Ascona hotline. Online consultation line. Why buyers choose us

The factory is engaged in the production of goods for sleep and recreation. For the past 25 years, the company "Askon" is considered a recognized leader in the production of goods for recreation and sleep. The area of \u200b\u200bproduction facilities of the enterprise is 40,000 m2, which allows in a short time to carry out orders of any complexity. In the entire history, the company 3 times received a prestigious Award "Mark No. 1", which emphasizes successful development and constant growth, the rate for the introduction of innovative technologies and ensuring high quality work.

The range of the manufacturer is not only proven Askona mattresses, but also bed linen, pillows, beds, furniture for the furnishings of the bedroom and much more. Separate product line - baby mattresses. All products of the manufacturer passed the study, and high quality confirmed by special certificates. For quality control, a laboratory is working in which each product sample is studied and checked. The cost of orthopedic mattresses, pillows and bed linen will pleasantly please every buyer.

Orthopedic mattresses "Ascona" can have a different design and design: on the base of the spring block, without springs, based on the spring block "Bonnel". This ensures that every buyer will find exactly the solution that will provide a serene sleep and a comfortable rest. In total, there are more than 1,000 product items.

The efficiency of the work of consultants ASCON always makes me. Help very quickly. Sometimes even faster than this is stated on the regulations. Consultation your experts give us real help in work. Because we have no abstract-theoretical questions - they are specifically practical. If we talk about personnel issues, these are specific situations that occur in our company, in which we are obliged to act in accordance with the legislation, in each of its letter and comma. Thanks to consultations of specialists, Ascona, we are insured from committing legal errors.

Oleg Vladislavovich Kvyatkovsky,
Financial Controller LLC "Rocka Rus"

Askon's hotline is very helped. Usually we appeal to the hotline, when first come across the question and do not know how to approach him. Your experts work on "excellent": respond quickly, often even faster than they promise, deployed. Most often I ask questions directly from the Consultant System, using the "Online Dialog" button. It is convenient for me: I went, asked the question, I thought, then I asked something else, I received an answer.

Loseva Evgenia Aleksandrovna
Editorial Department of the newspaper Zanevsky Vestnik

Since I am a lawyer, it is useful for me to hear the opinion of the colleague to reinforce your own position and understand that I am on the right track. As they say, two lawyers are ten opinions. Therefore, in ambiguous situations, I appeal for advice on the hot line Ascona.

Sometimes I call to a hotline and leave my question to the manager, sometimes I appeal directly from the consultant. It is very convenient when you just need to click on the button in the system. I am completely satisfied with the quality of the work of specialists. That's just yesterday it was consulted with a Svetlana Tokmina specialist and was pleased with the answer.

Filatova Olga Veniaminovna
Lawyer FSUE Emergency-Technical Center

The question with whom I turned to the hot line askon, concerned tax accounting. I liked that the answer was supported by law - the links are attached to regulations. At the same time, experts answered the question in detail and objectively - the quality of consultation was fully satisfactory. I would like to note the efficiency of the work of the hotline - the answer we provided literally on the same day. Before that, we tried to find it on our own for a long time, until they remembered the wonderful opportunity to use the services of ASCon consultants.

Inna Majidan Podpopayeva,
Accountant LLC "Financial and Industrial Park" ABS "

I recently found that the ASCon hotline services are very convenient. I am a hotline user from recently. There is support and confidence that you are standing on the right track. And correctly understand the laws. I appeal to the hot line Ascona directly from the consultant, using the "Online Dialog" button. It is very comfortable. And I also see that experts are immediately trying to take a job question and most often meet the faster than the stated deadlines.

Kulevoshevskaya Alla Vladimirovna,
Accountant LLC Petsurbeltenergo

For the last two or three months, we regularly use the services of the hotline of Ascona. We are a permanent client of the hotline of Ascona, the quality of services I estimate on the solid five. I really like how your experts work. Especially I am delighted with the professional level of Olga Reshetova. I am delighted with how quickly and qualitatively it provides information. She helped us very much. I can say that immediately clever. We talked all possible options, warned about all the risks that we were waiting for, or the other, or third. I can even say that during the conversation we came to the correct option.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klyuev,
Deputy Director for Personnel FGBNU "Institute of Expert Medicine"

I applied for consultations to Askon three times and remained completely satisfied with the services rendered. Competent experts promptly helped me solve the questions that have arisen. Most of all I liked the fact that a written answer was sent to my post with reference to the legislation, which are mentioned in this answer. The answer without legislative reinforcement, which is called, do not you choose. And then everything is transparent: you do not believe - check! It is very important. Consultations to Askon saved the mass of my time.

Official site

ASCON Factory - The leader in the industry of goods for sleep in Russia and the largest factory for the production of orthopedic mattresses in Eastern Europe.

The company is awarded three times awarded the most respected People's Russian award "Mark №1 in Russia" in the category "Mattresses for a healthy sleep". This award testifies to the trust of millions of Russians to the Askon brand, which is a guarantee of successful factory development.

The range of companies are the best domestic and foreign brands of mattresses, anatomical sofas, interior beds, bedroom furniture, innovative and blankets, as well as other accessories for healthy sleep.

Ascona is part of the Swedish Concern Hilding Anders Group, a leading producer of beds and mattresses in Europe and Asia. Hilding Anders Concern is present at 27 European and 13 Asian markets.

Why do buyers choose us?

  • Askona mattresses approved medicine and have certificates of Roszdravnadzor and cyto.
  • The Ascona factory has the only quality in Russia, its own quality laboratory testing upholstered furniture on European standards.
  • Askona mattresses use only safe orthopedic foam, certified Certipur. Certipur is an independent certification on the European standard designed specifically for Pen, which are used in the manufacture of mattresses and upholstered furniture.
  • At the heart of ASKONA mattresses - unique, patented springs "Hourglass".
  • Ascona is "brand number 1 in Russia" in the category "Mattresses for a healthy sleep".
  • More than 700 ASCon branded stores throughout Russia and in the CIS countries, as well as their own online store covering all regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Seasonal discounts and special offers for buyers.