save) on the display.

Stage 3. Configuring Access from Java ...
Enter the machine menu. Select Settings. Select the Connectivity tab. Select Param. Internet (Internet settings).
Select Java Options. There, select the profile created in the second paragraph ...

Sony Xperia: how to set up the Internet?

The manufacturer recommends setting up the Internet settings connection on Sony Xperia phones manually. Let's look at how to connect and configure the Internet on Sony Xperia.

Loading network parameters

In order to properly configure the Internet on Sony Xperia, you need to download the network connection settings. For this you need:

  1. Select "Options" in the main menu.
  2. Then go to the item "Sony Ericsson" and select "Load parameters". Select your carrier and click OK.
  3. Now you can proceed to configure the network parameters. Select "Options" in the main menu again, then click on the "Wireless and networks" command button, then go to the "Mobile networks" menu and select "Access point name".
  4. Click on the "Menu" button, select a new access point, enter the name of the point and click "Create".
  5. Click the APN command, enter the name of the access point and click OK.

You will also need to enter other information, for example, your mailing address, your first name, last name, patronymic and other parameters. Save your changes. If you have any problems with your communication settings, you can contact your carrier to resend the settings.

Connecting to a wireless network

If you want to connect to the Internet via a wi-fi module, then you need to set up a network connection via wi-fi.

  1. To do this, go to the main menu in the "Settings" and select "Wireless network connection".
  2. Select "Wi-fi Settings", check the "wi-fi" box and you will see the available networks.
  3. In order for your phone to be identified by a wi-fi point, you need to find the "MAC address" in the phone settings and enter it into the computer in order to allow your device to access the wi-fi point.

If after exiting sleep mode your phone does not detect the wi-fi point, you need to go to the "Wi-fi settings" menu and click on "Additional functions". In the "Additional functions" you can set the so-called sleep rules, in which you can set the automatic detection of a wi-fi point.

If you do not want your phone to be bound to one ip-address, then in the "Additional settings" you need to disable binding to a static ip-address. Then your phone will detect a free network with the best signal and automatically connect to it. Remember to save your changes every time you exit the menu.

Check out the list of articles

Manual settings for GPRS internet phones SonyEricsson K770i, K790i, K800i, Z610i

Setting up GPRS internet MTS is done in two stages:

Stage 1. Create account
1. Menu (Menu) Settings Communication (Сonnectivity)... Move the joystick down to highlight Data transmission (Data comm.)and press the joystick to confirm. Use the joystick to highlight the item Preferred. service (Prefferred service) and press the joystick to confirm. Activate PS and CS... Use the joystick to highlight the item Uch. data accounts and press the joystick to confirm. Use the joystick to select an item. In step Account type records (Account type) select PS data... The section will open New account record (New account) with a proposal to enter Name: (Name :) - enter any name, for example, GPRS Internet and press the joystick to confirm. Set the following parameters in sequence:

Access point (APN):

(to change, press the joystick, enter the address (delete characters - key "C", "point" - press the key "1" once), to confirm, press the joystick)

  • Username (Username): mts (to change, press the joystick, enter the name (delete characters - key "C"), to confirm, press the joystick)
  • Password (Password): mts (to change, press the joystick, enter the password (delete characters - key "C"), to confirm, press the joystick)

Save (Save)on display. A list of accounts will be displayed. From the list, use the joystick to highlight the created account GPRS Internet,press the upper left key with a strip under the inscription Cheating. (Edit)on display. Set the following parameters in sequence:

  • Access Point (APN): <пропустите>
  • Username (Username): <пропустите>
  • Password: <пропустите>
  • Password request (Login request): Disabled. (Off)
  • Permission Allow calls: Automatic (to change, press the joystick, select the desired parameter, press the joystick to confirm)
  • IP address (IP adress):<поле остается пустым>
  • DNS address (DNS adress): <поле остается пустым>
  • Authentication: PAP (to change, press the joystick, tick the box - PAP (the checkmark is set / removed by pressing the joystick), to confirm, press the right key under OK)
  • Data compression: <пропустите>
  • Compression title. (Header compr.): <пропустите>

