Ways to improve the qualifications of operating workers. Methods for staff development. National Research University

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The transition to a market economy has posed a number of fundamentally new tasks, the most important of which is the most effective use of human resources. Moreover, this is relevant not only for society as a whole, but even more so for every enterprise, firm, and organization. Business is developing. Competition is growing. And the task of any company is not only to survive, but also to remain competitive for as long as possible. The success of an enterprise directly depends on the performance of its employees. Therefore, the problem of personnel training is relevant for many companies.

Changes in the economic and political systems simultaneously bring both great opportunities and serious threats to each individual, the sustainability of his existence, and introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of almost every person. The introduction and use of professional promotion systems in the work of a personnel manager in such a situation acquires special significance, since it allows solving a whole range of issues of adapting an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building an organization’s personnel management system.

In the current economic conditions, when the old economic management system has already been destroyed and a new one has not yet been created, it will take a lot of time to form the infrastructure of a market economy. In parallel with the process of formation of new management structures, there will be a process of understanding the new role of personnel in ensuring production efficiency.

State support for small and medium-sized businesses, among the general tasks of economic development and market economy, also includes the use of innovative technologies in the development of Russian business. This is confirmed by a number of legal acts and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

However, the market is already rigidly dictating its own rules for the production and sale of products and services. In the conditions of the “consumer market”, the seller is forced to build his activities based on consumer demand. At the same time, demand is not limited to the demand for goods. At the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the services market is becoming increasingly important. Service, in the general understanding of this term, means someone’s action that benefits or helps another. Service work, i.e. to satisfy someone's needs is called a service. It is obvious that the role of personnel in the provision of service services to consumers is increasing many times over, since the quality of the service sector, ultimately, directly depends on the personal and professional qualities of service workers.

The problem of developing the potential of service workers cannot be considered comprehensively studied. In the works of both foreign and domestic authors, general issues of problems of improving the professional qualities of enterprise personnel have been studied. This equally applies to the activities of any economic entity. So in the works of such authors as M.X. Meskon, M.G. Rogov, S.V. Smirnov, P.I. Tretyakov considered the need for management to improve the professionalism of the enterprise’s workforce. Other scientists consider increasing the potential of employees to be an integral part of management (M.M. Potashnik), a method of management (S.D. Reznik), and the process of creating incentives to work (B.M. Genkin). Despite the diversity of ideas about the process of increasing the potential and qualifications of personnel, almost all researchers note that it is based on the employee’s desire to satisfy needs. In various studies, need is defined as a need for something, a property of a subject, a state of a subject, a specific feeling, a driving force of activity, a special kind of relationship between the subject and the external environment, a contradiction between the desired and the actual. Currently, there are numerous classifications of needs according to their content (I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, E.A. Klimov, D. McClelland, A. Maslow, V.G. Podmarkov, D. Rotter, V.I. Tarasenko, etc. .), based on various grounds.

However, despite the high degree of development of questions about the development of the potential and professional qualities of company personnel in domestic and foreign management studies (A. Albert, W. Braddick, O.S. Vikhansky, F. Herzberg, E.P. Ilyin, S. B. Kaverin, A.V. Karpov, R.L. Krichevsiy, E.G. Moll, A.I. Utkin, F. Khedouri The potential of service workers has been practically unexplored and poorly understood. The lack of scientific publications on this topic often leads to the fact that managers very often use such methods of influencing the development of professionalism of hired service personnel, which lead to demotivation of professional activities. In my opinion, one of the reasons for this situation is the discrepancy between managers’ ideas about the factors influencing the personal and professional potential of employees in the real situation of the service department.

In this regard, it becomes especially important for managers of service sector enterprises to be able to rethink their managerial experience and overcome their own stereotypical ideas about the maximum use of the potential and professionalism of the labor behavior of employees.

Thus, the main goal of this final qualifying work is an attempt to analytically develop proposals for improving the skills of workers in the consulting company FOC LLC.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to find a solution to the intermediate research problems:

Consider methods and techniques for improving the qualifications and motivation of personnel used in the practice of modern management;

Conduct a study on the development of the potential of service workers in the company FOC LLC;

Assess the effectiveness of developing the professionalism of FOC LLC employees and, based on the results obtained, develop proposals for improving the system for improving the qualifications of personnel at the enterprise.

The main hypothesis of this study is the assumption that mandatory and timely training of managers of senior and middle management in the system of advanced training of management personnel, professional training of employees, and in addition, work within the organization to study and research incentives to improve the professionalism of employees and the degree of satisfaction hired workers by the existing system of reprimands and rewards - are by far the most effective methods for the emergence of a set of internal and external driving forces capable of inducing hired personnel to such labor behavior, which, as a result, contributes to the achievement of the ultimate goals of the organization.

The object of this final qualifying work is the activities of the management personnel of the company FOC LLC to develop the personal and professional potential of consulting services workers.

The subject of this thesis is an innovative system of professional promotion of employees and the effectiveness of its application.

The research methods used in this thesis are observation, survey and natural experiment.

The study of the problem of increasing the potential of personnel is of great practical importance, since identifying the most effective methods of stimulating the growth of professionalism of service workers will significantly increase the efficiency of both personnel and the economic profit of each individual enterprise, and therefore improve the economic development of the state.

1. Fundamentals and system of personnel development

1.1 Factors, forms and methods of strategic personnel management

As statistics show, many service enterprises are still in an extremely difficult economic situation. It places increased demands on staff. Hiring is decreasing, the number of layoffs is increasing. The routine of operational work distracts from long-term planning, but this makes strategic thinking even more necessary.

In the context of accelerating innovation processes, dynamic development of the external and internal environment and especially increasing competition, enterprises are less and less able to realize their advantages in serving the population, and classical success factors (such as technological processes, pricing system) often become simply fiction.

In this regard, the role of effective strategic management and, first of all, personnel management, in particular planning the development of human resources, its capabilities and prospects, is increasing (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Strategic factors of innovative personnel management

Customer-focused and innovation-focused HR offers the chance to take advantage of the still-hard-to-understand competitive advantage. Already today, a manager in working with personnel should ask himself the following questions.

How does people management contribute to business performance?

How can you measure the contribution of the HR department to the enterprise?

How to ensure customer orientation in working with personnel? How to orient staff towards customer service?

How to introduce an entrepreneurial spirit into the activities of human resources services?

How can HR be made a “peer” function alongside other specialist functions?

Enterprises that do not pay due attention to working with personnel and do not focus this work on business success are at risk of exacerbating problems of survival.

In the 90s The development of scientific and technological progress (STP) turned out to be impossible without the development of personnel management. If at the first stage of the scientific and technological revolution (STR), thanks to the advent of machines, the human hand “strengthened”, then at the second, due to the invention of the computer, the brain.

Effective personnel planning in the 90s. began to play a key role in the competitive struggle of enterprises. Serious changes are coming in the way we work with personnel. At the beginning of the 21st century. personnel management plays the same role as automotive technology in the 50-60s, production automation in the 70s, information technology in the 80s. Management technologies have actively joined the high technology race. We are talking about technologies for the work of a leader, group management, decision making, and behavior. At the same time, technology means the use of technology, and technology means skill and even the art of using force, including the power of the mind.

The role of personnel management in the 90s. more and more reminiscent of the role that in the 80s. information technology played. It has already become a continuation of their development. A human resources manager cannot do without taking into account a complex of interrelated factors.

The factors of strategic personnel management include uncertainty and risks; time; increasing fragmentation of markets; quality, design, service; reducing the importance of enterprise size; flexibility due to centralization; reduction of hierarchical structures; the need for constant study.

Uncertainty and risks. In economically difficult times, management and employees have to act in a state of doubt and uncertainty, with no guarantee of success. Dynamically changing conditions often reduce strategic time horizons to 2 - 3 years. Therefore, continuous learning becomes a central task. If there is no interaction between the management of an organization and its employees or a learning system, it may lead to the loss of the survival ability of such an organization.

Time as a decisive factor in competition. The formula for success today is not cost - profit, but cost - profit - time.

One of the main characteristics of an enterprise today is not the quality and low cost of products, but how quickly and timely they can develop thanks to the successful solution of emerging problems. The time factor is taken into account in such a way that in 80% of cases preference should be given to quick rather than long-term decisions, albeit with 100% validity.

Increasing fragmentation of markets. The company's vital customer orientation contributes to the gradual segmentation of the service market. There is a need to study the potential needs of clients and take into account their specifics.

Quality, design, service are the decisive factors for success. The rigid, ossified “production mindset” is a thing of the past. Factors such as cost-effectiveness, reliability or safety cannot be considered outside the interests of customers and their economically differentiated capabilities.

Optimal sizes. The question of the optimal size of an enterprise arises due to the fact that it must maintain a leadership position in its market segment.

Flexibility through decentralization. Large enterprises require restructuring into flexible market-oriented business units.

Reducing hierarchical structures. A steep pyramid with more than three levels of hierarchy (their number sometimes reaches seven) becomes the property of the historical process of development of organizational structures. Hierarchical structures have no chance in the future. But reducing management levels does not mean cutting staff. Personnel management is required to ensure its flexible use and development.

The need for constant study. The need for study is declared by many enterprises, but often insufficient time is devoted to it, and therefore it has not yet become a factor in gaining competitive advantages. Meanwhile, each of us has to face the factors of renewal, and we must learn to perceive them, “learn to love” the continuous nature of change.

It seems to us that due to the need to mobilize employees’ resources to achieve success, and even more so the survival of the organization, personnel management has objectively become the focus of management’s attention. It has become impossible to solve the problem of employee activation within the framework of traditional approaches. Strategic management must be viewed in context with personnel development, assessment, selection and planning. Personnel management has ceased to be an administrative task of the personnel department, it has covered the activities of all managers, its decentralization has occurred and the sphere of influence and application has significantly expanded. It itself has become a strategic factor in the development of the enterprise.

The driving force behind all activities of an organization is its personnel. It is characterized by a number of quantitative and qualitative parameters, among which the most important is the development of its potential, in other words, the level of qualifications. Therefore, retraining and advanced training of personnel currently occupies a critical place in achieving the goals of any organization.

Advanced training is training caused by changes in the nature and content of the work of specialists in their positions, obsolescence of knowledge; This is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge and skills, the study of best practices.

Advanced training after completion of vocational training and a certain period of work in the profession is aimed at achieving two goals:

Ensuring the adaptation of professional qualifications to new trends in technical and professional development by conducting training events accompanying the labor process, mainly at the enterprises themselves;

Preparation of a professional career with a transition to a higher level of qualification as specialists and mid-level management personnel (masters, specialists in various fields, etc.) by attending courses at an enterprise, at a training center serving many enterprises, or at a vocational school.

Currently, the process of retraining and advanced training at enterprises is organized on the basis that during the average period of his working life (40-45 years), a qualified employee must undergo retraining and improve his qualifications 4-5 times. Thus, every employee must update his knowledge every 4-7 years.

There are different approaches to the professional development of management personnel. But, despite their diversity, they all include four main blocks, namely:

Analysis of needs for advanced training;

Planning training programs and the process itself;

Creation of training programs varied in form and techniques;

Analysis of the results and their use for the further promotion of a managerial employee up the career ladder or for other purposes.

As world and domestic practice shows, the success of any organization is achieved only when work is carried out in all four areas simultaneously with the development and use of appropriate documentation, educational, methodological and material base.

The real state of affairs in the field of advanced training in modern organizations can be characterized in two ways: some organizations carry out targeted work in the field of advanced training, realizing the importance of this process, while the other part pays practically no attention to this issue, considering it a personal matter for each employee.

In general, we can say that the only thing that can contribute to people's learning in an organization is the creation of conditions in which it becomes a natural human need and an organizational norm.

In organizations that pay great attention to the issue of unlocking the potential of employees, improving their skills and following the above principle, a large role is given to formulating the training goal. The more clearly the learning objectives are formulated, the easier it will be to develop the right training program and track the effectiveness of the lessons.

There are various forms, methods and approaches to the professional growth of management personnel. These include business games, solving specific practical problems, analyzing specific management situations, using discussions as a tool for acquiring new knowledge and developing optimal options for management decisions, socio-psychological training, and programmatic training. Regardless of the nature (practical or theoretical) of advanced training, the development of retraining methods is based on compliance with a number of mandatory principles.

