Business coffee machines. How much does business bring from coffee machines. Potential risks and business prospects


Every novice vendor - and this is not surprising - is interested in the profitability of coffee machines. And in order to raise interest in themselves, many companies are cunning, overestimating the numbers, and sometimes they just frankly take them from the ceiling.

We conducted a survey of SuperVending customers and partners and came up with real benchmarks for finding out how much profit a coffee machine can bring.

Factor one - location

First of all, the profit from the coffee machine depends on the chosen point. Where you plan to supply commercial equipment, there must be at least 50 permanent staff + places of waiting or congestion.

If there is a choice between a large "flowing" passability or small, but with a waiting place, you need to choose the second option.

For example, in a shopping center, the profit from a coffee machine will be higher in the technical area where employees communicate / smoke / drink coffee than at the exit. The chances that a shopper will stop for coffee are always lower than the chance that a person working here will take at least a portion of the drink in a day.

If you find a point near a waiting area where more than 50 people work, in 80% of cases the place will be profitable. It needs to be tested!

Factor two - testing

At first glance, no one can determine what profit from coffee machines will be at one point or another - not even a seasoned pro. Testing is always needed. So your success, first of all, depends on your perseverance, and not on luck, as many think.

How to test a site with the lowest cost and maximum accuracy?

To determine the profit from the vending machine, you should not take the exact equipment that you ultimately plan to install. If the point turns out to be a "failure", you will only waste money. Take any small machine that can be disassembled into two parts and can be easily transported on a regular machine.

Place the machine on the outlet and fix the counter of sales of drinks and receipts. This option is now available on any machine.

For example, let's say you sell about 40 glasses a day. This means that the profit will be 40/2 \u003d 20 thousand rubles per month.

How to calculate the net profit in the vending business?

Average number of drinks sold * average price of a drink * number of days per month \u003d revenue

For example, if the building has only 1 day off per month (that is, it turns out 26 days when the vending machine is used), the average number of glasses per day is 40, and the average cost of a drink is 35, you get the following equation

40 * 35 * 26 \u003d 36 400 rubles per month

Now we subtract from this amount the cost of coffee and powders (this is 25% of the proceeds), the rental cost (usually 10% of the proceeds), 1000 rubles for gasoline and 500 rubles for other expenses

It will turn out to be about 22,000 rubles a month.

Naturally, it is impossible to predict the exact figure. Vending machines cannot generate the same profit every month. Sometime there will be more, sometime less. But for the average result, this formula is accurate enough.

What is important to pay attention to?

There are nuances that will help you develop your vending business faster and raise profits.

  • Seasonality
  • Ingredient quality
  • The appearance of the machine

If you have a dirty or heavily scratched, crumpled coffee machine, you can not expect a good profit. Such a "monster" will only scare away customers.

  • Rent

Adequate rental cost of the point - 10-15% of the proceeds. If they ask for more, then this is a robbery. If less, most likely, there is something wrong with the place. For example, there is a high risk of vandalism, which the owner of the premises is silent about, enticing you with a favorable rental price.

A successful businessman does not hang in the clouds - he calculates both the possible revenue and the possible loss. Yes, in vending, the risk of losing is much less than in any other business area. Especially if you work on used equipment.

According to the statistics of SuperVending clients, the maximum loss is 20 - 30% of the initial investment. And this amount can be recaptured in just a month in case of successful development. And yet, thinking about risks is important too. If you get discouraged, you may be missing out on something important.

Let's summarize

Calculating the estimated monthly profit from a coffee machine requires a comprehensive assessment in all respects. We have listed only the basic factors. But there are a number of other secrets - for example, when newbies apply to SuperVending, we help to choose a specific model of the machine, depending on the plans, opportunities, the chosen point, development plans and a bunch of parameters.

Evgeny Smirnov


# Business ideas

The realities of the vending business in Russia

Vending machines for coffee and food will soon appear in commuter trains. This suggests that the market is developing and demand is growing.