Stage 2. Setting up a WEB profile.
Enter the device menu by pressing the joystick or by pressing the upper right key with a strip under the inscription Menu (Menu) on display. Use the joystick to highlight the item Settingsand press the joystick to confirm. Move the joystick to the right to highlight a bookmark Communication (Сonnectivit).Move the joystick down to highlight the item Param. Internet (Internet settings) and press the joystick to confirm. Select item Prof. Internet (Internet profiles)... Highlight the item with the joystick New profile (New profile) and press the joystick to confirm. The section will open New profile. Fill in the following points in sequence:

  • Name: (Name :) WEB GPRS (to change, press the joystick, enter a name, delete characters - the "C" key, to confirm, press the joystick)
  • select GPRS Internet (this is the account created in step 1)

Press the key under the label Save (Save)... A message will be displayed New profile created and the phone returns to the profile list. Select the created profile from the list of profiles WAP GPRS and press the key under the caption Functions (More)... Please select Settings... Set the following parameters in sequence:

  • Full construction. via (Connect using): leave the previously selected GPRS Internet account
  • Proxy server (Use proxy): No (No) (to change, press the joystick, select the desired parameter, press the joystick to confirm)
  • Proxy address:<поле неактивно>
  • Port number: <поле неактивно>
  • Username (Username):<поле неактивно>
  • Password: <поле неактивно>

Press the upper right key with a strip under the inscription Save (Save)on display. A list of profiles will be displayed. Select the created profile from the list of profiles WEB GPRS and press the joystick. A dot appears next to the profile name. The machine will automatically exit this submenu.
Return from the menu to standby mode by repeatedly pressing the return key.

After all the settings made, you must turn off and then turn on the phone again

After purchasing a new Sony Xperia smartphone, the user wants to get the most out of it: constantly communicate with friends on social networks, browse favorite sites, share photos and much more. Fortunately, modern mobile operators provide tariffs with free mobile Internet for a nominal fee. Personally, having bought a Sony Xperia Z2, the first thing I did was change the tariff plan to a new one, with free Internet access without limiting daily traffic. And in truth, going out into the street, without the Internet, the smartphone turns into a simple “dialer”, and the number of open Wi-Fi access points in my city is not large. However, many users may be faced with the question of how to set up the Internet on Sony Xperia and I will try to answer this quivering question.

Of course, there is no single "panacea" here, since everything is tied precisely to your mobile operator, which actually provides you with the service of access to the Internet and its access point must be registered.

On a good account, immediately when you turn on the smartphone for the first time, automatic settings should come to your number, after which access to the Internet service will be active. If this did not happen, then you can go to "Settings - More ... - Internet settings" and select your operator in the window.

You can also use manual input of all the necessary settings if the automatic ones do not come to you or do not want to work. To do this, first of all, go to your operator's website and find everything there for manually setting up the Internet (below is a screenshot with this data using the example of the Ukrainian mobile operator MTS, you need to go to your operator's website!):

After that, go to the Sony Xperia smartphone in “Settings - More ... - APN access points”, then click on the plus sign in the upper right corner to add an access point, enter all the data you found on the site and save the settings.

Sony Xperia is a smartphone based on the Android operating system. Usually, when you first insert a SIM card into a smartphone, automatic Internet settings come to it.

If you did not receive these settings, you can call your operator and ask him to send the settings to your phone, but it is faster and more reliable to set up the Internet yourself. It won't take long, so go ahead!

To set up Internet on Sony Xperia:

1. Press the "Menu" button and select " Settings».

2. Select the "Wireless" section.

3. Check the box next to the option "Mobile Internet"

4. Enter the menu "Mobile networks" and create a new access point. To do this, come up with a name for it or just enter the name of your operator - this way there is less confusion.

5. Then fill in the fields " APN"(Access point name)," username"And" password". You will find the required data to fill in the fields in the list below. Each operator has its own settings, so be careful!

MTS: Access Point Name (APN): Username: mts Password: mts
Megaphone: Access Point Name (APN): internet Username: leave blank Password: leave blank
Beeline: Access Point Name (APN): Username: beeline Password: beeline
6. Save settings, reboot your phone and use the Internet for your pleasure!