These basic principles include six requirements:

The learner must be interested in the result of retraining;

Learning new things must be supported by practical experience;

Retraining should be supported by practical experience and repetition, since any advanced training requires time to learn new things and generalize accumulated material;

The accumulated material must be comprehended. Appropriate discussion questions, tests, and assignments are intended to help with this;

Teaching methods should be as varied as possible. Boredom, not fatigue, primarily interferes with learning;

The material must be close to the specific activity of the employee.

The teacher is obliged to do everything possible to bring training closer to real work situations, since after returning to work the manager must immediately apply his knowledge and skills in practice.

Let's look at four possible learning methods (including both acquiring new knowledge and retraining).

1. Apprenticeship. This method is a combination of on-the-job and off-the-job training. It requires the cooperation of mentors in the workplace and at school (for example, in Sunday school), as well as government services.

An apprenticeship is a period of training and education that includes both formal classroom training and practical on-the-job training. The period of such training can reach several years. The weakness of the apprenticeship system is that the time allocated for it is predetermined and does not take into account individual differences that arise during the training period.

2. Preliminary training. With this method, students study a case in an environment that simulates a work environment.

On-the-job training. This is the most common method: the worker is placed in a real work situation, the work and secrets of the skill are shown to him by an experienced worker or master. This method is especially preferable for service workers and managers in this field due to the nature of their work.

The most important methods of on-the-job training: the method of increasingly complex tasks, changing jobs (rotation), targeted acquisition of experience, production instruction, using workers as assistants, the method of delegating (transferring) part of the functions and responsibilities, etc.

3. Tutoring and discussion. One of the best and most used techniques for training new managers is one in which successful, experienced managers train newcomers. Not only does this approach provide an opportunity to learn, it requires true delegation, which creates a sense of trust.

Retraining. The main feature of retraining programs is that they give partial preliminary experience to a person preparing to fill a particular position in the future, as he performs part of the actual work of the person currently assigned those duties. This intermediate position is called differently in different organizations: assistantship, backup, joint management or apprenticeship for managers.

Transfers and rotation. In this case, trainees move through a sequence of jobs to expand their experience. Enterprises can make travel plans, including functional and geographical moves.

Advocates of this approach argue that it broadens the manager's horizons, accelerates the promotion of highly qualified specialists, initiates many new ideas and accelerates the growth of firm efficiency.

4. Off-the-job training. In this case, classes take place in classrooms, Sunday schools or anywhere else. Service companies with the largest training programs often use this method.

According to training program managers, if the goal of advanced training is to acquire new knowledge, then it is best to use computer-based training. On the other hand, if the training is aimed at improving problem-solving skills, then it is best to use intensive training technologies (business games, case analysis).

When organizing advanced training for management personnel, HR workers should pay the greatest attention to intensive training technologies (ITT), since they allow students to acquire, first of all, applied knowledge, skills and abilities and provide the opportunity to receive training in the field of people management in a short time.

It seems to us that in general it should be noted that, regardless of the form of personnel training, it is important to have an effective system for improving the professionalism and career growth of employees, since only this path contributes to the most complete development of enterprise personnel, including, of course, service workers.

1.2 Development of a professional development systemin the organization and its actions to unlock the potential of employees

The need for advanced training and, accordingly, training of various categories of personnel of the organization is determined both by the requirements of work or the interests of the organization, and by the individual characteristics of employees. The need for training, the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of certain professional skills is influenced by age, work experience, level of abilities, characteristics of work motivation and other factors. They establish a qualitative need for training (what to teach, what skills to develop) and a quantitative one (how many employees of different categories need training). These needs can be identified by the following methods:

Assessment of information about employees available in the personnel service (length of service, work experience, basic education, etc.);

Regular assessment of work results (certification);

Supervising the work of staff;

Analysis of the sources of problems that interfere with effective work;

Collection and analysis of requests for personnel training from department heads;

Suggestions from employees, which can be collected using surveys or questionnaires.

Information about the state of an employee’s training is formed on the basis of an assessment of his activities, which is the starting point for diagnosing qualifications. At the same time, it is determined which professional qualities of the employee require development, correction and polishing. In assessing the quality of knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities, special commissions certify employees depending on the effectiveness of their work on selected factors and the relative importance of these factors for the functional duties performed by the employee. Based on the results of the incoming control, the feasibility of training and other forms of retraining is also determined, and recommendations are issued for an individual training program. Incoming control is carried out simultaneously with the psychophysical examination of students.

To identify individual characteristics and level of professionalism, testing is carried out, which allows rationally staffing training groups, optimizing the training process, as well as choosing the necessary form of training.

Planning for advanced training. In the process of planning staff development, it is taken into account that their training can be carried out both in educational institutions and directly in organizations. Continuity of retraining is ensured by a rational combination of frequency, types and methods of training based on a single training plan, based on the operating conditions and needs of the organization. In-house training systems are usually large-scale, long-term and complex. The company can organize the process of advanced training with the separation of workers from production and without interruption. Off-the-job training is usually carried out by employees independently in the form of: full-time study at a university; visits to evening academies; participation in seminars; attending courses at higher public schools; participation in congresses; reading specialized literature and articles.

Within the framework of the in-house training system, employees can be trained on the job. It could be:

Subscription for literature and newspapers;

Delegating employees to various exhibitions and fairs;

Providing employees with the opportunity to attend courses and seminars

Participation in excursions at the enterprise. Planning for advanced training is a specific system and can be forward-looking and operational.

Long-term (strategic) planning is designed for two to three or more years. It includes personnel training strategies, that is, the choice of main types of training, its forms, thematic areas, composition of trainees (by region, training centers, etc.).

Operational planning for retraining and advanced training of personnel is usually called planning for the coming year. Here the following are determined: the capacity of the training center, the organization’s need for each type of training, the timing and duration of training sessions, the composition of groups, the topics of classes, features of financial and logistical support, the need to develop teaching aids, etc. The basis for advanced training is a flexible training program based on training modules. A training module is a complete element of a certain discipline, with a clear structure of the plan, chains and tasks of work, initial data, methods of implementation, a list of technical means, a list of references and a method of monitoring the acquired knowledge. In general, the training program consists of four types of training modules (the approximate volume as a percentage of the total number of training hours is given in brackets): problem-based lectures (up to 25); active learning methods (at least 50); laboratory and practical classes (up to 15); health complex (up to 10).

It is necessary to develop several standard training programs based on 8-10 training hours per day. Typical programs are modified depending on the wishes of customers, the interests of listeners and timing.

Drawing up a specific training program is quite a difficult task, which should be carried out by the director of the enterprise or his deputy for personnel. The ideal option for a company is to have a personnel training specialist who can develop training programs, conduct business games and analyze practical situations, etc. The success of this specialist will depend on the support of management and his interaction with experienced colleagues. But today another option is more common: in a small company, the functions of a personnel training specialist are performed by the head of the personnel department. In this case, it is advisable to contact management consultants who will help identify weaknesses in the professional competence of personnel.

When drawing up a training program, a number of factors must be taken into account:

Duration of the training program and timing of its implementation;

Interests of the customer (enterprise, organization, institution) in using a specific set of training modules;

Summary results of an individual survey of future students;

Location of training sessions (enterprise or boarding house: a boarding house is much better, because at the enterprise students are “pulled”);

State of the educational base (number of classrooms, placement of people, volume of services);

The level of employment of teachers during the training period (from 4 to 8 hours);

Availability of technical teaching aids (board, overhead projector, computer, video system);

“typical routine of the school day (class schedule). The training program issued to students must contain the following sections:

General information about the educational institution;

Class schedule for the entire program (month);

List of regulatory documents about the enterprise (charter, regulations, instructions);

List of teachers and administration of the educational institution;

List of listeners with their work and home addresses;

List of handouts;

Coordinates of the educational institution, enterprise, boarding house and layout of classrooms.

Assessing the effectiveness of the training program. The following reasons for assessing the effectiveness of training programs can be identified.

The need to find out to what extent the learning objectives were ultimately achieved. A curriculum that does not allow one to achieve the required level of knowledge, performance indicators, or achieve a change in the skills or attitudes of students in the right direction must be changed or replaced by another program.

The need to ensure that changes in students' performance indicators occurred as a result of training. To do this, you can compare the professional effectiveness of workers before and after training or compare these indicators with the effectiveness (production indicators) of workers who did not participate in training.

The average employer in industrialized countries devotes approximately 4% of its training and development budget to evaluating the effectiveness of training programs.

After training its employees, an organization does not always achieve the desired result. In this case, there is a need to identify the reasons for failure. Good programs may not be effective enough for many reasons: perhaps unrealistic or too general training goals were set, the training process itself may be poorly organized, there may be low practical usefulness of training, there were some failures for reasons beyond the control of those specialists. who organize training. But, as a rule, the main reason for ineffective training is low employee motivation. Analyzing the reasons why a given training program failed allows necessary corrective steps to be taken in the future.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training can be carried out using tests, questionnaires, exams, etc. The effectiveness of training can be assessed by both students and teachers, experts or specially created commissions. The point of assessing the effectiveness of training is so that the information obtained can be further analyzed and used in the preparation and conduct of similar training programs in the future. This practice allows us to constantly work to improve the effectiveness of training and get rid of such curricula and forms of training that have proven to be ineffective.

There are four criteria commonly used in assessing the effectiveness of training.

1. Students’ reaction. In this case, the students' impression of the curriculum in which they took part is determined. How do they evaluate the benefits of training? Was the course load excessive? Did you like the training program? How do they evaluate the work of teachers?

2. Mastering educational material. In accordance with this criterion, the volume of learned material is determined. Typically this information is collected through examinations or tests.

3. Behavioral changes. In accordance with this criterion, it is determined how the behavior of workers changes after they have completed a training course and return to their jobs. The main issue here is to identify the extent to which the knowledge and skills acquired during training are used in the process of performing work.

4. Operating results. This is the criterion by which the real benefit that the organization received as a result of the training is determined.

The effectiveness of training can also be assessed some time after completion of training. Assessing the effectiveness of training requires a lot of time and high competence of the specialists conducting this assessment, and many organizations refuse such assessment, simply relying on the fact that any training of employees benefits the organization and ultimately pays off. In fact, the effectiveness of training is not a matter of faith or belief, but rather specific results that can be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively.

The quality of the curriculum can also be assessed in terms of learner satisfaction with the curriculum. For this purpose, special questionnaires are being developed for students of training programs, which allow us to draw a conclusion about their satisfaction with the effectiveness of classes, teachers, the program itself, etc.

1.3 Innovations in advanced training systems

Among the most promising innovations in this (relatively little-publicized) branch of management, especially noteworthy is the concept of the so-called. “learning organization”, allowing staff development with maximum efficiency. The idea of ​​a “learning organization” and the resulting real possibilities for implementing this approach within Russian companies appeared only in recent years with the development of market relations, the formation of other approaches to business, the recognition of the leading role of personnel among the available resources of companies, as well as with the translation of the book Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. You could even say that the concept of a “learning organization” is an HR manager’s dream come true. Simply because perhaps its most important task is to continuously improve both its general level and the qualifications of its employees.

What is a learning organization?

Such an organization is called, first of all, a living organization - since the learning process and life are directly connected. The learning process can be defined differently as a process of harmonious transformation when interacting with the environment. A living organization, like a living person, responds, changes, that is, learns from the environment with which it interacts, without being destroyed, but maintaining its internal main essential state (or vision). The following definition can be given:

A learning organization is a team of employees united by a common vision and values, who have the ability to develop, improve the work process (and thereby the product of this process), the relationships that arise in it, as well as their own understanding of the situation through constant receipt of feedback from their colleagues, clients, partners, managers, that is, from the external and internal environment.

A learning organization is an organization that, when receiving feedback, uses it both to adjust its work process in accordance with a given technology (all organizations do, or at least should do) and to improve its capabilities for the future (this only done by learning organizations). All organizations are composed of people or individuals who give rise to intellectual models or ingrained worldviews that are shaped by experience and shape the experiences of each individual. It is people with their attitudes and views that make an organization come alive... or slow down its development. If an organization is captive of individual intellectual models, then it does not form a new understanding of the situation in actively changing market conditions. Therefore, in a learning organization, constant personal development is necessary - improvement (that is, receiving feedback and changing oneself).

In order to be alive, an organization and its employees must be able to track their own points of inhibition, errors, and regression. These in the organization are:

Established stereotypes and opinions among employees;

The correctness of individual opinions - instead of development;

Closeness of employees to information;

Unambiguity in relation - instead of understanding consistency and ambiguity;

Linearity of thinking - instead of recognizing illogicality and systematicity.