Navigating the article

  • Features of the vending coffee business
  • Place for a coffee machine: choose the right one
  • Coffee machines for business: we choose the equipment so that later we will not regret
  • Registration and business
  • What do coffee machines "fill" with?
  • Staff
  • Maintenance
  • Business plan for making money on coffee machines
  • Monthly expenses
  • Profit per month on coffee machines
  • Payback of the coffee machine
  • Business development for the installation of coffee machines
  • How many machines do you need

Coffee machines stand out among all vending machines. It is believed that they are the most profitable, and the word "vending" for many is primarily associated with coffee. This business seems very simple, but it is not entirely true. Yes, the risks are not very high here, under certain conditions a large start-up capital is not needed, but, as they say, the dog is buried in the details. And there are more than enough such nuances in the business of coffee machines.

Features of the vending coffee business

The most important features include:

  • Easy and quick start.
  • The ability to get by with a small investment.
  • A very large selection of equipment and ingredients.
  • Even in large cities, you can find places without competition (although we note that among all the directions of vending, coffee has the greatest competition).
  • There is no need to look for highly qualified and experienced personnel.
  • Low rent for the place. Coffee machines occupy a small area.

These are the features that can be attributed to positive aspects. But there are also negative (or neutral at best):

  • A very strong dependence on a good location, this is what determines the profitability of each coffee machine separately.
  • In large cities, there are large companies that do business aggressively, crowding out smaller competitors. They capture all more or less promising areas for sales.
  • Possible damage to equipment. Sometimes even deliberate, on the part of competitors. It also happens, although rarely.

Also, at the very beginning of the article, we will immediately tell you the most important thing. We'll talk about the choice of location and other nuances below, but all this will not matter if you offer a product of poor quality. And this depends not only on the machine itself, but also on the ingredients you buy.

The point is that most of the sales are often repeated. And if a person really doesn't like your coffee, he will never make a second purchase. Yes, there is a category of places where customers can be new every day, but the number of such places is very limited. And coffee machines are often located where there are regular visitors (for example, office premises). That is why for a successful coffee vending business the product must be of very good quality. It may not be like in a cafe (where the cost is several times higher), but definitely better than ordinary instant coffee from a can.

Place for a coffee machine: choose the right one

The list of places where coffee machines can bring good profits is long. It is important that the best places are not those with very high traffic, but those where people stay for a while, albeit a short one:

  • transport hubs (railway stations, airports);
  • hospitals;
  • Gas stations and car washes;
  • educational establishments;
  • shopping and entertainment centers (this includes cinemas);
  • business and office buildings;
  • canteens of industrial enterprises;
  • government agencies.

These are traditional places, but it is always possible to find other options. The main thing is the crowd of people. Sometimes you can find completely non-obvious places that turn out to be very profitable. For example, suppose you set up a coffee machine next to a small office building that only employs fifty people. But you have such delicious coffee that almost all of these people drink it every day. And the income from one glass is from 20 rubles, so count yourself.

If you decide to start a coffee machine business, then get ready to experiment. You can do without them, but this way you risk not finding the most profitable places. You can always try to put the machine on for a short time and look at the sales level.

There are the following requirements for the place for the coffee machine:

  • the ability to connect to the mains;
  • free access;
  • it is highly desirable to install it in a safe place (protects against vandals).

The required area is about one square meter. Most owners of premises are not against additional income and easily agree to install vending machines, but there are exceptions. They can break very high prices or refuse to rent out a place for other reasons. You should also be prepared for this.

Places for coffee machines, as well as negotiations with the owners of the premises, it is advisable to carry out before buying the machines. Otherwise, it will be like starting to build a house without a land plot.

How to test a site with the lowest cost and maximum accuracy?

It is always better to check the outlet, and only then conclude a long-term lease agreement. This is easy to do, but only if the owner of the premises met you halfway. Agree with him about a trial period, which can be paid even in double the amount (in case of failure). It will be much cheaper than concluding a lease for several months, and the location will end up being poor.

