Correct filling of work books sample. Drawing up a work book when applying for a job for the first time. Information on the title page

Since the work book is a legally significant document confirming the length of service of each employee, increased requirements are imposed on its completion. The rules for filling out work books are common to all employers, who are responsible for maintaining these documents.

From the article you will learn:

  • what are the basic rules for filling out work books in 2016;
  • what rules are established for filling out work books when hiring;
  • what are the rules for filling out a work book upon dismissal;

Basic rules for filling out work books in 2016

Every employee of an enterprise with whom an employment contract has been concluded on a temporary or permanent basis must have a work book. If this organization is the first workplace for an employee, the employer’s responsibility is to create a new work book in the name of the new employee and enter all his personal information into it. If this is not the person’s first job, upon admission he must present the previously received work book to the employer. The personnel officer is obliged to check the correctness of the entries already made in it and accept the document for safekeeping.

Don't miss: the main material of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

Encyclopedia on registration of turnkey work books from the Personnel System.

The first page of the employment document contains the personal data of the owner, including:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic (they must match the data specified in the passport);
  2. Date of birth (written in Arabic numerals);
  3. Information about education, specialty (based on educational documents);
  4. Date of filling out the work book (you need to check that the discrepancy with the date of admission to the first job is no more than 5 days);
  5. Signatures of the responsible employee of the HR department (indicating the position) and the owner of the work book with a transcript, legible handwriting;
  6. The company's seal certifying the entered information.

The rules for filling out work books in 2016, including their copies, duplicates and inserts in them, as well as making corrections to them, are set out in the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69, as well as Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225.

The main part of the work book consists of two sections: “Information about work” and “Information about remuneration”, they are divided into columns, entries in which are made in a strictly established order, with a pen with black, purple or blue ink, legible handwriting. Corrections are not allowed - if an error is found the entry is invalidated and the correct data is entered in a separate entry under a new serial number.

According to the rules for filling out work books, each entry is assigned another serial number. It must be entered in column 1. In column 2 the date of entry is entered, which must correspond to the date of the document on the basis of which the information is entered. Column 3 indicates information about the work of the owner of the work book - hiring and dismissal, promotions and demotions, transfers and movements. Entries in this column are made with references to labor legislation. In column 4 it is necessary to enter the name and details of the document on the basis of which the entry was made.

The section “Information on remuneration” contains data on state awards and honorary titles received by the employee during the period of validity of the employment contract with the employer. The rules for filling out work books and the procedure for making entries for this section are established exactly the same as for the “Work Information” section, only in this case, in column 3 you should indicate by whom and for what the employee was awarded, the type of award and incentives.

Rules for filling out work books when applying for a job

When applying for a job, in the “Job Information” section, the full and abbreviated (if any) name of the company is entered, and the company’s seal is affixed. The employment record is assigned another serial number.

Note! In the “Work Information” column, neither the serial number nor the date when the corresponding entry was made are indicated. The rules for filling out a work book establish that the serial number is entered only in column 1 and is the same for the entire entry in the work book, and the date is entered in the specially designated column 2.

Thus, under the name in the next line in column 1 the serial number of the entry is entered, in column 2 - the date of employment. In column 3, the entry must begin with the verb: “Accepted in...”, “Elected in...”, “Appointed in...”, followed by the name of the structural unit, position, specialty or profession indicating qualifications. Column 4 indicates the name of the document - the grounds and its details.

Rules for filling out work books upon dismissal

The basis for recording a dismissal in the work book is an order from the employer. In column 1 the following serial number is entered in accordance with the continuous numbering established by the rules for filling out work books. In column 2, the date is indicated in the format DD.MM.YYYY. When filling out column 3, it is allowed to use the following wording: “Dismissed...”, “The employment contract is terminated...”, “The employment contract is terminated...”, and the grounds for dismissal must be formulated in strict accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code. In column 4 after the word “Order” you need to indicate its details.


If a notice of dismissal is made, this means that the cooperation between the employee and that employer is terminated. Therefore, after the notice of dismissal, there must be a signature of an employee of the HR department with a transcript, certified by the seal of the enterprise. Confirmation of agreement with the entries made and receipt of the work book is the signature and transcript of the signature made by the owner of this document.