At the same time, the organization must preserve its uniqueness, identity, ability to move - which means there must be something that unites the entire team, the reason why people want to do something together; a certain unified idea, fixed by the peculiarities of corporate culture. It is this shared vision that allows us to maintain integrity and focus.

An organization can be called learning if it approaches self-understanding and develops through the formation of the following elements:

Systems thinking;

Group training;

Personal improvement;

Understanding of collective and individual Intellectual models;

Employees and management team have a Shared Vision.

To reinforce and retain the skill of a learning organization, it is necessary to create a culture of learning. This culture represents the accumulation of prior learning based on previous decisions. Accepted development assumptions that work well enough to be considered valid for a given company are invented, discovered, or developed by a specific group of people in the organization through problem solving processes. These basic principles of continuous learning, transformation and development must be taught to new members of the organization as the correct way to perceive, think and relate to these issues.

Learning occurs in an organization as people share, explore, and interact with each other about their mental models. In accordance with this, the company must maintain at a constant level such methods of learning in the process of work as: A systematic approach to the analysis of any situation.

Some principles of systems thinking:

See relationships, not linear chains of cause and effect.

See processes of change, not static states.

Everyone bears part of the responsibility for the problems created by the system.

We are prisoners of systems whose existence we do not know.

There are no right answers. There is only a set of potential actions, each of which brings about some desired and some unintended consequences.

Systems cannot be dismembered and corrected in parts; systems have integrity, and it is necessary to work with the whole, and not with its individual parts

Cause and effect are not always closely related in time and space, and as a result, the real cause of a problem may not be obvious

The most obvious solutions may turn out to be completely ineffective. If these solutions work, they can only improve the situation for a while, and in the long run they will lead to deterioration.

People like to blame others for their difficulties, but problems in any system are often caused by the people included in them, and not by some external forces.

Group training:

A method of learning through dialogue, and dialogue in this case is understood not as the defense of individual opinions, but as the collection and synthesis of all points of view into one, which maximally absorbs everything expressed. The purpose of dialogue is to go beyond the individual understanding of the situation, develop and expand this understanding. What is important in this process is how training is viewed by the employees involved.

The most important learning happens on the job, not in training classes.

The most effective learning is social and active learning, not individual and passive learning.

During the learning process, it was decided to adhere to the following methods or rules:

Saying things that we don't usually talk about.

Combine research and self-defense (the art of impartial investigation)

Distinguish between official theories (what we say) and used theories (on which we act)

Personal Improvement:

The skill of asking questions of oneself helps people slow down their thinking process so they can become more aware of their mental models.

Each person has their own individual training cycle, consisting of:

1. Specific experience gained in the workplace;

2. Reflections on the experience, understanding the meaning and reasons for what happened;

3. Concepts and generalizations developed on the basis of experience;

4. Testing this concept empirically;

5. Repetition and consolidation of the cycle.

2. Ways to improve the personnel training system of Fok LLC

2.1 System of training and advanced training of employees

The company "Financial and Organizational Consulting" (FOK) was created in 2001 by managers with experience in large corporations - "Russian Aluminum", "Svyazinvest", "Rostselmash", "Empils", Nestle

The company has completed about 20 relatively large-scale projects in the areas of strategy, business planning, restructuring and regional development

Among the company's clients are OJSC Gazprom, RAO UES of Russia, Russian Railways, NK Rosneft, AFK Sistema, Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, AMO ZIL, federal and regional authorities

2001 FOC LLC was included in the register of the Moscow Registration Chamber under No. 1027739800868.

2005 By Order of the Federal Property Management Agency No. 34, FOC LLC was granted a License for appraisal activities.

2005 FOC LLC was awarded the title “Supplier of the Year” in the category “Research Work and Services” (diploma of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation)

2006 FOC LLC was awarded the title of Official Partner of the Kremlin Suppliers Guild.

The company's leading activities include:

Audit; grade; IT - consulting; management consulting; financial advisory; investment consulting; strategic consulting.

The analysis of economic potential is carried out on the basis of accounting. reporting and calculated indicators given in (Table No. 1).

Table 1. Main indicators of the company’s economic activity

Basic indicators



Growth rate

Revenue from sales of services

Cost of services

Balance sheet profit

Net profit

Total capital of the firm (assets)

Average headcount

Overall profitability (based on balance sheet profit)

Estimated profitability (based on net profit)

Profitability of turnover (commercial activities)

Number of capital turnover per year

The analysis used the following calculated indicators, which are calculated using the formulas:

Overall profitability - Rtotal = PRb / A * 100%

Calculated profitability - Rras = PRh / A * 100%

Profitability of turnover - Rob = PRb / Qр * 100%

Number of capital turnover per year - Kob = Qр / А (times)

During the analysis, the following trends were identified:

1. General growth of the company's main economic activities. Despite the rise in the dollar exchange rate, the company's sales volumes are changing upward (from 285.9 million rubles in 2005 to 332.173 million rubles in 2006).

2. An increase in overall profitability in 2006 was revealed.

3. There is a relative increase in the profitability of turnover (from 2.93% in 2006 to 4.82% in 2006).

4. It should be noted that the company is gradually returning to the efficiency and proportionality of its development, which is characterized by an excess of profit growth rates over revenue growth rates.

In general, it should be noted that the disproportionality of the company's development is associated with the economic crisis in the company and the desire to find new ways of cash flows into the company in 2006; this clearly shows the drop in the level of absolutely all indicators in 2006, compared to 2005. However, the company managed to overcome the crisis, and not only maintain turnover at the same level, but also significantly increase it, maintaining the proportionality and efficiency of its development.

The organizational structure of FOC LLC is extensive (command-administrative), linear-pyramidal, within which it is presented as horizontally functional.

Advantages are the stability of the current system, which makes it possible to curb negative trends.

Disadvantages - command-bureaucratic centralism, insufficient flexibility and susceptibility to changes in the external and internal environment.

It is most convenient to present the assignment of functions by position in the form of the following table.

The organizational structure of the company has been constantly improved since its formation and currently (01.10.2007) the staff of FOC LLC numbers about 89 people:

2 people - Guide

6 people - project managers, higher education, age 45 years;

10 people - head of department;

4 people - accounting (higher education) Age from 40 to 45 years, three women and one man;

4 people - project management department (higher education) age 38 years - male;

40 people - analysts and project consultants (higher education) age from 25 to 35 years 20 women and 18 men;

4 people - personnel management department, higher education, age from 27 to 35 years, women;

6 people - legal department (4 people with higher education, 2 with specialized secondary education) age from 25 to 30 years, women;

6 people - assessment department (higher education) age from 35 to 40 years - men;

3 people - Department of Information Technology (higher education) age 25-28 years - men.

4 people - administrative and economic department.

It is most convenient to present personnel performance indicators in the form of the following diagram (Figure 3).

Since the management system of FOC LLC contains stable connections and relationships based on provisions regulating the rights and responsibilities of departments. As well as the presence of direct influence of managers on subordinates through orders, instructions and other documents. We can confidently declare that FOK LLC uses administrative management methods.

Figure 3. Development of the company since its founding

FOC LLC has linear control exercised by the general director, operational control - control of the implementation of consulting and information services, current control and its type - filtering. As a rule, subsequent or final control is mainly used. That is, control is carried out after the work is completed. The main problem of control in FOC LLC is, in my opinion, a certain formality of control; control is carried out partly for visibility, “insurance” in case of audits and audits, both from management and from control and supervisory authorities.

The communication process at FOC LLC is presented in the form of the following communication management tools - meetings, seminars, etc. corporate events of the company's structural departments. A network of official correspondence has been developed, there are bulletin boards, Internet tools, and interpersonal (business and informal) communication. The main obstacles to full communication are the wrong choice of channel, natural and official censorship.

Legal support for management activities at FOC LLC is carried out through regulatory documents - regulations, orders, job descriptions, etc.

Work at FOC LLC is structured in such a way that many issues are resolved much faster than in other distribution companies. The management of FOC LLC is always open to contacts and is ready to join in solving any client problem, applying an individual approach to him. To improve its work methods, FOK LLC periodically conducts customer surveys using questionnaires. By acting together, FOK LLC and the partner company expand their capabilities. By joining forces, the company’s specialists can achieve:

Displacement of a competing company from a tender (competition for the right to conclude a contract);

Development of a convenient financial mechanism for interaction.

Thanks to the clear organization of the work of branches and an extensive customer base, the company FOK LLC has the opportunity to coordinate joint projects for one customer, which has an extensive branch structure across cities. In these cases, the company FOK LLC acts as a central link in the interaction of regional analysts and consultants with each other. Thus, issues of legal and information support of transactions, service and business customer service are resolved.

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The transition to a market economy has posed a number of fundamentally new tasks, the most important of which is the most effective use of human resources. Moreover, this is relevant not only for society as a whole, but even more so for every enterprise, firm, and organization. Business is developing. Competition is growing. And the task of any company is not only to survive, but also to remain competitive for as long as possible. The success of an enterprise directly depends on the performance of its employees. Therefore, the problem of personnel training is relevant for many companies.

Changes in the economic and political systems simultaneously bring both great opportunities and serious threats to each individual, the sustainability of his existence, and introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of almost every person. The introduction and use of professional promotion systems in the work of a personnel manager in such a situation acquires special significance, since it allows solving a whole range of issues of adapting an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building an organization’s personnel management system.

In the current economic conditions, when the old economic management system has already been destroyed and a new one has not yet been created, it will take a lot of time to form the infrastructure of a market economy. In parallel with the process of formation of new management structures, there will be a process of understanding the new role of personnel in ensuring production efficiency.

State support for small and medium-sized businesses, among the general tasks of economic development and market economy, also includes the use of innovative technologies in the development of Russian business. This is confirmed by a number of legal acts and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

However, the market is already rigidly dictating its own rules for the production and sale of products and services. In the conditions of the “consumer market”, the seller is forced to build his activities based on consumer demand. At the same time, demand is not limited to the demand for goods. At the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the services market is becoming increasingly important. Service, in the general understanding of this term, means someone’s action that benefits or helps another. Service work, i.e. to satisfy someone's needs is called a service. It is obvious that the role of personnel in the provision of service services to consumers is increasing many times over, since the quality of the service sector, ultimately, directly depends on the personal and professional qualities of service workers.

The problem of developing the potential of service workers cannot be considered comprehensively studied. In the works of both foreign and domestic authors, general issues of problems of improving the professional qualities of enterprise personnel have been studied. This equally applies to the activities of any economic entity. So in the works of such authors as M.X. Meskon, M.G. Rogov, S.V. Smirnov, P.I. Tretyakov considered the need for management to improve the professionalism of the enterprise’s workforce. Other scientists consider increasing the potential of employees to be an integral part of management (M.M. Potashnik), a method of management (S.D. Reznik), and the process of creating incentives to work (B.M. Genkin). Despite the diversity of ideas about the process of increasing the potential and qualifications of personnel, almost all researchers note that it is based on the employee’s desire to satisfy needs. In various studies, need is defined as a need for something, a property of a subject, a state of a subject, a specific feeling, a driving force of activity, a special kind of relationship between the subject and the external environment, a contradiction between the desired and the actual. Currently, there are numerous classifications of needs according to their content (I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, E.A. Klimov, D. McClelland, A. Maslow, V.G. Podmarkov, D. Rotter, V.I. Tarasenko, etc. .), based on various grounds.

However, despite the high degree of development of questions about the development of the potential and professional qualities of company personnel in domestic and foreign management studies (A. Albert, W. Braddick, O.S. Vikhansky, F. Herzberg, E.P. Ilyin, S. B. Kaverin, A.V. Karpov, R.L. Krichevsiy, E.G. Moll, A.I. Utkin, F. Khedouri The potential of service workers has been practically unexplored and poorly understood. The lack of scientific publications on this topic often leads to the fact that managers very often use such methods of influencing the development of professionalism of hired service personnel, which lead to demotivation of professional activities. In my opinion, one of the reasons for this situation is the discrepancy between managers’ ideas about the factors influencing the personal and professional potential of employees in the real situation of the service department.

In this regard, it becomes especially important for managers of service sector enterprises to be able to rethink their managerial experience and overcome their own stereotypical ideas about the maximum use of the potential and professionalism of the labor behavior of employees.