It is very easy to calculate and test a place. Any machine has the ability to collect statistics. The minimum testing period is a week. Sometimes sales can be very high on some days and low on other days. Therefore, seven days is the minimum reasonable time for objective testing. It makes no sense to put the slot machine for more than 14 days. If there are no sales, then there will be no sales.

After the test, you need to analyze the sales statistics and compare them with the specifics of the place. It is easier to explain with specific examples, for this we will create a table.

Day of week Office building (number of sales) Car wash
Monday 15 24
Tuesday 36 26
Wednesday 47 29
Thursday 17 28
Friday 14 36
Saturday 3 18
Sunday 2 23

And now let's decipher the received data. The drop in sales over the weekend in an office building is perfectly logical, but we should be alerted by another thing: a sharp drop in sales on Thursday and Friday. What does this mean? Most likely, people tried coffee, but they did not like it, which is why we can observe a drop in sales. It is also possible that the price was too high. In this case, it is advisable to conduct a survey and identify the real reason.

Everything is smoother at the car wash, except for a completely logical drop in sales on Saturday. There can be no questions here: the place is suitable and successful. But even here you can talk to the staff and find out what kind of feedback customers left.

Coffee machines for business: we choose the equipment so that later we will not regret

The cost of coffee machines is from 40 to 500 thousand rubles. The average price for a new and good coffee machine is 200-240 thousand rubles. It is often recommended to buy used or cheap Chinese-made equipment, but this is a bad idea for obvious reasons. However, here the decision must be made independently, if there is only enough money for used coffee machines, then you can buy them too.

The difference in the cost of the devices is caused by the following reasons:

  • the quality of the machine;
  • assortment of drinks;
  • menu type, screen availability;
  • ways of payment.

Also, modern coffee machines can be equipped with additional useful functions. For example, the ability to remove all data from it (the remains of ingredients, etc.) remotely, via the Internet.

It is difficult to give specific advice on the choice of equipment; here, focus on your own financial capabilities, as well as on what you want to get as a result. However, there are three points to watch out for:

  • The possibility of service, as well as the presence of a service center near you. If a coffee machine breaks down, it will be very expensive to transport it thousands of kilometers. This question needs to be clarified before buying, especially when it comes to new models.
  • Warranty period, on-site warranty service.
  • The maximum ingredient load can be important if you don't plan on serving them very often.

If you want to buy an old model, we recommend that you search the Internet for reviews (of course, not on the websites of companies that sell coffee machines). Sometimes you can find very useful information that will make you refuse to buy one model in favor of another.

Registration and business

The optimal form of business registration at coffee machines is an individual entrepreneur. The taxation system is the USN or UTII, or the patent system. OKVED code: 47.99.2 (this is a new code that appeared in 2016).

Other permits and licenses are not required, but please note that according to the rules, people who are involved in servicing machines are required to have a health book. It may also require permission from the SES and the fulfillment of a number of conditions if the equipment is connected to a water supply system, but such models are practically not found in Russia.

What do coffee machines "fill" with?

The coffee machine uses the following ingredients and consumables in operation:

  • Coffee. Usually ground or in grains. Soluble is practically not found.
  • Various types of tea (by the way, it is very unwise to buy a coffee machine in which there is no way to make tea).
  • Cocoa and hot chocolate.
  • Sugar.
  • Milk and cream (dry or granulated).
  • Water.
  • Stir cups and spoons.

There is no need to invent anything: all the ingredients are sold specially for coffee machines, you need to buy them. They are not quite the same as those sold in regular stores. In particular, they dissolve faster and absorb moisture worse. Ideally, find a permanent supplier and work only with him.

You determine the dosage yourself, but usually it is about seven grams of coffee per glass. With each machine, you should be given detailed setup instructions and dosage recommendations.

Water is collected from springs or tap water, but it must be filtered. Remember that bad water can have a negative impact on taste. It must be clean and free of the slightest content of foreign matter.