Attached files

  • Work book (form).xls
  • Work book (fragment). Form when hiring an employee (form).doc

Available to subscribers only

  • Work book (fragment). Form when hiring an employee (sample).doc

Every person entering a well-deserved retirement is faced with the need to confirm his or her work experience. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a document confirming periods of work is a work book. However, its presence in itself does not guarantee the absence of claims to the records contained in it from the Pension Fund or other organizations. To minimize such risks, we recommend using a sample of filling out a work book in 2016.

Registration of labor relations

Relations related to the performance of official duties arise from the moment the employer and the individual conclude an employment contract. This imperative follows directly from the content of Article 16 of the Labor Code of Russia.

When signing this agreement, the employed citizen must submit the following documents to the company:

  • general passport. It can be replaced by another document confirming the employee’s identity;
  • employment history. This form is not submitted upon initial employment, in this case it is completed by the company;
  • SNILS certificate;
  • diploma, certificates, other forms about the education, skills and qualifications of the employee;
  • military registration documents.

It should be borne in mind that only the correct execution of a work book, both upon enrollment and in the case of transfers and dismissals, guarantees that its owner will not have problems when calculating a pension or in the case of confirmation of work experience.

Employee transfer

After making a record of a citizen’s employment, such an employee can be transferred.

In this case, below the information about hiring, an entry about the person’s transfer to a new position should be made. Filling out the corresponding columns of the form must be done using the same algorithm as in the case of drawing up a work book when applying for a job. All information is numbered in chronological order.

Reflection of the increase in ranks, classes, qualifications of the owner of the work book is carried out in a similar way.

If an employee performs his official duties on an external part-time basis, then he has the right to indicate such work in his document confirming the length of service.

To exercise this right, such a citizen must contact his main employer. A prerequisite for reflecting the above information is the presence of an order. The rules for filling out and storing work books provide the opportunity to make such entries in forms only to current employers. Individuals who are not registered as entrepreneurs do not have the right to make any entries in the forms.

From the foregoing it follows that the current employer, and not the enterprise that recorded the fact of working on a part-time basis, must enter information about the dismissal of a part-time worker.

All of the above information is also entered in chronological order.

Record of dismissal

When describing the general algorithm for making entries in work books, special attention should be paid to the order of reflecting information about the dismissal of a citizen.

Unlike registration for work upon termination of a contract, such an entry is made on the day of dismissal. According to the Rules for filling out work books in 2016, entering such information before the termination of the relevant relationship, as well as after the occurrence of these events, is contrary to the law.

Regardless of the reasons for termination of the contract, the grounds for dismissal should be indicated in accordance with the wording contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the corresponding entry will be declared invalid.

Section 5 of the Instructions, put into effect by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 69 of October 10, 2003, contains examples of making records of dismissal for certain reasons. In our opinion, by analogy with the samples contained in the rules for drawing up a work book, records of dismissal for other reasons should be made.

The above information is numbered in chronological order.

An important feature, characteristic only for cases of termination by employees of their official duties, is the need to certify the correctness of the information with the personal signature of the employee. This requirement is contained in paragraph 35 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225.

In conclusion, it should be noted that to answer the question of who fills out the work book if there is no personnel officer, one should refer to the wording of paragraph 35 of the Rules. The specified employee is the employer himself, that is, the manager or a person authorized to perform such actions by order or job description.

An employee who is not endowed with appropriate rights cannot make entries in the work book.

The work book reflects the entire work biography of a person. Making entries in it, as well as storing and issuing it to an employee upon dismissal, are strictly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2016, and it is necessary to follow these rules for maintaining work books.

Legislative regulation of work records issues

A novice HR manager or accountant who is encountering employee work records for the first time definitely needs to know what legal provisions govern their handling.

The work book is a form established by the Rules with the appropriate degrees of protection, indicating the series and number of 20 spreads, the pages of which are numbered and have sections where records of the appropriate type are entered (information about the employee (the so-called title page), information about the work, information about awards).

If the sections “Information about work” or “Information about awards” are over, then an insert is added to the work book. Its form, form and maintenance are subject to requirements similar to those for the work book itself.