Thus, the main goal of this final qualifying work is an attempt to analytically develop proposals for improving the skills of workers in the consulting company FOC LLC.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to find a solution to the intermediate research problems:

– consider methods and techniques for improving the qualifications and motivation of personnel used in the practice of modern management;

– conduct a study of the development of the potential of service workers in the company FOC LLC;

– assess the effectiveness of developing the professionalism of FOC LLC employees and, based on the results obtained, develop proposals for improving the system for improving the qualifications of personnel at the enterprise.

The main hypothesis of this study is the assumption that mandatory and timely training of managers of senior and middle management in the system of advanced training of management personnel, professional training of employees, and in addition, work within the organization to study and research incentives to improve the professionalism of employees and the degree of satisfaction hired workers by the existing system of reprimands and rewards - are by far the most effective methods for the emergence of a set of internal and external driving forces capable of inducing hired personnel to such labor behavior, which, as a result, contributes to the achievement of the ultimate goals of the organization.

The object of this final qualifying work is the activities of the management personnel of the company FOC LLC to develop the personal and professional potential of consulting services workers.

The subject of this thesis is an innovative system of professional promotion of employees and the effectiveness of its application.

The research methods used in this thesis are observation, survey and natural experiment.

The study of the problem of increasing the potential of personnel is of great practical importance, since identifying the most effective methods of stimulating the growth of professionalism of service workers will significantly increase the efficiency of both personnel and the economic profit of each individual enterprise, and therefore improve the economic development of the state.

1. Fundamentals and system of personnel development

1.1 Factors, forms and methods of strategic personnel management

As statistics show, many service enterprises are still in an extremely difficult economic situation. It places increased demands on staff. Hiring is decreasing, the number of layoffs is increasing. The routine of operational work distracts from long-term planning, but this makes strategic thinking even more necessary.

In the context of accelerating innovation processes, dynamic development of the external and internal environment and especially increasing competition, enterprises are less and less able to realize their advantages in serving the population, and classical success factors (such as technological processes, pricing system) often become simply fiction.

In this regard, the role of effective strategic management and, first of all, personnel management, in particular planning the development of human resources, its capabilities and prospects, is increasing (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Strategic factors of innovative personnel management

Customer-focused and innovation-focused HR offers the chance to take advantage of the still-hard-to-understand competitive advantage. Already today, a manager in working with personnel should ask himself the following questions.

How does people management contribute to business performance?

How can you measure the contribution of the HR department to the enterprise?

How to ensure customer orientation in working with personnel? How to orient staff towards customer service?

How to introduce an entrepreneurial spirit into the activities of human resources services?

How can HR be made a “peer” function alongside other specialist functions?

Enterprises that do not pay due attention to working with personnel and do not focus this work on business success are at risk of exacerbating problems of survival.

In the 90s The development of scientific and technological progress (STP) turned out to be impossible without the development of personnel management. If at the first stage of the scientific and technological revolution (STR), thanks to the advent of machines, the human hand “strengthened”, then at the second, due to the invention of the computer, the brain.

Effective personnel planning in the 90s. began to play a key role in the competitive struggle of enterprises. Serious changes are coming in the way we work with personnel. At the beginning of the 21st century. personnel management plays the same role as automotive technology in the 50s and 60s, production automation in the 70s, information technology in the 80s. Management technologies have actively joined the high technology race. We are talking about technologies for the work of a leader, group management, decision making, and behavior. At the same time, technology means the use of technology, and technology means skill and even the art of using force, including the power of the mind.

The role of personnel management in the 90s. more and more reminiscent of the role that in the 80s. information technology played. It has already become a continuation of their development. A human resources manager cannot do without taking into account a complex of interrelated factors.

The factors of strategic personnel management include uncertainty and risks; time; increasing fragmentation of markets; quality, design, service; reducing the importance of enterprise size; flexibility due to centralization; reduction of hierarchical structures; the need for constant study.

Uncertainty and risks. In economically difficult times, management and employees have to act in a state of doubt and uncertainty, with no guarantee of success. Dynamically changing conditions often reduce strategic time horizons to 2–3 years. Therefore, continuous learning becomes a central task. If there is no interaction between the management of an organization and its employees or a learning system, it may lead to the loss of the survival ability of such an organization.

Time as a decisive factor in competition. The formula for success today is not cost - profit, but cost - profit - time.

One of the main characteristics of an enterprise today is not the quality and low cost of products, but how quickly and timely they can develop thanks to the successful solution of emerging problems. The time factor is taken into account in such a way that in 80% of cases preference should be given to quick rather than long-term decisions, albeit with 100% validity.

Increasing fragmentation of markets. The company's vital customer orientation contributes to the gradual segmentation of the service market. There is a need to study the potential needs of clients and take into account their specifics.

Quality, design, service are the decisive factors for success. The rigid, ossified “production mindset” is a thing of the past. Factors such as cost-effectiveness, reliability or safety cannot be considered outside the interests of customers and their economically differentiated capabilities.

Optimal sizes. The question of the optimal size of an enterprise arises due to the fact that it must maintain a leadership position in its market segment.

Flexibility through decentralization. Large enterprises require restructuring into flexible market-oriented business units.

Reducing hierarchical structures. A steep pyramid with more than three levels of hierarchy (their number sometimes reaches seven) becomes the property of the historical process of development of organizational structures. Hierarchical structures have no chance in the future. But reducing management levels does not mean cutting staff. Personnel management is required to ensure its flexible use and development.

The need for constant study. The need for study is declared by many enterprises, but often insufficient time is devoted to it, and therefore it has not yet become a factor in gaining competitive advantages. Meanwhile, each of us has to face the factors of renewal, and we must learn to perceive them, “learn to love” the continuous nature of change.

It seems to us that due to the need to mobilize employees’ resources to achieve success, and even more so the survival of the organization, personnel management has objectively become the focus of management’s attention. It has become impossible to solve the problem of employee activation within the framework of traditional approaches. Strategic management must be viewed in context with personnel development, assessment, selection and planning. Personnel management has ceased to be an administrative task of the personnel department, it has covered the activities of all managers, its decentralization has occurred and the sphere of influence and application has significantly expanded. It itself has become a strategic factor in the development of the enterprise.

The driving force behind all activities of an organization is its personnel. It is characterized by a number of quantitative and qualitative parameters, among which the most important is the development of its potential, in other words, the level of qualifications. Therefore, retraining and advanced training of personnel currently occupies a critical place in achieving the goals of any organization.

Advanced training is training caused by changes in the nature and content of the work of specialists in their positions, obsolescence of knowledge; This is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge and skills, the study of best practices.

Advanced training after completion of vocational training and a certain period of work in the profession is aimed at achieving two goals:

– ensuring the adaptation of professional qualifications to new trends in technical and professional development by conducting training events that accompany the labor process, mainly at the enterprises themselves;

– preparation of a professional career with a transition to a higher level of qualification as specialists and mid-level management personnel (masters, specialists in various fields, etc.) by attending courses at an enterprise, at a training center serving many enterprises, or at a vocational school.

Currently, the process of retraining and advanced training at enterprises is organized on the basis that during the average period of his working life (40–45 years), a qualified employee must undergo retraining and improve his qualifications 4–5 times. Thus, every employee must update his knowledge every 4–7 years.

There are different approaches to the professional development of management personnel. But, despite their diversity, they all include four main blocks, namely:

– analysis of needs for advanced training;

– planning training programs and the process itself;

– creation of educational programs varied in form and techniques;

– analysis of the results and their use for the further promotion of a managerial employee up the career ladder or for other purposes.

As world and domestic practice shows, the success of any organization is achieved only when work is carried out in all four areas simultaneously with the development and use of appropriate documentation, educational, methodological and material base.

The real state of affairs in the field of advanced training in modern organizations can be characterized in two ways: some organizations carry out targeted work in the field of advanced training, realizing the importance of this process, while the other part pays practically no attention to this issue, considering it a personal matter for each employee.

In general, we can say that the only thing that can contribute to people's learning in an organization is the creation of conditions in which it becomes a natural human need and an organizational norm.

In organizations that pay great attention to the issue of unlocking the potential of employees, improving their skills and following the above principle, a large role is given to formulating the training goal. The more clearly the learning objectives are formulated, the easier it will be to develop the right training program and track the effectiveness of the lessons.

There are various forms, methods and approaches to the professional growth of management personnel. These include business games, solving specific practical problems, analyzing specific management situations, using discussions as a tool for acquiring new knowledge and developing optimal options for management decisions, socio-psychological training, and programmatic training. Regardless of the nature (practical or theoretical) of advanced training, the development of retraining methods is based on compliance with a number of mandatory principles.

These basic principles include six requirements:

– the trainee must be interested in the result of retraining;

– learning new things should be supported by practical experience;

– retraining should be supported by practical experience and repetition, since any advanced training requires time to learn new things and generalize accumulated material;

– the accumulated material must be comprehended. Appropriate discussion questions, tests, and assignments are intended to help with this;

– teaching methods should be as varied as possible. Boredom, not fatigue, primarily interferes with learning;

– the material must be close to the specific activity of the employee.

The teacher is obliged to do everything possible to bring training closer to real work situations, since after returning to work the manager must immediately apply his knowledge and skills in practice.

Let's look at four possible learning methods (including both acquiring new knowledge and retraining).

1. Apprenticeship. This method is a combination of on-the-job and off-the-job training. It requires the cooperation of mentors in the workplace and at school (for example, in Sunday school), as well as government services.

An apprenticeship is a period of training and education that includes both formal classroom training and practical on-the-job training. The period of such training can reach several years. The weakness of the apprenticeship system is that the time allocated for it is predetermined and does not take into account individual differences that arise during the training period.

2. Preliminary training. With this method, students study a case in an environment that simulates a work environment.

On-the-job training. This is the most common method: the worker is placed in a real work situation, the work and secrets of the skill are shown to him by an experienced worker or master. This method is especially preferable for service workers and managers in this field due to the nature of their work.

The most important methods of on-the-job training: the method of increasingly complex tasks, changing jobs (rotation), targeted acquisition of experience, production instruction, using workers as assistants, the method of delegating (transferring) part of the functions and responsibilities, etc.

3. Tutoring and discussion. One of the best and most used techniques for training new managers is to have successful, experienced managers train newcomers. Not only does this approach provide an opportunity to learn, it requires true delegation, which creates a sense of trust.

Retraining. The main feature of retraining programs is that they give partial preliminary experience to a person preparing to fill a particular position in the future, as he performs part of the actual work of the person currently assigned those duties. This intermediate position is called differently in different organizations: assistantship, backup, joint management or apprenticeship for managers.

Transfers and rotation. In this case, trainees move through a sequence of jobs to expand their experience. Enterprises can make travel plans, including functional and geographical moves.

Advocates of this approach argue that it broadens the manager's horizons, accelerates the promotion of highly qualified specialists, initiates many new ideas and accelerates the growth of firm efficiency.

4. Off-the-job training. In this case, classes take place in classrooms, Sunday schools or anywhere else. Service companies with the largest training programs often use this method.

According to training program managers, if the goal of advanced training is to acquire new knowledge, then it is best to use computer-based training. On the other hand, if the training is aimed at improving problem-solving skills, then it is best to use intensive training technologies (business games, case analysis).

When organizing advanced training for management personnel, HR workers should pay the greatest attention to intensive training technologies (ITT), since they allow students to acquire, first of all, applied knowledge, skills and abilities and provide the opportunity to receive training in the field of people management in a short time.

It seems to us that in general it should be noted that, regardless of the form of personnel training, it is important to have an effective system for improving the professionalism and career growth of employees, since only this path contributes to the most complete development of enterprise personnel, including, of course, service workers.

1.2 Development of a system for advanced training in the organization and its action to unlock the potential of employees

The need for advanced training and, accordingly, training of various categories of personnel of the organization is determined both by the requirements of work or the interests of the organization, and by the individual characteristics of employees. The need for training, the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of certain professional skills is influenced by age, work experience, level of abilities, characteristics of work motivation and other factors. They establish a qualitative need for training (what to teach, what skills to develop) and a quantitative one (how many employees of different categories need training). These needs can be identified by the following methods:

– assessment of information about employees available in the personnel service (length of service, work experience, basic education, etc.);

– regular assessment of work results (certification);

– monitoring the work of personnel;

– analysis of the sources of problems that interfere with effective work;

– collection and analysis of requests for personnel training from department heads;

– suggestions from employees, which can be collected using surveys or questionnaires.