High qualifications from the staff are not required, although a person should be able to carry out simple repairs right on the spot. But this is solved by training. Each machine is supplied with all the necessary instructions, which tell you how to eliminate the most common problems. Most often these are software problems or minor breakdowns (the hose has come off, etc.), which are easy to fix on your own.

With a small number of vending machines, staff may not be hired at all, but you must be prepared to work for your business seven days a week. Quite a controversial option, but with 2-3 machines, hiring staff will really be superfluous. Set the salary based on the realities of your city.


One person can serve from 10 to 15 coffee machines a day, it all depends on how far they are from each other. The frequency of service depends on the number of ingredients that can be loaded and the number of sales. On average, this is three days, but sometimes you have to do maintenance and daily.

Since you have to carry not only consumables, but also water, you need a car. By the way, when drawing up a business plan and planning expenses, this is very often forgotten, and it is not mentioned on other sites, but a car is really required. At least a passenger car. There are two ways to resolve the issue:

  • Hire employees only with their own car (and reimburse them for gasoline costs).
  • Buy a used and inexpensive car, which will be comparable in cost (or even cheaper) to one coffee machine.

We already wrote about breakdowns above. It is also necessary to periodically wash the coffee machines and carry out preventive maintenance (all this is in the technical documentation). Money is taken out once a week. You can do it yourself, or you can trust your employees. We have one comment on this.

On the one hand, modern coffee machines have the ability to collect all the statistics on money, which makes stealing problematic. No, they can, of course, steal (if they get the money themselves), but it will be difficult to remain unpunished. On the other hand, you always have to leave coins in vending machines for change, which makes petty theft possible, which cannot be detected immediately. Therefore, a full inventory is carried out once a month.

Business plan for making money on coffee machines

The vending business with vending machines does not require complex and fundamental research, however some planning is necessary. At a minimum, you need to determine a list of promising places, study competitors, find suppliers of ingredients, determine the best prices.

Monthly expenses

Monthly expenses include:

  • rent;
  • consumables and ingredients;
  • staff salaries.

This is what money will have to be spent on without fail. Additional costs may arise, such as those related to renovations, but they cannot be planned.

Also, at the stage of planning costs in your business plan for coffee vending, you need to determine the cost of each position in the machine. This is very easy to do if you know the consumption and prices of ingredients.

Profit per month on coffee machines

It is impossible to predict the monthly profit, but at least you can calculate the break-even point for each machine separately and for the entire business as a whole. Let's say the average cost of one item is 5 rubles, and the average price is 30 rubles. You have five coffee machines, monthly expenses:

  • salary for one employee: 20 thousand rubles;
  • rental fee: 15 thousand rubles.

Now we divide 35,000 (20,000 + 15,000) by 25 (30 rubles - 5 rubles) and we get 1,400. Thus, 1,400 sales is a break-even point, and everything above is a profit. By simple calculations, you can find out that each coffee machine should have 9.3 sales daily.

Payback of the coffee machine

Here, the calculations are exactly the same, but you need to add the cost of the equipment, after which you will get the necessary numbers. In general, the payback in this business is usually about a year, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less, but you need to focus on 12 months. Let's take a look at our example.

Your devices cost 600 thousand rubles. For them to pay off in one year, you need to sell another 24,000 glasses of coffee or tea. And that's another 13.1 glasses a day for each machine. Thus, we get 13.1 + 9.3 \u003d 22.4 order books to be sold daily, which will allow us to return the initial investment within 12 months and start making a profit.

Business development for the installation of coffee machines

The good thing about business is that it's easy to scale. Have free funds and have you found another promising place? You can buy an automatic machine in one day, install it and it will start making a profit. In this sense, it is difficult to find another such business.

However, the market still has a certain capacity. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is difficult to determine the potential number of consumers. Even impossible. In one city with a population of 100 thousand people, 50 coffee machines may work successfully, and in another, with the same population, 25 may not make a profit. This can be found even within the same city (in one area everything is good, in another everything is bad, while the flow of people is approximately the same).