The employer is obliged to have a constant supply of the required number of work book forms and inserts in them (clause 44 of the Rules).

Forms of work books and inserts must be purchased by the employer centrally from official distributors authorized by GOZNAK (their list is published on the GOZNAK website).

Similar forms can be found in stationery stores and kiosks selling printed materials to the public, but such sales are not legal. Since there are no guarantees of their authenticity and compliance with the requirements of regulations, the employer has no right to require a newly hired employee to have in his hands the form purchased at the kiosk. Moreover, it is unlawful to accept it from an employee for further completion, and we do not recommend doing this in order to avoid further problems.

The work book form can be checked for authenticity by comparing the series and number with the year of issue, as well as the form established by the same Government Resolution that approved the Rules.

Work book - strict reporting form

Both work books accepted from employees and their blank forms and inserts are subject to strict accounting when stored by the employer (this is discussed in section six of the Rules).

For these purposes, accounting journals must be kept in the established forms:

  • receipt and expenditure book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it;
  • a book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them.

Both of these books must be laced and numbered, certified by the signature of the head of the organization and sealed with a wax seal (sealed) - this is stated in paragraph 41 of the Rules.

The receipt and expenditure book for accounting forms is maintained by the organization's accounting department, and it reflects all operations of receiving and spending work book forms (insert in it) indicating the series and number of the form.

The book of accounting for the movement of work books is maintained by personnel officers. It records information about the acceptance and issuance upon dismissal of all work books of employees and the inserts in them, both accepted from employees upon entry to work, and issued to employees again. At the same time, their series and number must be indicated in the accounting book, as well as the employee’s signature on receipt of the work book upon dismissal.

An official of the organization responsible for work records

The law directly obliges the employer to properly organize work with work books.

Strict accounting of these documents in the organization requires the presence of a specially authorized official - a person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books.

Such a person is appointed by order or instruction of the employer. Typically, such responsibility is assigned to a specific HR employee or accountant who is directly involved in work records.

The order is issued in any form; its wording may look, for example, like this: “To appoint the inspector of the HR department, Anna Nikolaevna Petrova, as the person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books.” The order number, date, as well as full name, position and, of course, the signature of the manager are indicated.

The procedure for maintaining work books

The procedure for making entries in workers’ work books is given great importance, so they must be made strictly according to established rules.

The procedure for maintaining work books is covered by the above-mentioned Instruction, which contains standards for maintaining work books.

The Instructions regulate all possible stages of filling out this document, starting with how to correctly enter information about the employee (on the title page), records of work and transfers, awards and incentives, dismissal, invalidation of records, and ending with issues of preparing a duplicate.

It should be noted that since the publication of the Instruction, no fundamental changes have been made to it. Therefore, the Instructions for maintaining work books in 2015-2016 do not differ in any features compared to previous periods.

How to store a work book

Since the work book form is a document of strict accountability, and the completed work book also contains the employee’s personal data, the law imposes an obligation on the employer to store it correctly.

We talked above about recording work records in special books, now let’s talk about their storage.

Neither the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, nor the Rules, nor the Instructions contain rules on where work books should be stored. That is, there are no special storage rules for work records.

Therefore, you should refer to the rules on document flow (see Regulations on documents and document flow in accounting, approved by the USSR Ministry of Finance on July 29, 1983 N 105).

It stipulates that strict reporting forms must be stored in safes, metal cabinets or special rooms to ensure their safety (clause 6.2). There is no information about whether such a safe should be fireproof and whether bars should be installed on the windows of the room.

Thus, work records should be stored in a way that ensures their safety and prevents unauthorized persons from accessing them.

Storage periods for work records

The employer permanently keeps work books of all full-time employees, except part-time workers.

They are issued only upon dismissal of an employee (termination of an employment contract with him for any reason), or temporarily for submission to the social insurance (security) authorities in accordance with Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation upon a written application from the employee.

There may be situations when the work books of deceased employees remain with the employer.