Information about the state of an employee’s training is formed on the basis of an assessment of his activities, which is the starting point for diagnosing qualifications. At the same time, it is determined which professional qualities of the employee require development, correction and polishing. In assessing the quality of knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities, special commissions certify employees depending on the effectiveness of their work on selected factors and the relative importance of these factors for the functional duties performed by the employee. Based on the results of the incoming control, the feasibility of training and other forms of retraining is also determined, and recommendations are issued for an individual training program. Incoming control is carried out simultaneously with the psychophysical examination of students.

To identify individual characteristics and level of professionalism, testing is carried out, which allows rationally staffing training groups, optimizing the training process, as well as choosing the necessary form of training.

Planning for advanced training. In the process of planning staff development, it is taken into account that their training can be carried out both in educational institutions and directly in organizations. Continuity of retraining is ensured by a rational combination of frequency, types and methods of training based on a single training plan, based on the operating conditions and needs of the organization. In-house training systems are usually large-scale, long-term and complex. The company can organize the process of advanced training with the separation of workers from production and without interruption. Off-the-job training is usually carried out by employees independently in the form of: full-time study at a university; visits to evening academies; participation in seminars; attending courses at higher public schools; participation in congresses; reading specialized literature and articles.

Within the framework of the in-house training system, employees can be trained on the job. It could be:

– issuing subscriptions for literature and newspapers;

– delegation of employees to various exhibitions and fairs;

– providing employees with the opportunity to attend courses and seminars

– participation in excursions at the enterprise. Planning for advanced training is a specific system and can be forward-looking and operational.

Long-term (strategic) planning is designed for two to three or more years. It includes personnel training strategies, that is, the choice of main types of training, its forms, thematic areas, composition of trainees (by region, training centers, etc.).

Operational planning for retraining and advanced training of personnel is usually called planning for the coming year. Here the following are determined: the capacity of the training center, the organization’s need for each type of training, the timing and duration of training sessions, the composition of groups, the topics of classes, features of financial and logistical support, the need to develop teaching aids, etc. The basis for advanced training is a flexible training program based on training modules. A training module is a complete element of a certain discipline, with a clear structure of the plan, chains and tasks of work, initial data, methods of implementation, a list of technical means, a list of references and a method of monitoring the acquired knowledge. In general, the training program consists of four types of training modules (the approximate volume as a percentage of the total number of training hours is given in brackets): problem-based lectures (up to 25); active learning methods (at least 50); laboratory and practical classes (up to 15); health complex (up to 10).

It is necessary to develop several standard training programs based on 8–10 training hours per day. Typical programs are modified depending on the wishes of customers, the interests of listeners and timing.

Drawing up a specific training program is quite a difficult task, which should be carried out by the director of the enterprise or his deputy for personnel. The ideal option for a company is to have a personnel training specialist who can develop training programs, conduct business games and analyze practical situations, etc. The success of this specialist will depend on the support of management and his interaction with experienced colleagues. But today another option is more common: in a small company, the functions of a personnel training specialist are performed by the head of the personnel department. In this case, it is advisable to contact management consultants who will help identify weaknesses in the professional competence of personnel.

When drawing up a training program, a number of factors must be taken into account:

– duration of the training program and timing of its implementation;

– interests of the customer (enterprise, organization, institution) in using a specific set of training modules;

– summary results of individual surveys of future students;

– location of training sessions (enterprise or boarding house: a boarding house is much better, because at the enterprise students are “pulled”);

– state of the educational base (number of classrooms, placement of people, volume of services);

– level of employment of teachers during the training period (from 4 to 8 hours);

– availability of technical teaching aids (board, overhead projector, computer, video system);

“typical routine of the school day (class schedule). The training program issued to students must contain the following sections:

– general information about the educational institution;

– class schedule for the entire program (month);

– a list of regulatory documents about the enterprise (charter, regulations, instructions);

– list of teachers and administration of the educational institution;

– a list of listeners with their work and home addresses;

– list of handouts;

– coordinates of the educational institution, enterprise, boarding house and layout of classrooms.

Assessing the effectiveness of the training program. The following reasons for assessing the effectiveness of training programs can be identified.

The need to find out to what extent the learning objectives were ultimately achieved. A curriculum that does not allow one to achieve the required level of knowledge, performance indicators, or achieve a change in the skills or attitudes of students in the right direction must be changed or replaced by another program.

The need to ensure that changes in students' performance indicators occurred as a result of training. To do this, you can compare the professional effectiveness of workers before and after training or compare these indicators with the effectiveness (production indicators) of workers who did not participate in training.

The average employer in industrialized countries devotes approximately 4% of its training and development budget to evaluating the effectiveness of training programs.

After training its employees, an organization does not always achieve the desired result. In this case, there is a need to identify the reasons for failure. Good programs may not be effective enough for many reasons: perhaps unrealistic or too general training goals were set, the training process itself may be poorly organized, there may be low practical usefulness of training, there were some failures for reasons beyond the control of those specialists. who organize training. But, as a rule, the main reason for ineffective training is low employee motivation. Analyzing the reasons why a given training program failed allows necessary corrective steps to be taken in the future.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training can be carried out using tests, questionnaires, exams, etc. The effectiveness of training can be assessed by both students and teachers, experts or specially created commissions. The point of assessing the effectiveness of training is so that the information obtained can be further analyzed and used in the preparation and conduct of similar training programs in the future. This practice allows us to constantly work to improve the effectiveness of training and get rid of such curricula and forms of training that have proven to be ineffective.

There are four criteria commonly used in assessing the effectiveness of training.

1. Students’ reaction. In this case, the students' impression of the curriculum in which they took part is determined. How do they evaluate the benefits of training? Was the course load excessive? Did you like the training program? How do they evaluate the work of teachers?

2. Mastering educational material. In accordance with this criterion, the volume of learned material is determined. Typically this information is collected through examinations or tests.

3. Behavioral changes. In accordance with this criterion, it is determined how the behavior of workers changes after they have completed a training course and return to their jobs. The main issue here is to identify the extent to which the knowledge and skills acquired during training are used in the process of performing work.

4. Operating results. This is the criterion by which the real benefit that the organization received as a result of the training is determined.

The effectiveness of training can also be assessed some time after completion of training. Assessing the effectiveness of training requires a lot of time and high competence of the specialists conducting this assessment, and many organizations refuse such assessment, simply relying on the fact that any training of employees benefits the organization and ultimately pays off. In fact, the effectiveness of training is not a matter of faith or belief, but rather specific results that can be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively.

The quality of the curriculum can also be assessed in terms of learner satisfaction with the curriculum. For this purpose, special questionnaires are being developed for students of training programs, which allow us to draw a conclusion about their satisfaction with the effectiveness of classes, teachers, the program itself, etc.

1.3 Innovations in advanced training systems

Among the most promising innovations in this (relatively little-publicized) branch of management, especially noteworthy is the concept of the so-called. “learning organization”, allowing staff development with maximum efficiency. The idea of ​​a “learning organization” and the resulting real possibilities for implementing this approach within Russian companies appeared only in recent years with the development of market relations, the formation of other approaches to business, the recognition of the leading role of personnel among the available resources of companies, as well as with the translation of the book Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. You could even say that the concept of a “learning organization” is an HR manager’s dream come true. Simply because perhaps its most important task is to continuously improve both its general level and the qualifications of its employees.

What is a learning organization?

Such an organization is called, first of all, a living organization - since the learning process and life are directly connected. The learning process can be defined differently as a process of harmonious transformation when interacting with the environment. A living organization, like a living person, responds, changes, that is, learns from the environment with which it interacts, without being destroyed, but maintaining its internal main essential state (or vision). The following definition can be given:

A learning organization is a team of employees united by a common vision and values ​​who have the ability to develop, improve the work process (and thereby the product of this process), the relationships that arise in it, as well as their own understanding of the situation through constant receipt of feedback from their colleagues, clients, partners, managers, that is, from the external and internal environment.

A learning organization is an organization that, when receiving feedback, uses it both to adjust its work process in accordance with a given technology (all organizations do, or at least should do) and to improve its capabilities for the future (this only done by learning organizations). All organizations are composed of people or individuals who give rise to intellectual models or ingrained worldviews that are shaped by experience and shape the experiences of each individual. It is people with their attitudes and views that make an organization come alive... or slow down its development. If an organization is captive of individual intellectual models, then it does not form a new understanding of the situation in actively changing market conditions. Therefore, in a learning organization, constant personal development is necessary - improvement (that is, receiving feedback and changing oneself).

In order to be alive, an organization and its employees must be able to track their own points of inhibition, errors, and regression. These in the organization are:

– entrenched stereotypes and opinions in the team of employees;

– the correctness of individual opinions – instead of development;

– employees are closed to information;

– unambiguity in relation – instead of understanding consistency and ambiguity;

– linearity of thinking – instead of recognizing illogicality and systematicity.

At the same time, the organization must preserve its uniqueness, identity, ability to move - which means there must be something that unites the entire team, the reason why people want to do something together; a certain unified idea, fixed by the peculiarities of corporate culture. It is this shared vision that allows us to maintain integrity and focus.

An organization can be called learning if it approaches self-understanding and develops through the formation of the following elements:

– Systems thinking;

– Group training;

– Personal improvement;

– Understanding of collective and individual Intellectual models;

– Employees and management team have a Shared Vision.

To reinforce and retain the skill of a learning organization, it is necessary to create a culture of learning. This culture represents the accumulation of prior learning based on previous decisions. Accepted development assumptions that work well enough to be considered valid for a given company are invented, discovered, or developed by a specific group of people in the organization through problem solving processes. These basic principles of continuous learning, transformation and development must be taught to new members of the organization as the correct way to perceive, think and relate to these issues.

Learning occurs in an organization as people share, explore, and interact with each other about their mental models. In accordance with this, the company must maintain at a constant level such methods of learning in the process of work as: A systematic approach to the analysis of any situation.

Some principles of systems thinking:

– See relationships, not linear chains of cause and effect.

– See processes of change, not static states.

– Everyone bears part of the responsibility for the problems created by the system.

“We are prisoners of systems whose existence we do not know.”

– There are no right answers. There is only a set of potential actions, each of which brings about some desired and some unintended consequences.

– Systems cannot be dismembered and corrected in parts; systems have integrity, and it is necessary to work with the whole, and not with its individual parts

– Cause and effect are not always closely related in time and space, and as a result, the real cause of a problem may not be obvious

– The most obvious solutions may turn out to be completely ineffective. If these solutions work, they can only improve the situation for a while, and in the long run they will lead to deterioration.

– People like to blame others for their difficulties, but problems in any system are often caused by the people included in them, and not by some external forces.

Group training:

A method of learning through dialogue, and dialogue in this case is understood not as the defense of individual opinions, but as the collection and synthesis of all points of view into one, which maximally absorbs everything expressed. The purpose of dialogue is to go beyond the individual understanding of the situation, develop and expand this understanding. What is important in this process is how training is viewed by the employees involved.

– The most important learning happens on the job, not in training classes.

– The most effective learning is social and active learning, not individual and passive learning.

During the learning process, it was decided to adhere to the following methods or rules:

- Saying things that we usually don’t talk about.

– Combine study of the issue and self-defense (the art of impartial investigation)

– Distinguish between official theories (what we say) and used theories (on which we act)

Personal Improvement:

The skill of asking questions of oneself helps people slow down their thinking process so they can become more aware of their mental models.

Each person has their own individual training cycle, consisting of:

1. Specific experience gained in the workplace;

2. Reflections on the experience, understanding the meaning and reasons for what happened;

3. Concepts and generalizations developed on the basis of experience;

4. Testing this concept empirically;

5. Repetition and consolidation of the cycle.

2. Ways to improve the personnel training system of Fok LLC

2.1 System of training and advanced training of employees

The company "Financial and Organizational Consulting" (FOK) was created in 2001 by managers with experience in large corporations - Russian Aluminum, Svyazinvest, Rostselmash, Empils, Nestle

The company has completed about 20 relatively large-scale projects in the areas of strategy, business planning, restructuring and regional development

Among the company's clients are OJSC Gazprom, RAO UES of Russia, Russian Railways, NK Rosneft, AFK Sistema, Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, AMO ZIL, federal and regional authorities

2001 FOC LLC was included in the register of the Moscow Registration Chamber under No. 1027739800868.

2005 By Order of the Federal Property Management Agency No. 34, FOC LLC was granted a License for appraisal activities.

2005 FOC LLC was awarded the title “Supplier of the Year” in the category “Research Work and Services” (diploma of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation)

2006 FOC LLC was awarded the title of Official Partner of the Kremlin Suppliers Guild.

The company's leading activities include:

– audit; grade; IT – consulting; management consulting; financial advisory; investment consulting; strategic consulting.