If you see that some vending machines are not making a profit, then you should start looking for other places for them. In such cases, you should not wait, the situation in practice never changes. Or you can try to lower prices. The development of a coffee machine business is a constant search for new places, price optimization or expansion of the range.

How many machines do you need

And here it is very difficult to give specific recommendations. Simply because no market research has been conducted in Russia, so there is no data for analysis. You should start from the ratio of the number of promising places for the installation of coffee machines and financial capabilities. If you have money, then you can try to grab all the suitable places until competitors appear.

It all depends on what monthly income you plan to reach. If this is more than 100 thousand rubles, then even in a very good place it is unrealistic to receive such an amount from one machine. With two more you can, but only if the places are really very good.

The situation is different in different regions of Russia, but it is believed that a profit of 25 thousand per month from one machine is already a very good result. You can focus on this figure, but again, it is impossible to predict the profitability of a particular place in practice. This can be determined exclusively empirically.

Against the backdrop of another wave of economic crisis, the government once again thought about preferences that would attract the maximum number of people to small and medium-sized businesses. They are guaranteed numerous advantages in terms of its organization and management. It only remains to consider those types of entrepreneurship that will turn out to be equally successful if the promised benefits are actually provided, and in a situation where the real help will not be so significant. Many analysts of the IP, SE and JV market recommend paying attention to the vending business, which is constantly gaining popularity in recent years, regardless of external macroeconomic and microeconomic factors.

Types of vending business and its popularity

A feature of this form of business is the ability to minimize the amount of expenses for staff maintenance and rental of premises. Most likely, everyone remembers the very first examples of this production - vending machines for the sale of soda water, tokens for the subway, railway tickets, which appeared in the 70s and 80s of the XX century. Moreover, the first automatic devices, ready to sell various goods, appeared more than a thousand years ago in China. A prototype of vending equipment found by archaeologists was selling pencils. Waves of vending development were noted at the end of the 19th century - in the 1920s and 1930s, such devices offered cigarettes and matches to customers on the streets of Moscow and other cities of Russia.

Modern technologies have made it possible to make such equipment more perfect and outwardly more effective. Today, such equipment allows us to offer customers a wide variety of products. They can be either packaged or draft. The general principle is the ability to get a solid profit from the use of the device installed in the area of \u200b\u200bhigh traffic. Moreover, this profit actually goes solely to the owner of the vending machine. After all, its purchase fits into the budget indicators, the installation requires a minimum area, the device works independently without the participation of an additional hired seller.

How to start a vending business?

Only at first glance it may seem that in order to start a vending business and receive a stable income from it, you don't need to make any efforts at all. This option of small or individual entrepreneurship is actually quite affordable and simple in terms of the order of conduct, but it will still require certain financial investments and market risk assessment.

So how to start a vending business? The first step for each future recipient of a profit from the use of the automated trading apparatus is a clear assessment of the potential demand for his offer to buyers. For the assessment, it will be necessary to understand where the machine can be installed, what is the social and demographic spectrum of consumers of its services.

At the moment, there is equipment on the market that is ready to provide services to consumers, offer industrial goods and food. From the point of view of making a profit, it is food products that are in constant demand among any buyer. Moreover, here too there are leading directions.

The equipment offering hot and soft drinks shows the maximum profitability indicators. Taking into account the obvious seasonality of the offer, soft drinks are most in demand during the hot season, which in our latitudes rarely lasts longer than three to four months. But it can be difficult to refuse a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate in any weather.

How to open your vending coffee machine?

Regardless of the choice, the next step is to assess potential locations for the proposed equipment. And in order to install a coffee machine, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur, a representative of small or medium-sized businesses.

The simplest option is to register or to organize an individual entrepreneur, depending on the experience of the activity and the proposed option for using a convenient taxation system.

By switching to the simplified system (USN), it will only be possible to sell bags, chewing gum or chocolate bars.