According to clause 37 of the Rules, in the event of the death of an employee, a work book (with an entry made in it about the termination of the employment contract under clause 6, part 1, article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is handed over to one of his relatives against a receipt in the book for recording the movement of work books or sent by mail upon written application from one of the relatives.

That is, the employer should notify the relatives of such an employee about the need to obtain his work book or agree to send it by mail.

If for some reason the work book of a deceased employee remains with the employer, then it should be kept in the organization permanently until it can be claimed by relatives.

The shelf life of work books that have not been claimed is 75 years (clause 664 of the List of standard administrative archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 08/25/2010 N 558).

Posted On 05/13/2018

Briefly: When there are changes in an employee’s professional activities, appropriate entries must be made in the document confirming the length of service. The rules for filling out a work book by an employer are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and for 2015-2016 the samples remained unchanged.

Correctly filling out a work book: why is it needed and who makes the entries?

A work book is a document containing all the information about the professional activities of an employee. Upon reaching the legal age, it is used to register and calculate a pension. The employer needs the books of his subordinates to calculate various payments, so it is very important to fill out everything correctly.

Regardless of what actions are taken in relation to an employee, changes are made in a company by an individual entrepreneur or in an enterprise by a specialist in the personnel department, accounting department, or the director himself. The rules for filling out a work book in 2015-2016 and samples for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are the same.

It is worth noting that an individual entrepreneur or LLC represented by a director should not create this document for themselves: in Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that only employees can have a book, because The length of service of an entrepreneur is counted from the moment of registration with the Tax Service and thanks to cash receipts into the Pension Fund.

The book must be completed no later than a week from the first day of employment, and only if the employee has worked for 5 days or more, and this is his main job. If he only plans to combine, then entries are made at his request and on the basis of a document that is an official confirmation of his activities in another company.

What should be reflected in the book:

  • Information about hiring.
  • Receiving a transfer to another company or to another position.
  • Change of full name in connection with certain events.
  • Serving in the ranks of the Russian Army, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service and other government agencies.
  • Advanced training or receiving awards.
  • Dismissal of an employee.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16. 2005 No. 225 established individual rules for making changes to books:

  • Any entries are made in black or blue ink in great detail; abbreviations are not allowed. The information is assigned a specific serial number according to the section.
  • The employee's passport details are indicated exclusively on the title page.
  • Further changes in the business process must be reflected no later than seven days from the date of issuance of the Director’s Order. If the employee resigns, then the information is entered on the same day taking into account the text of the Order, as well as referring to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

You cannot indicate in the document information about regular bonuses, which are usually paid every month.

Work book: sample filling when applying for a job

The title page must be completed first and upon presentation of the passport.

It is very easy to fill out the title page of the work book using the sample. To do this you need to enter certain data:

  • Full Name.

    How to fill out a work book correctly: sample 2018

    They can be viewed in your passport or other identity document.

  • Date of birth is indicated by numbers: for example, 10/02/1990.
  • Education. To confirm its availability, a diploma, certificate, or a certificate of incomplete training is provided if the employee is still a student.
  • Speciality. This refers to a profession acquired in an educational institution.
  • Date of completion. It can be indicated either completely in numbers or separately by month - in words.
  • Signatures: they are placed by the employed specialist and the employee who prepares the book.
  • Finally, a company specialist or the individual entrepreneur himself puts a stamp.

Extract from the employment record: sample of filling out the book

The column “Information about work” is an extract. Most often, employees ask to make a photocopy of several pages from it, and it contains the following information:

  • Date and number of entry in numbers.
  • Information about admission, dismissal, etc. For example: LLC "Mercury", accepted into the planning department for the position of economist.
  • What is the reason for such an entry: it is usually served by the publication of the Executive Order. Example: Order No. 762 dated 10/11/2015.

Filling out a work book upon dismissal: sample 2015-2016

If a specialist decides to resign, then this is also recorded on the lines immediately following the previous information:

  • As before, the number is indicated in order, and the date of the last working day is indicated in Arabic numerals.
  • Reasons for dismissal: for example, if he leaves at his own request, it is necessary to refer to clause 3 of Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Seal of the organization: it must be affixed by the director or specialist of the company authorized to use it. It is also necessary to put your signatures on the person who filled it out, and on the person resigning.