The analysis of economic potential is carried out on the basis of accounting. reporting and calculated indicators given in (Table No. 1).

Table 1. Main indicators of the company’s economic activity

Basic indicators



Growth rate

Revenue from sales of services

Cost of services

Balance sheet profit

Net profit

Total capital of the firm (assets)

Average headcount

Overall profitability (based on balance sheet profit)

Estimated profitability (based on net profit)

Profitability of turnover (commercial activities)

Number of capital turnover per year

The analysis used the following calculated indicators, which are calculated using the formulas:

1) Overall profitability – Rtotal = PRb / A * 100%

2) Calculated profitability – Rras = PRh / A * 100%

3) Profitability of turnover – Rob = PRb / Qр * 100%

4) Number of capital turnover per year – Kob = Qр / А (times)

During the analysis, the following trends were identified:

1. General growth of the company's main economic activities. Despite the rise in the dollar exchange rate, the company's sales volumes are changing upward (from 285.9 million rubles in 2005 to 332.173 million rubles in 2006).

2. An increase in overall profitability in 2006 was revealed.

3. There is a relative increase in the profitability of turnover (from 2.93% in 2006 to 4.82% in 2006).

4. It should be noted that the company is gradually returning to the efficiency and proportionality of its development, which is characterized by an excess of profit growth rates over revenue growth rates.

In general, it should be noted that the disproportionality of the company's development is associated with the economic crisis in the company and the desire to find new ways of cash flows into the company in 2006; this clearly shows the drop in the level of absolutely all indicators in 2006, compared to 2005. However, the company managed to overcome the crisis, and not only maintain turnover at the same level, but also significantly increase it, maintaining the proportionality and efficiency of its development.

The organizational structure of FOC LLC is extensive (command-administrative), linear-pyramidal, within which it is presented as horizontally functional.

Advantages are the stability of the current system, which makes it possible to curb negative trends.

Disadvantages: command-bureaucratic centralism, insufficient flexibility and susceptibility to changes in the external and internal environment.

It is most convenient to present the assignment of functions by position in the form of the following table.

The organizational structure of the company has been constantly improved since its formation and currently (01.10.2007) the staff of FOC LLC numbers about 89 people:

– 2 people – Management

– 6 people – project managers, higher education, age 45 years;

– 10 people – head of department;

– 4 people – accounting (higher education) Age from 40 to 45 years, three women and one man;

– 4 people – project management department (higher education) age 38 years – male;

– 40 people – analysts and project consultants (higher education) age from 25 to 35 years 20 women and 18 men;

– 4 people – HR department, higher education, age from 27 to 35 years, women;

– 6 people – legal department (4 people with higher education, 2 with specialized secondary education) age from 25 to 30 years, women;

– 6 people – assessment department (higher education) age from 35 to 40 years – men;

– 3 people – Department of Information Technology (higher education) age 25–28 years – men.

– 4 people – administrative and economic department.

It is most convenient to present personnel performance indicators in the form of the following diagram (Figure 3).

Since the management system of FOC LLC contains stable connections and relationships based on provisions regulating the rights and responsibilities of departments. As well as the presence of direct influence of managers on subordinates through orders, instructions and other documents. We can confidently declare that FOK LLC uses administrative management methods.

Figure 3. Development of the company since its founding

FOC LLC has linear control exercised by the General Director, operational control - control of the implementation of consulting and information services, current control and its type - filtering. As a rule, subsequent or final control is mainly used. That is, control is carried out after the work is completed. The main problem of control in FOC LLC is, in my opinion, a certain formality of control; control is carried out partly for visibility, “insurance” in case of audits and audits, both from management and from control and supervisory authorities.

The communication process at FOC LLC is presented in the form of the following communication management tools - meetings, seminars, etc. corporate events of the company's structural departments. A network of official correspondence has been developed, there are bulletin boards, Internet tools, and interpersonal (business and informal) communication. The main obstacles to full communication are the wrong choice of channel, natural and official censorship.

Legal support for management activities at FOC LLC is carried out through regulatory documents - regulations, orders, job descriptions, etc.

Work at FOC LLC is structured in such a way that many issues are resolved much faster than in other distribution companies. The management of FOC LLC is always open to contacts and is ready to join in solving any client problem, applying an individual approach to him. To improve its work methods, FOK LLC periodically conducts customer surveys using questionnaires. By acting together, FOK LLC and the partner company expand their capabilities. By joining forces, the company’s specialists can achieve:

– Displacement of a competing company from a tender (competition for the right to conclude a contract);

– Development of a convenient financial mechanism for interaction.

Thanks to the clear organization of the work of branches and an extensive customer base, the company FOK LLC has the opportunity to coordinate joint projects for one customer, which has an extensive branch structure across cities. In these cases, the company FOK LLC acts as a central link in the interaction of regional analysts and consultants with each other. Thus, issues of legal and information support of transactions, service and business customer service are resolved.

The company's HR department reports directly to the CEO and consists of four people: the director of the HR department, a HR department specialist, recruiters and a clerk.

When hired for a job or for a contract to perform a specific program, task, service (including scientific, information, organizational and managerial, etc.), each applicant has the right to submit to the administration any documentation confirming his qualifications.

Qualification documents include any written certificate characterizing the level of education, business activity, professional skills and abilities of an employee, including diplomas, copyright certificates, characteristics, reviews of scientists and specialists, scientific and information publications, expert opinions on the results of research or development, etc. .P.

A submission is considered as a special qualification document - a recommendation from a specialist working at FOC LLC. The administration has the right to establish a probationary period or announce a competition - both in the case of the employee submitting qualification documentation, and in the absence of it. The probationary period cannot exceed three months. All terms of the contract are valid during the entire probationary period. At the end of the probationary period, the administration makes proposals to make appropriate changes to the terms of the contract.

Assessing how effective the HR policy is from a management point of view, I would like to note that HR management in the company is based on time-tested, proven methods.

Before analyzing the personnel composition and structure, let’s consider the principles of the organization’s personnel policy. It defines the basic principles implemented by the organization in the field of personnel management. Personnel policy is closely related to the mission, goals and development strategy of the organization and is the basis for building a system of labor relations with personnel.

Core values ​​in the field of human resources:

– respect for the freedom of choice and desire of employees to work in the organization; creating opportunities for the development of professional and business qualities of employees;

– understanding the need to create relationships in a team based on respect, mutual assistance and goodwill towards each other; partnership, desire to develop important decisions for the organization together with employees;

– the desire to increase the living standards of employees, increasing the efficiency of the organization;

When selecting personnel, FOC LLC uses the most acceptable methods and forms for assessing the business and professional qualities of applicants for vacant positions. We believe that the lack of a complete list of professional knowledge for a specific position of an applicant is not a reason for refusing to provide him with a vacant position, if the applicant has high development potential, as well as the necessary personal and business qualities to work in this position.

When making decisions about hiring employees, the HR manager takes into account achievements and recommendations from previous places of work.

Competitive selection usually takes place in 3 stages:

– stage of preliminary interview – acquaintances (based on the candidate’s resume and questionnaire),

– main selection stage (conversation-interview and special tests to assess professional knowledge and skills, checking recommendations and track record),

– decision-making stage (at the final interview with the head of the organization, a decision is made on inviting the candidate to work in the organization or rejecting the candidacy).

To systematize the selection procedure of the first stage, in agreement with the management of the company, we developed special candidate questionnaires. We show a version of such a questionnaire in (Appendix 2).

a) The management style used in FOC LLC corresponds to the organizational structure of the company. That is, the management style is command-administrative, bureaucratic.

b) Methods and methods of making management decisions follow from the management style. Decision-making takes place on key decisions - collectively, on the rest, by each manager within the framework of his competence.

c) The degree of participation of ordinary employees in the development and adoption of management decisions complies with the standards prescribed in the charter of FOC LLC and the job descriptions of bottom workers.

d) Analyzing the socio-psychological climate in the team of FOC LLC, you come to the conclusion that it has both positive and negative features of the socio-psychological climate of a large organization.

e) Relations between employees vary, but are generally friendly and smooth. This is due to the specifics of the organization.

f) Conflicts in FOC LLC exist, as a rule, in the official sphere, and are resolved through the use of authority by managers.

f) The main sources of conflicts lie in the personal sphere of employees.

A review of the literature on the development of systems for developing personnel potential and improving the professionalism of workers as the main mechanism for the development of the economy of the state and an individual enterprise showed that the authors, exploring various external levers and methods of advanced training in the activities of business entities, state significant differences between the systems of effective personnel management adopted in world practice, they are trying to identify the conditions for the practical effectiveness of this necessary enterprise management tool. Among these conditions, the following stand out: experience in the use of various forms of unlocking the potential of employees; timely introduction of the latest information technologies in the field of personnel training; taking into account factor indicators of the financial and economic activities of subjects of market relations, as an assessment of the feasibility of using the internal resources of the enterprise. However, all these conditions (as well as their combination) seem to be insufficient and do not reveal the actual basic grounds. Which would allow us to create a universal formula for the effectiveness of the personnel development system.

In general, the majority of authors of experimental and theoretical studies, both in our country and abroad, define the development of the potential of enterprise employees as a system of advanced training - training, conditioned by changes in the nature and content of the work of specialists in their positions, obsolescence of knowledge; This is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge and skills, the study of best practices.

As management scholars note, over the past two decades, professional development management has become an essential element of managing a modern organization. The forms of professional development are: career planning and development, training of a reserve of managers, vocational training. The increasing importance of professional training for the organization and the significant expansion in the need for it have led to the fact that leading companies have taken it upon themselves to update the qualifications of their employees. Many of them have created permanent training centers, institutes and universities. Organization of professional training has become one of the main functions of personnel management, and its budget is the largest expense item for many companies.

The main problems of FOC LLC lie in the plane of both the external and internal environment. Externally, this is, first of all, building our activities in the context of the reform of the introduction of innovative technologies in business. Internally, this is overcoming the negative manifestations of the bureaucratic management system to solve an external problem.

In the area of ​​personnel qualification problems, the lack of a unified integrated system for training the company’s management and personnel without interruption from commercial activities was noted.

2.2 Measures to improve personnel management

As a study by the consulting company FOC LLC showed, every third employee surveyed believes that the time spent in advanced training classes can be used much more effectively.

Training programs should combine the study of new technologies with training in more “subtle” subjects - the art of communication, etc., which will give employees a comprehensive understanding of the problems of modern business. The survey found that higher-paid employees tend to participate in employee development programs that offer immediate benefits. Less paid employees are interested in the long-term prospect of their development - they view training as the next step on the career ladder.

The purpose of personnel training is to provide employees of the organization with the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to solve the tasks assigned to them, improve their professional level and develop the business qualities necessary for their work. The training plan and budget must be drawn up and approved annually, taking into account the goals and objectives facing the departments and employees of the organization. The FOC LLC company must use various types, methods and forms of training when training personnel, depending on their feasibility and effectiveness. Regular monitoring and assessment of the quality and effectiveness of training programs should be carried out. When investing funds from FOC LLC in employee training, the organization and employee must agree on mutual guarantees based on an agreement. The company should also create opportunities for self-training of personnel

The main areas of training (due to the implementation of the basic needs of senior level managers) of the company’s management are:

It is necessary to indicate the general goal that must be achieved by the management of FOC LLC in the course of advanced training and retraining of managers - the ability to organize, manage and control the work of personnel. In achieving this goal, the following practical skills are acquired:

Statement of specific problems (tasks) and the sequence of their practical solution (the science of creating management algorithms); the science of integrated organization of goals, objectives, solutions and their resource support;

Creation of program-targeted management (tree of goals, system of measures to achieve them, organizations and control of the supporting organizational structure;

Its resource provision;

Scientific organization of the manager’s work (information system, workplace organization, personal work techniques, rational use of time or time manager);

Conflict management in a group (team);

Psychology of communication with different employees;

Motivation of personnel, including assessment and remuneration;

Social infrastructure in the company "FOK" LLC.

It should be noted that in the process of staff development, methods of “pedagogical (classroom) marketing” were used, when in the mode of “early (before the classroom) analysis” or “today in the classroom” where the needs of specific students in the field of Management were identified. Such methods are quite effective because they do not require a lot of time and money, they allow you to create training programs in accordance with your needs, and also use flexible teaching technologies.