Why do experts recommend choosing coffee vending equipment for starting a business?

Vending service equipment has appeared on the market as a convenient and inexpensive alternative to going to a cafe. And today this purchase option is most convenient for those who are not ready to set aside time in their busy schedule for a long trip, even to a fast food restaurant. It is also convenient to combine a light snack and a sip of an invigorating drink with the performance of your usual activities.

The experience of using vending machines has shown that it is coffee that is most in demand in such a situation. He is not such a simple and familiar drink as, for example, tea. Carbonated drinks are unhealthy, and hot chocolate is more popular among children and female cafes. However, in pleasant cafeterias for the fair sex, waiters usually bring hot chocolate, and connoisseurs choose to relax at a table or a bar.

Coffee unites almost everyone. Such a vending machine is equally popular in an office, a shopping center and just on the street next to a metro or a train station. Considering the variety of drink options that can be prepared by the coffee machine without the participation of a barista, it makes it possible to get a pleasant moment of relaxation during a working day or a trip.

Where to put the coffee machine?

However, the success of the future enterprise depends not only on the choice of a drink or food and the choice of a vending machine, ready to provide both. It is worth immediately understanding where such a compact "catering point" is convenient and appropriate to place. It becomes a win-win situation when the device was installed in an office center. Moreover, not only in the dining room or dining room, but just next to the offices of office employees. In such a situation, its services will be readily used by the employees themselves, who will definitely prefer the possibility of using the device to simply throwing a spoonful of instant coffee into their cup.

In the meeting room of the office, this equipment will defuse the atmosphere of the most difficult negotiations, and in the reception room or next to it - the visitors of the management while away the waiting hours.

Waiting places generally become an appropriate option for placing a vending machine for making instant or natural coffee. Today, such equipment can often be seen at airports, railway and bus stations. Ease of use and affordability provides a constant stream of people who want to diversify their waiting time for departure or arrival with a cup of coffee. It is convenient to place vending machines here, ready not only to offer coffee, but also to provide an opportunity to buy pre-packaged goods. Today, the choice of such machines is large and varied - from options that provide an opportunity to buy a pack of gum and a chocolate bar, to equipment that is ready to send a heated sandwich, a package of salad or even soup in a plastic container to the receiving box.

Is the vending business profitable in the cinema, in the hall where the slot machines are located, in the shopping center? Certainly. More and more often they prefer to install coffee machines in waiting rooms of financial organizations, at post offices. What all these placements have in common is the large flow of passers-by or, even better, waiting.

It is important that the machine is located indoors, since such equipment is ready to work successfully only at temperatures from -4 to +40 degrees Celsius.

Coffee machine installation and maintenance

Installation of the coffee machine does not require any special skills. All that is required is a dedicated flat area and the ability to connect to the mains. Such a device is ready to work in the future independently.

The involvement of a specialist will be required only at the time of assessing the successful operation of the coin acceptor and bill acceptor. It is precisely how successfully they operate and how well the relationship with sending the amount of funds to the receiver and receiving the finished product is ensured that becomes a guarantee of stable profit.

It is advisable to refuel the devices and extract the funds received daily, monitoring the quality and condition of the products in the device. Today, as an additional service, many owners of vending systems install readers that allow them to pay for received food using bank cards.

How many machines are convenient for running a vending business?

The first estimates of the prospects for using a different number of devices can be made already at the stage of choosing their location. In this situation, the flow of potential buyers and the readiness of the future "king" of vending to work with several types of products or goods are calculated.

At first, experts recommend limiting yourself to installing one vending machine or a maximum of two. This applies equally to those entrepreneurs who are just starting their own business in this area, and to those who are trying to explore new territory.

Experts recommend not taking into account the profit of the coffee machine in the first two months when assessing the further expansion of the business. It is either excessively high (due to the new offer to customers), or, on the contrary, is small, since the customer has not yet got used to the new type of service.