Filling out work books when transferring to another position in examples

The document, which is very necessary for a specialist, includes adjustments even when he was transferred to another position:

  • Mandatory entry number in order of priority.
  • Date of official translation in simple numbers.
  • In the third column, designated as “Information...”, the data where the transfer was made and to what specific position is entered.
  • Reasons for transfer.

    The Order data is entered here.

Entering information about awards

Information about received awards is displayed in a number of cases: when the employee was thanked, a one-time bonus was issued, he was nominated for a title, or was awarded a valuable gift or certificate.

How to fill in the following data:

  • The entry is assigned a serial number, followed by the date it was made.
  • Under the line with the name of the company and the title of the position, an entry with approximately the following content is written: “gratitude was expressed for the development of an effective economic plan for the enterprise.”
  • Next, the Order and information about it are indicated: date and number.

Instructions for filling out work books when changing your last name

If the employee got married or there were other reasons for changing her last name, then all information is entered on the basis of the passport or other official documents she brought.

How the adjustment occurs:

  • On the title page, the previous surname is crossed out with a solid line, and the new surname is written there in the empty space.
  • The bases are indicated on the inside cover. Example: the surname was changed to the surname Nesterenko on the basis of the Marriage Certificate dated 10.10.2015 No. I-PK

Duplicate work book: sample filling in 2015-2016.

If his book is lost or misplaced, the employee has every right to submit a written application to the employer or the personnel department from the last place of employment for the issuance of a duplicate; it is issued within 15 days. If the company is to blame for the loss, then all restoration responsibilities fall on it. To make a duplicate, the following documents are required:

  • Orders or their copies certified by management on hiring, dismissal, promotion, transfer.
  • Certificates from the State Archive in case the previous enterprise was liquidated.
  • Employment contracts and certificates of length of service from previous places of work.
  • Salary statements.
  • Personal accounts of a specialist in a company where it is necessary to confirm his work activities.
  • When the length of service has been restored in court, an appropriate decision is needed.

Filling out a work book by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity: a visual example

In order to have a good understanding of the correct formatting of such an important document, it is recommended to watch the video, which explains everything in detail.

The work book stores all the information about the employee’s work activity and is used to determine the length of his work experience. The currently valid forms of work book and insert are established in the Post. No. 225 of April 16, 2003. How to correctly fill out a work book is indicated in Post. No. 69 of October 10, 2003. These resolutions contain discrepancies on some issues, which requires reference to the Labor Code and makes it even more difficult to draw up a work book.

This is especially true for private entrepreneurs who are forced to take on the responsibility of maintaining personnel records. The slightest deviation from the standards for filling out a work book leads to the invalidity of the information entered, as well as various errors made in the entries themselves. To eliminate the consequences, corrections are made to the relevant columns strictly according to the established pattern. In exceptional cases, the employee is issued a duplicate.

When does it open

Each work book has its own number, is issued to the employee for life and cannot be replaced with the exception of certain cases. If a recently hired employee does not have this document, you need to open a new one for him. If there was one, but for some reason cannot be provided, this information is reflected in the act, which is certified by the signatures of: the person issuing the new work book, the employee and the witness.

The document is issued for an employee who has worked for the company for at least six days, and must be completed within a week from the date of his employment. This procedure is carried out in the presence of an employee, from whose salary the cost of the form is subsequently deducted.

Work book, sample filling when applying for a job:

How to fill out

All entries in the work book are entered by an official of the organization authorized to do so by order of the manager, most often by an employee of the personnel department. In his absence, this may be an accountant or director of the enterprise. The document is subject to registration in the accounting book and is kept by the employer until the employee is dismissed or transferred to another place of work. If necessary, the employee is given an extract from the book at the place of request.

Extract from the work book - sample filling:

Records are kept in legible handwriting, all words are given in full, without any abbreviations. The numerical expression of dates, characteristics and other information is indicated only in Arabic numerals. Also, you cannot write the name of the month in words. The correct format for filling in the date is 03/05/2020. It is acceptable to use ballpoint, gel and fountain pens. The paste, gel and ink they contain must be highly resistant to water and ultraviolet rays. The optimal colors are blue, dark purple and black shades of coloring pigment.