After qualifying training for management, managers

It is necessary to introduce the concept of professional training and retraining of company personnel. Since, as practice has shown, the experimental implementation of the Professional Training and Retraining Program significantly increases the motivation of employees, it makes sense, it seems to me to dwell on it in more detail.

One of the optimal ways to effectively train professional personnel for FOC LLC was to use the rich experience of British colleagues.

As a result of the implementation of the joint Anglo-Russian project “Partnerships in the field of small and medium-sized businesses”, the program “Professional training and retraining of personnel in small and medium-sized businesses” was developed.

The purpose of the training system is to organize the necessary special training for employees that meets professional qualification standards and helps provide clients with a high level of service.

The main objective is to provide employees of different skill levels with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the professional performance of work within a given company .

This system is fundamentally different from the traditional training systems introduced in Moscow and the Moscow region. First of all, the fact that the process of personnel training takes place directly at the workplace, within the framework of a particular economic entity. An employee hired by FOC LLC does not have to have a special education; he can obtain a certain level of qualifications by completing a special training course. The basic level for preparing candidates is their secondary school education.

Training within this system involves candidates mastering a knowledge system through appropriate types of educational activities, such as reading, comprehension, discussion, observation, solving problem situations, modeling, business games and trainings, practical work, reflection, independent work.

The basis of the training system

This system involves training candidates in accordance with three levels of professional qualification standards. A number of adapted sections of the UK National Professional Qualification Standards have been adopted as the basis for the work of employees in small and medium-sized businesses.

In accordance with the presence of three levels of professional qualifications, programs for three vocational training courses have been developed, the general principles of which are:

Maximum interest of the organization in training and maintaining labor relations with employees, regardless of their level or special education;

Ensuring all employees of the institution have equal opportunities to gain access to training and acquire a certain level of qualifications;

Involving in the training process all personnel involved in the direct sale of services and sales of products, organization and personnel management;

Application of a mentoring system aimed at supporting the candidate in the learning process;

The program is built on step-by-step training of candidates:

Stage 1 – “Introduction to Position” course (for candidates of each skill level);

Stage 2 – basic training:

– individual training program for candidates under the guidance of methodologists;

– group trainings and theoretical classes;

– practical training of candidates on the job;

Stage 3 – assessment of the candidate’s theoretical knowledge and practical activities.

Stage 1 of training

1). Course "Introduction to Position"

This course was created on the basis of a list of information necessary for each employee to carry out direct activities in the workplace.

The purpose of the “Introduction to Position” course is to develop the effective performance of employees within the company FOC LLC and solve personnel problems, as well as provide new team members with the opportunity to understand their role and adapt to work in the company.

Termination of an employment contract with one or another employee entails negative consequences for any business and causes significant material damage, especially when a qualified employee moves to another company, so the administration of the institution must demonstrate in every possible way its interest in each employee who competently performs the work.

The objective of this course is to optimally organize the induction process in order to motivate employees to work at FOC LLC.

Course objectives:

1. Inform the employee about the structure and operating principles of the company;

2. Provide the new employee of FOC LLC with practical recommendations on working with clients.

2). An individual induction program includes providing a new employee with a package of printed information. Including:

Schemes of the management structures of FOC LLC and the divisions of this company

Information about the organization: name, legal address and contact numbers of FOC LLC; goals and principles of activity; the position of the newly hired employee, workplace, surname and position of the new employee’s immediate supervisor; specifics of the remuneration system, bonuses; privileges; annual and other vacations, etc.;

Job responsibilities of the employee;

Operating hours of the company (or its division); sample documentation

Along with the information package, the employee is given a set of professional qualification standards.

During the first weeks of a new employee’s work, an assessment of his performance should be aimed, first of all, at identifying the difficulties that he had to face in the process of adapting to work in the new organization. It is important that the new employee has the opportunity to express his opinion about the activities of the organization and how he perceives the existing rules.

Information about employees completing the “Introduction to Position” course is recorded by employees responsible for training. A candidate who has received basic knowledge of customer service, as well as a personal role within the company FOK LLC, has the opportunity to continue the course of study, rising to the next level.

Stage 2 of training

1) Individual training of candidates

Individual training of candidates takes place according to a special program, which includes independent study of theoretical sections.

2) Trainings

Along with self-training, candidates take part in trainings, the topics of which are determined by the sections of the standards necessary for candidates to master a particular skill level.

Trainings help improve the behavior style of employees in the process of work, ensure improved relationships between people in the workplace, because they open up specific communication skills for them. They are based on developing in candidates an awareness of the fact that each person has his own perception of reality, and it is necessary to show flexibility in relation to the people around us. During the training process, people learn from their own experience and gradually acquire the ability not to impose their opinion on anyone.

Through training, employees become more attentive to the needs of others and begin to consciously consider the consequences of their actions both inside and outside the organization. The impact of the training is manifested in the emergence in employees of confidence in the process of public speaking, sensitivity when communicating with others, and the ability to effectively influence them, encouraging them to act.

The usefulness of the exercises offered to employees during the training process is ensured by the opportunity to connect the acquired skills with activities directly in the workplace.

Due to the fact that training takes place on the job, candidates have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practical activities.

The mentor is an employee of FOC LLC, who has the appropriate level of professional qualifications. The mentor is designed to teach the candidate to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practical activities, as well as teach general and specific techniques necessary in the work process. Other members of this division of FOC LLC or its divisions are involved in the candidate’s on-the-job training, who provide their colleague with effective assistance and support in acquiring skill.

The process of training and assessment of on-the-job performance is carefully planned by the mentor together with the candidate. During their interaction, progress in the field of practical activities is discussed and a portfolio of documents is compiled, indicating the candidate’s competence and compliance with one or another level of professional qualifications.

The system of assigning a certain degree of professional qualification to a candidate is based on his achievement of a certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with professional qualification standards. To check the quality of mastery of theoretical material, as well as the quality of performance of tasks daily offered to the candidate in the process of work, a specific assessment system has been developed and introduced.

1. Assessment of theoretical knowledge

Theoretical knowledge is assessed by specialists responsible for theoretical training. It is done as follows:

1) answers to questions and completion of exercises are assessed;

2) special questionnaires are filled out, and the results of theoretical classes and trainings are assessed.

2. The mentor’s assessment of the candidate’s performance in the workplace

This assessment is carried out by mentors in accordance with specially developed instructions. For mentors, forms for monitoring the activities of candidates in the workplace have been developed, with explanations for filling them out, which are also given in the instructions.

System for assessing theoretical knowledge and practical activities of the candidate.

Evidence of the candidate’s competence in sections of the standards may be:

– the results of the work done, which are assessed by the mentor in the process of direct observation of the candidate’s activities in the workplace.

– testimonies of others who observed the candidate’s work, as well as his wards.

– the candidate’s actions within the framework of simulated situations.

– ability to analyze various practical situations.

– oral or written answers to questions from the training director or the candidate’s mentor, allowing to determine the degree of the candidate’s understanding of theoretical material and the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

It is necessary to change administrative management methods to program-targeted ones that best suit modern business conditions.

In addition, it is necessary to introduce an additional bonus system for employees who timely and successfully complete advanced training courses and receive high marks based on the results of the training.

2.3 Justification of the economic efficiency of project activities to improve personnel management of FOC LLC

Advanced training and timely development of personnel in the FOC company will provide the organization with a constant influx and development of highly qualified specialists, which cannot affect the increase in profits and profitability of the company in the future.

However, the practice of participation in the economic activities of a company shows that in addition to introducing a successful personnel qualification program, it is necessary to motivate company employees for more active participation in the training program. And this can be achieved only in one way: a system of material incentives for labor.

In accordance with the results of the motivation of employees obtained during the survey for the timely improvement of each person’s qualifications and taking into account the specifics of the activities of the consulting company FOC LLC, for the main categories of employees it is advisable to introduce a remuneration system based on a base amount depending on the employee’s skill level. Such a system guarantees higher pay for qualified workers, stimulates the acquisition of higher qualifications, and makes the level of wages dependent on the employee’s capabilities.

The basic wage is the level within which the wages of workers with specific job characteristics are differentiated, in our case, depending on the level of qualifications. The level of qualification corresponds to a certain qualifying score. To confirm or revise the qualification score, an assessment of the enterprise’s personnel must be carried out at certain intervals (Appendix 4).

In connection with the proposed program of advanced training, motivation and development of personnel of the company FOK LLC, when working with personnel, the following factors must be taken into account:

5. Management must create conditions in which employees’ self-education activities are activated: involvement in various projects, research, writing articles, monographs, etc.


The conducted research on the problem of the personnel development system at the enterprise using the example of the company FOC LLC allows us to draw conclusions that should be formulated as provisions submitted for defense.

A review of the literature on the development of systems for developing personnel potential and improving the professionalism of workers as the main mechanism for the development of the economy of the state and an individual enterprise showed that the authors, exploring various external levers and methods of advanced training in the activities of business entities, state significant differences between the systems of effective personnel management adopted in world practice, they are trying to identify the conditions for the practical effectiveness of this necessary enterprise management tool. Among these conditions, the following stand out: experience in the use of various forms of unlocking the potential of employees; timely introduction of the latest information technologies in the field of personnel training; taking into account factor indicators of the financial and economic activities of subjects of market relations, as an assessment of the feasibility of using the internal resources of the enterprise. However, all these conditions (as well as their combination) seem to be insufficient and do not reveal the actual basic grounds. Which would allow us to create a universal formula for the effectiveness of the personnel development system.

The majority of domestic analysts and specialists in the field of management confirm the thesis that currently the problem of advanced training is very relevant, since the efficiency of the organization and the degree of achievement of its goals depend on the level of qualifications of personnel. The knowledge, skills, and labor skills of the company's personnel are becoming an increasingly important strategic resource compared to financial and production capital. In modern conditions of rapid obsolescence of professional skills, the ability of an organization to constantly improve the qualifications of its employees is one of the most important success factors. According to economists, the qualifications of workers become obsolete every 10 years, and therefore each organization must maintain compliance between the requirements of modern business and the qualifications of personnel. This will make it possible to respond more quickly and effectively to changes in the country and in the money market, and to strengthen the elements of stability, solidity, representativeness and sober calculation in market activities.

As management scholars note, over the past two decades, professional development management has become an essential element of managing a modern organization. The forms of professional development are: career planning and development, training of a reserve of managers, vocational training. The increasing importance of professional training for the organization and the significant expansion in the need for it have led to the fact that leading companies have taken it upon themselves to update the qualifications of their employees. Many of them have created permanent training centers, institutes and universities. Organization of professional training has become one of the main functions of personnel management, and its budget is the largest expense item for many companies.

As experts note, today organizations view vocational training as a continuous process that has a direct impact on the achievement of organizational goals and provides training for a completely new quality of employees who are able to act unconventionally, energetically and unconventionally.

The main problems of FOC LLC lie in the plane of both the external and internal environment. Externally, this is, first of all, building our activities in the context of the reform of innovative business development. Internally, this is overcoming the negative manifestations of the bureaucratic management system to solve an external problem.

In the area of ​​personnel qualification problems, the lack of a unified integrated system for training the company’s management and personnel without interruption from commercial activities was noted.

In connection with the above problems, it is proposed to introduce a qualitatively new step-by-step training program for personnel of FOC LLC.

The purpose of personnel training is to provide employees of the organization with the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to solve the tasks assigned to them, improve their professional level and develop the business qualities necessary for their work. The training plan and budget must be drawn up and approved annually, taking into account the goals and objectives facing the departments and employees of the organization. The FOC LLC company must use various types, methods and forms of training when training personnel, depending on their feasibility and effectiveness. Regular monitoring and assessment of the quality and effectiveness of training programs should be carried out. When investing funds from FOC LLC in employee training, the organization and employee must agree on mutual guarantees based on an agreement. The company should also create opportunities for self-training of personnel

The main areas of training (due to the implementation of the basic needs of senior level managers) of the Center’s management are:

Acquiring practical knowledge of business management;

Acquisition of practical skills in this area (as familiarization with domestic experience in solving practical organizational and managerial problems).

In connection with the proposed program of advanced training, motivation and development of personnel of the FOC company, the following factors must be taken into account when working with personnel:

1. It is necessary to annually analyze the situation to improve the professional qualifications of its employees. The analysis includes quantitative and qualitative information about how many and which employees were trained, when, on what topics, in which training organizations. Conduct a survey of employees to identify their training needs.