On average, with a correctly chosen placement strategy and type of product, the payback of a coffee machine is from 1 to 2 years.

How Can Placed Vending Coffee Machines Work?

Most vending coffee machines are quite large in size. The height of each type of equipment is comparable to the average height of a person. It is determined from experience of use. After all, it is more convenient for the buyer to pick up the purchased drink without bending over or jumping up. It is for this reason that the window in which the purchased drink is displayed is located approximately one and a half meters from the floor surface.

The outer bar of the machine is equipped with buttons that allow you to select up to 13 types of coffee. Milk can be directly included in the preparation for the drink or additionally poured from a separate tank. Depending on this, the coffee machine can be programmed to produce various types of coffee. For ease of use, the equipment is equipped with coin applicators, bill acceptors and devices that read the amount from a bank card.

Profitability of coffee machines

The multifactorial components of the potential success of such a business include a large list of parameters. Either personal experience or marketing research will allow you to accurately compare them. But a minimal idea of \u200b\u200bthe potential profit can be obtained based on the simplest financial calculations.

An average vending machine of this type costs its owner from 1500 to 5000 US dollars. The variability of cost provides both the complexity of the model and the choice of used equipment.

The purchase of coffee for one machine of average power will require from 150 to 200 dollars per month.

Approximately the same amount will be required for the purchase of tea, hot chocolate.

The average portion of coffee in such a vending machine costs the buyer from 10 rubles. On average, the vending machine dispenses from 40 to 120 cups of plain coffee per day. Even such minimal indicators guarantee the owner a monthly profit of at least 12,000 rubles. Even such modest results, plus the amounts generated from the sale of flavored coffee servings, food products, will increase this amount to 20,000 per month.

Excluding from such profit the costs of servicing the coffee machine (no more than 2,000 rubles per month) and the purchase of ingredients (from 4,000 rubles per month), the net profit for each machine per month will be at least 5,000 - 6,000 rubles.

Protection from vandals and hooligans

Vending market experts point out that the most serious cause of damage can be a machine breakdown due to the actions of hooligans.

To exclude such a possibility, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment in a crowded place, preferably in places where it is located in the field of visibility of representatives of security services, and also to closely monitor the availability of everything declared in the range and the serviceability of coin and bill applications. Their failure may result in a deliberate attempt to damage the equipment. Most modern equipment options are equipped with anti-vandal protection.

Today the vending business is just beginning to develop in our country, although all over the world it has long become a noticeable player in the market for obtaining a pleasant and simple profit. This, together with the relative cheapness of equipment and components to ensure work, becomes a good basis for using this type of activity as a successful option for obtaining an almost guaranteed income.

Coffee is one of the most popular modern drinks. He accompanies our morning rise, lunch in the office, a trip by transport, waiting in the cabin. Almost anywhere in the metropolis, an alluring aroma will attract our attention - these are coffee machines. It turns out that you can not only spend money on your favorite drink, but also make money with it.

For those who want to make money

Entrepreneurship for the inexperienced seems incredibly profitable and at the same time difficult, inaccessible. This is not always the case: there are areas in which you can get by with your own ingenuity and small investments, receiving in return a stable and rather pleasant profit.

Remember the phrase "Living well, but living well is even better?" The same can be said for business: making good money by providing people with convenience and pleasure. This fully characterizes coffee machines - a business, reviews of which are very positive.

Vending - profitable and affordable

This type of earnings was not invented yesterday: this method has long been used by experienced entrepreneurs in various variations. Such a distance business is called the fashionable word "vending" - from the English word "trade through machines".

This business is quite successful (coffee machines). Reviews indicate a quick payback of the equipment. Many people love coffee, business costs are relatively low, and with the right marketing there is an opportunity to generate a good income.