To fill out a work book you need:

  • employee's passport (or other identification document);
  • diploma of education;
  • work record book;
  • certificate of individual entrepreneur or Charter of the organization;
  • official seal.

For details on how to fill out the title page of the work book, watch the video.

The work book is divided into three parts:

  1. A title page containing information about the owner of the document.
  2. Information about the work, including the name of the enterprises where the work was carried out and the duration of such work.
  3. Awards section.

Please note that the rules for filling out work books oblige you to make adjustments in case of possible changes:

  • company name (including legal form);
  • type of printing (using different ones in one book is unacceptable!).

Title page

On the first page of the work book you need to indicate all the information about the employee, based on the documents provided by him. It should contain:

  • Owner's full name;
  • date of birth (in numerical terms);
  • level of education (secondary, specialized secondary, higher);
  • name of the profession indicated in the diploma;
  • date of opening of the work book;
  • employee signature;
  • signature of the person filling out the document;
  • official seal of the organization.

Title page of the work book, sample filling 2020:

Job details

Each page of the middle and most extensive section consists of four columns containing:

  1. The serial number of the entry (from No. 1 onwards).
  2. Hiring date and other events.
  3. The record itself, which represents information about the organization (its full and abbreviated name), job title (indicating qualifications) and department. In addition to the fact of hiring, cases of transfer to another position and dismissal are also recorded here. Information about this must be entered in the column within 7 days from the date the order is issued, with the exception of the record of dismissal, which is drawn up directly on the day of its commission.
  4. Documentary evidence of the entry - the name of the order, the date of its issue and number (in that order).

For details on how to make notes about work in the work book, watch the video

additional information

  1. At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is entered into it. The entry is made on the basis of documents provided by another enterprise where the employee is employed in a combined position. In this case, the same principles for filling out the column are used as when entering information about the main work. The work book must be kept by the employee of the personnel department at the place of main work, who is the only one who has the right to enter any information into it.
  2. Acquisition of a second profession, obtaining a rank, and advanced training are also reflected in this section.
  3. If the enterprise is renamed, a corresponding entry is made indicating the document that served as the basis for this. This information will be able to explain the discrepancy in the seals given during the employment and dismissal of the employee. The same steps are performed when renaming a position.
  4. In case of reorganization of the enterprise, the section notes the dismissal of the employee with his subsequent employment in the new company.

Sample of filling out a work book during the liquidation of an LLC:


A. S. Kopacheva joined the position of legal adviser at Avelan OJSC on February 27, 2016. On August 12, 2016, she was transferred to the position of senior legal adviser. This fact was reflected in the “Work Information” section.

When dismissing an employee, in column No. 3 you must indicate the regulatory act of the Labor Code, according to which this measure was applied. The entry must be confirmed by the seal of the company or human resources department and the signature of the person who filled out the work book. The employee must also sign in this column, thereby confirming his agreement with the entries made during his work.

A. M. Sholokhov served as a salesman at CJSC Continent. On March 6, 2017, he was fired for absenteeism without a valid reason. The dismissal order was signed on the same day.


This section contains information about the titles assigned to the employee, diplomas, certificates and other awards provided for by the company’s internal regulations and legislation. These do not include verbal gratitude from management, as well as regularly paid cash bonuses included in the payroll system. Which explains the complete lack of information in this section, which is found in the work books of most workers. Moreover, various certificates and diplomas issued to an employee without issuing a corresponding order are also only a nominal expression of gratitude, not reflected either in the work book or in the personal file.

Filling out a work book 2020, sample:

Insert design

If all the free spaces in the work book have been used up and there is nowhere to make new entries, the insert opens. Usually it is sewn into the end of the document, since there are no specific instructions about this in the instructions for filling out work books. A stamp is placed on the title page (or cover) of the main book about the issue of the insert, indicating its series and number.

The rules for maintaining both documents are identical; the title page of the insert must also be completed. The numbering of entries continues after the number at which filling out the work book ended. If errors were made when filling out the insert, it will be disposed of in the presence of the commission, drawing up a report. The same applies to rejected or outdated work records.

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