2. Annually plan and organize internal training for your employees in various current areas of the company’s activities on your own or with the invitation of external specialists. Based on the results of training, feedback from course participants is required.

3. Pay for the training of your employee in other companies, if these courses correspond to his main activity and will help improve the efficiency of his work.

4. Management can additionally reward an employee if he completed training on his own initiative and paid for it himself.

5. Management must create conditions in which employees’ self-education activities are activated: involvement in various projects, research, writing articles, monographs, etc.

Thus, choosing this option for the company’s development allows it to achieve planned levels of both sales volumes and profits. This means that this development option can be chosen as a priority.


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Personnel development occupies one of the most important niches in a modern enterprise. HR managers with extensive work experience know firsthand how strongly this factor influences the labor efficiency of modern society.

Nuances of retraining and advanced training of personnel

A modern manager who has been in business for several years now clearly understands the essence of the benefits that a company can receive if it makes improving the skills of its employees a priority. But still, despite the fact that it is already the twenty-first century, for many businessmen the desire to train their own personnel often remains only a dream. The reason for this is the employer’s refusal to invest a lot of money in training and advanced training courses for fear that specialists trained at the company’s expense will subsequently quit.

In fact, such issues are easily resolved by concluding an employment contract, which can include conditions for employee training. If an agreement has already been drawn up, but such conditions are not specified in it, then an additional agreement can be concluded. As a rule, such contracts include conditions under which staff training will be carried out.

By observing all these formalities, you can avoid unpleasant situations, protect yourself in the event of force majeure, and thus be able to compensate for all expenses spent on training.

In order to organize staff training at a high level and ultimately obtain a high-quality result from the work done, it is necessary to provide employees with all the necessary materials and tools. First of all, you should start setting goals and objectives, determine their position in relation to each other, and choose forms of retraining. In addition, it is necessary to create several motivation systems for personnel training and their retraining and document these systems.

Analysis of the advanced training system, calculation of the retraining process

Ideally, training and retraining of personnel should take place gradually so as not to miss a single important point. The employer should begin this process by identifying the areas in which personnel lack knowledge and practical skills, and need to understand what exactly reduces labor efficiency. Particular attention should be paid to improving the qualifications of management personnel, since it is often precisely because of the lack of compliance with modern standards of senior management that their subordinates lag behind technical progress and cannot improve their knowledge.

At this stage, it is worth drawing up a detailed plan, setting deadlines for its implementation, determining what level each employee should achieve at the end of the project, and creating a system and form for assessing the knowledge gained.

Thanks to the retraining of employees at the end of the program, it is possible to obtain more qualified and competent personnel adapted to work at a specific enterprise. This is much better than hiring a ready-made specialist from outside.

Firstly, people who have been proven over the years are much better than new ones, and secondly, the ratings of companies involved in such projects are significantly higher than those with constant staff turnover. Enterprises that invest money in their specialists and value labor resources are taken more seriously and are more likely to offer cooperation than those that try in every possible way to save on their staff.

Training systems and timing of their implementation

Training of employees aimed at retraining and retraining makes it possible to increase their level of theoretical knowledge, as well as improve the skills and abilities of employees in practice.

Thanks to advanced training, the professional capabilities of staff are expanded. When it comes to manufacturing enterprises, training may be aimed at acquiring or improving skills in working with modernized or more technically complex equipment.

In terms of duration, personnel development courses at an enterprise can be of three types: short-term, thematic and long-term. The number of hours is determined by the employer.

Retraining can be carried out in the form of seminars, lectures or trainings and other forms provided by the employer.

Methods of training and advanced training of personnel

Depending on the employer’s decision, professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers can be carried out in different conditions. Most often, preference is given to organizing such training within the enterprise, since it is cheaper and more convenient. But still, large companies take the training of their specialists very seriously and therefore prefer specialized institutions for training. The more a company values ​​its reputation, the more expensive such events cost it, but this measure pays for itself in the end.

When choosing a method of retraining in the workplace, you can assign an experienced specialist to the student employee and give him the opportunity to repeat everything after him. In this way, the student will quickly gain new experience. In addition, you can assign a supervisor to the staff, who at the end of the working day will be able to conduct classes, analyzing specific work situations that arose during the day.

When choosing a training method outside the company, employees may be offered trips to thematic conferences, seminars and other trainings to exchange experience with other specialists. Since personnel management plays an important role in the life of an enterprise, obtaining qualified specialists should be one of the priorities of top management and the employer. Professional development is achieved through the effectiveness of training chosen by the manager.

Sooner or later, every specialist feels the need to improve their professional qualifications. This allows you to gain additional knowledge, learn something new, and acquire organizational skills for further promotion. There are a lot of ways to improve your skills, so which one is the most effective?

In our country, the traditional method is on-the-job training. These are all kinds of internships, observation of the work of qualified specialists, mentoring, transfer of experience, revealing the potential of the student’s personality, his abilities and capabilities, “tutoring” - applying the acquired knowledge in practice and instruction. Thus, you acquire new knowledge and skills without interrupting your work process and without taking up your personal time. It should also be noted that this method is mainly suitable for workers or beginners.

Off-the-job training

Training outside of working hours is more productive, but it takes time and often comes at an economic cost. This includes training in advanced training centers, seminars, courses, trainings and lectures.


Lectures allow you to fill gaps in theoretical knowledge. But here a lot depends on the competence of the teacher and his ability to interest the audience. This method is suitable for those who are just starting their career (for example, interns). Training through seminars is suitable for those who want to consolidate what they have learned, organize their knowledge, ask questions to the teacher and listen to others. If you are an experienced specialist and want to expand your knowledge in a professional field, be sure to attend the seminar. Educational videos provide greater opportunities for self-learning - you can always press pause to record the necessary information or watch it again. This teaching method is suitable for everyone.


If you are bored sitting through lectures and have no one to teach you at work, sign up for training. Trainings allow you to practice theory in practice. During training, a situation is simulated that needs to be solved using accumulated experience. Perhaps this is the most effective teaching method, which includes discussions, business and simulation games. There you can communicate with colleagues and exchange knowledge.

Most courses, trainings and seminars are provided on a paid basis. If you decide to study at your own expense, be careful: choose those educational institutions that have been open for a year or more. This way you can protect yourself from being scammed. If you decide to study virtually, it will be more difficult to verify the information, but the costs will be much lower.

Currently, many employers have realized the economic benefits of improving the qualifications of their employees and send their employees to study at academies, centers and institutes for advanced training, courses and seminars at the expense of the company. To understand which method is right for you, you need to think about what exactly you want to learn, that is, identify your weaknesses and choose the most comfortable learning environment for you.

There are quite a lot of articles in the Labor Code that mention the qualifications of the employee: the employee is required to present a document on qualifications when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); when offering other work to an employee when carrying out various organizational or technological changes, the employer must focus on the employee’s qualifications (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); Salary depends on qualifications. We will tell you in the article what is meant by qualification in the sense of labor relations, whether an employer should help improve the qualifications of its employees and how to do this.

The concept of worker qualifications

The concept of employee qualifications appeared in the Labor Code quite recently. Federal Law No. 236-FZ of December 3, 2012 introduced a new article into it. 195.1, in which the legislator determined that the qualifications of an employee are the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of the employee. The qualification document confirms:

— assignment of rank, class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the worker’s profession or employee’s position).

The characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity is a professional standard. Currently, such standards are being actively developed, and by order of the President of the Russian Federation, there should be at least 800 of them by 2015.

The procedure for the development, approval and application of professional standards, as well as establishing the identity of the names of positions, professions and specialties contained in the ETKS and EKS, with the names of positions, professions and specialties contained in professional standards, is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 N 23.

Mandatory advanced training

Based on Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. However, in some cases, organizing advanced training for its employees is the direct responsibility of the employer; this is required by federal laws. Let us name the norms of some of them. You should improve your qualifications:

— employees of internal affairs bodies (Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 342-FZ “On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”);

— medical and pharmaceutical workers (Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”);

— state civil servants (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”);

— teaching staff (Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”);

— railway transport workers whose production activities are directly related to the movement of trains (Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 17-FZ “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation”);

— drivers and other workers of automobile and ground urban electric transport, ensuring road safety (Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Safety”).

Ways to improve the skills of employees

The purpose of advanced training is to update the theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists in connection with increasing requirements for the level of qualifications and the need to master modern methods for solving professional problems. To improve the employee’s professionalism in this way, the employer can organize training. Usually, for this purpose, they use the services of educational institutions for advanced training.

For your information. Advanced training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every five years throughout the entire working life of employees. The frequency of specialists undergoing advanced training is established by the employer (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 610 “On approval of the Model Regulations on the educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists”, hereinafter referred to as the Model Regulations).

Vocational training for the purpose of advanced training refers to the vocational training of persons who already have a certain profession or position, in order to consistently improve their professional knowledge, skills and abilities without increasing their educational level.

Advanced training can be short-term (at least 72 hours). Such training is carried out at the place of the main work of specialists on specific production issues and ends with passing the appropriate exam, test or defense of an essay.

Advanced training can be carried out by conducting thematic and problem-based seminars on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems arising at the level of industry, region, enterprise (association), organization or institution. The duration of training in this form ranges from 72 to 100 hours.

Long-term advanced training - over 100 hours in an educational institution for advanced training for an in-depth study of current problems in science, technology, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity.

One of the sections of the curriculum for advanced training of specialists may be an internship, the main goals of which are the formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of theoretical training. The internship is also carried out for the purpose of studying best practices, acquiring professional and organizational skills to perform the duties of the current or higher position.

For your information. The standard period for completing professional retraining for specialists to obtain additional qualifications is at least 1,000 hours of labor intensity.

Internships for specialists can be carried out both in the Russian Federation and abroad at enterprises (associations), leading research organizations, educational institutions, consulting firms and federal executive authorities. The duration of the internship is established by the employer sending the employee for training, based on its goals and in agreement with the head of the enterprise (association), organization or institution where it is carried out.

Let us pay attention to one point: during advanced training with a break from work, the employee retains the average salary (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Nonresident students sent to study outside of their main job are paid daily allowances according to the standards established for business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 26 of the Model Regulations). Let us recall that the amount of compensation to employees of organizations financed from the federal budget is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2002 N 729.

Where can you improve staff skills?

Educational institutions for advanced training include:

— academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);

— institutes for advanced training (improvement) — sectoral, intersectoral, regional;

— courses (schools, centers) for advanced training, employment service training centers.

The institutes for further training also include the following educational institutions for further training:

— educational centers for professional retraining, advanced training and providing employment for military personnel discharged from the RF Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service;

— intersectoral regional centers for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

Note! Based on clause 10 of the Model Regulations, training for advanced training can be carried out by faculties for advanced training of teachers and specialists, intersectoral regional centers, faculties for retraining specialists with higher education, etc.

Advanced training of workers can also be carried out directly at enterprises, institutions, organizations (Model regulations on continuous professional and economic training of personnel of the national economy, approved by the Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, State Education of the USSR, Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 15, 1988 N 369/92-14-147/ 20/18-22).

Qualification documents

The qualification document confirms:

— improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education (confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining);

- assignment of a rank or class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, position of an employee).

Based on clause 28 of the Model Regulations, educational institutions of advanced training issue students who successfully complete the course with the following state-issued documents:

- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed short-term training or participated in thematic and problem-based seminars;

- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in excess of 100 hours;

- diploma of qualification - for persons who have completed training in the program for more than 1,000 hours.

Formalization of relations to improve employee qualifications

To send employees for advanced training, the employer draws up a training plan for the current year, which indicates the grounds and goals of personnel training, as well as the names of those sent for training. In accordance with the plan, the employer can enter into an agreement with an educational institution for further training (clause 7 of the Model Regulations). And you need to conclude a student agreement with the employee - additional to the employment one. The rules for concluding a student agreement, the mandatory conditions that must be included in it, and the relationship between employee and employer in this area are regulated by Chapter. 32 "Apprenticeship contract" of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

To send an employee for advanced training, they issue an order in which they justify the operational need for training (a specialist’s certificate is expiring, new equipment has been installed, etc.) and indicate that the employee is sent for advanced training on the initiative of the employer (or on his own ).

If advanced training is carried out outside of work, it is necessary to record this period in the working time sheet: the letter code “PC” (digital “07”) is entered, and if the employee is sent for training in another area - “PM” (digital “08” ).

Upon completion of training, based on the submitted document on advanced training, information should be entered into the employee’s personal card and work book.