Modern business - coffee machines

Reviews indicate that even inexperienced entrepreneurs can start their own business by trading with the help of special equipment. And in the same way, this option is suitable for experienced businessmen who want to expand another area of \u200b\u200bactivity. It is important to think over and correctly calculate your actions - then the profit will not keep you waiting. Several points are important in this matter:

  • the machine must be located in a crowded, visited place: bus station, airport, clinic, salon, government agencies, universities, shopping centers - there are many options;
  • much depends on the rent that the owner of the premises will ask for: in fact, it is small, because 1 sq. m of area (but if there is an option to agree on a percentage of the sale - this option will be ideal for a start);
  • do not skimp on the quality of the drink: the price must be reasonable, and the quality must be high, so that customers can enjoy the services of the device;
  • there is no need to hire office staff, except for a service technician, and this also makes the vending machine business profitable;
  • reviews of entrepreneurs indicate that the starting number of machines should be at least five, in this case the profit will be tangible.

Do I need to register individual entrepreneurship

It should be understood that coffee machines are a business. Testimonials from those experienced in this case testify in favor of official registration. Electricity supply, water supply, rent of premises, payment of taxes - for these purposes it is preferable to have an official permit.

In the current conditions, it is not difficult to formalize the status of an entrepreneur: you can apply directly to the regional tax office or to intermediaries who will take over the registration. Having registered once, you can work in peace. How do reviews recommend doing business (coffee machines)? Do I need to issue an IP? The answer is unequivocal - yes.

No activity is provided, which is an additional plus, but is required for equipment. Usually it is attached to the purchased device, so getting it will not create much trouble.

What other "ingredients" are needed to get started?

What material investments will coffee machines require as a business? Owner reviews are advised to purchase ingredients only from specialized companies that supply the vending business. Why is it important?

Coffee and other components of drinks that can be bought in vending machines are prepared in a special way, and their sticking and caking are completely eliminated. In addition, the raw material does not absorb foreign odors, dissolves easily and well, which makes the taste of the drink amazing.

To "refuel" the device you will need the following products:

  • coffee;
  • powdered milk or cream;
  • cocoa or hot chocolate (depending on the type of machine);
  • sugar;
  • mineral water;
  • disposable cups;
  • stirrers.

If at first it is not possible to hire an employee to service the apparatus, the purchase of detergents and disinfectants for cleaning the equipment should also be included in the costs, which will have to be brought into a marketable condition by our own efforts.

Brief business calculation

How to get started? You need to make a plan for (coffee machines). Reviews indicate that it is profitable to start this business in partnership. To get a decent profit in the shortest possible time, experts advise to buy five coffee machines, and this requires a certain start-up capital. Based on this minimum, we get the following calculations:

  • purchase of 5 machines - an average of 90,000 rubles. for one unit; total - 450,000 rubles;
  • purchase of ingredients for a month - 18,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • rent - from 1000 rubles. per unit, total 5000 rubles;
  • payment for electricity supply - from 10,000 rubles. for all equipment;
  • service of devices - from 1000 rubles per one; total - 5000 rubles per month.

From the calculations carried out, even doubters will not be difficult to understand that coffee machines are a business.

Reviews: how long does it take for coffee vending to pay off?

It depends on the cost of equipment and components, on the amount of the rent and, first of all, on the number of cups of aromatic drink prepared per day.

Average indicators are approximately as follows:

  • the cost of one glass is about 10 rubles;
  • the cost of a finished portion is about 30 rubles.

Experts say that a decent profit can be obtained if the machine produces from 30 to 50 cups a day, that is, high traffic at the location of the coffee machine should be supported by good product quality so that customers tend to drink the next portion of coffee from this particular machine.

With such indicators and the observance of all the conditions of good business conduct (working condition of the device, high-quality water and components, a favorable combination of price and quality of products), investments in this business will pay off in a period of 9 months to a year.

Some talented entrepreneurs contrived to arrange the business in such a way that the business started making a profit as early as 7 months! In this case, the seasonal factor also played into their hands, because in cold weather people are more willing to buy hot coffee.

Why do coffee machines run negative?

As in every business, vending has its own risks, which is confirmed by some reviews of entrepreneurs.